
### R code from vignette source 'Ch_errata.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: setup
rm(list = ls())
s <- search()[-1]
s <- s[-match(c("package:base", "package:stats", "package:graphics", "package:grDevices",
                "package:utils", "package:datasets", "package:methods", "Autoloads"), s)]
if (length(s) > 0) sapply(s, detach, character.only = TRUE)
if (!file.exists("tables")) dir.create("tables")
if (!file.exists("figures")) dir.create("figures")
options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+  ",
    width = 63, # digits = 4, 
    show.signif.stars = FALSE,
    SweaveHooks = list(leftpar = function() 
        par(mai = par("mai") * c(1, 1.05, 1, 1)),
        bigleftpar = function()
        par(mai = par("mai") * c(1, 1.7, 1, 1))))
HSAURpkg <- require("HSAUR3")
if (!HSAURpkg) stop("cannot load package ", sQuote("HSAUR3"))
 ### </FIXME> hm, R-2.4.0 --vanilla seems to need this
a <- Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C")
 ### </FIXME>
book <- TRUE
refs <- cbind(c("AItR", "DAGD", "SI", "CI", "ANOVA", "MLR", "GLM", 
                "DE", "RP", "GAM", "SA", "ALDI", "ALDII", "SIMC", "MA", "PCA", 
                "MDS", "CA"), 1:18)
ch <- function(x) {
    ch <- refs[which(refs[,1] == x),]
    if (book) {
        return(paste("Chapter~\\\\ref{", ch[1], "}", sep = ""))
    } else {
        return(paste("Chapter~", ch[2], sep = ""))
if (file.exists("deparse.R"))

setHook(packageEvent("lattice", "attach"), function(...) {
    lattice.options(default.theme = 
            standard.theme("pdf", color = FALSE))

### code chunk number 2: singlebook
book <- FALSE

Try the HSAUR3 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

HSAUR3 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:37 p.m.