
Defines functions plotgmm scorefunctiongmm likelihoodgmm posteriorgmm perturbgmm rgmm gmm

Documented in gmm likelihoodgmm perturbgmm plotgmm posteriorgmm rgmm scorefunctiongmm

#' Returns a Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @param nComp (scalar) : number of components
#' @param mu (d by k): mean of each component
#' @param sigma (d by d by k): covariance of each component
#' @param weights (1 by k) : mixing weight of each proportion (optional)
#' @param d : number of dimensions of vector (optional)
#' @return model : A Gaussian Mixture Model generated from the given parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Default 1-d gaussian mixture model
#' model <- gmm()
#' # 1-d Gaussian mixture model with 3 components
#' model <- gmm(nComp = 3)
#' # 3-d Gaussian mixture model with 3 components, with specified mu,sigma and weights
#' mu <- matrix(c(1,2,3,2,3,4,5,6,7),ncol=3)
#' sigma <- array(diag(3),c(3,3,3))
#' model <- gmm(nComp = 3, mu = mu, sigma=sigma, weights = c(0.2,0.4,0.4), d = 3)

gmm <- function(nComp=NULL, mu=NULL, sigma=NULL, weights=NULL, d=NULL){
      # Generate a default Gaussian Mixture Model
            d <- 1; k <- 5
            mu <- 10 * runif(k)
            mu <- mu - mean(mu)

            # Similate Matlab
            #mu <- c(0.9971,4.0301,-3.1720,-0.1498,-1.7055)

            sigma <- array(diag(d),c(d,d,k));
            k <- nComp

      # Case when mean is not specified
            if(is.null(d)) d <- 1

            mu <- 10 * replicate(k,runif(d))
            mu <- mu - mean(mu)


      # Case when sigma is not specified
                  d <- dim(mu)[1]

            sigma <- array(diag(d),c(d,d,k));

      #If sigma is one-dimensional
            sigma <- array(sigma, c(1,1,k))

      # Handle the cases for the weights
            weights = rep(1,k) / k
      }else if(sum(weights < 0) > 1){
            stop('Non-positive weights')
      }else if(sum(weights) != 1){
            weights <- weights / sum(weights)

      model <- list("nComp"=k, "mu" = mu, "sigma" = sigma,
                    "weights" = weights, "d"=d)


#' Generates dataset from Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @note Requires library mvtnorm
#' @param model : Gaussian Mixture Model defined by gmm()
#' @param n : number of samples desired
#' @return data (n by d): Random dataset generated from given the Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Generate 100 samples from default gaussian mixture model
#' model <- gmm()
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' #Generate 300 samples from 3-d gaussian mixture model
#' model <- gmm(d=3)
#' X <- rgmm(model,n=300)

rgmm <- function(model = NULL,n=100){
            stop('Supply GMM Model')
            k <- model$nComp
            mu <- model$mu
            sigma <- model$sigma
            weights <- model$weights
            d <- model$d

            components <- sample(1:k,prob=weights,size=n,replace=TRUE)

            # 1 Dimensional case
            if(d == 1){
                  stdev <- rep(0,k)
                  for(i in 1:k){
                        stdev[i] <- sqrt(sigma[,,i])
                  data <- rnorm(n=n,mean=mu[components],sd=stdev[components])
            # Multidimensional Case
                  if (!requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly = TRUE)) {
                        stop("mvtnorm needed for this demo to work. Please install it.",
                             call. = FALSE)
                  data = NULL
                  for(i in 1:k){
                        count <- sum(components == i)
                        singleClusterData <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(count, mean=mu[,i], sigma = sigma[,,i])
                        data = rbind(data,singleClusterData)

            # hcum <- h <- hist(data,breaks=30,plot=FALSE)
            # hcum$counts <- cumsum(hcum$counts)

#' Returns a perturbed model of given GMM
#' @param model : The base Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @return perturbedModel : Perturbed model with added noise to the supplied GMM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Add noise to default 1-d gaussian mixture model
#' model <- gmm()
#' noisymodel <- perturbgmm(model)

perturbgmm <- function(model = NULL){
            stop('Supply GMM Model')

      k <- model$nComp
      d <- model$d
      noise <- replicate(k,rnorm(d))
      mu2 <- model$mu + noise
      perturbedModel <- gmm(k,mu2,model$sigma, model$weights,d)


#' Calculates the posterior probability for a given dataset for a GMM
#' @param model : The Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @param X (n by d): The dataset of interest,
#' where n is the number of samples and d is the dimension
#' @return P (n by k) : The posterior probabilty of each dataset belonging to each of the k component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # compute posterior probability for a default 1-d gaussian mixture model
#' # and dataset generated from it
#' model <- gmm()
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' p <- posteriorgmm(model=model, X=X)

posteriorgmm <- function(model=NULL, X=NULL){
      if(is.null(model) || is.null(X)){
            stop('Supply Model and Data')

            n <- dim(X)[1];
                  n <- length(X)
            d <- model$d;
            k <- model$nComp
            mu <- model$mu
            sigma <- model$sigma
            weights <- model$weights

            P = NULL;
            # If one-dimensional
                  stdev <- rep(0,k)
                  for(i in 1:k){
                        stdev <- sqrt(sigma[,,i])
                        singleModelP <- dnorm(X, mean=mu[i],sd <- stdev)
                        P = cbind(P, singleModelP)
                  if (!requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly = TRUE)) {
                        stop("mvtnorm needed for this demo to work. Please install it.",
                             call. = FALSE)
                  for(i in 1:k){
                        singleModelP <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(X,mean=mu[,i],sigma=sigma[,,i])
                        P = cbind(P, singleModelP)

            P = P * rep.row(weights,n)
            sumP = rowSums(P)
            P = P / replicate(k,sumP)


#' Calculates the likelihood for a given dataset for a GMM
#' @param model : The Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @param X (n by d): The dataset of interest,
#' where n is the number of samples and d is the dimension
#' @return P (n by k) : The likelihood of each dataset belonging to each of the k component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # compute likelihood for a default 1-d gaussian mixture model
#' # and dataset generated from it
#' model <- gmm()
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' p <- likelihoodgmm(model=model, X=X)
likelihoodgmm <- function(model=NULL, X=NULL){
      if(is.null(model) || is.null(X)){
            stop('Supply Model and Data')
            n <- dim(X)[1];
                  n <- length(X)
            d <- model$d;
            k <- model$nComp
            mu <- model$mu
            sigma <- model$sigma
            weights <- model$weights

            P = NULL;
            # If one-dimensional
                  stdev <- rep(0,k)
                  for(i in 1:k){
                        stdev <- sqrt(sigma[,,i])
                        singleModelP <- dnorm(X, mean=mu[i],sd <- stdev)
                        P = cbind(P, singleModelP)
                  if (!requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly = TRUE)) {
                        stop("mvtnorm needed for this demo to work. Please install it.",
                             call. = FALSE)

                  for(i in 1:k){
                        singleModelP <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(X,mean=mu[,i],sigma=sigma[,,i])
                        P = cbind(P, singleModelP)

            P = P * rep.row(weights,n)
            sumP = rowSums(P)


#' Score function for given GMM : calculates score function dlogp(x)/dx
#' for a given Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @param model : The Gaussian Mixture Model
#' @param X (n by d): The dataset of interest,
#' where n is the number of samples and d is the dimension
#' @return y : The score computed by the given function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compute score for a given gaussianmixture model and dataset
#' model <- gmm()
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' score <- scorefunctiongmm(model=model, X=X)
scorefunctiongmm <- function(model=NULL, X=NULL){
      if(is.null(model) || is.null(X)){
            stop('Supply Model and Data')
            P <- posteriorgmm(model, X)
            d <- model$d
            if(d == 1){
                  n <- length(X)
                  n <- dim(X)[1]

            y <- 0

            for(k in 1:model$nComp){
                  sigma <- model$sigma[,,k]
                  if(d == 1){
                        y <-  y + replicate(d,P[,k]) * t(qr.solve(sigma,t(-X + rep.row(model$mu[k],n))))
                        y <-  y + replicate(d,P[,k]) * t(qr.solve(sigma,t(-X + rep.row(model$mu[,k],n))))



#' Plots histogram for 1-d GMM given the dataset
#' @param data (n by 1): The dataset of interest,
#' where n is the number of samples.
#' @param mu : True mean of the GMM (optional)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Plot pdf histogram for a given dataset
#' model <- gmm()
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' plotgmm(data=X)
#' # Plot pdf histogram for a given dataset, with lines that indicate the mean
#' model <- gmm()
#' mu <- model$mu
#' X <- rgmm(model)
#' plotgmm(data=X, mu=mu)
plotgmm <- function(data, mu = NULL){
      hcum <- h <- hist(data,breaks=30,plot=FALSE)
      hcum$counts <- cumsum(hcum$counts)

      ##----- Plot only pdf----------------
      plot(h, xlim = c(-20,20),col="grey")
      d <- density(data)
      lines(x = d$x, y = d$y  * length(data) * diff(h$breaks)[1], lwd = 2)
            abline(v = mu,col = "royalblue",lwd = 2)

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