
Defines functions calc.gpe2

Documented in calc.gpe2

#' Calculate Light Likelihood from GPE2 Output
#' \code{calc.gpe2} calculates likelihood estimates for each day of animal tag 
#' data.
#' Light errors are parameterized using elliptical error values output in 
#' '-Locations.csv' (WC tags).
#' @param locs is data frame from -Locations file output from DAP/Tag Portal for
#'   WC tags and contains GPS, Argos, and GPE locations as applicable.
#' @param locDates is vector of dates from locs dataframe
#' @param locs.grid is list output from \code{setup.locs.grid}
#' @param dateVec is vector of dates from tag to pop-up in 1 day increments.
#' @param errEll is logical indicating whether error ellipses should be 
#'   generated for light-based likelihoods as given from output of WC-GPE. False
#'   if only longitude should be used. If False, standard deviation on light 
#'   measurements is currently fixed at 0.7 deg longitude following Musyl et al 
#'   2011. Default is FALSE and will use longitude only.
#' @param gpeOnly is logical. If TRUE (default), locs input is trimmed to GPE
#'   positions only. This is most applicable in scenarios with FastGPS data and
#'   you're adding this as a GPS input.
#' @references Musyl MK, Domeier ML, Nasby-Lucas N, Brill RW, McNaughton LM, 
#'   Swimmer JY, Lutcavage MS, Wilson SG, Galuardi B, Liddle JB (2011) 
#'   Performance of pop-up satellite archival tags. Mar Ecol Prog Ser
#' @export
#' @return L is an array of lon x lat likelihood surfaces (matrices) for each 
#'   time point (3rd dimension)
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc.srss}}
#' @examples
#' ## Setup for calculating light likelihood
#' # Read the data
#' locsFile <- system.file("extdata", "141259-Locations-GPE2.csv", package = "HMMoce")
#' locs <- read.table(locsFile, sep = ',', header = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = FALSE)
#' # Set spatial and temporal limits
#' sp.lim <- list(lonmin = -82, lonmax = -25, latmin = 15, latmax = 50)
#' locs.grid <- setup.locs.grid(sp.lim)
#' iniloc <- data.frame(matrix(c(13, 10, 2015, 41.3, -69.27, 10, 4, 2016, 40.251, -36.061),
#'  nrow = 2, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE))
#' names(iniloc) <- list('day','month','year','lat','lon')
#' tag <- as.POSIXct(paste(iniloc[1,1], '/', iniloc[1,2], '/', iniloc[1,3], sep=''), 
#' format = '%d/%m/%Y', tz='UTC')
#' pop <- as.POSIXct(paste(iniloc[2,1], '/', iniloc[2,2], '/', iniloc[2,3], sep=''), 
#' format = '%d/%m/%Y', tz='UTC')
#' dateVec <- as.Date(seq(tag, pop, by = 'day')) 
#' # Try a calculation
#' L.light <- calc.gpe2(locs[1,], iniloc, locs.grid, dateVec, errEll=TRUE, gpeOnly=TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Full example light calculation
#' L.light <- calc.gpe2(locs, iniloc = iniloc, locs.grid = locs.grid,
#'                      dateVec = dateVec, errEll = TRUE, gpeOnly = TRUE)
#' }

calc.gpe2 <- function(locs, locDates, locs.grid, dateVec, errEll = TRUE, gpeOnly = TRUE){
  print(paste('Starting light likelihood calculation...'))
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  # get rid of non-GPE locations if gpeOnly == TRUE and check length of resulting locs file
  if(gpeOnly == TRUE){
    loc.idx <- which(locs$Type == 'GPE')
    locs <- locs[loc.idx,]
    locDates <- locDates[loc.idx]
    if(length(locs[,1]) < 1){
      stop('No GPE positions available in input locs file. Make sure you have calculated GPE positions and exported the resulting -Locations.csv file from WC DAP/GPE2 software.')
  } else{
    stop('Error: Currently gpeOnly must be set to TRUE otherwise duplicate dates are handled improperly.')
  # set up results array
  row <- dim(locs.grid$lon)[1]
  col <- dim(locs.grid$lon)[2]
  lat <- locs.grid$lat[,1]
  lon <- locs.grid$lon[1,]
  L.gpe2 <- array(0, dim = c(col, row, length(dateVec)))
  print(paste('Starting iterations through deployment period...'))
  for(t in 2:(length(dateVec)) - 1){
    if(!is.null(locs) & dateVec[t] %in% locDates){
      # set index to identify position in locs file
      idx <- which(locDates == dateVec[t])
      if (nrow(locs[idx,]) > 1){
        L.gpe.try <- array(0, dim = c(col, row, nrow(locs[idx,])))
        for (ii in 1:nrow(locs[idx,])){
          idx.ii <- idx[ii]
          locs.ii <- locs[idx.ii,]
          if(locs.ii$Type == 'GPE'){ #locs includes GPE
            if(errEll == FALSE){
              if (locs.ii$Error.Semi.minor.axis < 100000) locs.ii$Error.Semi.minor.axis <- 100000
              # create longitude likelihood based on GPE data
              slon.sd <- locs.ii$Error.Semi.minor.axis / 1000 / 111 #semi minor axis
              # use normally distributed error from position using fixed std dev
              L.gpe.try[,,ii] <- stats::dnorm(t(locs.grid$lon), locs.ii$Longitude, slon.sd)
            } else if(errEll == TRUE){
              if (locs.ii$Error.Semi.minor.axis < 100000) locs.ii$Error.Semi.minor.axis <- 100000
              L.gpe.try[,,ii] <- calc.errEll(locs.ii, locs.grid)
        L.gpe2[,,t] <- apply(L.gpe.try, 1:2, sum, na.rm = T)
      } else{
        if(locs$Type[idx] == 'GPE'){ #locs includes GPE
          if(errEll == FALSE){
            if (locs$Error.Semi.minor.axis[idx] < 100000) locs$Error.Semi.minor.axis[idx] <- 100000
            # create longitude likelihood based on GPE data
            slon.sd <- locs$Error.Semi.minor.axis[idx] / 1000 / 111 #semi minor axis
            # use normally distributed error from position using fixed std dev
            L.light <- stats::dnorm(t(locs.grid$lon), locs$Longitude[idx], slon.sd)
            L.gpe2[,,t] <- L.light
          } else if(errEll == TRUE){
            if (locs$Error.Semi.minor.axis[idx] < 100000) locs$Error.Semi.minor.axis[idx] <- 100000
            L.gpe2[,,t] <- calc.errEll(locs[idx,], locs.grid)
    L.gpe2[,,t] = L.gpe2[,,t] / max(L.gpe2[,,t], na.rm=T)
  print(paste('Making final likelihood raster...'))
  # this performs some transformations to the likelihood array to convert to useable raster
  crs <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
  list.locs <- list(x = locs.grid$lon[1,], y = locs.grid$lat[,1], z = L.gpe2)
  ex <- raster::extent(list.locs)
  L.gpe2 <- raster::brick(list.locs$z, xmn = ex[1], xmx = ex[2], ymn = ex[3], ymx = ex[4], transpose = T, crs)
  L.gpe2 <- raster::flip(L.gpe2, direction = 'y')
  L.gpe2[L.gpe2 < 0] <- 0
  t1 <- Sys.time()
  print(paste('Light calculations took ', round(as.numeric(difftime(t1, t0, units='mins')), 2), 'minutes...'))

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HMMoce documentation built on Nov. 17, 2017, 5:57 a.m.