
Defines functions getErrCols errAdjust errconvert insert_data shiny2matrix as.other as.detritals as.fissiontracks as.UThHe as.ThU as.PD as.LuHf as.SmNd as.ReOs as.RbSr as.KCa as.ThPb as.ArAr as.PbPb get_cov_47_75 get_cov_46_76 get_cov_46_68 get_cov_46_86 get_cov_76_86 get_cov_68_48 get_cov_75_48 get_cov_75_68 get_cor_68_76 get_cor_75_68 optionalredundancy2cor ThUcheck as.UPb read.data.matrix read.data.data.frame read.data.default read.data

Documented in as.ArAr as.detritals as.fissiontracks as.KCa as.LuHf as.other as.PbPb as.PD as.RbSr as.ReOs as.SmNd as.ThPb as.ThU as.UPb as.UThHe read.data read.data.data.frame read.data.default read.data.matrix

#' @title Read geochronological data
#' @description
#' Cast a \code{.csv} file or a matrix into one of \code{IsoplotR}'s
#' data classes
#' @details IsoplotR provides the following example input files:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{U-Pb: \code{UPb1.csv}, \code{UPb2.csv}, \code{UPb3.csv},
#' \code{UPb4.csv}, \code{UPb5.csv}, \code{UPb6.csv},
#' \code{UPb7.csv}, \code{UPb8.csv}}
#' \item{Pb-Pb: \code{PbPb1.csv}, \code{PbPb2.csv}, \code{PbPb3.csv}}
#' \item{Th-Pb: \code{ThPb1.csv}, \code{ThPb2.csv}, \code{ThPb3.csv}}
#' \item{Ar-Ar: \code{ArAr1.csv}, \code{ArAr2.csv}, \code{ArAr3.csv}}
#' \item{K-Ca: \code{KCa1.csv}, \code{KCa2.csv}, \code{KCa3.csv}}
#' \item{Re-Os: \code{ReOs1.csv}, \code{ReOs2.csv}, \code{ReOs3.csv}}
#' \item{Sm-Nd: \code{SmNd1.csv}, \code{SmNd2.csv}, \code{SmNd3.csv}}
#' \item{Rb-Sr: \code{RbSr1.csv}, \code{RbSr2.csv}, \code{RbSr3.csv}}
#' \item{Lu-Hf: \code{LuHf1.csv}, \code{LuHf2.csv}, \code{LuHf3.csv}}
#' \item{Th-U: \code{ThU1.csv}, \code{ThU2.csv}, \code{ThU3.csv}
#' \code{ThU4.csv}}
#' \item{fissiontracks: \code{FT1.csv}, \code{FT2.csv},
#' \code{FT3.csv}}
#' \item{U-Th-He: \code{UThHe.csv}, \code{UThSmHe.csv}}
#' \item{detritals: \code{DZ.csv}}
#' \item{other: \code{LudwigMixture.csv}, \code{LudwigMean.csv},
#' \code{LudwigKDE.csv}, \code{LudwigSpectrum.csv}}
#' }
#' The contents of these files can be viewed using the
#' \code{system.file(...)} function. For example, to read the
#' \code{ArAr1.csv} file:
#' \code{fname <- system.file('ArAr1.csv',package='IsoplotR')}
#' \code{ArAr <- read.data(fname,method='Ar-Ar',format=1)}
#' @param x either a file name (\code{.csv} format) OR a matrix
#' @param method one of \code{'U-Pb'}, \code{'Pb-Pb'}, \code{'Th-Pb'},
#'     \code{'Ar-Ar'}, \code{'K-Ca'}, \code{'detritals'},
#'     \code{'Rb-Sr'}, \code{'Sm-Nd'}, \code{'Re-Os'}, \code{'Th-U'},
#'     \code{'U-Th-He'}, \code{'fissiontracks'} or \code{'other'}
#' @param format formatting option, depends on the value of
#'     \code{method}.
#' if \code{method='U-Pb'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{X=07/35, err[X],} \code{Y=06/38, err[Y], rho[X,Y]}} 
#' \item{\code{X=38/06, err[X],}\code{Y=07/06, err[Y] (, rho[X,Y])}}
#' \item{\code{X=07/35, err[X],} \code{Y=06/38, err[Y],}
#'       \code{Z=07/06, err[Z]} \code{(, rho[X,Y]) (, rho[Y,Z])}} 
#' \item{\code{X=07/35, err[X], Y=06/38, err[Y], Z=04/38, }
#'       \code{rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]}} 
#' \item{\code{X=38/06, err[X]}, \code{Y=07/06, err[Y]},
#'       \code{Z=04/06, err[Z] (}, \code{rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z])}}
#' \item{\code{07/35, err[07/35]}, \code{06/38, err[06/38]},
#'       \code{04/38, err[04/38]}, \code{07/06, err[07/06]},
#'       \code{04/07, err[04/07]}, \code{04/06, err[04/06]}}
#' \item{\code{W=07/35, err[W]}, \code{X=06/38, err[X]},
#'       \code{Y=08/32, err[Y]}, \code{Z=32/38, err[Z]},
#'       (\code{rho[W,X], rho[W,Y]}, \code{rho[W,Z], rho[X,Y]},
#'       \code{rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]})}
#' \item{\code{W=38/06, err[W]}, \code{X=07/06, err[X]},
#'       \code{Y=08/06, err[Y]}, (\code{Z=32/38, err[Z]},
#'       \code{rho[W,X], rho[W,Y]}, \code{rho[W,Z], rho[X,Y]},
#'       \code{rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z])}}
#' \item{\code{X=38/06, err[X]}, \code{Y=04/06, err[Y]}, (\code{rho[X,Y]})}
#' \item{\code{X=35/07, err[X]}, \code{Y=04/07, err[Y]}, (\code{rho[X,Y]})}
#' \item{\code{X=38/06, err[X]}, \code{Y=08/06, err[Y]},
#'       (\code{Z=32/38, err[Z]}, \code{rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]})}
#' \item{\code{X=35/07, err[X]}, \code{Y=08/07, err[Y]},
#'       (\code{Z=32/38, err[Z]}, \code{rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]})}
#' }
#' where optional columns are marked in round brackets
#' if \code{method='Pb-Pb'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{6/4, err[6/4], 7/4, err[7/4], rho}}
#' \item{\code{4/6, err[4/6], 7/6, err[7/6], rho}}
#' \item{\code{6/4, err[6/4], 7/4, err[7/4], 6/7, err[6/7]}}
#' }
#' if \code{method='Th-Pb'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{32/04, err[32/04], 08/04, err[08/04], rho}}
#' \item{\code{32/08, err[32/08], 04/08, err[08/04], rho}}
#' \item{\code{32/04, err[32/04], 08/04, }
#'       \code{err[08/04], 32/08, err[32/08]}}
#' }
#' if \code{method='Ar-Ar'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{9/6, err[9/6], 0/6, err[0/6], rho (, 39)}}
#' \item{\code{6/0, err[6/0], 9/0, err[9/0] (, rho) (, 39)}}
#' \item{\code{9/0, err[9/0], 6/0, err[6/0], 9/6, err[9/6] (, 39)}}
#' }
#' if \code{method='K-Ca'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{K40/Ca44, err[K40/Ca44], Ca40/Ca44, err[Ca40/Ca44], rho}}
#' \item{\code{K40/Ca40, err[K40/Ca40], Ca44/Ca40, err[Ca44/Ca40], rho}}
#' \item{\code{K40/Ca44, err[K40/Ca44], Ca40/Ca44, }
#'       \code{err[Ca40/Ca44], K40/Ca40, err[K40/Ca40]}}
#' }
#' if \code{method='Rb-Sr'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{Rb87/Sr86, err[Rb87/Sr86], Sr87/Sr86, err[Sr87/Sr86] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Rb87/Sr87, err[Rb87/Sr87], Sr86/Sr87, err[Sr86/Sr87] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Rb, err[Rb], Sr, err[Sr], Sr87/Sr86, err[Sr87/Sr86]}}
#' }
#' where \code{Rb} and \code{Sr} are in ppm
#' if \code{method='Sm-Nd'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{Sm147/Nd144, err[Sm147/Nd144], Nd143/Nd144, err[Nd143/Nd144] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Sm147/Nd143, err[Sm147/Nd143], Nd144/Nd143, err[Nd144/Nd143] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Sm, err[Sm], Nd, err[Nd], Nd143/Nd144, err[Nd143/Nd144]}}
#' }
#' where \code{Sm} and \code{Nd} are in ppm
#' if \code{method='Re-Os'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{Re187/Os188, err[Re187/Os188], Os187/Os188, err[Os187/Os188] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Re187/Os187, err[Re187/Os187], Os188/Os187, err[Os188/Os187] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Re, err[Re], Os, err[Os], Os187/Os188, err[Os187/Os188]}}
#' }
#' where \code{Re} and \code{Os} are in ppm
#' if \code{method='Lu-Hf'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{Lu176/Hf177, err[Lu176/Hf177], Hf176/Hf177, err[Hf176/Hf177] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Lu176/Hf176, err[Lu176/Hf176], Hf177/Hf176, err[Hf177/Hf176] (, rho)}}
#' \item{\code{Lu, err[Lu], Hf, err[Hf], Hf176/Hf177, err[Hf176/Hf177]}}
#' }
#' where \code{Lu} and \code{Hf} are in ppm
#' if \code{method='Th-U'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{X=8/2, err[X], Y=4/2, err[Y], Z=0/2, err[Z],}\cr
#' \code{rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]}}
#' \item{\code{X=2/8, err[X], Y=4/8, err[Y], Z=0/8, err[Z],}\cr
#' \code{ rho[X,Y], rho[X,Z], rho[Y,Z]}}
#' \item{\code{X=8/2, err[X], Y=0/2, err[Y], rho[X,Y]}}
#' \item{\code{X=2/8, err[X], Y=0/8, err[Y], rho[X,Y]}}
#' }
#' where all values are activity ratios
#' if \code{method='fissiontracks'}, then \code{format} is one of
#' either:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{the External Detector Method (EDM), which requires a
#' \eqn{\zeta}-calibration constant and its uncertainty, the induced
#' track density in a dosimeter glass, and a table with the
#' spontaneous and induced track densities.}
#' \item{LA-ICP-MS-based fission track data using the
#' \eqn{\zeta}-calibration method, which requires a 'session
#' \eqn{\zeta}' and its uncertainty and a table with the number of
#' spontaneous tracks, the area over which these were counted and one
#' or more U/Ca- or U-concentration measurements and their analytical
#' uncertainties.}
#' \item{LA-ICP-MS-based fission track data using the 'absolute
#' dating' method, which only requires a table with the the number of
#' spontaneous tracks, the area over which these were counted and one
#' or more U/Ca-ratios or U-concentration measurements (in ppm) and
#' their analytical uncertainties.}  }
#' if \code{method='other'}, then \code{format} is one of either:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{1}:}{\code{X}}
#' \item{\code{2}:}{\code{X, err[X]}}
#' \item{\code{3}:}{\code{f, X, err[X]}} 
#' \item{\code{4}:}{\code{X, err[X], Y, err[Y], rho}}
#' \item{\code{5}:}{\code{X/Z, err[X/Z], Y/Z, err[Y/Z], X/Y, err[X/Y]}}
#' \item{\code{6}:}{a \code{n x (n+1)} matrix obtained by prepending a
#' vector of alternating \code{X,Y}-values to its covariance matrix}
#' }
#' @param ierr indicates whether the analytical uncertainties of the
#'     input are provided as:
#' \code{1}: 1\eqn{\sigma} absolute uncertainties.
#' \code{2}: 2\eqn{\sigma} absolute uncertainties.
#' \code{3}: 1\eqn{\sigma} relative uncertainties (\eqn{\%}).
#' \code{4}: 2\eqn{\sigma} relative uncertainties (\eqn{\%}).
#' @param d an object of class \code{\link{diseq}}.
#' @param Th02i 2-element vector with the assumed initial
#'     \eqn{^{230}}Th/\eqn{^{232}}Th-ratio of the detritus (for
#'     Th-U formats 1 and 2) and its standard error.
#' @param Th02U48 9-element vector with the measured composition of
#'     the detritus, containing \code{X=0/8}, \code{sX}, \code{Y=2/8},
#'     \code{sY}, \code{Z=4/8}, \code{sZ}, \code{rXY}, \code{rXZ},
#'     \code{rYZ}.
#' @param U8Th2 \eqn{^{238}}U/\eqn{^{232}}Th activity-ratio of the
#'     whole rock. Used to estimate the initial
#'     \eqn{^{230}}Th/\eqn{^{238}}U disequilibrium (for Th-U formats 3
#'     and 4).
#' @param ... optional arguments to the \code{read.csv} function
#' @seealso \code{\link{examples}}, \code{\link{settings}}
#' @return An object of class \code{UPb}, \code{PbPb}, \code{ThPb},
#'     \code{KCa}, \code{RbSr}, \code{SmNd}, \code{LuHf}, \code{ReOs},
#'     \code{UThHe}, \code{fissiontracks}, \code{detritals} or
#'     \code{PD}. See \code{\link{classes}} for further details.
#' @examples
#' f1 <- system.file("UPb1.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' file.show(f1) # inspect the contents of 'UPb1.csv'
#' d1 <- read.data(f1,method="U-Pb",format=1)
#' concordia(d1)
#' f2 <- system.file("ArAr1.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d2 <- read.data(f2,method="Ar-Ar",format=1)
#' agespectrum(d2)
#' f3 <- system.file("ReOs1.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d3 <- read.data(f3,method="Re-Os",format=1)
#' isochron(d2)
#' f4 <- system.file("FT1.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d4 <- read.data(f4,method="fissiontracks",format=1)
#' radialplot(d4)
#' f5 <- system.file("UThSmHe.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d5 <- read.data(f5,method="U-Th-He")
#' helioplot(d5)
#' f6 <- system.file("ThU2.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d6 <- read.data(f6,method="Th-U",format=2)
#' evolution(d6)
#' #  one detrital zircon U-Pb file (detritals.csv)
#' f7 <- system.file("DZ.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d7 <- read.data(f7,method="detritals")
#' kde(d7)
#' #  four 'other' files (LudwigMixture.csv, LudwigSpectrum.csv,
#' #  LudwigMean.csv, LudwigKDE.csv)
#' f8 <- system.file("LudwigMixture.csv",package="IsoplotR")
#' d8 <- read.data(f8,method="other",format=2)
#' radialplot(d8)
#' @rdname read.data
#' @export
read.data <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("read.data",x) }
#' @rdname read.data
#' @export
read.data.default <- function(x,method='U-Pb',format=1,ierr=1,d=diseq(),
    X <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(x,sep=',',...))
#' @rdname read.data
#' @export
read.data.data.frame <- function(x,method='U-Pb',format=1,ierr=1,d=diseq(),
#' @rdname read.data
#' @export
read.data.matrix <- function(x,method='U-Pb',format=1,ierr=1,d=diseq(),
    if (identical(method,'U-Pb')){
        out <- as.UPb(x,format=format,ierr=ierr,d=d)
    } else if (identical(method,'Pb-Pb')){
        out <- as.PbPb(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Ar-Ar')){
        out <- as.ArAr(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Th-Pb')){
        out <- as.ThPb(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'K-Ca')){
        out <- as.KCa(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Re-Os')){
        out <- as.ReOs(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Rb-Sr')){
        out <- as.RbSr(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Sm-Nd')){
        out <- as.SmNd(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Lu-Hf')){
        out <- as.LuHf(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'Th-U')){
        out <- as.ThU(x,format=format,ierr=ierr,
    } else if (identical(method,'U-Th-He')){
        out <- as.UThHe(x,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'fissiontracks')){
        out <- as.fissiontracks(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)
    } else if (identical(method,'detritals')){
        out <- as.detritals(x)
    } else if (identical(method,'other')){
        out <- as.other(x,format=format,ierr=ierr)

#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.UPb <- function(x,format=3,ierr=1,d=diseq()){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "UPb"
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    opt <- NULL
    if (format==1){
        cnames <- c('Pb207U235','errPb207U235',
    } else if (format==2){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 5
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Pb207U235','errPb207U235',
    } else if (format==4){
        cnames <- c('Pb207U235','errPb207U235',
    } else if (format==5){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 7:9
    } else if (format==6){
        cnames <- c('Pb207U235','errPb207U235',
    } else if (format==7){
        cnames <- c('Pb207U235','errPb207U235',
        opt <- 8:14
    } else if (format==8){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 8:14
    } else if (format==9){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 5
    } else if (format==10){
        cnames <- c('U235Pb207','errU235Pb207',
        opt <- 5
    } else if (format==11){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 5:9
    } else if (format==12){
        cnames <- c('U235Pb207','errU235Pb207',
        opt <- 5:9
    } else if (format==85){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 7:9
    } else if (format==119){
        cnames <- c('U238Pb206','errU238Pb206',
        opt <- 5
    } else if (format==1210){
        cnames <- c('U235Pb207','errU235Pb207',
        opt <- 5
    } else {
        stop('Invalid input format')
    X <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames,opt=opt)
    out$x <- errconvert(X,gc='U-Pb',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    if (format==3){
        out$x <- optionalredundancy2cor(X=out$x,nc=nc)
    out$d <- copy_diseq(x=out,d=d) # for Th/U based diseq corrections
    if (format%in%c(8,11,12)) out$format <- ThUcheck(out)
ThUcheck <- function(x){
    noTh <- any(is.na(x$x[,'Th232U238'])) || !all(x$x[,'Th232U238']>0)
    if (noTh){
        if (x$format==8) return(85)
        else if (x$format==11) return(119)
        else if (x$format==12) return(1210)
        else stop('invalid U-Pb format for ThUcheck()')
    } else {
# for U-Pb format 3, the correlation coefficients are optional
# and can be inferred from the redundancy of the ratios
optionalredundancy2cor <- function(X,nc){
    out <- X
    nr <- nrow(X)
    if (nc > 6){
        rXY <- X[,7]
        i <- which(is.na(rXY))
        if (nc > 7){
            rYZ <- X[,8]
            j <- which(is.na(rYZ))
        } else {
            j <- 1:nr
    } else {
        i <- 1:nr
        j <- 1:nr
    out[i,7] <- get_cor_75_68(X[i,1],X[i,2],X[i,3],X[i,4],X[i,5],X[i,6])
    out[j,8] <- get_cor_68_76(X[j,1],X[j,2],X[j,3],X[j,4],X[j,5],X[j,6])
    if ( any(abs(out[i,7])>1) | any(abs(out[j,8])>1) ){
        out[,8] <- 0
        U <- iratio('U238U235')[1]
        J11 <- U*X[,5]
        J12 <- U*X[,3]
        J21 <- 1
        J22 <- 0
        E11 <- X[,4]^2
        E22 <- X[,6]^2
        E12 <- 0
        out[,7] <- errorprop(J11,J12,J21,J22,E11,E22,E12)[,'cov']/sqrt(X[,2]*X[,4])
        warning('Redundant ratios of U-Pb data format ',
                'lead to impossible correlation coefficients. ',
                'These were replaced with alternative values ',
                'assuming zero Tera-Wasserburg correlations.')

get_cor_75_68 <- function(Pb207U235,errPb207U235,
get_cor_68_76 <- function(Pb207U235,errPb207U235,
get_cov_75_68 <- function(Pb207U235,errPb207U235,
get_cov_75_48 <- function(Pb207U235,errPb207U235,
get_cov_68_48 <- function(Pb206U238,errPb206U238,
get_cov_76_86 <- function(Pb207Pb206,errPb207Pb206,
get_cov_46_86 <- function(Pb204Pb206,errPb204Pb206,
get_cov_46_68 <- function(Pb204Pb206,errPb204Pb206,
get_cov_46_76 <- function(Pb204Pb206,errPb204Pb206,
get_cov_47_75 <- function(Pb204Pb207,errPb204Pb207,
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.PbPb <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "PbPb"
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='Pb-Pb',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    opt <- NULL
    if (format==1 & nc>4){
        cnames <- c('Pb206Pb204','errPb206Pb204',
    } else if (format==2 & nc>4) {
        cnames <- c('Pb204Pb206','errPb204Pb206',
        opt <- 5
    } else if (format==3 & nc>5){
        cnames <- c('Pb206Pb204','errPb206Pb204',
    } else {
        stop('Invalid PbPb input format')
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames,opt=opt)
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.ArAr <- function(x,format=3,ierr=1){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "ArAr"
    out$format <- format
    out$J <- errAdjust(x=as.numeric(x[2,1:2]),ierr=ierr)
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    bi <- 4 # begin index
    X <- shiny2matrix(x,bi,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='Ar-Ar',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    if (format==1) {
        cnames <- c('Ar39Ar36','errAr39Ar36',
    } else if (format==2) {
        cnames <- c('Ar39Ar40','errAr39Ar40',
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Ar39Ar40','errAr39Ar40',
    } else {
        stop('Invalid input format.')
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames)
    if (ncol(X)<ncol(out$x)){
        ns <- nr-bi+1
        out$x[,'Ar39'] <- 1/ns
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.ThPb <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "ThPb"
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    bi <- 2 # begin index
    X <- shiny2matrix(x,bi,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='Th-Pb',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    if (format==1 & nc>3){
        cnames <- c('Th232Pb204','errTh232Pb204',
    } else if (format==2 & nc>3){
        cnames <- c('Th232Pb208','errTh232Pb208',
    } else if (format==3 & nc>5){
        cnames <- c('Th232Pb208','errTh232Pb208',
    } else {
        stop("Incorrect format or insufficient columns")
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames)
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.KCa <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "KCa"
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    bi <- 2 # begin index
    X <- shiny2matrix(x,bi,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='K-Ca',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    if (format==1 & nc>3){
        cnames <- c('K40Ca44','errK40Ca44',
    } else if (format==2 & nc>3){
        cnames <- c('K40Ca40','errK40Ca40',
    } else if (format==3 & nc>5){
        cnames <- c('K40Ca44','errK40Ca44',
    } else {
        stop("Incorrect format or insufficient columns")
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames)
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.RbSr <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    if (format==1){
        cnames <- c('Rb87Sr86','errRb87Sr86',
    } else if (format==2){
        cnames <- c('Rb87Sr87','errRb87Sr87',
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Rbppm','errRbppm','Srppm','errSrppm',
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.ReOs <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    if (format==1){
        cnames <- c('Re187Os188','errRe187Os188',
    } else if (format==2){
        cnames <- c('Re187Os187','errRe187Os187',
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Reppm','errReppm','Osppm','errOsppm',
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.SmNd <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    if (format==1){
        cnames <- c('Sm143Nd144','errSm143Nd144',
    } else if (format==2){
        cnames <- c('Sm143Nd143','errSm143Nd143',
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Smppm','errSmppm','Ndppm','errNdppm',
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.LuHf <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    if (format==1){
        cnames <- c('Lu176Hf177','errLu176Hf177',
    } else if (format==2){
        cnames <- c('Lu176Hf176','errLu176Hf176',
    } else if (format==3){
        cnames <- c('Luppm','errLuppm','Hfppm','errHfppm',
as.PD <- function(x,classname,cnames,format,ierr){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- c(classname,'PD')
    out$x <- NA
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='PD',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    if (format<3) opt <- 5
    else opt <- NULL
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames,opt=opt)
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.ThU <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1,U8Th2=0,Th02i=c(0,0),
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "ThU"
    out$x <- NA
    out$format <- format
    out$U8Th2 <- U8Th2
    out$Th02i <- Th02i
    out$Th02U48 <- Th02U48
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='Th-U',format=format,ierr=ierr)
    cnames <- NULL
    if (format==1 & nc>8){
        cnames <- c('U238Th232','errU238Th232',
    } else if (format==2 & nc>8) {
        cnames <- c('Th232U238','errTh232U238',
    } else if (format==3 & nc>3) {
        if (nc==4) X <- cbind(subset(X,select=1:4),0)
        cnames <- c('U238Th232','errU238Th232',
    } else if (format==4 & nc>3) {
        if (nc==4) X <- cbind(subset(X,select=1:4),0)
        cnames <- c('Th232U238','errTh232U238',
    out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames)
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.UThHe <- function(x,ierr=1){
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    X[X<0] <- NA
    X <- errconvert(X,gc='U-Th-He',ierr=ierr)
    if (nc>5) cnames <- c('He','errHe','U','errU','Th','errTh')
    if (nc>7) cnames <- c(cnames,'Sm','errSm')
    out <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=cnames)
    class(out) <- append("UThHe",class(out))
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.fissiontracks <- function(x,format=1,ierr=1){
    nr <- nrow(x)
    nc <- ncol(x)
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "fissiontracks"
    out$format <- format
    si <- 6 # start index
    if (format==1){
        out$zeta <- errAdjust(as.numeric(x[2,1:2]),ierr=ierr)
        out$rhoD <- errAdjust(as.numeric(x[4,1:2]),ierr=ierr)
        X <- shiny2matrix(x,si,nr,nc)
        out$x <- insert_data(x=X,cnames=c('Ns','Ni'))
    } else {
        if (format==2) out$zeta <- errAdjust(as.numeric(x[2,1:2]),ierr=ierr)
        else out$mineral <- x[2,1]
        out$spotSize <- as.numeric(x[4,1])
        ns <- nr-si+1
        Ns <- as.numeric(x[si:nr,1])
        A <- as.numeric(x[si:nr,2])
        out$Ns <- Ns
        out$A <- A
        out$U <- list()
        out$sU <- list()
        errcols <- seq(from=4,to=nc,by=2)-2
        for (i in 1:ns){
            UsU <- as.numeric(x[i+si-1,3:nc])
            UsU <- errAdjust(UsU,i=errcols,ierr=ierr)
            iU <- seq(from=1,to=length(UsU)-1,by=2)
            isU <- seq(from=2,to=length(UsU),by=2)
            out$U[[i]] <- UsU[iU]
            out$sU[[i]] <- UsU[isU]
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.detritals <- function(x){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "detritals"
    nr <- nrow(x)
    nc <- ncol(x)
    snames <- x[1,]
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    colnames(X) <- snames
    for (sname in snames){
        out[[sname]] = X[!is.na(X[,sname]),sname]
#' @rdname classes
#' @export
as.other <- function(x,format=NULL,ierr=1){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "other"
    out$format <- format
    nc <- ncol(x)
    nr <- nrow(x)
    if (is.numeric(x)) X <- x
    else X <- shiny2matrix(x,2,nr,nc)
    if (format==6){
        out$x <- X
    } else {
        out$x <- errconvert(X,gc='other',format=format,ierr=ierr)

# x = a numerical vector, br = length of the preamble with parameters
# nr = number of rows, nc = number of columns
shiny2matrix <- function(x,br,nr,nc){

insert_data <- function(x,cnames,opt=NULL){
    nr <- nrow(x)
    nc <- length(cnames)
    out <- matrix(0,nr,nc)
    ncx <- min(nc,ncol(x))
    out[1:nr,1:ncx] <- as.matrix(x)[1:nr,1:ncx]
    if (!is.null(opt)){ # replace NA values in optional columns with zeros
        ij <- which(is.na(out[,opt]),arr.ind=TRUE)
        out[,opt][ij] <- 0
    colnames(out) <- cnames

errconvert <- function(x,gc='U-Pb',format=1,ierr=1){
    if (ierr==1){ return(x) }
    else { out <- x }
    i <- getErrCols(gc,format,ierr)

errAdjust <- function(x,i=2,ierr=1){
    out <- x
    if (is.vector(x)){
        if (ierr==2){
            out[i] <- x[i]/2
        } else if (ierr==3){
            out[i] <- x[i]*x[i-1]/100
        } else if (ierr==4){
            out[i] <- x[i]*x[i-1]/200
    } else {
        if (ierr==2){
            out[,i] <- x[,i]/2
        } else if (ierr==3){
            out[,i] <- x[,i]*x[,i-1]/100
        } else if (ierr==4){
            out[,i] <- x[,i]*x[,i-1]/200

getErrCols <- function(gc,format=NA,ierr=1){
    UPb2 <- (gc=='U-Pb' && format%in%c(1,2,9,10))
    UPb3 <- (gc=='U-Pb' && format%in%c(3,4,5,11,12))
    UPb4 <- (gc=='U-Pb' && format%in%(7:8))
    UPb6 <- (gc=='U-Pb' && format==6)
    PbPb2 <- (gc=='Pb-Pb' && format%in%(1:2))
    PbPb3 <- (gc=='Pb-Pb' && format==3)
    ThPb2 <- (gc=='Th-Pb' && format%in%(1:2))
    ThPb3 <- (gc=='Th-Pb' && format==3)
    ArAr2 <- (gc=='Ar-Ar' && format%in%(1:2))
    ArAr3 <- (gc=='Ar-Ar' && format==3)
    KCa2 <- (gc=='K-Ca' && format%in%(1:2))
    KCa3 <- (gc=='K-Ca' && format==3)
    PD2 <- (gc=='PD' && format%in%(1:2))
    PD3 <- (gc=='PD' && format==3)
    UThHe <- (gc=='U-Th-He')
    ThU2 <- (gc=='Th-U' && format>2)
    ThU3 <- (gc=='Th-U' && format<3)
    other1a <- (gc=='other' && format==2)
    other1b <- (gc=='other' && format==3)
    other2 <- (gc=='other' && format==4)
    other3 <- (gc=='other' && format==5)
    if (UPb2 | PbPb2 | ThPb2 | ArAr2 | KCa2 | PD2 | ThU2 | other2){
        cols <- c(2,4)
    } else if (UPb3 | PbPb3 | ThPb3 | ArAr3 | KCa3 | PD3 | UThHe | ThU3 | other3){
        cols <- c(2,4,6)
    } else if (UPb4){
        cols <- seq(from=2,to=8,by=2)
    } else if (UPb6){
        cols <- seq(from=2,to=12,by=2)
    } else if (other1a){
        cols <- 2
    } else if (other1b){
        cols <- 3
    } else {
        cols <- NULL

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