
Defines functions irtree_model_weights irtree_model_mapping irtree_model_constr_sub irtree_model_constr_equ irtree_model_constraints irtree_model_addendum irtree_model_items assert_irtree_not_mixture assert_irtree_equations irtree_model_equations irtree_model_irt

# Notation:
# P: Number of different processes in the tree diagram (e.g., P=3 in the
#    classical tree for 5-point items)
# S: Number of latent dimensions (e.g., S=7 for the classical tree for 5-point
#    items applied to Big-5 data)

irtree_model_irt <- function(model_list = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {

    number_of_BY_and_semicolon <-
        stringr::str_count(clps(" ", model_list$irt), c("BY", ";"))

    if (!identical(number_of_BY_and_semicolon[1],
                   number_of_BY_and_semicolon[2])) {
        stop("Problem in 'model': Every definition in section 'IRT' must ",
             "contain the keyword 'BY' and end with a ';'. ",
             call. = FALSE)

    irt0 <- trimws(strsplit(paste(model_list$irt, collapse = " "), ";")[[1]])

    irt1 <- vapply(irt0,
                       strsplit(x, split =  "(?i)\\s+by\\s+", perl = TRUE)[[1]],
                   FUN.VALUE = character(2), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    # Aggregate multiple by statements for the same LV, e.g.,
    # F1 by item1, item2;
    # F1 by item3;
    irt2 <- data.frame(t(irt1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    irt2$X1 <- factor(irt2$X1, levels = unique(irt1[1, ]))
    irt3 <- aggregate(. ~ X1, irt2, paste, collapse = ", ")

    lv_names <- irt1[1, ]
    S <- length(lv_names)

    irt4 <- stringr::str_split(irt3$X2, ",\\s*")

    items_with_ws <- stringr::str_subset(unique(unlist(irt4)), "\\s+")
    if (length(items_with_ws) > 0) {
        stop("Problem in 'model'. Variables in section IRT must be ",
             "separated by commas. Problem with: ",
             clps(", ", "'", items_with_ws, "'", sep = ""),
             call. = FALSE)

    irt_loadings <- lapply(irt4,
                   stringr::str_extract, pattern = "@\\d+$|[*]$",
                   FUN.VALUE = "")
    irt_items <- lapply(irt4,
                       sub, pattern = "@\\d+$|[*]$", replacement = "",
                       FUN.VALUE = "")
    irt_items <- lapply(irt_items, unname)
    names(irt_items) <- lv_names
    names(irt_loadings) <- lv_names

    checkmate::assert_character(lv_names, min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE,
                                pattern = "^[A-z]\\w*$",
                                min.len = 1, unique = TRUE)

    latent_names <- data.frame(irt   = lv_names,
                               mpt   = lv_names,
                               theta = lv_names,
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                    irt_items = irt_items,
                    irt_loadings = irt_loadings,
                    S = S,
                    latent_names = latent_names)
    irtree_model_items(e1 = e1)

irtree_model_equations <- function(model_list = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {

    if (is.null(model_list$equations)) {

    e1$equations <- vapply(
        gsub("\\s+", "", model_list$equations),
        function(x) strsplit(x, "[=]")[[1]],
        FUN.VALUE = character(2), USE.NAMES = FALSE)


    e1$expr <- purrr::map(e1$equations[2, ],
                          ~parse(text = .x, keep.source = FALSE))
    names(e1$expr) <- e1$equations[1, ]
    e1$K <- length(e1$expr)
    e1$k_names <- as.integer(e1$equations[1, ])
    tmp1 <- diff(sort(e1$k_names))
    if (any(tmp1 != 1)) {
        stop("Categories in the model equations must be consecutive integers.")

    checkmate::assert_matrix(e1$equations, mode = "character",
                             nrows = 2, ncols = e1$K)
    checkmate::assert_character(e1$equations, min.chars = 1)
    checkmate::assert_integerish(as.numeric(e1$equations[1, ]), any.missing = FALSE,
                                 unique = TRUE, .var.name = "lhs of equations")

assert_irtree_equations <- function(object = NULL, mixture_okay = TRUE) {

    checkmate::assert_matrix(object$equations, mode = "character", min.cols = 2, nrows = 2)

    equations <- object$equations[2, ]

    # check for: characters except *, -, +, 'mpt-names', (, )
    bad_equ_1 <- stringr::str_detect(equations, "[^[\\w+][(][)][+][-][*]]")
    # check for: )(
    bad_equ_2 <- stringr::str_detect(equations, "[)][(]")
    # check for: minus not preceded by 1
    bad_equ_3 <- stringr::str_detect(equations, "(?<!1)-")
    # check for: duplicated params
    bad_equ_4 <- stringr::str_split(equations, "[^\\w+]") %>%
        lapply(stringr::str_subset, pattern = "^[:alpha:]") %>%
        lapply(duplicated) %>%

    bad_equ <- (bad_equ_1 | bad_equ_2 | bad_equ_3 | bad_equ_4)

    if (any(bad_equ)) {
        stop("Each model equation may either contain parameter 'p' or '1-p' and ",
             "products of different parameters but nothing else.\n",
             "Use only equations along the lines of a*(1-b).\n",
             "Problem with: ", equations[bad_equ][1], ".",
             call. = FALSE)

    if (mixture_okay) {
        assert_irtree_not_mixture(object, error = !mixture_okay)

assert_irtree_not_mixture <- function(object = NULL, error = TRUE) {
    checkmate::assert_matrix(object$equations, mode = "character",
                             min.cols = 2, nrows = 2)
    equations <- object$equations[2, ]
    bad_equ <- stringr::str_detect(equations, "[+]")
    if (any(bad_equ)) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "The model seems to be a mixture model, because it contains a `+`. ",
            "Pseudoitems cannot be defined for such models so that fitting such ",
            "models is not possible in ItemResponseTrees. ",
            "Problem with the following equation: ", equations[bad_equ][1])
        if (error) {
            stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
        } else {

irtree_model_items <- function(e1 = new.env()) {

    for (ii in seq_along(e1$irt_items)) {
            min.chars = 1,
            pattern = "^[A-z]\\w*$",
            any.missing = FALSE,
            min.len = 1,
            unique = TRUE,
            names = "unnamed",
            .var.name = "Item names")
    e1$j_names <- unique(unlist(e1$irt_items, use.names = F))
    e1$J <- length(e1$j_names)


irtree_model_addendum <- function(model_list = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {
    if (!is.null(model_list$addendum)) {
        e1$addendum <- model_list$addendum

        # Replace: with, by, on
        tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(e1$addendum, "(?i)(?<!\\w)(with|by|on)(?!\\w)", " ")
        # Replace: () and []
        tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(tmp1, "\\(.+\\)", " ")
        tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(tmp1, "\\[.+\\]", " ")
        # Replace: laodings (@), starting values (*), and thresholds ($)
        ### tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(tmp1,   "@\\s*(\\d+|(\\.\\d+))", " ")
        ### tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(tmp1, "\\*\\s*(\\d+|(\\.\\d+))", " ")
        ### tmp1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(tmp1, "\\(.+\\)", " ")
        tmp1 <- unlist(stringr::str_split(tmp1, "\\b"))
        # Extract variable names, i.e., anything starting with a letter
        tmp1 <- unique(stringr::str_subset(tmp1, "[:alpha:][[:alnum:]_]*"))

        e1$covariates <- setdiff(tmp1, c(e1$j_names, e1$latent_names$irt))
    } else {

irtree_model_constraints <- function(model_list = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {
    if (!is.null(model_list$constraints)) {
        constr <- split(model_list$constraints,
                            grepl("\\|", model_list$constraints),
                            "sub", "equ"))
        if (any(grepl("[+]", model_list$constraints))) {
            stop("Section Constraints must not contain the symbol +. ",
                 "See: ?irtree_model.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        constr <- NULL

    irtree_model_constr_equ(constr$equ, e1 = e1)
    irtree_model_constr_sub(constr$sub, e1 = e1)


irtree_model_constr_equ <- function(equ = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {
    if (!is.null(equ)) {

        lv_names <- unique(e1$latent_names$irt)
        tmp1 <- paste0("^(", clps("|", lv_names),
                       ")=(", clps("|", lv_names), ")$")
        tmp2 <- vapply(equ, gsub,
                       pattern = "\\s+",
                       replacement = "", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
        if (any(!stringr::str_detect(tmp2, tmp1))) {
            stop("Problem in 'model': Constraints must be specified in the form of: ",
                 "Name_of_LV = Name_of_LV", call. = FALSE)
        names(tmp2) <- NULL

        f1 <- function(x) {
            y <- x[1]
            names(y) <- paste0("^", x[2], "$")

        e1$constraints <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(tmp2, "="), f1))
        e1$latent_names$theta <- stringr::str_replace_all(

        e1$S <- length(unique(e1$latent_names$theta))

    } else {

irtree_model_constr_sub <- function(sub = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {

    if (!is.null(sub)) {
        subtree1 <- vapply(sub,
                           function(x) strsplit(x, "\\s*[=]\\s*")[[1]],
                           FUN.VALUE = character(2))
        subtree2 <- subtree1[1, ]
        subtree3 <- vapply(subtree1[2, ],
                           gsub, pattern = "\\s*\\|\\s*", replacement = "|",
                           FUN.VALUE = "")
        tmp1 <- strsplit(subtree3, "|", TRUE)[[1]]
               checkmate::assert_subset, choices = e1$latent_names$irt,
               .var.name = "Subtree")
        subtree <- data.frame(trait = subtree2, facet = subtree3, row.names = NULL)

        if (e1$class == "pcm") {
            # Apply subtree structure to weights; that is
            # (t = 0:4) together with (t = a1 + a2) becomes
            # (a1 = 0:4, a2 = 0:4)
            e1$weights <- subtree %>%
                dplyr::mutate(trait = as.character(.data$trait)) %>%
                dplyr::right_join(tibble::enframe(e1$weights, "trait", "weights"),
                                  by = "trait") %>%
                tidyr::separate_rows(.data$facet, sep = "\\|") %>%
                dplyr::mutate(facet = dplyr::coalesce(.data$facet, .data$trait)) %>%
                {tibble::deframe(x = .[, 2:3])}
    } else {
        subtree <- data.frame()
    p_names <- e1$latent_names$irt
    for (ii in seq_len(nrow(subtree))) {
        p_names <- gsub(subtree[ii, 2], subtree[ii, 1], p_names)
    e1$latent_names$mpt     <- p_names
    e1$P       <- length(unique(p_names))
    e1$subtree <- subtree

    ### names of MPT-parameters ###

    if (e1$class == "tree") {
        mpt_names <-
                    paste("~", e1$equations[2, ], collapse = " + ")))

        flag1 <- sets::set_symdiff(unique(p_names), mpt_names)
        if (length(flag1) > 0) {
            stop("Problem in 'model': All parameters in 'Equations' must be present in 'IRT' ",
                 "(combined with 'Constraints') and vice versa. Problem with ",
                 paste(flag1, collapse = ", "), ".", call. = FALSE)

    } else if (e1$class == "pcm") {
        flag1 <- sets::set_symdiff(names(e1$weights), e1$latent_names$irt)
        if (length(flag1) > 0) {
            stop("Problem in 'model': All parameters in 'Weights' must be present in 'IRT' ",
                 "(combined with 'Constraints') and vice versa. Problem with ",
                 paste(flag1, collapse = ", "), ".", call. = FALSE)


irtree_model_mapping <- function(e1 = new.env()) {

    if (!is.null(e1$equations)) {

        p_names <- unique(e1$latent_names$mpt)

        mapping_matrix <- matrix(NA, e1$K, e1$P,
                                 dimnames = list(NULL, p_names))
        mapping_matrix <- cbind(cate = e1$k_names, mapping_matrix)

        for (ii in seq_len(e1$P)) {
            pseudoitem <- ifelse(vapply(e1$equations[2, ],
                                        pattern = p_names[ii], perl = TRUE,
                                        FUN.VALUE = logical(1)),
                                 no = NA,
                                 yes = ifelse(vapply(e1$equations[2, ],
                                                     pattern = paste0("(?<!-)", p_names[ii]),
                                                     perl = TRUE,
                                                     FUN.VALUE = logical(1)),
                                              yes = 1L, no = 0L))

            mapping_matrix[, p_names[ii]] <- pseudoitem
            e1$mapping_matrix <- mapping_matrix
    } else {

irtree_model_weights <- function(model_list = NULL, e1 = new.env()) {
    if (is.null(model_list$weights)) {
    w_vec <- unlist(strsplit(model_list$weights, "\\n+"))
    w_vec <- strsplit(w_vec, "\\s?=\\s?")
    weights <- lapply(w_vec, function(x) eval(parse(text = x[2])))
    names(weights) <- vapply(w_vec, `[[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = "a")
    e1$K <- length(weights[[1]])
    e1$k_names <- seq.int(0, length.out = e1$K)
    checkmate::qassertr(weights, paste0("N", e1$K, "(,)"))
    e1$weights <- weights

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ItemResponseTrees documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:25 a.m.