Man pages for Infusion
Inference Using Simulation

add.reftableCreate or augment a list of simulated distributions of...
add.simulationCreate or augment a list of simulated distributions of...
check_raw_statsCheck linear dependencies among raw summary statistics
confint.SLikCompute confidence intervals by (profile) summary likelihood
constr_critsSpecificying arbitrary constraints on parameters
densvSaved computations of inferred log-likelihoods
dMixmodInternal S4 classes.
example_rawWorkflow for primitive method, without projections
example_raw_projWorkflow for primitive method, with projections
example_reftableWorkflow for method with reference table
extractorsSummary, print and logLik methods for Infusion results.
focal_refineRefine summary likelihood profile in focal parameter values
get_fromBackward-compatible extractor from summary-likelihood objects
get_nbCluster_rangeControl of number of components in Gaussian mixture modelling
get_workflow_designWorkflow design
goftestAssessing goodness of fit of inference using simulation
handling_NAsDiscrete probability masses and NA/NaN/Inf in distributions...
infer_logLsInfer log Likelihoods using simulated distributions of...
infer_SLik_jointInfer a (summary) likelihood surface from a simulation table
infer_surfaceInfer a (summary) likelihood or tail probability surface from...
InfusionInference using simulation
Infusion-internalInternal Infusion Functions
init_gridDefine starting points in parameter space.
latentModeling and predicting latent variables
MAF.optionsControl of MAF design and training
magic.binningMultivariate histogram
MSLMaximum likelihood from an inferred likelihood surface
optionsInfusion options settings
plot1DprofPlot likelihood profiles
plot_projDiagnostic plots for projections
plot.SLikPlot SLik or SLikp objects
predict.SLik_jEvaluate log-likelihood for given parameters
profile.SLikCompute profile summary likelihood
projectLearn a projection method for statistics and apply it
refine.SLikRefine estimates iteratively
reparamConversion to new parameter spaces
sample_volumeSample the parameter space
save_MAFsSave or load MAF Python objects
simulate.SLik_jSimulate method for an 'SLik_j' object.
SLRTSummary likelihood ratio tests
summLikModel density evaluation for given data and parameters
update_obsUpdating an 'SLik_j' object for new data
Infusion documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:16 a.m.