### some tools that make life easier
### copy *Rout to *
cpRoutsave <- function(Routdir = NULL, Routsavedir = NULL) {
Routfiles <- list.files(path = Routdir, pattern = "\\.Rout$",
full.names = FALSE)
srcfiles <- file.path(Routdir, Routfiles)
destfiles <- file.path(Routsavedir,
paste(Routfiles, ".save", sep = ""))
file.copy(srcfiles, destfiles, overwrite = TRUE)
### attach all data frames in the global environment
gattach <- function() {
env <- globalenv()
var <- eval(parse(text = "ls()"), envir = env)
df <- sapply(var, function(x)
eval(parse(text =
paste("", x, ")", sep = "", collapse = "")),
envir = env))
if (any(df)) {
var <- var[df]
out <- sapply(var, function(x)
eval(parse(text =
paste("attach(", x, ")", sep = "", collapse = "")),
envir = env))
### extract and check Robject or Rcmd LaTeX markup
extRact <- function(file, what = "Robject") {
x <- readLines(file)
indx <- grep(what, x)
out <- sapply(indx, function(i) {
obj <- NULL
while (TRUE) {
where <- regexpr(what, x[i])
if (where != -1) {
x[i] <- substring(x[i], where)
dm <- delimMatch(x[i])
obj <- c(obj, (substring(x[i], dm + 1,
dm + attr(dm, "match.length") - 2)))
x[i] <- substring(x[i], dm + attr(dm, "match.length"))
} else {
cmds <- unique(gsub("\\\\", "", out))
for (cmd in cmds) {
a <- try(eval(parse(text = cmd)))
if (inherits(a, "try-error")) print(a)
### try to polish S{in,out}put environments, this needs
### manual refinements in some places
prettyS <- function(file, texenvironment = c("Sinput", "Soutput"),
width = 63, split = " ", write = TRUE) {
### handle Sinput or Soutput environments
texenvironment <- match.arg(texenvironment)
if (texenvironment == "Sinput" && split == " ")
split <- c(", ", "/", " ")
### dirty hack: in `Makefile's I want to call `prettyS'
### right after weaving and thus have only `file.Rnw' available
if (length(grep("Rnw$", file)) > 0) file <- gsub("Rnw$", "tex", file)
### read file
x <- readLines(file)
### remove all end-line spaces
x <- gsub("\\s+$", "", x)
### determine begin and end lines of environment
start <- grep(paste("^\\\\begin\\{", texenvironment, "\\}$",
sep = "", collapse = ""), x)
end <- grep(paste("^\\\\end\\{", texenvironment, "\\}$",
sep = "", collapse = ""), x)
if (length(start) == 0) return(NULL)
if (length(start) != length(end))
stop("unbalanced begin and end statements")
n <- length(start)
for (i in 1:n) {
### iterate over all lines longer than width
lines <- (start[i]):(end[i])
lines <- lines[sapply(x[lines], nchar) > width]
for (line in lines) {
cat("prettyS: line ", line, " too long: \n", x[line], "\n")
y <- x[line]
add <- sapply(split, function(s)
ifelse(length(grep(s, y)) > 0, nchar(s), 0))
if (all(add == 0)) next()
s <- split[min(which(add > 0))]
y <- unlist(strsplit(y, split = s))
nc <- sapply(y, nchar) + add[min(which(add > 0))]
pos <- cumsum(nc) <= width
if (!any(pos)) next()
newline <- cumsum(nc)[max(which(pos))]
plus <- length(grep("^\\+", x[line])) > 0 &&
substr(x[line], newline - 1, newline) != ", "
x[line] <- paste(substr(x[line], 1, newline), "\n",
ifelse(texenvironment == "Sinput", options("continue"), ""),
ifelse(plus, " ", ""),
" ",
substr(x[line], newline + 1, nchar(x[line])), sep = "",
collapse = "")
# if (length(grep("^\\+", x[line + 1])) > 0 &&
# (nchar(x[line + 1]) + (nchar(x[line]) - newline) < width)) {
# y <- x[line + 1]
# y <- gsub("^\\+ ", "", y)
# x[line] <- paste(x[line], y, sep = "", collapse = "")
# x[line + 1] <- ""
# }
cat("prettyS: ", x[line], "\n")
if (write)
writeLines(x, con = file)
### extract all Sinput environments from tex files
chkS <- function(file, texenvironment = "Sinput") {
### read file
x <- readLines(file)
### determine begin and end lines of environment
start <- grep(paste("^\\\\begin\\{", texenvironment, "\\}$",
sep = "", collapse = ""), x)
end <- grep(paste("^\\\\end\\{", texenvironment, "\\}$",
sep = "", collapse = ""), x)
if (length(start) == 0) return(NULL)
if (length(start) != length(end))
stop("unbalanced begin and end statements")
n <- length(start)
y <- NULL
for (i in 1:n) {
### iterate over all lines longer than width
lines <- (start[i] + 1):(end[i] - 1)
x[lines] <- gsub("^R>", "", x[lines])
x[lines] <- gsub("^\\+", "", x[lines])
y <- c(y, x[lines])
### read in a BibTeX file and return as list
readBibtex <- function(file = NULL) {
bib <- readLines(file)
entries <- grep("^@", bib)
labels <- gsub(",$", "", gsub("^@[A-Za-z].*\\{", "", bib[entries]))
if (any(duplicated(labels))) {
stop("non-unique BibTeX labels in ", file)
biblist <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(entries))
for (i in 1:length(entries)) {
nexte <- ifelse(i == length(entries), length(entries),
entries[i + 1] - 1)
biblist[[i]] <- bib[entries[i]:nexte]
empty <- grep("^$", biblist[[i]])
if (length(empty) > 0)
biblist[[i]] <- biblist[[i]][-empty]
names(biblist) <- labels
class(biblist) <- "txtBibtex"
### the subset of a BibTeX database actually used in `file'
extractBibtex <- function(file, bibtex) {
if (!inherits(bibtex, "txtBibtex"))
bibtex <- readBibtex(bibtex)
tex <- readLines(file)
tex <- tex[grep("\\cite", tex)]
enames <- gsub("\\+", "\\\\+", names(bibtex))
cited <- sapply(enames, function(name) length(grep(name, tex)) > 0)
biblist <- bibtex[cited]
class(biblist) <- "txtBibtex"
### output to a file
toBibtex.txtBibtex <- function(object, ...) {
tmp <- lapply(object, function(bib) {
cat(paste(bib, "\n"))
### set package version in BibTeX (quick'n'dirty hack)
pkgversions <- function(file) {
x <- readLines(file)
indx <- grep("VERSION", x)
for (i in indx) {
xx <- strsplit(x[i], " ")[[1]]
xx <- xx[grep("VERSION", xx)]
pkg <- gsub("[},]", "", gsub("VERSION", "", xx))
version <- packageDescription(pkg)$Version
x[i] <- gsub(paste(pkg, "VERSION", sep = "", collapse = ""), version,
class(x) <- "Latex"
### set package date in BibTeX (quick'n'dirty hack)
pkgyears <- function(file) {
x <- readLines(file)
indx <- grep("PKGYEAR", x)
for (i in indx) {
xx <- strsplit(x[i], " ")[[1]]
xx <- xx[grep("PKGYEAR", xx)]
pkg <- gsub("[{},]", "", gsub("PKGYEAR", "", xx))
year <- format(as.Date(strsplit(packageDescription(pkg)$Built, ";")[[1]][3]),"%Y")
x[i] <- gsub(paste(pkg, "PKGYEAR", sep = "", collapse = ""), year,
class(x) <- "Latex"
pkgs <- function()
c("scatterplot3d", "alr3", "ape", "coin", "flexmix", "gee", "ipred", "lme4",
"mclust", "party", "randomForest", "rmeta", "vcd", "gamair", "multcomp",
"sandwich", "mboost")
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