
Defines functions prCaPrepareCrudeAndAdjusted prCaAddUserReferences prCaReorder prCaSelectAndOrderVars prCaSetRownames prCaGetRowname prCaGetVnStats prCaAddReference prCaAddRefAndStat prCaGetImputationCols prCaReorderReferenceDescribe

Documented in prCaAddRefAndStat prCaAddReference prCaAddUserReferences prCaGetImputationCols prCaGetRowname prCaGetVnStats prCaPrepareCrudeAndAdjusted prCaReorder prCaReorderReferenceDescribe prCaSelectAndOrderVars prCaSetRownames

#' Adds the ordering, references, and descriptions
#' This is a wrapper function around some more basic functions that
#' \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()} uses.
#' @param x The main value matrix from the \code{\link{prCaPrepareCrudeAndAdjusted}()}
#' @param model The model
#' @param order A vector A vector with regular expressions for each group.
#' @param var_order The output from the \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}()}
#' @param ds The dataset from the model
#' @return The reordered groups as a matrix
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @inheritParams printCrudeAndAdjustedModel
#' @keywords internal
prCaReorderReferenceDescribe <- function(x,
                                         use_labels) {
  reordered_groups <- prCaReorder(
    mtrx2reorder = x,
    var_order = var_order,
    order = order

  if (!missing(add_references)) {
    var_order <- attr(reordered_groups, "var_order")

    if (is.logical(add_references) && add_references == TRUE) {
      reordered_groups <-
          model = model,
          var_order = var_order,
          add_references = add_references,
          add_references_pos = add_references_pos,
          reference_zero_effect = reference_zero_effect,
          values = reordered_groups,
          ds = ds,
          desc_column = desc_column,
          desc_args = desc_args,
          use_labels = use_labels
    } else if (length(add_references) ==
      length(attr(reordered_groups, "greps"))) {
      if (desc_column) {
          "The descriptive column works so far only",
          " when used with automated references"

      reordered_groups <-
          reordered_groups = reordered_groups,
          var_order = var_order,
          add_references = add_references,
          add_references_pos = add_references_pos,
          reference_zero_effect = reference_zero_effect


#' Function for retrieving the imputation arguments
#' @param impute_args The imputation arguments from \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}}
#'  function call.
#' @param output_mtrx The reordered groups matrix (a nx4 matrix)
#'  that have been prepared in for the \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}}
#'  function. It is important that the references
#'  if any have been added.
#' @param model The imputation model. Currently only \code{\link[Hmisc:transcan]{fit.mult.impute}}
#'  is supported by the function.
#' @param data The data that has been used for generating the model.
#' @return \code{matrix} Returns a matrix with the requested columns
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaGetImputationCols <- function(impute_args,
                                  data) {
  # Check if the reqquested imputation information has been implemented
  # if not return NULL
  if (!any(names(impute_args) %in% c(
  ))) {
      "You have specified imputation arguments currently not available.",
      " You can only specify coef_change or variance.inflation, see docs."

  impute_cols <- NULL
  custom_sprintf <- function(sp_str, variable) {
    digits_search <- regexpr("%.[0-9]+f", sp_str)
    if (digits_search == -1) {
        "Your output string for sprintf does not seem to contain a %.[0-9]+f",
        " regex compatible string, your output string is: ", sp_str

    round_2 <- as.numeric(substr(
      sp_str, digits_search + 2,
      digits_search + 2 + attr(digits_search, "match.length") - 4
    n <- names(variable)
    # It's a little tricky to actually remove the -0.0 section...
    rounded_variable <- as.numeric(as.character(round(variable, digits = round_2)))
    out <- sprintf(sp_str, rounded_variable)
    names(out) <- n

  # Compare the coefficients from the imputation with the
  # original coefficients. This can give an idea to the
  # direction of the imputed results, i.e. if the effect
  # size increases or decreases when adding the observations
  # with missing data
  if (!is.null(impute_args$coef_change)) {

    # Call the fitter without the imputed data in order
    # to get the original coefficients
    raw_call_lst <- list(
      formula = formula(model),
      data = data
    for (param_name in names(model$call)) {
      # A few parameters are only used by the fit.mult.impute
      # and should not be forwarderd to the fitter
      if (!param_name %in% c(
        "", "xtrans", "fitter", "n.impute",
        "data", "formula", "fit.reps",
        "dtrans", "derived", "vcovOpts",
      )) {
        raw_call_lst[[param_name]] <- model$call[[param_name]]
    non_imputed_fit <-

    diff <- coef(model) - coef(non_imputed_fit)
    name <- "Coefficient change"

    # Do exp() if the variabels should be presented in that format
    # for that specific function type
    antilog <- FALSE
    if (inherits(model, "coxph") ||
      (!is.null(model$family) &&
        !is.null(model$family$link) &&
        grepl("^log", model$family$link))) {
      antilog <- TRUE

    if (!is.list(impute_args$coef_change)) {
      change <- diff
      out_str <- "%.1f"
    } else {
      if (is.logical(impute_args$coef_change$antilog)) {
        antilog <- impute_args$coef_change$antilog

      out_str <- impute_args$coef_change$out_str

      if (is.null(impute_args$coef_change$type) ||
        tolower(impute_args$coef_change$type) %in% c(
        )) {
        if (is.null(out_str)) {
          if (!is.numeric(impute_args$coef_change$digits)) {
            out_str <- "%.2f"
          } else {
            out_str <- paste0(
        change <- diff / abs(coef(non_imputed_fit))

        if (is.character(impute_args$coef_change$name)) {
          name <- impute_args$coef_change$name
      } else if (tolower(impute_args$coef_change$type) %in% c(
      )) {
        if (is.null(out_str)) {
          if (!is.numeric(impute_args$coef_change$digits)) {
            out_str <- "%.0f%%"
          } else {
            out_str <- paste0(
        change <- diff / abs(coef(non_imputed_fit)) * 100

        if (is.character(impute_args$coef_change$name)) {
          name <- impute_args$coef_change$name
      } else if (!is.character(impute_args$coef_change$type) ||
        tolower(impute_args$coef_change$type) %in% c(
        )) {
        if (is.null(out_str)) {
          if (!is.numeric(impute_args$coef_change$digits)) {
            out_str <- "%.2f"
          } else {
            out_str <- paste0(
        change <- diff

        if (is.character(impute_args$coef_change$name)) {
          name <- impute_args$coef_change$name
      } else {
          "The requested type '", impute_args$coef_change$type, "' for coef_reps",
          " is not yet implemented. Currently only percent or ratio is available."

    if (antilog) {
      change <- exp(change)
    change <- custom_sprintf(out_str, change)
    impute_cols <- cbind(

    colnames(impute_cols)[ncol(impute_cols)] <- name

  if (!is.null(impute_args$variance.inflation)) {
    name <- "Variance change"

    if (!is.list(impute_args$variance.inflation)) {
      inflation <- custom_sprintf("%.2f", model$variance.inflation.impute)
    } else {
      if (is.character(impute_args$variance.inflation$name)) {
        name <- impute_args$variance.inflation$name

      if (is.character(impute_args$variance.inflation$type)) {
        type <- tolower(impute_args$variance.inflation$type)
      } else {
        type <- "raw"

      if (is.character(impute_args$variance.inflation$name)) {
        name <- impute_args$variance.inflation$name

      out_str <- impute_args$variance.inflation$out_str

      if (type %in% c("%", "percent", "percentages")) {
        if (is.null(out_str)) {
          if (!is.numeric(impute_args$variance.inflation$digits)) {
            out_str <- "%.0f%%"
          } else {
            out_str <- paste0(

        inflation <- custom_sprintf(out_str, model$variance.inflation.impute * 100)
      } else if (type %in% c("raw", "ratio")) {
        if (is.null(out_str)) {
          if (!is.numeric(impute_args$variance.inflation.impute$digits)) {
            out_str <- "%.2f"
          } else {
            out_str <- paste0(

        inflation <- custom_sprintf(out_str, model$variance.inflation.impute)
      } else {
          "The requested type '", impute_args$coef_change$type, "'",
          " for variance.inflation.type",
          " is not yet implemented. Currently only percent or raw is available."

    impute_cols <- cbind(
    colnames(impute_cols)[ncol(impute_cols)] <- name

  # To add additional imputation information we need to know
  # what rows contain the reference information
  reference_rows <- which(output_mtrx[, 4] == "ref")

  if (length(reference_rows) > 0) {
    for (row_no in reference_rows) {
      impute_cols <-
          r = row_no,
          v = rep("", times = ncol(impute_cols))

  # The rms version does not provide the intercept and therefore the
  # intercept should be removed
  if (inherits(model, "rms") &&
    !grepl("intercept", x = rownames(output_mtrx)[1], ignore.case = TRUE) &&
    grepl("intercept", x = rownames(impute_cols)[1], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    impute_cols <- impute_cols[-1, , drop = FALSE]


#' Add reference according to the model
#' This is of course for factored variables and not in general.
#' @param var_order The output from the \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}}
#' @param values The values that are to be outputted
#' @param ds The dataset
#' @return \code{list}
#' @inheritParams printCrudeAndAdjustedModel
#' @importFrom Gmisc copyAllNewAttributes
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaAddRefAndStat <- function(model,
                              add_references, # Only called when present
                              use_labels) {
  outcome <- NULL
  if (desc_column) {
    stats <- list()

    # Get the original data
    outcome <- prExtractOutcomeFromModel(model, ds)
    if (is.matrix(outcome) &&
      "coxph" %in% class(model)) {
      # Get the left part of the formula
      outcome <- outcome[, "status"]

  stats <- list()

  for (vn in names(var_order))
    if (desc_column && !is.null(outcome)) {
      stats[[vn]] <- prCaGetVnStats(
        model = model,
        vn = vn,
        outcome = outcome,
        ds = ds,
        add_references = add_references,
        add_references_pos = add_references_pos,
        desc_args = desc_args

    # Add the refrence to the values matrix if it is a factor variable with a ref.
    if (!is.null(var_order[[vn]]$lvls)) {
      values <- prCaAddReference(
        vn = vn,
        var_order = var_order,
        values = values,
        add_references_pos = add_references_pos,
        reference_zero_effect = reference_zero_effect,
        ds = ds,
        use_labels = use_labels
      var_order <- attr(values, "var_order")

      # Update locations after the changed variable rows
      current_var_no <- which(vn == names(var_order))
      if (current_var_no < length(var_order)) {
        for (i in (current_var_no + 1):length(var_order)) {
          var_order[[i]]$location <- var_order[[i]]$location + 1

  if (desc_column) {
    desc_mtrx <- matrix("-",
      ncol = NCOL(stats[[1]]),
      nrow = NROW(values)
    rownames(desc_mtrx) <- rownames(values)

    # Should probably make sure we're always dealing
    # with a matrix but this is a quick fix for now
    # TODO: fix consistent matrix handling
    getRows <- function(x) {
      ifelse(is.matrix(x), nrow(x), length(x))
    getRownames <- function(x) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
      } else {
    getValue <- function(x, rn) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        x[rn, , drop = FALSE]
      } else {
    for (vn in names(var_order)) {
      if (!is.null(var_order[[vn]]$lvls)) {
        existing_labels <- rownames(values)[var_order[[vn]]$location]
        if (any(!existing_labels %in% rownames(stats[[vn]]))) {
            "A few labels from factor", vn, "weren't found in the stats:",
            paste(existing_labels[!existing_labels %in% rownames(stats[[vn]])],
              collapse = ", "

        # Add the stats to the desc
        # This slightly complicated structure is to make sure that
        # the descriptive value corresponds to the regression row
        for (rn in existing_labels) {
          # Find that row within the group
          group_rownames <- rownames(desc_mtrx[var_order[[vn]]$location, , drop = FALSE])
          row_within_group <- which(rn == group_rownames)
          if (length(row_within_group) > 1) {
              "There are more than one occurrence within group ", vn,
              "that have the value: '", rn, "'\n",
              "The rownames in that group are: '", paste(group_rownames, "', '"), "'"
          } else if (length(row_within_group) == 0) {
              "There was no match within group ", vn,
              "for the value: '", rn, "'\n",
              "The rownames in that group are: '", paste(group_rownames, "', '"), "'"

          # Set the value of that row
          desc_mtrx[head(var_order[[vn]]$location, 1) +
            row_within_group - 1, ] <- getValue(stats[[vn]], rn)

        # There are more values in the stats than in the
        # regression, this is probably due to missing values,
        # these will be added to the current group last
        if (getRows(stats[[vn]]) > var_order[[vn]]$no_rows) {
          rows_2_add <- getRownames(stats[[vn]])[!getRownames(stats[[vn]]) %in%
          for (i in 1:length(rows_2_add)) {
            rn <- rows_2_add[i]
            values <- insertRowAndKeepAttr(values,
              r = tail(var_order[[vn]]$location, 1) + 1,
              v = rep("-", length.out = NCOL(desc_mtrx)),
              rName = rn
            desc_mtrx <- insertRowAndKeepAttr(desc_mtrx,
              r = tail(var_order[[vn]]$location, 1) + 1,
              v = getValue(stats[[vn]], rn),
              rName = rn

          var_no <- which(vn == names(var_order))
          var_order[[var_no]]$no_rows <- var_order[[var_no]]$no_rows + length(rows_2_add)

          # Update the value_order
          for (ii in var_no:length(var_order)) {
            start_pos <- 0
            if (ii > 1) {
              start_pos <- tail(var_order[[ii - 1]]$location, 1) - 1
            var_order[[ii]]$location <- start_pos + 1:var_order[[ii]]$no_rows
      } else {
        # This occurrs if the element is logical and you have
        # a TRUE/FALSE situation

        if (var_order[[vn]]$no_rows != NROW(stats[[vn]])) {
          if (var_order[[vn]]$no_rows == 1 &&
            NROW(stats[[vn]]) == 2 &&
            is.logical(ds[, vn])) {
            stats[[vn]] <- stats[[vn]]["TRUE", ]
          } else {
              "The description statistics did not work for '", vn, "'",
              " it returned ", NROW(stats[[vn]]), " rows",
              " while expecting ", var_order[[vn]]$no_rows, " row(s).",
              " The rowlabels returned are:",
              " '", paste(rownames(stats[[vn]]), collapse = "', '"), "'"
        desc_mtrx[var_order[[vn]]$location, ] <- stats[[vn]]

    values <- copyAllNewAttributes(
      from = values,
      to = cbind(desc_mtrx, values)
    if (NCOL(desc_mtrx) == 1 && colnames(values)[1] == "") {
      colnames(values)[1] <- desc_args$colnames[1]
    } else if (all(colnames(values)[1:2] == "")) {
      colnames(values)[1:2] <- desc_args$colnames

  attr(values, "var_order") <- var_order

#' Adds a reference to value matrix
#' @param vn Variable name
#' @param var_order The output from the \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}}
#' @param values The value matrix
#' @param ds The data set
#' @return \code{matrix} A matrix with rgroup and n.rgroup attributes
#' @inheritParams printCrudeAndAdjustedModel
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaAddReference <- function(vn,
                             use_labels) {
  ref_value <- rep(c(reference_zero_effect, "ref"), times = 2)

  reference <- NULL
  rms_format <- FALSE
  # The rms package generates rownames with factor name:reference factor
  # and it is therefore a good idea to find the refreence by checking
  # which one is at the end
  for (f_name in var_order[[vn]]$lvls) {
    # The substr is just to avoid having to check for regular expression
    # characters within f_name and escaping them
    beginning <- substr(
      nchar(rownames(values)[var_order[[vn]]$location]) -
    end <- substring(
      nchar(rownames(values)[var_order[[vn]]$location]) -
        nchar(f_name) + 1
    if (all(grepl(":$", beginning)) &&
      all(f_name %in% end)) {
      reference <- f_name
      rms_format <- TRUE

  if (is.null(reference)) {
    # TODO: Could probably be extended to other regression models but needs testing
    used_factors <- gsub(
      "^[ ]{0,1}[ = -]{0,1}{0,1}", "",
      substring(rownames(values)[var_order[[vn]]$location], nchar(vn) + 1)

    # Fetch the reference level, would probably work just as well with a levels()[1]
    reference <- var_order[[vn]]$lvls[!var_order[[vn]]$lvls %in% used_factors]
    if (length(reference) != 1) {
        "Error occurred in looking for reference,",
        " found ", length(reference), " reference categories",
        " while expecting 1, out of these factors:",
        "\n '", paste(var_order[[vn]]$lvls, collapse = "'', '"), "'",
        ifelse(length(reference) > 1,
            " \n The refrences found: '%s'",
            paste(reference, collapse = "', '")
            " \n The rownames that have searched: '%s'",
            paste(rownames(values)[var_order[[vn]]$location], collapse = "', '")
  } else {
    used_factors <- var_order[[vn]]$lvls[reference != var_order[[vn]]$lvls]

  clean_rn <- rownames(values)
  for (uf_name in used_factors) {
    if (rms_format) {
      clean_rn <- gsub("^.* - (.*):.*$", "\\1", rownames(values))
      r_no <- which(clean_rn == uf_name)
    } else {
      r_no <- grep(uf_name, clean_rn, fixed = TRUE)

    if (!any(r_no %in% var_order[[vn]]$location)) {
        "Could not find rowname with factor ", uf_name,
        " among any of the row names: ", paste(clean_rn, collapse = ", ")

    r_no <- r_no[r_no %in% var_order[[vn]]$location]
    if (length(r_no) > 1) {
        "Multiple rows matched the factor ", uf_name,
        " from the available: ", paste(clean_rn[var_order[[vn]]$location], collapse = ", ")

    # Remove the main label as that goes into the attr(values, "rgroup")
    rownames(values)[r_no] <- uf_name

  offset <- ifelse(vn %in% names(add_references_pos),
    add_references_pos[[vn]] - 1,
  if (offset > length(var_order[[vn]]$lvls) - 1 ||
    offset < 0) {
      "You have a reference position '", add_references_pos[[vn]], "'",
      " that is outside the number of levels, '", offset + 1, "'",
      " is not among, 1 to ", length(var_order[[vn]]$lvls),
      ". This will therefore be ignored"
    offset <- 0

  values <- insertRowAndKeepAttr(values,
    var_order[[vn]]$location[1] + offset,
    rName = reference

  var_order[[vn]] <-
    within(var_order[[vn]], {
      location <- c(
        location[1] + offset,
        location[location <= offset],
        location[location > offset] + 1
      no_rows <- length(location)
      reference_pos <- offset
  attr(values, "var_order") <- var_order


#' Gets the variable stats
#' @param model The model
#' @param vn The variable name
#' @param outcome The outcome vector
#' @param ds The dataset
#' @return \code{matrix} A matrix from \code{\link[Gmisc]{getDescriptionStatsBy}} or
#'  \code{\link{prGetStatistics}}
#' @importFrom Gmisc getDescriptionStatsBy
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @inheritParams printCrudeAndAdjustedModel
#' @keywords internal
prCaGetVnStats <- function(model,
                           add_references, # Only called when present
                           desc_args) {
  # TODO: add some option of handling missing from the model, a second/third column
  # TODO: add handling for logical values

  # If there is a binomial outcome variable then
  # it makes sense to have two columns, the overall
  # and the event data.
  if (any(class(model) %in% c("lrm", "coxph")) ||
    ("glm" %in% class(model) &&
      model$family$family == "binomial")) {
    if (grepl("intercept", vn, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      desc_mtrx <- matrix("-",
        ncol = length(unique(outcome[is.na(outcome) == FALSE])),
        nrow = 1
    } else {
      desc_mtrx <-
          x = ds[is.na(outcome) == FALSE, vn],
          by = outcome[is.na(outcome) == FALSE],
          hrzl_prop = TRUE,
          digits = desc_args$digits,
          continuous_fn = desc_args$continuous_fn,
          prop_fn = desc_args$prop_fn,
          factor_fn = desc_args$factor_fn,
          show_all_values = !missing(add_references),
          useNA = desc_args$useNA,
          add_total_col = TRUE,
          total_col_show_perc = desc_args$show_tot_perc,
          html = TRUE

    # Don't select the no-event alternative as this is usually
    # not interesting since we have the total column
    desc_mtrx <- desc_mtrx[, c(1, 3), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(desc_mtrx) <- desc_args$colnames
  } else {
    if (grepl("intercept", vn, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      desc_mtrx <- matrix("-",
        ncol = 1,
        nrow = 1
    } else {
      desc_mtrx <-
          x = ds[is.na(outcome) == FALSE, vn],
          show_perc = desc_args$show_tot_perc,
          html = TRUE,
          digits = desc_args$digits,
          continuous_fn = desc_args$continuous_fn,
          prop_fn = desc_args$prop_fn,
          factor_fn = desc_args$factor_fn,
          useNA = desc_args$useNA

  if (!is.matrix(desc_mtrx)) {
    rn <- names(desc_mtrx)
    desc_mtrx <- matrix(desc_mtrx, ncol = 1)
    if (!is.null(rn)) {
      rownames(desc_mtrx) <- rn

  # As the first element in a factor is always the
  # reference then we need to move it to the wanted
  # position
  if (!grepl("intercept", vn, ignore.case = TRUE) &&
    is.factor(ds[, vn]) &&
    vn %in% names(add_references_pos) &&
    add_references_pos[[vn]] != 1) {
    if (nrow(desc_mtrx) == 2) {
      if (add_references_pos[[vn]] == 2) {
        desc_mtrx <- desc_mtrx[c(2, 1), ]
    } else if (nrow(desc_mtrx) > 2) {
      if (add_references_pos[[vn]] == nrow(desc_mtrx)) {
        desc_mtrx <- desc_mtrx[c(2:nrow(desc_mtrx), 1), ]
      } else {
        desc_mtrx <- desc_mtrx[c(
          (add_references_pos[[vn]] + 1):nrow(desc_mtrx)
        ), ]


#' Gets the labelled rowname if it exists
#' Looks for matches inside factors if rowname
#' contains the name of the column.
#' @param vn The variable name
#' @param use_labels If labels should be used
#' @param dataset The dataset
#' @return \code{string} The rowname
#' @importFrom Hmisc label
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaGetRowname <- function(vn, use_labels, dataset) {
  vn <- as.character(vn)
  if (vn %in% colnames(dataset) &&
    use_labels &&
    label(dataset[, vn]) != "") {
    return(label(dataset[, vn]))
  } else if (any(vn == colnames(dataset))) {
    # An exact match means that there is no factor information
    # for this row and we should be able to return this row
  } else if (grepl("intercept", vn, ignore.case = TRUE)) {

  # Check if this is actually a factor and return that factors name
  colno_containing_name <-
      function(x) grepl(x, vn, fixed = TRUE)
  if (sum(colno_containing_name) == 1) {
    # Remove the column name from the beginning of the vn
    # as this may otherwise cause a search conflict if
    # the name consists the searched labels
    cn <- colnames(dataset)[colno_containing_name]
    if (cn == substr(vn, 1, nchar(cn))) {
      vn <- substring(vn, nchar(cn) + 1)

    lvls <- levels(dataset[, colno_containing_name])
    matching_lvl <- unlist(lapply(lvls, function(x) grepl(x, vn, fixed = TRUE)),
      use.names = FALSE
    if (sum(matching_lvl) == 1) {

    # The rms-package returns the levels so that the reference appears after
    # each level and thus may give the appearance that the levels appears
    # several times. We therefore need to remove that information.
    if (grepl(sprintf("%s$", lvls[1]), vn)) {
      vn <- gsub(sprintf("%s$", lvls[1]), "", vn)
      matching_lvl <- unlist(lapply(lvls, function(x) grepl(x, vn, fixed = TRUE)),
        use.names = FALSE
      if (sum(matching_lvl) == 1) {

      "Could not identify the rowname '", vn, "'",
      " from the factor variable '", colnames(dataset)[colno_containing_name], "'",
      " that has the factors: '", paste(lvls, collapse = "', '"), "'",
      " The rowname with label therefore defaults to ", vn


#' Sets the rownames of the reordered_groups
#' @param reordered_groups The value matrix that needs refrences
#' @param var_order The output from the \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}}
#' @param rowname.fn A rowname function for tailoring names
#' @param use_labels Whether to use labels or not
#' @param ds The model data set
#' @return \code{matrix} Returns the reordered_groups
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaSetRownames <- function(reordered_groups,
                            ds) {
  if (!missing(rowname.fn)) {
    if (is.character(rowname.fn)) {
      rowname.fn <- get(rowname.fn)

    rn <- list()
    for (name in rownames(reordered_groups)) {
      new_name <- rowname.fn(name)
      if (new_name == name) {
        new_name <- prCaGetRowname(vn = name, use_labels = use_labels, dataset = ds)
      rn <- append(rn, new_name)
  } else {
    rn <- rownames(reordered_groups)
    for (name in names(var_order)) {
      # Only change the names of variables if they are not factors
      # Factors already have variable names assigned to them
      if (is.null(var_order[[name]]$lvls) &&
        var_order[[name]]$no_rows == 1) {
        rn[var_order[[name]]$location] <-
            vn = name,
            use_labels = use_labels,
            dataset = ds
      } else if (!is.null(var_order[[name]]$lvls)) {
        # This is one easy way to remove the reference
        new_names <- tail(
        # Sanity check - we don't want to rename rows
        # without knowing that there is some substance to it
        name_check_ok <- TRUE
        for (i in 1:length(new_names)) {
          cn <- rn[var_order[[name]]$location[i]]
          # Remove the variable name
          cn <- gsub(name, "", cn, fixed = TRUE)
          if (!grepl(tolower(new_names[i]), tolower(cn), ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            name_check_ok <- FALSE
              "Tried to set the rownames for the variable's '", name, "'",
              " to the name of its level '", new_names[i], "'",
              " but could not match the level to the row '", name, "'",
              " after subtracting the variable name, i.e. leaving '", cn, "'"

        if (name_check_ok) {
          rn[var_order[[name]]$location] <- new_names
  rownames(reordered_groups) <- unlist(rn, use.names = FALSE)

#' Re-order variables
#' @param names The names of the variables
#' @param order The order regular expression
#' @param ok2skip If you have the intercept then
#'  it should be ok for the function to skip that
#'  variable if it isn't found among the variable list
#' @return \code{vector} A vector containing the greps
#' @keywords intrenal
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaSelectAndOrderVars <- function(names, order, ok2skip = FALSE) {
  greps <- c()
  for (r_expr in order) {
    # Find the names that matches
    matches <- grep(r_expr, names)
    if (length(matches) == 0 & !ok2skip) {
        "You have a strange selection order,",
        "this could be due to that you try to select a factor level",
        " and not the full variable.",
        " Re-arranging factors should be done in the factor() function and not here.",
        " Anyway the expression '", r_expr, "' was not found",
        " in these variable names: '",
        paste(names, collapse = "', '"), "'"
    } else if (length(matches) > 0) {
      # Avoid reselecting
      new_vars <- setdiff(matches, unlist(greps,
        use.names = FALSE
      if (length(new_vars) > 0) {
        greps <- append(greps, list(new_vars))
    use.names = FALSE

#' Reorder according to the requested variables
#' Uses the \code{\link{prCaSelectAndOrderVars}} for finding the
#' orders according to the \code{order} argument.
#' @param mtrx2reorder The matrix to reorder
#' @param var_order The variables representing different rows
#'  \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}}
#' @param order A vector of strings used for \code{\link{prCaSelectAndOrderVars}}
#' @return \code{matrix} Returns the \code{mtrx2reorder} rearranged with the
#'  attribute "greps" for the greps from \code{\link{prCaSelectAndOrderVars}}
#'  and the attribute "var_order" for the new var_order
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaReorder <- function(mtrx2reorder, var_order, order) {
  greps <- prCaSelectAndOrderVars(
    names = names(var_order),
    order = order,
    ok2skip = TRUE
  var_order <- var_order[greps]
  row_reorder <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(var_order)) {
    last_pos <- length(row_reorder)
    row_reorder <- c(
    var_order[[i]]$location <- last_pos + 1:var_order[[i]]$no_rows

  reordered_groups <- mtrx2reorder[row_reorder, , drop = FALSE]
  attr(reordered_groups, "greps") <- greps
  attr(reordered_groups, "var_order") <- var_order

  # Just some warnings/checks
  if (any(!rownames(reordered_groups) %in%
    rownames(mtrx2reorder))) {
    groups_not_fount <-
      rownames(reordered_groups)[!rownames(reordered_groups) %in%
      "An error occurred when reordering, there are now more",
      " variables than initially found, the following new",
      " vars exist: '", paste(groups_not_fount, collapse = "', '"), "'"
  } else if (any(!rownames(mtrx2reorder) %in%
    rownames(reordered_groups))) {
    rows_not_used <-
      rownames(mtrx2reorder)[!rownames(mtrx2reorder) %in%
      "Not all variables selected from the model when re-ordering,",
      " the following were not included:",
      " '", paste(rows_not_used, collapse = "', '"), "'"


#' Adds references
#' @param reordered_groups The value matrix that needs refrences
#' @param var_order The output from the \code{\link{prMapVariable2Name}}
#' @return \code{matrix} The \code{reordered_groups} with references and the
#'  attribute "var_order" in order to keep track of no. of variables per row.
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @inheritParams printCrudeAndAdjustedModel
#' @keywords internal
prCaAddUserReferences <- function(reordered_groups,
                                  add_references, # Only called when present
                                  reference_zero_effect) {
  for (i in 1:length(var_order)) {
    # Add reference if it's not empty
    if (length(add_references) > 1 &&
      is.na(add_references[i]) == FALSE) {
      within_pos <- ifelse(add_references[i] %in% add_references_pos,
        add_references_pos[add_references[i]], 0
      reordered_groups <-
          head(var_order[[i]]$location, 1) + within_pos,
          rep(c(reference_zero_effect, "ref"), times = 2),
          rName = add_references[i]

      var_order[[i]]$no_rows <-
        var_order[[i]]$no_rows + 1

      for (ii in i:length(var_order)) {
        start_pos <- 0
        if (ii > 1) {
          start_pos <- tail(var_order[[ii - 1]]$location, 1)
        var_order[[ii]]$location <- start_pos + 1:var_order[[ii]]$no_rows

  attr(reordered_groups, "var_order") <- var_order


#' Prettify the text
#' Sets the number of digits, formats the confidence interval and
#' changes the number of cols into 4 where the upper and lower CI
#' meet in one string column
#' @param x The value matrix from getCrudeAndAdjusted
#' @param ci_lim The limits of the confidence interval
#' @param digits The number of decimal digits to use
#' @param sprintf_ci_str The \code{\link{sprintf}} code for the confidence interval
#' @return \code{matrix} A string matrix with the values formated
#' @family printCrudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @keywords internal
prCaPrepareCrudeAndAdjusted <- function(x, ci_lim, digits, sprintf_ci_str) {
  is.wholenumber <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol

  # Just to make sure that it gives 1.0 and
  # not 1 if digits = 1, in cases where a
  # adding another decimal that is used
  # since everyone is so hyped about p-val < 0.05
  format_number <- function(x) {
    if (length(grep("[0-9]", as.character(x))) == 0) {

    # Matrix forces all values to be either char or
    # numeric and therefore we need to convert them
    # to numeric
    x <- as.numeric(x)

    if (is.wholenumber(x) && x > 100) {

    # Remove -0.0 effect
    x <- round(x, digits) |>
      as.character() |>
    return(sprintf(sprintf("%%0.%df", digits), x))

  # A way to set the min/max of the confidence interval
  # according to the parameters,
  # round to appropriate number of digits and
  # format into a string as specified in the sprintf string
  format_ci <- function(ci) {
    # If there is an NA then we don't know
    # much about the data
    if (any(is.na(ci))) {

    upper <- max(ci)
    if (upper > max(ci_lim)) {
      upper <- sprintf("&gt; %s", format_number(max(ci_lim)))
    } else {
      upper <- format_number(upper)

    lower <- min(ci)
    if (lower < min(ci_lim)) {
      lower <- sprintf("&gt; %s", format_number(min(ci_lim)))
    } else {
      lower <- format_number(lower)

    return(sprintf(sprintf_ci_str, lower, upper))

  values <- cbind(
    tapply(x[, 1, drop = FALSE], 1:NROW(x), FUN = format_number),
    apply(x[, 2:3, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = format_ci),
    tapply(x[, 4, drop = FALSE], 1:NROW(x), FUN = format_number),
    apply(x[, 5:6, drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = format_ci)

  colnames(values) <- c(
    sprintf("%s to %s", colnames(x)[2], colnames(x)[3]),
    sprintf("%s to %s", colnames(x)[5], colnames(x)[6])

  rownames(values) <- rownames(x)


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