#' Goodness of Fit Functions
#' Numerical goodness-of-fit measures between sim and obs, with treatment of missing values.
#' @param sim numeric, vector of simulated values
#' @param obs numeric, vector of observed values
#' @param na.rm a logical value indicating whether 'NA' should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' When an 'NA' value is found at the i-th position in obs OR sim, the i-th value of obs AND sim are removed before the computation.
#' @param do.spearman logical, indicates if the Spearman correlation should be computed. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param s argument passed to the \code{\link{KGE}} function.
#' @param method argument passed to the \code{\link{KGE}} function.
#' @param start.month argument passed to the \code{\link{sKGE}} function.
#' @param out.PerYear logical, argument passed to the \code{\link{sKGE}} function.
#' @param out.type argument passed to the \code{\link{KGE}} function.
#' @param dec argument passed to the \code{\link{pbias}} function.
#' @param digits integer, numer of decimal places used for rounding the goodness of fit indexes.
#' @param fun function to be applied to \code{sim} and \code{obs} in order to obtain transformed values thereof before applying any goodness-of-fit function
#' @param epsilon.type argument used to define a numeric value to be added to both \code{sim} and \code{obs} before applying fun. It was designed to allow the use of
#' logarithm and other similar functions that do not work with zero values. It must be one of the following possible values:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\emph{none}: no value added to \code{sim} or \code{obs}.}
#' \item{\emph{Pushpalatha2012}: one hundredth of the mean observed values is added to both \code{sim} and \code{obs} as described in Pushpalatha et al., 2012.}
#' \item{\emph{otherFactor}: the numeric value defined in \code{epsilon.value} is used to multiply the mean observed values instead of the one hundredth (1/100)
#' described in Pushpalatha et al., (2012). The resulting value is then added to both \code{sim} and \code{obs}.}
#' \item{\emph{otherValue}: the numeric value defined in \code{epsilon.value} is directly added to both \code{sim} and \code{obs}.}
#' }
#' @param epsilon.value numeric, value to be added to both \code{sim} and \code{obs} when \code{epsilon} = "otherValue".
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods.
#' @details
#' The \code{gof}, \code{mae}, \code{pbias}, \code{NSE}, \code{rPearson}, \code{sKGE}, and \code{KGE} functions are provided to calculate goodness of fit statistics.
#' The functions were adapted from the hydroGOF package \url{}.
#' @return
#' \code{gof} Returns a matrix of goodness of fit statistics. \code{mae}, \code{pbias}, \code{NSE}, \code{rPearson}, \code{sKGE}, and \code{KGE} return a numeric of the goodness of fit statistic.
#' @examples
#' gof(sim = sample(1:100), obs = sample(1:100))
#' @name GOF
# _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
# hydroGOF::gof #####
# _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
# Functions for goodness of fit
# - Adapted from hydroGOF package which was archived by CRAN on 2023-10-17 due to not updating to remove dependencies on retired r-spatial packages
# - hydroGOF package:
# It computes:
# 'me' : Mean Error
# 'mae' : Mean Absolute Error
# 'rms' : Root Mean Square Error
# 'nrms' : Normalized Root Mean Square Error
# 'r' : Pearson Correlation coefficient ( -1 <= r <= 1 )
# 'r.Spearman': Spearman Correlation coefficient ( -1 <= r <= 1 )
# 'R2' : Coefficient of Determination ( 0 <= r2 <= 1 )
# Gives the proportion of the variance of one variable that
# that is predictable from the other variable
# 'rSD' : Ratio of Standard Deviations, rSD = SD(sim) / SD(obs)
# 'RSR' : Ratio of the RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations
# 'NSE' : Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency ( -Inf <= NSE <= 1 )
# 'mNSE' : Modified Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
# 'rNSE' : Relative Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
# 'd' : Index of Agreement( 0 <= d <= 1 )
# 'dr' : Refined Index of Agreement( -1 <= dr <= 1 )
# 'md' : Modified Index of Agreement( 0 <= md <= 1 )
# 'rd' : Relative Index of Agreement( 0 <= rd <= 1 )
# 'cp' : Coefficient of Persistence ( 0 <= cp <= 1 )
# 'PBIAS' : Percent Bias ( -1 <= PBIAS <= 1 )
# 'bR2' : weighted coefficient of determination
# 'KGE' : Kling-Gupta efficiency (-Inf < KGE <= 1)
# 'sKGE' : Split Kling-Gupta efficiency (-Inf < sKGE <= 1)
# 'KGElf' : Kling-Gupta efficiency with focus on low values (-Inf < KGElf <= 1)
# 'KGEnp' : Non-parametric Kling-Gupta efficiency (-Inf < KGEnp <= 1)
# 'VE' : Volumetric efficiency
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
gof <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("gof")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
gof.default <- function(sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, do.spearman=FALSE, #do.pbfdc=FALSE,
#j=1, norm="sd",
s=c(1,1,1), method=c("2009", "2012"),
# lQ.thr=0.7, hQ.thr=0.2,
digits=2, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
method <- match.arg(method)
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
# Set non-calculated values to NA
d <- NULL
dr <- NULL
md <- NULL
rd <- NULL
cp <- NULL
bR2 <- NULL
# ME <- me(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
MAE <- mae(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# MSE <- mse(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# RMSE <- rmse(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# NRMSE <- nrmse(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, norm=norm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# RSR <- rsr(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# rSD <- rSD(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
PBIAS <- pbias(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
NSE <- NSE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# mNSE <- mNSE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, j=j, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# rNSE <- rNSE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# d <- d(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# dr <- dr(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# md <- md(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# rd <- rd(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# cp <- cp(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
r <- rPearson(sim, obs, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# bR2 <- br2(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
KGE <- KGE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, s=s, method=method, out.type="single",
fun=fun, ..., epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# KGElf <- KGElf(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, s=s, method=method,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
if ( inherits(sim, "zoo") & inherits(obs, "zoo") ) {
do.sKGE <- TRUE
sKGE <- sKGE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, s=s, method=method, out.type="single",
start.month=start.month, out.PerYear=FALSE, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
} else {
do.sKGE <- FALSE
sKGE <- NA
} # ELSE end
# KGEnp <- KGEnp(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, out.type="single", fun=fun, ...,
# epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
VE <- VE(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
# 'R2' is the Coefficient of Determination
# The coefficient of determination, R2, is useful because it gives the proportion of
# the variance (fluctuation) of one variable that is predictable from the other variable.
# It is a measure that allows us to determine how certain one can be in making
# predictions from a certain model/graph.
# The coefficient of determination is the ratio of the explained variation to the total
# variation.
# The coefficient of determination is such that 0 < R2 < 1, and denotes the strength
# of the linear association between x and y.
R2 <- r^2
if (do.spearman) {
# index of those elements that are present both in 'sim' and 'obs' (NON- NA values)
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
# Filtering 'obs' and 'sim', selecting only those pairs of elements
# that are present both in 'x' and 'y' (NON- NA values)
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
r.Spearman <- cor(sim, obs, method="spearman", use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# if 'sim' and 'obs' were matrixs or data.frame, then the correlation
# between observed and simulated values for each variable is given by the diagonal of 'r.Pearson'
if ( is.matrix(r.Spearman) | )
r.Spearman <- diag(r.Spearman)
} else {
r.Spearman <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
} # IF 'do.spearman' end
# if (do.pbfdc)
# pbfdc <- pbiasfdc(sim, obs, na.rm=na.rm, lQ.thr=lQ.thr, hQ.thr=hQ.thr, plot=FALSE,
# fun=fun, ..., epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
gof <- rbind(ME, MAE, MSE, RMSE, NRMSE, PBIAS, RSR, rSD, NSE, mNSE, rNSE, d, dr, md, rd, cp, r, R2, bR2, KGE, KGElf, KGEnp, VE)
if("NRMSE" %in% rownames(gof)){
rownames(gof)[which(rownames(gof) == "NRMSE")] <- "NRMSE %"
if("PBIAS" %in% rownames(gof)){
rownames(gof)[which(rownames(gof) == "PBIAS")] <- "PBIAS %"
if (do.spearman)
gof <- rbind(gof, r.Spearman)
# if (do.pbfdc) {
# gof <- rbind(gof, pbfdc)
# rownames(gof)[length(rownames(gof))] <- "pbiasFDC %"
# } # IF end
if (do.sKGE) {
gof <- c( gof[1:21], sKGE, gof[22:length(gof)] )
rownames(gof)[22] <- "sKGE"
} # IF end
# Rounding the final results, ofr avoiding scientific notation
gof <- round(gof, digits)
# valindex --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'valindex': index of the elements that belongs to both vectors
# 'x' : vector (numeric, xts, zoo)
# 'y' : vector (numeric, xts, zoo)
# 'Result': index containing the position in 'x' and 'y' where both vectors have valid elements (NON- NA)
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
valindex <- function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("valindex")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
valindex.default <- function(sim, obs, ...) {
if ( length(obs) != length(sim) ) {
stop( "Invalid argument: 'length(sim) != length(obs)' !! (", length(sim), "!=", length(obs), ") !!" )
} else {
index <- which(! & !
if (length(index)==0) warning("'sim' and 'obs' are empty or they do not have any common pair of elements with data !!")
return( index )
} # ELSE end
} # 'valindex' END
# preproc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'preproc': It applies a user-defined function to simulated and observed
# values before computing any goodness-of-fit function, probably
# adding a user-defined (and small) 'epsilon' value in order to
# allow the use of logarithm and other similar functions that do
# not work with zero values
# Reference: Pushpalatha, R., Perrin, C., Le Moine, N., & Andreassian, V.
# (2012). A review of efficiency criteria suitable for evaluating
# low-flow simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 420, 171-182.
# DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.055
# 'sim' : numeric, with simulated values
# 'obs' : numeric, with observed values
# 'fun' : function to be applied to 'sim' and 'obs' in order to obtain
# transformed values thereof before applying any goodness-of-fit
# function included in the hydroGOF package
# '...' : additional argument to be passed to fun
# 'epsilon.type' : argument used to define a numeric value to be added to both 'sim'
# and 'obs' before applying fun. It is was designed to allow the
# use of logarithm and other similar functions that do not work with
# zero values. It must be one of the following three possible values:
# -) "Pushpalatha2012": one hundredth of the mean observed values is
# added to both 'sim' and 'obs', as described
# in Pushpalatha et al., (2012).
# -) "otherFactor" : the numeric value defined in the \code{epsilon.value}
# argument is used to multiply the the mean
# observed values, instead of the
# one hundredth (1/100) described in Pushpalatha et al. (2012).
# The resulting value is then added to both
# \code{sim} and \code{obs}.
# -) "otherValue" : the numeric value defined in the 'epsilon.value'
# argument is directly added to both 'sim' and 'obs'
# 'epsilon.value': numeric value to be added to both 'sim' and 'obs' when
# 'epsilon="other"'
# 'Output': a list with two numeric vectors:
# 1) 'sim': simulated values after adding 'epsilon.value' and
# applying 'fun'
# 2) 'obs': observed values after adding 'epsilon.value' and
# applying 'fun'
preproc <- function (sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, fun, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
epsilon.value=0) {
# fun ?
fun.exists <- FALSE
if (!missing(fun)) {
fun.exists <- TRUE
fun <-
} # IF end
# epsilon.type ?
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
if (epsilon.type %in% c("otherFactor", "otherValue") ) {
if (
stop("Missing argument: you need to provide 'epsilon.value' !")
if ( !is.numeric(epsilon.value) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'epsilon.value' must be numeric !")
} # IF end
# epsilon.value
if (epsilon.type != "none") {
if (epsilon.type=="Pushpalatha2012") {
epsilon.value <- (1/100)*mean(obs, na.rm=na.rm)
} else if (epsilon.type=="otherFactor") {
epsilon.value <- epsilon.value*mean(obs, na.rm=na.rm)
} # ELSE (epsilon="otherValue"): epsilon.value=epsilon.value
} else epsilon.value <- 0
# Adding epsilon, before applying fun
obs <- obs + epsilon.value
sim <- sim + epsilon.value
# using fun (and 'epsilon.value')
if (fun.exists) {
obs.bak <- obs
sim.bak <- sim
obs <- fun( obs, ...)
sim <- fun( sim, ...)
if (length(obs) != length(obs.bak))
stop("Invalid argument: 'fun' returns an object with a length different from 'obs' or 'sim' !")
} # IF 'fun.exists' end
out <- list(sim=sim, obs=obs)
} # 'preproc' END
# rPearson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The 'r.Pearson' coefficient ranges from -1 to 1.
# A value of 1 shows that a linear equation describes the relationship
# perfectly and positively, with all data points lying on the same line
# and with Y increasing with X.
# A score of -1 shows that all data points lie on a single line but
# that Y increases as X decreases.
# A value of 0 shows that a linear model is not needed, i.e., that there
# is no linear relationship between the variables.
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
rPearson <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("rPearson")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
rPearson.default <- function(sim, obs, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
epsilon.value=NA) {
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo')")
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
obs <- as.numeric(obs[vi])
sim <- as.numeric(sim[vi])
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
rPearson <- cor(sim, obs, method="pearson", use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# if 'sim' and 'obs' were matrixs or data.frame, then the correlation
# between observed and simulated values for each variable is given by the diagonal of 'r.Pearson'
#if ( is.matrix(r.Pearson) | ) {
#r.Pearson <- diag(r.Pearson)
} else {
rPearson <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
} # 'rPearson.default' end
# sKGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'sKGE': Kling-Gupta Efficiency with focus on low flows
# The optimal value of sKGE is 1
# Ref:
# Fowler, K., Coxon, G., Freer, J., Peel, M., Wagener, T.,
# Western, A., Woods, R. and Zhang, L. (2018). Simulating runoff under
# changing climatic conditions: A framework for model improvement.
# Water Resources Research, 54(12), pp.9812-9832. doi:
#' @rdname GOF
#' @importFrom stats time
#' @importFrom zoo coredata
#' @export
sKGE <- function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("sKGE")
# epsilon: By default it is set at one hundredth of the mean flow. See Pushpalatha et al. (2012)
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
sKGE.default <- function(sim, obs, s=c(1,1,1), na.rm=TRUE,
method=c("2009", "2012"),
start.month=1, out.PerYear=FALSE,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
) {
lKGE <- function(i, lsim, lobs, s=c(1,1,1), na.rm=TRUE,
method=c("2009", "2012"), out.type="single",
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
epsilon.value=NA) {
llsim <- lsim[[i]]
llobs <- lobs[[i]]
out <- KGE(sim=llsim, obs=llobs, s=s, na.rm=na.rm, method=method, out.type=out.type,
fun=fun1, ..., epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
} #'lKGE' END
# Function for shifting a time vector by 'nmonths' number of months.
.shiftyears <- function(ltime, # Date/POSIX* object. It MUST contat MONTH and YEAR
lstart.month # numeric in [2,..,12], representing the months. 2:Feb, 12:Dec
) {
syears.bak <- as.numeric(format( ltime, "%Y" ))
syears <- syears
smonths <- as.numeric(format( ltime, "%m"))
months2moveback <- 1:(lstart.month-1)
N <- length(months2moveback)
for (i in 1:N) {
m.index <- which(smonths == months2moveback[i])
m.year <- unique(na.omit(syears.bak[m.index]))
m.year <- m.year - 1
syears[m.index] <- m.year
} # FOR end
} # '.shift' END
# Checking 'method' and 'epsilon.type'
method <- match.arg(method)
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
if ( !inherits(sim, "zoo") | !inherits(obs, "zoo"))
stop("Invalid argument: 'sim' and 'obs' must be 'zoo' objects !")
# Selecting only valid paris of values
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
} else stop("There are no points with simultaneous values of 'sim' and 'obs' !!")
# Annual index for 'x'
dates.sim <- time(sim)
dates.obs <- time(obs)
years.sim <- format( dates.sim, "%Y")
years.obs <- format( dates.obs, "%Y")
if (!all.equal(years.sim, years.obs)) {
stop("Invalid argument: 'sim' and 'obs' must have the same dates !")
} else {
if (start.month !=1)
years.obs <- .shiftyears(dates.obs, start.month)
years.unique <- unique(years.obs)
nyears <- length(years.unique)
} # ELSE end
# Getting a list of 'sim' and 'obs' values for each year
sim.PerYear <- split(coredata(sim), years.obs)
obs.PerYear <- split(coredata(obs), years.obs) # years.sim == years.obs
# Computing Annual KGE values
#if (!is.null(fun)) {
KGE.yr <- sapply(1:nyears, FUN=lKGE, lsim=sim.PerYear, lobs=obs.PerYear, s=s,
na.rm= na.rm, method=method, out.type="single",
fun1=fun, ..., epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
names(KGE.yr) <- as.character(years.unique)
sKGE <- mean(KGE.yr, na.rm=na.rm)
if (out.PerYear) {
out <- list(sKGE.value=sKGE, KGE.PerYear=KGE.yr)
} else out <- sKGE
} # 'sKGE.default' END
# KGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The optimal value of KGE is 1
# Ref1:
# Hoshin V. Gupta, Harald Kling, Koray K. Yilmaz, Guillermo F. Martinez,
# Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria:
# Implications for improving hydrological modelling,
# Journal of Hydrology, Volume 377, Issues 1-2, 20 October 2009, Pages 80-91,
# DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.003. ISSN 0022-1694,
# Ref2:
# Kling, H., M. Fuchs, and M. Paulin (2012), Runoff conditions in the upper
# Danube basin under an ensemble of climate change scenarios,
# Journal of Hydrology, Volumes 424-425, 6 March 2012, Pages 264-277,
# DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.011.
# Ref3: Tang, G., Clark, M. P., & Papalexiou, S. M. (2021).
# SC-earth: a station-based serially complete earth dataset from 1950 to 2019.
# Journal of Climate, 34(16), 6493-6511.
# DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0067.1.
# 'obs' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with observed values
# 'sim' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with simulated values
# 's' : scaling factors.
# 'Result': Kling-Gupta Efficiency between 'sim' and 'obs'
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
KGE <- function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("KGE")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
KGE.default <- function(sim, obs, s=c(1,1,1), na.rm=TRUE,
method=c("2009", "2012", "2021"), out.type=c("single", "full"),
fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
epsilon.value=NA) {
# If the user provided a value for 's'
if (!identical(s, c(1,1,1)) ) {
if ( length(s) != 3 ) stop("Invalid argument: lenght(s) must be equal to 3 !")
if ( sum(s) != 1 ) stop("Invalid argument: sum(s) must be equal to 1.0 !")
} # IF end
method <- match.arg(method)
out.type <- match.arg(out.type)
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo')")
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
obs <- as.numeric(obs[vi])
sim <- as.numeric(sim[vi])
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
# Mean values
mean.sim <- mean(sim, na.rm=na.rm)
mean.obs <- mean(obs, na.rm=na.rm)
# Standard deviations
sigma.sim <- sd(sim, na.rm=na.rm)
sigma.obs <- sd(obs, na.rm=na.rm)
# Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
r <- rPearson(sim, obs)
# Alpha is a measure of relative variability between simulated and observed values (See Ref1)
Alpha <- sigma.sim / sigma.obs
# Beta is the ratio between the mean of the simulated values to the mean of observations
Beta <- mean.sim / mean.obs
# Beta.2021 is the bias term proposed by Tang et al. (2021) to avoid the
# anomalously negative KE or KGE' values when the mean value is close to zero
Beta.2021 <- (mean.sim - mean.obs) / sigma.obs
# CV.sim is the coefficient of variation of the simulated values [dimensionless]
# CV.obs is the coefficient of variation of the observations [dimensionless]
CV.sim <- sigma.sim / mean.sim
CV.obs <- sigma.obs / mean.obs
# Gamma is the variability ratio, which is used instead of Alpha (See Ref2)
Gamma <- CV.sim / CV.obs
# Variability ratio depending on 'method'
if (method=="2012") {
br <- Beta
br.stg <- "Beta"
vr <- Gamma
vr.stg <- "Gamma"
} else if (method=="2009") {
br <- Beta
br.stg <- "Beta"
vr <- Alpha
vr.stg <- "Alpha"
} else if (method=="2021") {
br <- Beta.2021
br.stg <- "Beta.2021"
vr <- Alpha
vr.stg <- "Alpha"
} # ELSE end
# KGE Computation
if ( (mean.obs != 0) | (sigma.obs != 0) ) {
if ( (method=="2009") | (method=="2012") ) {
KGE <- 1 - sqrt( (s[1]*(r-1))^2 + (s[2]*(vr-1))^2 + (s[3]*(Beta-1))^2 )
} else KGE <- 1 - sqrt( (s[1]*(r-1))^2 + (s[2]*(vr-1))^2 + (s[3]*(Beta.2021))^2 )
} else {
if ( mean.obs != 0) warning("Warning: 'mean(obs)==0'. Beta = Inf")
if ( sigma.obs != 0) warning("Warning: 'sd(obs)==0'. ", vr.stg, " = Inf")
} # ELSE end
} else {
r <- NA
Beta <- NA
vr <- NA
br <- NA
if (method=="2012") {
br.stg <- "Beta"
vr.stg <- "Gamma"
} else if (method=="2009") {
br.stg <- "Beta"
vr.stg <- "Alpha"
} else {
br.stg <- "Beta.2021"
vr.stg <- "Alpha"
} # ELSE end
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
if (out.type=="single") {
out <- KGE
} else {
out <- list(KGE.value=KGE, KGE.elements=c(r, br, vr))
names(out[[2]]) <- c("r", br.stg, vr.stg)
} # ELSE end
} # 'KGE.default' end
# NSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) range from -Inf to 1.
# An efficiency of 1 (NSE = 1) corresponds to a perfect match of modeled to the observed data.
# An efficiency of 0 (NSE = 0) indicates that the model predictions are as accurate
# as the mean of the observed data, whereas
# an efficiency less than zero (-Inf < NSE < 0) occurs when the observed mean is a better predictor than the model.
# Essentially, the closer the model efficiency is to 1, the more accurate the model is.
# 'obs' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with observed values
# 'sim' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with simulated values
# 'Result': Nash-sutcliffe Efficiency between 'sim' and 'obs'
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
NSE <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("NSE")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
NSE.default <- function (sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo", "xts"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo", "xts")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo', 'xts')")
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
# index of those elements that are present both in 'sim' and 'obs' (NON- NA values)
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
# Filtering 'obs' and 'sim', selecting only those pairs of elements
# that are present both in 'x' and 'y' (NON- NA values)
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
denominator <- sum( (obs - mean(obs))^2 )
if (denominator != 0) {
NS <- 1 - ( sum( (obs - sim)^2 ) / denominator )
} else {
NS <- NA
warning("'sum((obs - mean(obs))^2)=0' => it is not possible to compute 'NSE'")
} else {
NS <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
} # 'NSE' end
# PBIAS (Percent Bias) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'obs' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with observed values
# 'sim' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with simulated values
# 'Result': Percent Bias between 'sim' and 'obs',
# when multiplied by 100, its units is percentage
# Ref: Yapo P. O., Gupta H. V., Sorooshian S., 1996.
# Automatic calibration of conceptual rainfall-runoff models:
# sensitivity to calibration data. Journal of Hydrology. v181 i1-4. 23-48.
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
pbias <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("pbias")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
pbias.default <- function(sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, dec=1, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo')")
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
# index of those elements that are present both in 'sim' and 'obs' (NON- NA values)
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
# Filtering 'obs' and 'sim', selecting only those pairs of elements
# that are present both in 'x' and 'y' (NON- NA values)
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
# lenght of the data sets that will be ocnsidered for the ocmputations
n <- length(obs)
denominator <- sum( obs )
if (denominator != 0) {
pbias <- 100 * ( sum( sim - obs ) / denominator )
pbias <- round(pbias, dec)
} else {
pbias <- NA
warning("'sum((obs)=0' -> it is not possible to compute 'pbias' !")
} else {
pbias <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
return( pbias )
} # 'pbias.default' end
# MAE (Mean Absolute Error) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'obs' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with observed values
# 'sim' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with simulated values
# 'Result': Mean Absolute Error between 'sim' and 'obs', in the same units of 'sim' and 'obs'
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
mae <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("mae")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
mae.default <- function(sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo')")
if ( length(obs) != length(sim) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'sim' & 'obs' doesn't have the same length !")
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
# index of those elements that are present both in 'sim' and 'obs' (NON- NA values)
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
# Filtering 'obs' and 'sim', selecting only those pairs of elements
# that are present both in 'x' and 'y' (NON- NA values)
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
mae <- mean( abs(sim - obs), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
mae <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
} # 'mae.default' end
# VE (Volumetric Efficiency) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reference: Criss, R. E. and Winston, W. E. (2008),
# Do Nash values have value? Discussion and alternate proposals.
# Hydrological Processes, 22: 2723-2725. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7072
# 'obs' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with observed values
# 'sim' : numeric 'data.frame', 'matrix' or 'vector' with simulated values
# 'Result': Mean Absolute Error between 'sim' and 'obs', in the same units of 'sim' and 'obs'
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
VE <-function(sim, obs, ...) UseMethod("VE")
#' @rdname GOF
#' @export
VE.default <- function(sim, obs, na.rm=TRUE, fun=NULL, ...,
epsilon.type=c("none", "Pushpalatha2012", "otherFactor", "otherValue"),
if (, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo", "xts"))) |, c("integer", "numeric", "ts", "zoo", "xts")))
) stop("Invalid argument type: 'sim' & 'obs' have to be of class: c('integer', 'numeric', 'ts', 'zoo', 'xts')")
if ( length(obs) != length(sim) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'sim' & 'obs' doesn't have the same length !")
epsilon.type <- match.arg(epsilon.type)
# index of those elements that are present both in 'sim' and 'obs' (NON- NA values)
vi <- valindex(sim, obs)
if (length(vi) > 0) {
# Filtering 'obs' and 'sim', selecting only those pairs of elements
# that are present both in 'x' and 'y' (NON- NA values)
obs <- obs[vi]
sim <- sim[vi]
if (!is.null(fun)) {
fun1 <-
new <- preproc(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1, ...,
epsilon.type=epsilon.type, epsilon.value=epsilon.value)
sim <- new[["sim"]]
obs <- new[["obs"]]
} # IF end
denominator <- sum(obs, na.rm=na.rm)
if (denominator != 0) {
ve <- 1 - ( sum( abs(sim-obs) ) / denominator )
} else {
ve <- NA
warning("'sum((obs)=0' => it is not possible to compute 'VE' !")
} else {
ve <- NA
warning("There are no pairs of 'sim' and 'obs' without missing values !")
} # ELSE end
} # 'VE.default' end
# Methods extending generics in package hydroGOF
# - NSE method
# - pbias method
#' Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
#' Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency calculation for imported HYPE outputs with single variables for several catchments, i.e. time and
#' map files, optionally multiple model run iterations combined.
#' @param sim \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array with simulated variable (one or several iterations).
#' @param obs \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array with observed variable, (one iteration). If several iterations are present
#' in the array, only the first will be used.
#' @param na.rm Logical. If \code{TRUE}, incomplete sim-obs pairs will be removed prior to NSE computation.
#' @param progbar Logical, if \code{TRUE} progress bars will be printed for main computational steps.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return
#' \code{NSE.HypeSingleVar} returns a 2-dimensional array of NSE performances for all SUBIDs and model iterations provided in
#' argument \code{sim}, with values in the same order
#' as the second and third dimension in \code{sim}, i.e. \code{[subid, iteration]}.
#' @examples
#' # Create dummy data, discharge observations with added white noise as model simulations
#' te1 <- ReadObs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Qobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te1 <- HypeSingleVar(x = array(data = unlist(te1[, -1]) +
#' runif(n = nrow(te1), min = -.5, max = .5),
#' dim = c(nrow(te1), ncol(te1) - 1, 1),
#' dimnames = list(rownames(te1), colnames(te1)[-1])),
#' datetime = te1$DATE, subid = obsid(te1), hype.var = "cout")
#' te2 <- ReadObs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Qobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2 <- HypeSingleVar(x = array(data = unlist(te2[, -1]),
#' dim = c(nrow(te2), ncol(te2) - 1, 1),
#' dimnames = list(rownames(te2), colnames(te2)[-1])),
#' datetime = te2$DATE, subid = obsid(te2), hype.var = "rout")
#' # Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
#' NSE(sim = te1, obs = te2, progbar = FALSE)
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @export
NSE.HypeSingleVar <- function(sim, obs, na.rm = TRUE, progbar = TRUE, ...) {
# Check that 'sim' and 'obs' have the same dimensions
if (all.equal(dim(sim)[1:2], dim(obs)[1:2]) != TRUE)
stop(paste0("Invalid argument: dim(sim)[1:2] != dim(obs)[1:2] ( [", paste(dim(sim)[1:2], collapse=", "),
"] != [", paste(dim(obs)[1:2], collapse=", "), "] )"))
## internal variables used in (pb)l/sapply below
# dimensions of HypeSingleVar array
dm <- dim(sim)
# sequence along number of time series in simulation array, to apply over
dim.seq <- seq(dm[2] * dm[3])
# 2nd dim indices in correct order, corresponding to time series sequence above
dim.y <- rep(1:dm[2], times = dm[3])
# 3rd dim indices in correct order, corresponding to time series sequence above
dim.z <- rep(1:dm[3], each = dm[2])
# internal function to split HypeSingleVar array into a list of time series, used in (pb)lapply below
array2list <- function(x, y, z, a) {as.numeric(a[, y[x], z[x]])}
# calculate NSEs, with conditional verbosity
if (progbar) {
cat("Preparing 'sim'.\n")
s <- pblapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = sim)
cat("Preparing 'obs'.\n")
o <- pblapply(dim.seq[1:dm[2]], array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = obs)
cat("Calculating NSE.\n")
nse <- array(pbsapply(dim.seq,
FUN = function(x, y, s, o, nr) {NSE.default(sim = s[[x]], obs = o[[y[x]]], nr = na.rm)},
y = dim.y,
s = s,
o = o,
nr = na.rm),
dim = dm[2:3])
} else {
nse <- array(sapply(dim.seq,
FUN = function(x, y, s, o, nr) {NSE.default(sim = s[[x]], obs = o[[y[x]]], nr = na.rm)},
y = dim.y,
s = lapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = sim),
o = lapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = obs),
nr = na.rm),
dim = dm[2:3])
# return NSEs, array with 2nd and 3rd dimension extent of input array
#' Percent bias
#' Percent bias (PBIAS) calculation for imported HYPE outputs with single variables for several catchments, i.e. time and
#' map files, optionally multiple model runs combined.
#' @param sim \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array with simulated variable (one or several iterations).
#' @param obs \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array with observed variable, (one iteration). If several iterations are present
#' in the array, only the first will be used.
#' @param na.rm Logical. If \code{TRUE}, incomplete sim-obs pairs will be removed prior to PBIAS computation.
#' @param progbar Logical. If \code{TRUE}, progress bars will be printed for main computational steps.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return
#' \code{pbias.HypeSingleVar} returns a 2-dimensional array of NSE performances for all SUBIDs and model iterations provided in
#' argument \code{sim}, with values in the same order
#' as the second and third dimension in \code{sim}, i.e. \code{[subid, iteration]}.
#' @examples
#' # Create dummy data, discharge observations with added white noise as model simulations
#' te1 <- ReadObs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Qobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te1 <- HypeSingleVar(x = array(data = unlist(te1[, -1]) +
#' runif(n = nrow(te1), min = -.5, max = .5),
#' dim = c(nrow(te1), ncol(te1) - 1, 1),
#' dimnames = list(rownames(te1), colnames(te1)[-1])),
#' datetime = te1$DATE, subid = obsid(te1), hype.var = "cout")
#' te2 <- ReadObs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Qobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2 <- HypeSingleVar(x = array(data = unlist(te2[, -1]),
#' dim = c(nrow(te2), ncol(te2) - 1, 1),
#' dimnames = list(rownames(te2), colnames(te2)[-1])),
#' datetime = te2$DATE, subid = obsid(te2), hype.var = "rout")
#' # Percentage bias
#' pbias(sim = te1, obs = te2, progbar = FALSE)
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @export
pbias.HypeSingleVar <- function(sim, obs, na.rm = TRUE, progbar = TRUE, ...){
# Check that 'sim' and 'obs' have the same dimensions
if (all.equal(dim(sim)[1:2], dim(obs)[1:2]) != TRUE)
stop(paste0("Invalid argument: dim(sim)[1:2] != dim(obs)[1:2] ( [", paste(dim(sim)[1:2], collapse=", "),
"] != [", paste(dim(obs)[1:2], collapse=", "), "] )"))
## internal variables used in (pb)l/sapply below
# dimensions of HypeSingleVar array
dm <- dim(sim)
# sequence along number of time series in array, to apply over
dim.seq <- seq(dm[2] * dm[3])
# 2nd dim indices in correct order, corresponding to time series sequence above
dim.y <- rep(1:dm[2], times = dm[3])
# 3rd dim indices in correct order, corresponding to time series sequence above
dim.z <- rep(1:dm[3], each = dm[2])
# internal function to split HypeSingleVar array into a list of time series, used in (pb)lapply below
array2list <- function(x, y, z, a) {as.numeric(a[, y[x], z[x]])}
# calculate PBIAS, with conditional verbosity
if (progbar) {
cat("Preparing 'sim'.\n")
s <- pblapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = sim)
cat("Preparing 'obs'.\n")
o <- pblapply(dim.seq[1:dm[2]], array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = obs)
cat("Calculating PBIAS.\n")
pb <- array(pbsapply(dim.seq,
FUN = function(x, y, s, o, nr) {pbias.default(sim = s[[x]], obs = o[[y[x]]], nr = na.rm)},
y = dim.y,
s = s,
o = o,
nr = na.rm),
dim = dm[2:3])
} else {
pb <- array(sapply(dim.seq,
FUN = function(x, y, s, o, nr) {pbias.default(sim = s[[x]], obs = o[[y[x]]], nr = na.rm)},
y = dim.y,
s = lapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = sim),
o = lapply(dim.seq, array2list, y = dim.y, z = dim.z, a = obs),
nr = na.rm),
dim = dm[2:3])
# return PBIASs, array with 2nd and 3rd dimension extent of input array
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