#' IGP R6 object for fitting GPfit model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 20
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_GPfit$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' \donttest{
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' }
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_GPfit ----
IGP_GPfit <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_GPfit", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(...) {
      # if (self$estimate.nugget) {
      #   warning("GPfit cannot estimate or set the nugget, it picks a stable value")
      # }
      if (self$corr[[1]] == "gauss") {
        self$mod <- GPfit::GP_fit(self$X, self$Z, corr = list(type="exponential",power=2))
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "powerexp") {
        self$mod <- GPfit::GP_fit(self$X, self$Z, corr = list(type="exponential",power=self$corr.power))
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern") {
        self$mod <- GPfit::GP_fit(self$X, self$Z, corr = list(type="matern",nu=self$corr[[2]]))
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern5_2") {
        self$mod <- GPfit::GP_fit(self$X, self$Z, corr = list(type="matern",nu=5/2))
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern3_2") {
        self$mod <- GPfit::GP_fit(self$X, self$Z, corr = list(type="matern",nu=3/2))
      } else {
        stop("corr not recognized for GPfit")
    .update = function(...){
    }, #"function",
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...){
      if (se.fit) {
        preds <- GPfit::predict.GP(self$mod, XX, se.fit=se.fit)
        list(fit=preds$Y_hat, se.fit=sqrt(preds$MSE))
      } else {
        GPfit::predict.GP(self$mod, XX)$Y_hat
    }, #"function",
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {sqrt(GPfit::predict.GP(object=self$mod, xnew=XX, se.fit=T)$MSE)}, #"function",
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {GPfit::predict.GP(object=self$mod, xnew=XX, se.fit=T)$MSE}, #"function",
    #.grad = NULL,
    .delete = function(...){self$mod <- NULL}, #"function",
    .theta = function() {10^(self$mod$beta)}, #"function",
    .nugget = function() {self$mod$delta}, #"function",
    .s2 = function() {self$mod$sig2},
    .mean = function() {self$predict(rep(Inf, ncol(u$X)))} # function that gives mean


#' IGP R6 object for fitting laGP model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_laGP$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_laGP ----
IGP_laGP <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_laGP", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(..., d=NULL, g=NULL, theta=NULL, nugget=NULL, no_update=FALSE) {
      if (self$corr[[1]] != "gauss") {
        stop("laGP only uses Gaussian correlation")

      if (is.null(d) & !is.null(theta)) {d <- 1/theta}
      if (is.null(g) && is.null(nugget) && !is.null(self$nugget0)) {g <- self$nugget0}
      if (is.null(g) & !is.null(nugget)) {g <- nugget}

      if (no_update) {
        if (is.null(d)) {stop("d or theta must be given when using no_update")}
        if (is.null(g)) {stop("g or nugget must be given when using no_update")}
        da_start <- d
        ga_start <- g
      } else { # Estimating params
        da <- laGP::darg(list(mle=TRUE), X=self$X)
        ga.try <- try(ga <- laGP::garg(list(mle=TRUE), y=self$Z), silent = T)
        if (inherits(ga.try, "try-error")) {
          # warning("Adding noise to ga in laGP"); # Not too important a warning
          # Sometimes first try doesn't work, so looping with bigger eps
          eps_ga <- 1e-2
          while (TRUE) {
            ga <- try(laGP::garg(list(mle=TRUE),
            if (!inherits(ga, "try-error")) {break()}
            eps_ga <- 2 * eps_ga
        # Follow recommendations for small samples, otherwise use bigger range
        drange <- if (nrow(self$X)<20) c(da$min, da$max) else c(1e-3,1e4) #c(da$min, da$max), # Don't like these small ranges
        grange <- c(ga$min, ga$max)
        # da_start <- if (!is.null(d)) d else da$start
        # ga_start <- if (!is.null(g)) g else ga$start
        # Need to make sure starting values are in ranges
        if (!is.null(d)) {
          da_start <- d
          drange <- c(min(drange[1], d), max(drange[2], d))
        } else {
          da_start <- da$start
        if (!is.null(g)) {
          ga_start <- g
          grange <- c(min(grange[1], g), max(grange[2], g))
        } else {
          ga_start <- ga$start
      mod1 <- laGP::newGPsep(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, d=da_start, g=ga_start, dK = TRUE)
      #mod1 <- laGP::newGPsep(X=X, Z=Z, d=da$start, g=1e-6, dK = TRUE)
      if (no_update) { #using d and g given
        self$mod.extra$theta = as.numeric(1 / d) # store theta params
        self$mod.extra$nugget = as.numeric(g) # store nugget
      } else if (!no_update && !self$estimate.nugget) { # Only estimate d/theta
        mle.out <- laGP::mleGPsep(gpsepi = mod1,
                                  tmin=drange[1], tmax=drange[2],
                                  verb=0, maxit=1000)
        self$mod.extra$theta <- as.numeric(1 / mle.out$d) # store theta params
        self$mod.extra$nugget <- g
        # Leave nugget as is
      } else if (!no_update) { # Update both
        mle.out <- laGP::jmleGPsep(gpsepi = mod1,
                                   #dab=da$ab, gab=ga$ab, # Will use MLE without these
                                   verb=0, maxit=1000)
        self$mod.extra$theta = as.numeric(1 / mle.out[1,1:ncol(self$X)]) # store theta params
        self$mod.extra$nugget = as.numeric(mle.out[1,ncol(self$X) + 1]) # store nugget
      } else {stop("Shouldn't be here IGP_laGP #32097555")}
      self$mod <- mod1
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(..., no_update=FALSE) {
      if (no_update) { # just add data and return
                          X=self$X[-(1:self$n.at.last.update), , drop=FALSE],

      # Start over if not many points, had problems getting stuck in bad spots early
      if (self$n.at.last.update < 20) {

      da <- laGP::darg(list(mle=TRUE), X=self$X)
      # Had problem with garg that didn't make sense, trying to fix by adding noise to Z
      ga.try <- try(ga <- laGP::garg(list(mle=TRUE), y=self$Z), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(ga.try, "try-error")) {
        print("Adding noise to Z so garg doesn't give error")
        noise.sd <- 1e-8
        while (TRUE) {
          ga.try <- try(ga <- laGP::garg(list(mle=TRUE), y=self$Z + rnorm(length(self$Z), 0, noise.sd)), silent = TRUE)
          if (!inherits(ga.try, "try-error")) {break}
          noise.sd <- 10 * noise.sd
      n.since.last.update <- nrow(self$X) - self$n.at.last.update
      if (n.since.last.update < 1) {
        warning("Can't update, no new X rows, but can optimize again")
      } else {
        if (self$n.at.last.update < 10 || n.since.last.update > .25 * self$n.at.last.update) {
          # start over if too many
        } else {
          lagpupdate.try <- try(
                              X=self$X[-(1:self$n.at.last.update), , drop=FALSE],
          if (inherits(lagpupdate.try, "try-error")) {
            stop("Error in lagpupdate.try #8257")
      drange <- c(1e-3,1e4)
      grange <- c(min(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),self$mod.extra$nugget), max(1,self$mod.extra$nugget))
      if (no_update) {
        stop("This is covered above at beginning of .update")
      } else if (!no_update && !self$estimate.nugget) { # update d/theta but not nugget/g
        mle.try <- try(mle.out <- laGP::mleGPsep(gpsepi = self$mod,
                                                 param = "d",
                                                 tmin=drange[1], tmax=drange[2],
                                                 verb=0, maxit=1000))
        if (inherits(mle.try, "try-error")) {
          # Sometimes gives error: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'

          warning('Restarting laGP model after mle error #40297')
          self$init(..., no_update=no_update)
        # Update stored parameters for when user calls $theta() or $nugget()
        self$mod.extra$theta = as.numeric(1 / mle.out$d) # store theta params
        # leave nugget as it was
      } else if (!no_update && self$estimate.nugget) {
        mle.try <- try(mle.out <- laGP::jmleGPsep(gpsepi = self$mod,
                                                  #drange=c(da$min, da$max), # Getting rid of these here too
                                                  #grange=c(ga$min, ga$max),
                                                  grange=grange, # Had error of nugget starting outside bound
                                                  #dab=da$ab, gab=ga$ab,
                                                  verb=0, maxit=1000))
        if (inherits(mle.try, "try-error")) {
          # Sometimes gives error: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'

          warning('Restarting laGP model after jmle error #19378')
        # Update stored parameters for when user calls $theta() or $nugget()
        self$mod.extra$theta = as.numeric(1 / mle.out[1,1:ncol(self$X)]) # store theta params
        self$mod.extra$nugget = as.numeric(mle.out[1,ncol(self$X) + 1]) # store nugget
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...){
      if (se.fit) {
        preds <- laGP::predGPsep(self$mod, XX, lite=TRUE)
        # Sometimes preds$s2 is negative
        numneg <- sum(preds$s2<0)
        if (numneg > 0) {
          if (nrow(XX) - numneg >= 5) {
            newmin <- min(preds$s2[preds$s2 > 0])
            preds$s2 <- pmax(newmin, preds$s2)
            message(paste0("laGP gave ",numneg," s2 preds < 0, setting them to min pos s2 pred of ", newmin))
          } else {
            message(paste0("laGP gave ",numneg," s2 preds < 0, setting them to have pos s2 of ", 1e-16))
            preds$s2 <- pmax(1e-16, preds$s2)
        list(fit=preds$mean, se.fit=sqrt(preds$s2))
      } else {
        laGP::predGPsep(self$mod, XX, lite=TRUE)$mean
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {
      # sqrt(laGP::predGPsep(self$mod, XX, lite=TRUE)$s2)

      # laGP can give neg s2 values, problem with sqrt, so check for it
      sqrt(self$.predict.var(XX=XX, ...))
    }, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {
      # laGP::predGPsep(self$mod, XX, lite=TRUE)$s2

      # laGP can give neg s2 values, problem with sqrt, so check for it
      s2 <- laGP::predGPsep(self$mod, XX, lite=TRUE)$s2
      numneg <- sum(s2<0)
      if (numneg > 0) {#print("Fixing laGP var")
        if (nrow(XX) - numneg >= 5) {
          newmin <- min(s2[s2 > 0])
          s2 <- pmax(newmin, s2)
          message(paste0("laGP gave ",numneg," s2 preds < 0, setting them to min pos s2 pred of ", newmin))
        } else {
          message(paste0("laGP gave ",numneg," s2 preds < 0, setting them to have pos s2 of ", 1e-16))
          s2 <- pmax(1e-16, s2)

    }, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...) {
      if (!is.null(self$mod)) {
        self$mod <- NULL
    }, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {self$mod.extra$theta}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$mod.extra$nugget}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = function() {self$predict.var(rep(1e4, ncol(self$X)))},
    .mean = function() {0} # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting tgp model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_tgp$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' \donttest{
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' }
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_tgp ----
IGP_tgp <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_tgp", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(package=self$package, ...) {
      if (self$corr[[1]] != "gauss") {
        stop("tgp only uses Gaussian correlation")
      if (is.null(self$package)) {
        self$package <- "btgp"
        package <- self$package
      stopifnot(!is.null(package), length(package) == 1)
      modfunc <-  if (package == "blm") tgp::blm
      else if (package == "btlm") tgp::btlm
      else if (package == "bcart") tgp::bcart
      else if (package == "bgp") tgp::bgp
      else if (package == "bgpllm") tgp::bgpllm
      else if (package == "btgp") tgp::btgp
      else if (package == "btgpllm") tgp::btgpllm
      capture.output(mod1 <- modfunc(self$X, self$Z))
      self$mod <- mod1
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...){
      Xsplit0 <- self$mod$Xsplit # Need to add this Xsplit stuff so it can predict outside the box of original data
      # This is the workaround mentioned on p37 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tgp/tgp.pdf, have to as.matrix to avoid col name error
      self$mod$Xsplit <- rbind(as.matrix(Xsplit0), XX)
      capture.output(preds <- with(globalenv(), predict)(self$mod, XX))
      self$mod$Xsplit <- Xsplit0 # Reset value
      if (se.fit) {
        list(fit=preds$ZZ.km, se.fit=sqrt(preds$ZZ.ks2))
      } else {
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {
      Xsplit0 <- self$mod$Xsplit # Need to add this Xsplit stuff so it can predict outside the box of original data
      # This is the workaround mentioned on p37 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tgp/tgp.pdf, have to as.matrix to avoid col name error
      self$mod$Xsplit <- rbind(as.matrix(Xsplit0), XX)
      toreturn <- sqrt(with(globalenv(), predict)(self$mod, XX)$ZZ.ks2)
      self$mod$Xsplit <- Xsplit0 # Reset value
    }, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {
      Xsplit0 <- self$mod$Xsplit # Need to add this Xsplit stuff so it can predict outside the box of original data
      # This is the workaround mentioned on p37 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tgp/tgp.pdf, have to as.matrix to avoid col name error
      self$mod$Xsplit <- rbind(as.matrix(Xsplit0), XX)
      toreturn <- with(globalenv(), predict)(self$mod, XX)$ZZ.ks2
      self$mod$Xsplit <- Xsplit0 # Reset value
    }, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...) {self$mod <- NULL}, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {rep(NA, ncol(self$X))}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {NA}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = NULL,
    .mean = NULL # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting mlegp model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_mlegp$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_mlegp ----
IGP_mlegp <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_mlegp", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(...) {
      if (self$corr[[1]] != "gauss") {
        stop("mlegp only uses Gaussian correlation")
      # Have to do this for nugget or else it won't work
      temp_nug <- if (self$estimate.nugget == FALSE) NULL
      else if (self$estimate.nugget == TRUE) self$nugget0
      temp_nug_known <- self$nugget0 #if (is.null(self$nugget0)) 0 else self$nugget0

      # Having trouble when nugget passed as ... since two match, so trying other method
      if (FALSE) {
        # Use these in case they are passed as ...
        if (!exists("nugget")) temp_nug <- NULL
        if (!exists("nugget.known")) temp_nug_known <- NULL
        co <- capture.output(m <- mlegp::mlegp(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, verbose=0,
                                               nugget = nugget, #temp_nug,
                                               nugget.known = nugget.known, #temp_nug_known,
                                               #nugget = self$nugget0,
      } else { # use args and do.call to avoid multiple matching
        argss <- list(...)
        argss$X <- self$X
        argss$Z <- self$Z
        argss$verbose <- 0
        if (is.null(argss$nugget)) argss$nugget <- temp_nug
        if (is.null(argss$nugget.known)) argss$nugget.known <- temp_nug_known
        co <- capture.output(m <- do.call(mlegp::mlegp, argss))

      self$mod <- m
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...) {
      pred <- mlegp::predict.gp(object=self$mod, newData=XX, se.fit = se.fit)
      # If only Z then return as numeric instead of list
      if (se.fit) {
      } else{
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {c(mlegp::predict.gp(object=self$mod, newData=XX, se.fit=T)$se.fit)}, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {c(mlegp::predict.gp(object=self$mod, newData=XX, se.fit=T)$se.fit^2)}, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...){self$mod <- NULL}, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {self$mod$beta}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$mod$nugget}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = function() {self$mod$sig2},
    .mean = function() {self$mod$mu[1]} # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting GauPro model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_GauPro$new(X=X1,Z=Z1, parallel=FALSE)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_GauPro ----
IGP_GauPro <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_GauPro", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(...) {
      if (self$corr[[1]] != "gauss") {
        stop("GauPro only uses Gaussian correlation")
      #m <- GauPro::GauPro$new(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, ...)
      #m <- GauPro::GauPr_Gauss_par$new(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, ...)
      m <- GauPro::GauPro(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, nug.est=self$estimate.nugget, nug=self$nugget0, ...)
      self$mod <- m
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
      self$mod$update(Xall=self$X, Zall=self$Z, ...)
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...) {
      if (se.fit) {
        preds <- self$mod$pred(XX=XX, se.fit=T)
        list(fit=preds$mean, se.fit=preds$se)
      } else {
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {self$mod$pred(XX=XX, se.fit=T)$se}, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {self$mod$pred(XX=XX, se.fit=T)$s2}, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = function(XX) {self$mod$grad(XX=XX)}, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...){self$mod <- NULL}, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {self$mod$theta}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$mod$nug}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = function() {self$mod$s2_hat},
    .mean = function() {self$mod$mu_hat} # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting DiceKriging model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_DiceKriging$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_DiceKriging ----
IGP_DiceKriging <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_DiceKriging", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(...) {
      if (!exists("covtype")) {
        if (self$corr[[1]] %in% c("gauss", "powexp", "exp", "matern5_2", "matern3_2")) {
          covtype <- self$corr[[1]]
        } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "powerexp") {
          covtype <- "powexp"
        } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern") {
          if (self$corr[[2]] == 3/2) {covtype <- "matern3_2"}
          else if (self$corr[[2]] == 5/2) {covtype <- "matern5_2"}
          else {stop("DiceKriging can only do Matern 3/2 and 5/2")}
        } else {
          stop("corr not recognized for DiceKriging, printed above this line")
      #capture.output(mod1 <- DiceKriging::km(design=X, response=Z, covtype="gauss", nugget.estim=T))
      capture.output(mod1 <- DiceKriging::km(design=self$X, response=self$Z,
                                             nugget.estim=self$estimate.nugget, nugget=self$nugget0, ...))
      self$mod <- mod1
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
      n.since.last.update = nrow(self$X) - self$n.at.last.update
      if (n.since.last.update < 1) {
        message("Can't update, no new X rows")
      } else {
        if (self$n.at.last.update < 10 || n.since.last.update > .25 * self$n.at.last.update) {
          # start over if too many
        } else {
          capture.output(DiceKriging::update(object=mod, newX=self$X[-(1:self$n.at.last.update),], newy=self$Z[-(1:self$n.at.last.update)],
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...){
      if (se.fit) {
        preds <- DiceKriging::predict.km(self$mod, XX, type = "SK", checkNames=F)
        list(fit=preds$mean, se.fit=sqrt(preds$sd))
      } else {
        DiceKriging::predict.km(self$mod, XX, type = "SK", checkNames=F)$mean
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {DiceKriging::predict.km(self$mod, XX, type = "SK", checkNames=F)$sd}, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {(DiceKriging::predict.km(self$mod, XX, type = "SK", checkNames=F)$sd) ^ 2}, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...) {self$mod <- NULL}, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {self$mod@covariance@range.val}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$mod@covariance@nugget}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = function() {self$mod@covariance@sd2},
    .mean = function() {self$mod@trend.coef[1]} # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting sklearn model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require sklearn in Python, called with R package reticulate
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_sklearn$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$predict.var(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' }
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @importFrom reticulate py_run_string
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_sklearn ----
IGP_sklearn <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_sklearn", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    pypack = "reticulate", #"PythonInR",
    py = list(
      reticulate = list(
        conn = function() {require(reticulate)},
        exec = reticulate::py_run_string,
        assign = function(key, value) {py[[key]] <- value},
        get = function(key) {py[[key]]},
        close = function() {}
      #   PythonInR = list(
      #     conn = function() {PythonInR::pyOptions("numpyAlias", "np");if (!PythonInR::pyIsConnected()) {PythonInR::pyConnect()}},
      #     exec = PythonInR::pyExec,
      #     assign = function(key, value) {PythonInR::pySet(key=key, value=value, useSetPoly = TRUE, useNumpy = TRUE)},
      #     get = PythonInR::pyGet,
      #     close = PythonInR::pyExit
      #   )#,
      # rPython = list(
      #   conn = function() {},
      #   exec = function() {},#rPython::python.exec,
      #   assign = function() {},#rPython::assign,
      #   get = function() {},#rPython::get
      #   close = function() {}
      # )
    .init = function(...) {
      #rPython::python.exec('import sys') # These first two lines need to go
      #rPython::python.exec("sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/collin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/')")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('import numpy as np')
      #self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('import numpy')
      #rPython::python.exec('import numpy as np')
      #rPython::python.exec('from sklearn import gaussian_process')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor')
      # rPython::python.exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("import warnings")
      # rPython::python.exec("import warnings")
      # rPython::python.exec("warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')")

      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("inputdim", ncol(self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("X1", (self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("y1", matrix(self$Z, ncol=1))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  np.matrix(X1)')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y = np.matrix(y1).reshape((-1,1))')
      # if (!self$estimate.nugget) {
      #   warning("sklearn will estimate the nugget")
      # }

      # Get text line for kernel, don't run yet
      if (self$corr[[1]] == "gauss") {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF')
        kernline <- 'kernel = RBF(length_scale=np.asarray([1. for ijk in range(inputdim)]))'
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern") {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern')
        kernline <- paste0('kernel = Matern(length_scale=np.asarray([1 for ijk in range(inputdim)]), nu=', self$corr[[2]],')')
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern5_2") {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern')
        kernline <- 'kernel = Matern(length_scale=np.asarray([1 for ijk in range(inputdim)]), nu=2.5)'
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern3_2") {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern')
        kernline <- 'kernel = Matern(length_scale=np.asarray([1 for ijk in range(inputdim)]), nu=1.5)'
      } else {
        stop("corr not recognized for sklearn")
      # Execute kernline

      # Add WhiteKernel if estimate nugget
      if (self$estimate.nugget) {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import WhiteKernel')
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('kernel += WhiteKernel(noise_level=1e-6, noise_level_bounds=(1e-10, 1e5))')

      # Set alpha if needed, else run
      if (!self$estimate.nugget) { # set nug and don't estimate
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10, alpha=',self$nugget0,')')
      } else if (self$estimate.nugget) { # estimate nugget but not given
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)')
        # } else if (self$estimate.nugget) { # nug not given but estimate it
        #   self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)')
      } else {
        stop("no sklearn option error #928248")
      #rPython::python.exec('gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)')
      # Need to give it restarts, just predicted zero when this argument was left out

      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.fit(X, y)")

      self$mod <- "sklearn model is in Python"
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("X1", (self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("y1", matrix(self$Z, ncol=1))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  np.matrix(X1)')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y = np.matrix(y1).reshape((-1,1))')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.fit(X, y)")
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(xp, return_std=True)")
      y_pred <- unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$get("y_pred"))
      if (se.fit) {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("std = np.sqrt(sigma2_pred)")
             se.fit=unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$get("std"))) #np.sqrt(sigma2_pred).tolist()")))
      } else {
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(xp, return_std=True)")
      # unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$get("np.sqrt(sigma2_pred).tolist()"))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("stdev = np.sqrt(sigma2_pred)")
    }, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(xp, return_std=True)")
    }, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...){
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('xp =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('xp1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y_pred =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('sigma2_pred =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('gp =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('inputdim =  None')
      self$mod <- NULL
    }, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {rep(NA, ncol(self$X))}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$py[[self$pypack]]$get('gp.kernel.get_params()')}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = NULL,
    .mean = NULL # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting GPy model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
# @importFrom PythonInR pyOptions pySet
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require numpy and GPy in Python, called with R package reticulate
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_GPy$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$predict.var(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' }
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_GPy ----
IGP_GPy <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_GPy", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    pypack = "reticulate",
    py = list(
      reticulate = list(
        conn = function() {require(reticulate)},
        exec = reticulate::py_run_string,
        assign = function(key, value) {py[[key]] <- value},
        get = function(key) {py[[key]]},
        close = function() {}
      # PythonInR = list(
      #   conn = function() {PythonInR::pyOptions("numpyAlias", "np");if (!PythonInR::pyIsConnected()) {PythonInR::pyConnect()}},
      #   exec = PythonInR::pyExec,
      #   assign = function(key, value) {PythonInR::pySet(key=key, value=value, useSetPoly = TRUE, useNumpy = TRUE)},
      #   get = PythonInR::pyGet,
      #   close = PythonInR::pyExit
      # )#,
      # rPython = list(
      #   conn = function() {},
      #   exec = function() {},#rPython::python.exec,
      #   assign = function() {},#rPython::assign,
      #   get = function() {},#rPython::get
      #   close = function() {}
      # )
    .init = function(...) {
      if (self$corr[[1]] == "gauss") {
        kernline <- 'kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=inputdim, ARD=True)'
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern") {
        stop("GPy only does matern5_2 and matern3_2")
        #kernline <- 'kernel = Matern(length_scale=np.asarray([1 for ijk in range(inputdim)]), nu=2.5)'
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern5_2") {
        kernline <- 'kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=inputdim, ARD=True)'
      } else if (self$corr[[1]] == "matern3_2") {
        kernline <- 'kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=inputdim, ARD=True)'
      } else {
        stop("corr not recognized for GPy")
      #rPython::python.exec('import sys') # These first two lines need to go
      #rPython::python.exec("sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/collin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/')")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('import numpy as np')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('import GPy')

      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("inputdim", ncol(self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("X1", (self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("y1", matrix(self$Z, ncol=1))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  np.matrix(X1)')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y = np.matrix(y1).reshape((-1,1))')
      #rPython::python.exec("kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=inputdim, variance=1., lengthscale=[1. for iii in range(inputdim)],ARD=True)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp = GPy.models.GPRegression(X,y,kernel)")
      # if (is.null(self$nugget0)) {
      #   self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.likelihood.variance = 1e-8")
      # } else {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec(paste0("gp.likelihood.variance = ",self$nugget0,""))
      # }
      if (!self$estimate.nugget) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.optimize_restarts(num_restarts = 5,  verbose=False)")

      self$mod <- "GPy model is in Python"
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("X1", (self$X))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("y1", matrix(self$Z, ncol=1))
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  np.matrix(X1)')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y = np.matrix(y1).reshape((-1,1))')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.set_XY(X = X, Y = y)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("gp.optimize_restarts(num_restarts = 5,  verbose=False)")
    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(np.asarray(xp))")
      y_pred <- unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$get("y_pred"))
      if (se.fit) {
        self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("std = np.sqrt(sigma2_pred)")
      } else {
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(np.asarray(xp))")
      unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("std = np.sqrt(sigma2_pred)"))
      unlist(self$py[[self$pypack]]$get("std")) #np.sqrt(sigma2_pred).tolist()"))
    }, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$assign("xp1", XX)
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("xp = np.asmatrix(xp1)")
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec("y_pred, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(np.asarray(xp))")
    }, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = NULL, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...){
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('xp =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('X1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('xp1 =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('y_pred =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('sigma2_pred =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('gp =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('kernel =  None')
      self$py[[self$pypack]]$exec('inputdim =  None')
      self$mod <- NULL
    }, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {rep(NA, ncol(self$X))}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$py[[self$pypack]]$get('gp.likelihood.variance')}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = NULL,
    .mean = NULL # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


#' IGP R6 object for fitting laGP_GauPro model
#' Class providing object with methods for fitting a GP model.
#' This mixes laGP and GauPro. It fits the model using laGP,
#' then copies the parameters to a GauPro model for prediction.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 40
#' d <- 2
#' n2 <- 20
#' f1 <- function(x) {sin(2*pi*x[1]) + sin(2*pi*x[2])}
#' X1 <- matrix(runif(n*d),n,d)
#' Z1 <- apply(X1,1,f1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1e-3)
#' X2 <- matrix(runif(n2*d),n2,d)
#' Z2 <- apply(X2,1,f1)
#' XX1 <- matrix(runif(10),5,2)
#' ZZ1 <- apply(XX1, 1, f1)
#' u <- IGP_laGP_GauPro$new(X=X1,Z=Z1)
#' cbind(u$predict(XX1), ZZ1)
#' u$predict.se(XX1)
#' u$update(Xnew=X2,Znew=Z2)
#' u$predict(XX1)
#' u$delete()
#' @field X Design matrix
#' @field Z Responses
#' @field N Number of data points
#' @field D Dimension of data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/CollinErickson/IGP/}
#'   \item{\code{new(X=NULL, Z=NULL, package=NULL,
#'   estimate.nugget=T, nugget0=F, ...)}}{This method
#'   is used to create object of this class with \code{X} and \code{Z} as the data.
#'   The package tells it which package to fit the GP model.}
#'   \item{\code{update(Xall=NULL, Zall=NULL, Xnew=NULL, Znew=NULL, ...)}}{This method
#'   updates the model, adding new data if given, then running optimization again.}}
# IGP_laGP_GauPro ----
IGP_laGP_GauPro <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "IGP_laGP_GauPro", inherit = IGP_base,
  public = list(
    .init = function(...) {
      # Fit model to data with laGP
      self$mod.extra$laGP <- IGP(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, package="laGP",
      #self$mod.extra$laGP$init(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, ...)

      # Copy params to GauPro, don't fit, use this for predicting
      self$mod.extra$GauPro <- IGP(X=self$X, Z=self$Z, package="GauPro",
      #self$mod.extra$GauPro$init(X=self$X, Z=self$Z,
      #                          theta=self$mod.extra$laGP$theta,
      #                           nug=self$mod.extra$laGP$nug)
      self$mod <- "laGP model is mod.extra$laGP, GauPro model is mod.extra$GauPro. This fits with laGP but predicts with GauPro"
    }, #"function to initialize model with data
    .update = function(..., no_update=FALSE) {
      # Update model in laGP
      if (!no_update) { # won't have it update data even not updating params since I don't like when it gives issues, and we pass Xall anyways
        self$mod.extra$laGP$update(Xall=self$X, Zall=self$Z,
      # Pass GauPro new theta and nugget if it was updated
      if (!no_update) {
        self$mod.extra$GauPro$mod$theta <- self$mod.extra$laGP$theta()
        self$mod.extra$GauPro$mod$nug <- self$mod.extra$laGP$nugget()
      self$mod.extra$GauPro$update(Xall=self$X, Zall=self$Z,

    }, #"function to add data to model or reestimate params
    .predict = function(XX, se.fit, ...) {
      self$mod.extra$GauPro$.predict(XX=XX, se.fit=se.fit, ...)
    }, #"function to predict at new values
    .predict.se = function(XX, ...) {
      self$mod.extra$GauPro$.predict.se(XX=XX, ...)
    }, #"function predict the standard error/dev
    .predict.var = function(XX, ...) {
      self$mod.extra$GauPro$.predict.var(XX=XX, ...)
    }, #"function to predict the variance
    .grad = function(XX) {self$mod.extra$GauPro$grad(XX=XX)}, # function to calculate the gradient
    .delete = function(...){
      if (!is.null(self$mod.extra)) {
        self$mod.extra <- NULL
      self$mod <- NULL
    }, #"function to delete model beyond simple deletion
    .theta = function() {self$mod.extra$GauPro$theta()}, #"function to get theta, exp(-theta*(x-x)^2)
    .nugget = function() {self$mod.extra$GauPro$nugget()}, #"function to get nugget
    .s2 = function() {self$mod.extra$GauPro$s2()},
    .mean = function() {self$mod.extra$GauPro$mean()} # function that gives mean (constant, other functions not implemented)


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IGP documentation built on Jan. 16, 2023, 1:07 a.m.