#' Map regional irrigation source connection as spatial lines
#' By default, this function creates an \code{sf} object which contains regional irrigation connections between
#' source and target HYPE sub-catchments. However, this function can also be used to create interactive Leaflet maps.
#' @param data Dataframe, containing a column \code{SUBID} and a column \code{REGSRCID} (not case-sensitive), which identify
#' irrigation target and source sub-catchments, respectively. Typically a HYPE 'MgmtData.txt' file, imported with \code{\link{ReadMgmtData}}.
#' @param map A \code{sf}, \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, or \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} object providing sub-catchment locations as points or polygons. Typically an imported SUBID
#' center-point shape file or geopackage. If provided polygon data, then the polygon centroids will be calculated and used as the point locations (See [sf::st_centroid()]). Spatial data import requires additional packages, e.g. \code{sf}.
#' @param map.subid.column Integer, index of the column in \code{map} holding SUBIDs (sub-catchment IDs).
#' @param group.column Integer, optional index of the column in \code{data} providing grouping of connections to allow toggling of groups in Leaflet maps. Default \code{NULL} will produce maps without
#' grouping.
#' @param group.colors Named list providing colors for connection groups in Leaflet maps. List names represent the names of the groups in the \code{group.column} of \code{data}, and list values represent the colors.
#' Example: \code{groups.colors = list("GROUP 1" = "black", "GROUP 2" = "red")}. If a group is not included in \code{group.colors}, then random colors will be assigned to the connections in the group.
#' Default \code{NULL} will produce maps using random colors for all groups.
#' @param digits Integer, number of digits to which irrigation connection lengths are rounded to.
#' @param progbar Logical, display a progress bar while calculating.
#' @param map.type Map type keyword string. Choose either \code{"default"} for the default static plots or \code{"leaflet"} for interactive Leaflet maps.
#' @param plot.scale Logical, include a scale bar on Leaflet maps.
#' @param plot.searchbar Logical, if \code{TRUE}, then a search bar will be included on Leaflet maps. See [leaflet.extras::addSearchFeatures()].
#' @param weight Numeric, weight of subbasin boundary lines in Leaflet maps. Used if \code{map} contains polygon data. See [leaflet::addPolygons()].
#' @param opacity Numeric, opacity of subbasin boundary lines in Leaflet maps. Used if \code{map} contains polygon data. See [leaflet::addPolygons()].
#' @param fillColor String, color of subbasin polygons in Leaflet maps. Used if \code{map} contains polygon data. See [leaflet::addPolygons()].
#' @param fillOpacity Numeric, opacity of subbasin polygons in Leaflet maps. Used if \code{map} contains polygon data. See [leaflet::addPolygons()].
#' @param line.weight Numeric, weight of connection lines in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addPolylines()].
#' @param line.opacity Numeric, opacity of connection lines in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addPolylines()].
#' @param seed Integer, seed number to to produce repeatable color palette.
#' @param darken Numeric specifying the amount of darkening applied to the random color palette. Negative values will lighten the palette. See \code{\link{distinctColorPalette}}.
#' @param font.size Numeric, font size (px) for subbasin labels in Leaflet maps.
#' @param file Save a Leaflet map to an image file by specifying the path to the desired output file using this argument. File extension must be specified.
#' See [mapview::mapshot()].
#' You may need to run [webshot::install_phantomjs()] the first time you save a map to an image file.
#' @param vwidth Numeric, width of the exported Leaflet map image in pixels. See [webshot::webshot()].
#' @param vheight Numeric, height of the exported Leaflet map image in pixels. See [webshot::webshot()].
#' @param Save a Leaflet map to an interactive HTML file by specifying the path to the desired output file using this argument. File extension must be specified.
#' See [htmlwidgets::saveWidget()].
#' @details
#' \code{MapRegionalSources} can return static plots or interactive Leaflet maps depending on value provided for the argument \code{map.type}.
#' By default, \code{MapRegionalSources} creates an \code{sf} object from HYPE SUBID centerpoints using a table of SUBID pairs. Regional
#' irrigation sources in HYPE are transfers from outlet lakes or rivers in a source sub-catchment to the soil storage of irrigated SLC classes
#' (Soil, Land use, Crop) in a target sub-catchment. If \code{map.type} is set to "leaflet", then \code{MapRegionalSources} returns an object of class \code{leaflet}.
#' @return
#' For default static maps, \code{MapRegionalSources} returns an \code{sf} object containing columns \code{SUBID} (irrigation target
#' sub-catchment), \code{REGSRCID} (irrigation source sub-catchment), and \code{Length_[unit]} (distance between sub-catchments) where
#' 'unit' is the actual length unit of the distances. The projection of the returned object is always identical to the projection of
#' argument \code{map}. For interactive Leaflet maps, \code{PlotMapOutput} returns an object of class \code{leaflet}. If \code{map} contains
#' polygon data, then the interactive map will include the polygons as a background layer.
#' @examples
#' # Import subbasin centroids and subbasin polygons (to use as background)
#' require(sf)
#' te1 <- st_read(dsn = system.file("demo_model", "gis",
#' "Nytorp_centroids.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2 <- st_read(dsn = system.file("demo_model", "gis",
#' "Nytorp_map.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' # Create dummy MgmtData file with irrigation links
#' te3 <- data.frame(SUBID = c(3594, 63794), REGSRCID = c(40556, 3486))
#' \donttest{
#' # Plot regional irrigation links between subbasins with subbasin outlines as background
#' MapRegionalSources(data = te3, map = te1, map.subid.column = 25)
#' plot(st_geometry(te2), add = TRUE, border = 2)
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of left_join mutate rename_with select sym %>%
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
MapRegionalSources <- function(data, map, map.subid.column = 1, group.column = NULL, group.colors = NULL, digits = 3, progbar = FALSE, map.type = "default",
plot.scale = TRUE, plot.searchbar = FALSE, weight = 0.5, opacity = 1, fillColor = "#4d4d4d",
fillOpacity = 0.25, line.weight = 5, line.opacity = 1, seed = NULL, darken = 0, font.size = 10, file = "",
vwidth = 1424, vheight = 1000, = "") {
# Check/Load Dependencies for mapping features - do this here so that these packages are not required for the base HYPEtools installation
if (map.type == "default" & !all(
requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)
)) {
# Warn that a dependency is not installed
stop("To use this function, please ensure that the following packages are installed: sf", call. = FALSE)
} else if (map.type == "leaflet" & !all(
requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("leaflet", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("leaflet.extras", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("mapview", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("htmlwidgets", quietly = TRUE)
)) {
# Warn that a dependency is not installed
stop("To use this function, please ensure that the following packages are installed: sf, leaflet, leaflet.extras, mapview, htmlwidgets", call. = FALSE)
# Perform function
} else {
# Input argument checks
stopifnot(, # Check that data is a data frame
("sf" %in% class(map) | "SpatialPointsDataFrame" %in% class(map) | "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" %in% class(map)) # Check that map is in a sp or sf spatial format
# Convert map to the sf spatial format if it is in the sp spatial format
if ("SpatialPointsDataFrame" %in% class(map) | "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" %in% class(map)) {
map <- sf::st_as_sf(map)
# If not given a point type, then convert to points using centroid of object
if (!all(sf::st_geometry_type(map) == "POINT")) {
warning('The "map" input is not in a point format. Converting to point format using object centroids')
map_original <- map
map <- map %>% sf::st_centroid()
# Rename data columns to all uppercase
colnames(data) <- toupper(colnames(data))
# Get column indices for target and regional source SUBIDs
col.subid <- which(names(data) == "SUBID")
col.regsrcid <- which(names(data) == "REGSRCID")
# Stop processing if no connected basins
if (all(data[, col.regsrcid] == 0)) {
stop('No connected basins; All REGSRCID in "data" are 0')
# Get row indices of regionally connected basins
row.rcb <- which(data[, col.regsrcid] > 0)
# Select data for mapping
rcb <- data[row.rcb, c(col.subid, col.regsrcid)]
# Update row names, necessary for connection to map data below
# rownames(rcb) <- 1:nrow(rcb)
# Add a column to hold connection lengths,
rcb <- data.frame(rcb, 0)
length_column <- paste("Length", sf::st_crs(map, parameters = TRUE)$units_gdal, sep = "_") # Get units of CRS
names(rcb)[3] <- length_column
# Create data frame to store point coordinates
geometry <- map %>%
select(all_of(map.subid.column)) %>%
rename_with(.cols = 1, .fn = ~"SUBID") %>%
mutate(SUBID_GEO = sf::st_geometry(.)) %>%
mutate(REGSRC_GEO = sf::st_geometry(.)) %>%
# Create dataframe of target-source connections
condata <- left_join(rcb, geometry %>% select("SUBID", "SUBID_GEO"), by = "SUBID") %>% # Add coordinates for SUBID
left_join(geometry %>% select("SUBID", "REGSRC_GEO"), by = c("REGSRCID" = "SUBID")) %>% # Add coordinates for REGSRCID
mutate(id = as.character(1:nrow(.)), .before = 1) # Add character ID
# Apply function over all source-target connections to create line objects between connections
if (progbar) {
condata$LINE <- sf::st_sfc(pblapply(1:nrow(condata), function(X) {
sf::st_linestring(matrix(data = c(sf::st_coordinates(condata$SUBID_GEO[X]), sf::st_coordinates(condata$REGSRC_GEO[X])), ncol = 2, byrow = 2))
} else {
condata$LINE <- sf::st_sfc(lapply(1:nrow(condata), function(X) {
sf::st_linestring(matrix(data = c(sf::st_coordinates(condata$SUBID_GEO[X]), sf::st_coordinates(condata$REGSRC_GEO[X])), ncol = 2, byrow = 2))
# Set geometry of dataframe to be geometry in the LINE column
sf::st_geometry(condata) <- "LINE"
# Set CRS of dataframe back to CRS of map
sf::st_crs(condata) <- sf::st_crs(map)
# Calculate connection lengths for all lines
condata[, length_column] <- round(sf::st_length(condata$LINE), digits = digits)
# Return outputs
if (map.type == "default") {
# Plot map and Return a subset of data frame columns invisibly
invisible(condata %>% select(.data$SUBID, .data$REGSRCID, all_of(length_column)))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet") {
# Create Leaflet Plot
message("Creating Map")
# Get overlay groups
overlay_groups <- c("Subbasins", "Labels", "Connections")
} else{
overlay_groups <- c("Subbasins", "Labels", unlist(unique(data[, group.column])))
# Create map
leafmap <- leaflet::leaflet(options = leaflet::leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE)) %>%
leaflet::addTiles() %>%
baseGroups = c("Map", "Street", "Topo", "Satellite"),
overlayGroups = as.character(unlist(overlay_groups)),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)
) %>%
# Get name of map SUBID column <- colnames(map)[map.subid.column]
# Add Polygons if they exist
if (exists("map_original")) {
# Reproject if not a lat/long CRS
if (sf::st_is_longlat(map_original) == FALSE) {
map_original <- map_original %>% sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
# Add subbasins to map
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Subbasins",
data = map_original,
color = "black",
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fillColor = fillColor,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
label = map_original[[]], # Add label so searchbar will work
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, textOnly = TRUE, style = list("color" = fillColor, "font-size" = "0px")) # Set label color and size to 0 to hide labels
# Reproject if not a lat/long CRS
if (sf::st_is_longlat(map) == FALSE) {
map <- map %>% sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
if (sf::st_is_longlat(condata) == FALSE) {
condata <- condata %>% sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
# Add labels to map
label_data <- map %>% filter(!!sym( %in% c(condata$SUBID, condata$REGSRCID)) # Only add labels to subbasins with connections
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Labels",
data = suppressWarnings(sf::st_point_on_surface(label_data)),
label = label_data[[]],
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, direction = "auto", textOnly = TRUE, style = list("font-size" = paste0(font.size, "px")))
) %>%
leaflet::hideGroup("Labels") # Hide Labels by default
# Create function to get colors for polylines
color_pal <- function(X) {
tryCatch(distinctColorPalette(X, seed = seed, darken = darken), # Try to get a distinct color for each line
error = function(e) {
rep_len(distinctColorPalette(100, seed = seed, darken = darken), X) # If there is an error, then repeat palette of 100 colors as necessary
# Get colors for polylines
colors <- color_pal(nrow(condata))
# Add Lines
message("Adding Connection Lines")
progress <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(condata)) {
# Add Progress Message for datasets with >=1000 polylines
if (nrow(condata) >= 1000 & i == ceiling(nrow(condata) / 10) * progress) {
message(paste0("Adding Routing Lines: ", progress * 10, "%"))
progress <- progress + 1
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = ifelse(is.null(group.column), "Connections", as.character(data[i, group.column])),
lat = sf::st_coordinates(condata$LINE[i])[, 2],
lng = sf::st_coordinates(condata$LINE[i])[, 1],
label = paste("REGSRCID ", condata$REGSRCID[i], "to SUBID", condata$SUBID[i]),
color = if(is.null(group.column)) { # No groups - use random colors
} else {
if(is.null(group.colors)){ # Groups but no colors provided - use random colors
} else if(as.character(data[i, group.column]) %in% names(group.colors)){ # Override color provided
as.character(group.colors[which(names(group.colors) == as.character(data[i, group.column]))])
} else { # No override color provided - use random colors
weight = line.weight,
opacity = line.opacity
# Add searchbar to map
if (plot.searchbar == TRUE) {
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
targetGroups = c("Subbasins", "Connections"),
options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(zoom = 10, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE)
# Add scalebar to map
if (plot.scale == TRUE) {
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::addScaleBar(position = "bottomright")
# Add various basemaps
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron", group = "Map") %>%
leaflet::addTiles(group = "Street") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("CartoDB.PositronOnlyLabels", group = "Satellite")
# Save Image
if (!file == "") {
message("Saving Image")
mapview::mapshot(leafmap, file = file, vwidth = vwidth, vheight = vheight, remove_controls = c("zoomControl", "layersControl", "homeButton", "drawToolbar", "easyButton"), selfcontained = FALSE)
# Save HTML
if (! == "") {
message("Saving HTML")
temp <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(leafmap, file = temp, title = sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(, selfcontained = TRUE) # Save HTML file to temp directory so selfcontained=T works
file.rename(temp, # Rename/Move HTML file to desired file
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