#' @title Calculate ptMCMC summary diagnostics
#' @description Summarize the step and swap acceptance rates as well as trip
#' metrics from the saved output of a ptMCMC estimation.
#' @details Within-chain step acceptance rates are averaged for each of the
#' chains from the raw step acceptance histories
#' (\code{ptMCMCout$step_accepts}) and between-chain swap acceptance rates
#' are similarly averaged for each of the neighboring pairs of chains from
#' the raw swap acceptance histories (\code{ptMCMCout$swap_accepts}).
#' Trips are defined as movement from one extreme chain to the other and
#' back again (Katzgraber \emph{et al.} 2006). Trips are counted and turned
#' to per-iteration rates using \code{\link{count_trips}}.
#' \cr \cr
#' This function was first designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' process the output of \code{\link{est_changepoints}}, but has been
#' generalized and would work with any output from a ptMCMC as long as
#' \code{ptMCMCout} is formatted properly.
#' @param ptMCMCout Named \code{list} of saved data objects from a ptMCMC
#' estimation including elements named \code{step_accepts} (matrix of
#' \code{logical} outcomes of each step; rows: chains, columns: iterations),
#' \code{swap_accepts} (matrix of \code{logical} outcomes of each swap;
#' rows: chain pairs, columns: iterations), and \code{ids} (matrix of
#' particle identifiers; rows: chains, columns: iterations).
#' \code{ptMCMCout = NULL} indicates no use of ptMCMC and so the function
#' returns \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{list} of [1] within-chain average step acceptance rates
#' (\code{$step_acceptance_rate}), [2] average between-chain swap acceptance
#' rates (\code{$swap_acceptance_rate}), [3] within particle trip counts
#' (\code{$trip_counts}), and [4] within-particle average trip rates
#' (\code{$trip_rates}).
#' @references
#' Katzgraber, H. G., S. Trebst, D. A. Huse. And M. Troyer. 2006.
#' Feedback-optimized parallel tempering Monte Carlo. \emph{Journal of
#' Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment} \strong{3}:P03018
#' \href{}{link}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' rho_dist <- est_changepoints(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon",
#' weights, TS_control())
#' diagnose_ptMCMC(rho_dist)
#' }
#' @export
diagnose_ptMCMC <- function(ptMCMCout){
trips <- count_trips(ptMCMCout$ids)
list(step_acceptance_rate = rowMeans(ptMCMCout$step_accepts),
swap_acceptance_rate = rowMeans(ptMCMCout$swap_accepts),
trip_counts = trips$trip_counts, trip_rates = trips$trip_rates)
#' @title Count trips of the ptMCMC particles
#' @description Count the full trips (from one extreme temperature chain to
#' the other and back again; Katzgraber \emph{et al.} 2006) for each of the
#' ptMCMC particles, as identified by their id on initialization.
#' \cr \cr
#' This function was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and process
#' the output of \code{\link{est_changepoints}} as a component of
#' \code{\link{diagnose_ptMCMC}}, but has been generalized
#' and would work with any output from a ptMCMC as long as \code{ids}
#' is formatted properly.
#' @param ids \code{matrix} of identifiers of the particles in each chain for
#' each iteration of the ptMCMC algorithm (rows: chains,
#' columns: iterations).
#' @return \code{list} of [1] \code{vector} of within particle trip counts
#' (\code{$trip_counts}), and [2] \code{vector} of within-particle average
#' trip rates (\code{$trip_rates}).
#' @references
#' Katzgraber, H. G., S. Trebst, D. A. Huse. And M. Troyer. 2006.
#' Feedback-optimized parallel tempering Monte Carlo. \emph{Journal of
#' Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment} \strong{3}:P03018
#' \href{}{link}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' rho_dist <- est_changepoints(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' count_trips(rho_dist$ids)
#' }
#' @export
count_trips <- function(ids){
nit <- ncol(ids)
ntemps <- nrow(ids)
last_extreme <- NA
last_extreme_vector <- numeric(nit)
trips <- numeric(ntemps)
for(i in 1:ntemps){
for(j in 1:nit){
if(ids[1, j] == i){
last_extreme <- "bottom"
if(ids[ntemps, j] == i){
last_extreme <- "top"
last_extreme_vector[j] <- last_extreme
first_top <- match("top", last_extreme_vector)
if ({
trips[i] <- 0
} else{
last_pos <- rle(last_extreme_vector[first_top:nit])$values
trips[i] <- sum(last_pos == "bottom")
trip_rates <- trips / nit
list(trip_counts = trips, trip_rates = trip_rates)
#' @title Conduct a set of among-chain swaps for the ptMCMC algorithm
#' @description This function handles the among-chain swapping based on
#' temperatures and likelihood differentials.
#' \cr \cr
#' This function was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' specifically \code{\link{est_changepoints}}. It is still hardcoded to do
#' so, but has the capacity to be generalized to work with any estimation
#' via ptMCMC with additional coding work.
#' @details The ptMCMC algorithm couples the chains (which are
#' taking their own walks on the distribution surface) through "swaps",
#' where neighboring chains exchange configurations (Geyer 1991, Falcioni
#' and Deem 1999) following the Metropolis criterion (Metropolis
#' \emph{et al.} 1953). This allows them to share information and search the
#' surface in combination (Earl and Deem 2005).
#' @param chainsin Chain configuration to be evaluated for swapping.
#' @param inputs Class \code{ptMCMC_inputs} list, containing the static inputs
#' for use within the ptMCMC algorithm.
#' @param ids The vector of integer chain ids.
#' @return \code{list} of updated change points, log-likelihoods, and chain
#' ids, as well as a vector of acceptance indicators for each swap.
#' @references
#' Earl, D. J. and M. W. Deem. 2005. Parallel tempering: theory,
#' applications, and new perspectives. \emph{Physical Chemistry Chemical
#' Physics} \strong{7}: 3910-3916.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' Falcioni, M. and M. W. Deem. 1999. A biased Monte Carlo scheme for
#' zeolite structure solution. \emph{Journal of Chemical Physics}
#' \strong{110}: 1754-1766.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' Geyer, C. J. 1991. Markov Chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. \emph{In
#' Computing Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on
#' the Interface}. pp 156-163. American Statistical Association, New York,
#' USA. \href{}{link}.
#' Metropolis, N., A. W. Rosenbluth, M. N. Rosenbluth, A. H. Teller, and E.
#' Teller. 1953. Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines.
#' \emph{Journal of Chemical Physics} \strong{21}: 1087-1092.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' ids <- prep_ids(TS_control())
#' for(i in 1:TS_control()$nit){
#' steps <- step_chains(i, cpts, inputs)
#' swaps <- swap_chains(steps, inputs, ids)
#' saves <- update_saves(i, saves, steps, swaps)
#' cpts <- update_cpts(cpts, swaps)
#' ids <- update_ids(ids, swaps)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
swap_chains <- function(chainsin, inputs, ids){
temps <- inputs$temps
itemps <- 1/temps
ntemps <- length(temps)
revtemps <- seq(ntemps - 1, 1)
lls <- chainsin$lls
changepts <- chainsin$changepts
accept_swap <- rep(FALSE, ntemps - 1)
for (j in revtemps){
cutoff <- exp((itemps[j] - itemps[j + 1]) * (lls[j + 1] - lls[j]))
accept <- runif(1) < cutoff
if (accept) {
accept_swap[j] <- TRUE
placeholder <- changepts[, j]
changepts[ , j] <- changepts[, j + 1]
changepts[ , j + 1] <- placeholder
placeholder <- lls[j]
lls[j] <- lls[j + 1]
lls[j + 1] <- placeholder
placeholder <- ids[j]
ids[j] <- ids[j + 1]
ids[j + 1] <- placeholder
list(changepts = changepts, lls = lls, ids = ids, accept_swap = accept_swap)
#' @title Conduct a within-chain step of the ptMCMC algorithm
#' @description This set of functions steps the chains forward one iteration
#' of the within-chain component of the ptMCMC algorithm. \code{step_chains}
#' is the main function, comprised of a proposal (made by \code{prop_step}),
#' an evaluation of that proposal (made by \code{eval_step}), and then an
#' update of the configuration (made by \code{take_step}).
#' \cr \cr
#' This set of functions was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' specifically \code{\link{est_changepoints}}. They are still hardcoded to
#' do so, but have the capacity to be generalized to work with any
#' estimation via ptMCMC with additional coding work.
#' @details For each iteration of the ptMCMC algorithm, all of the chains
#' have the potential to take a step. The possible step is proposed under
#' a proposal distribution (here for change points we use a symmetric
#' geometric distribution), the proposed step is then evaluated and either
#' accepted or not (following the Metropolis-Hastings rule; Metropolis,
#' \emph{et al.} 1953, Hasting 1960, Gupta \emph{et al.} 2018), and then
#' accordingly taken or not (the configurations are updated).
#' @param i \code{integer} iteration index.
#' @param cpts \code{matrix} of change point locations across chains.
#' @param inputs Class \code{ptMCMC_inputs} \code{list}, containing the
#' static inputs for use within the ptMCMC algorithm.
#' @param prop_step Proposed step output from \code{propose_step}.
#' @param accept_step \code{logical} indicator of acceptance of each chain's
#' proposed step.
#' @return
#' \code{step_chains}: \code{list} of change points, log-likelihoods,
#' and logical indicators of acceptance for each chain. \cr \cr
#' \code{propose_step}: \code{list} of change points and
#' log-likelihood values for the proposal. \cr \cr
#' \code{eval_step}: \code{logical} vector indicating if each
#' chain's proposal was accepted. \cr \cr
#' \code{take_step}: \code{list} of change points, log-likelihoods,
#' and logical indicators of acceptance for each chain.
#' @references
#' Gupta, S., L. Hainsworth, J. S. Hogg, R. E. C. Lee, and J. R. Faeder.
#' 2018. Evaluation of parallel tempering to accelerate Bayesian parameter
#' estimation in systems biology.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' Hastings, W. K. 1970. Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov Chains
#' and their applications. \emph{Biometrika} \strong{57}:97-109.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' Metropolis, N., A. W. Rosenbluth, M. N. Rosenbluth, A. H. Teller, and E.
#' Teller. 1953. Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines.
#' \emph{Journal of Chemical Physics} \strong{21}: 1087-1092.
#' \href{}{link}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' ids <- prep_ids(TS_control())
#' for(i in 1:TS_control()$nit){
#' steps <- step_chains(i, cpts, inputs)
#' swaps <- swap_chains(steps, inputs, ids)
#' saves <- update_saves(i, saves, steps, swaps)
#' cpts <- update_cpts(cpts, swaps)
#' ids <- update_ids(ids, swaps)
#' }
#' # within step_chains()
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' i <- 1
#' prop_step <- propose_step(i, cpts, inputs)
#' accept_step <- eval_step(i, cpts, prop_step, inputs)
#' take_step(cpts, prop_step, accept_step)
#' }
#' @export
step_chains <- function(i, cpts, inputs){
prop_step <- propose_step(i, cpts, inputs)
accept_step <- eval_step(i, cpts, prop_step, inputs)
take_step(cpts, prop_step, accept_step)
#' @rdname step_chains
#' @export
propose_step <- function(i, cpts, inputs){
pdist <- inputs$pdist
ntemps <- length(inputs$temps)
selection <- cbind(pdist$which_steps[i, ], 1:ntemps)
prop_changepts <- cpts$changepts
curr_changepts_s <- cpts$changepts[selection]
prop_changepts_s <- curr_changepts_s + pdist$steps[i, ]
prop_changepts_s <- NULL
prop_changepts[selection] <- prop_changepts_s
mods <- proposed_step_mods(prop_changepts, inputs)
lls <- vapply(mods, logLik, 0)
list(changepts = prop_changepts, lls = lls)
#' @rdname step_chains
#' @export
eval_step <- function(i, cpts, prop_step, inputs){
temps <- inputs$temps
ntemps <- length(temps)
itemps <- 1 / temps
runif(ntemps) < exp((prop_step$lls - cpts$lls) * itemps)
#' @rdname step_chains
#' @export
take_step <- function(cpts, prop_step, accept_step){
changepts <- cpts$changepts
lls <- cpts$lls
changepts[ , accept_step] <- prop_step$changepts[ , accept_step]
lls[accept_step] <- prop_step$lls[accept_step]
list(changepts = changepts, lls = lls, accept_step = accept_step)
#' @title Fit the chunk-level models to a time series, given a set of
#' proposed change points within the ptMCMC algorithm
#' @description This function wraps around \code{TS_memo}
#' (optionally memoised \code{\link{multinom_TS}}) to provide a
#' simpler interface within the ptMCMC algorithm and is implemented within
#' \code{\link{propose_step}}.
#' @param prop_changepts \code{matrix} of proposed change points across
#' chains.
#' @param inputs Class \code{ptMCMC_inputs} list, containing the static inputs
#' for use within the ptMCMC algorithm.
#' @return List of models associated with the proposed step, with an element
#' for each chain.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' i <- 1
#' pdist <- inputs$pdist
#' ntemps <- length(inputs$temps)
#' selection <- cbind(pdist$which_steps[i, ], 1:ntemps)
#' prop_changepts <- cpts$changepts
#' curr_changepts_s <- cpts$changepts[selection]
#' prop_changepts_s <- curr_changepts_s + pdist$steps[i, ]
#' if(all({
#' prop_changepts_s <- NULL
#' }
#' prop_changepts[selection] <- prop_changepts_s
#' mods <- proposed_step_mods(prop_changepts, inputs)
#' }
#' @export
proposed_step_mods <- function(prop_changepts, inputs){
data <- inputs$data
formula <- inputs$formula
weights <- inputs$weights
TS_memo <- inputs$TS_memo
ntemps <- length(inputs$temps)
control <- inputs$control
timename <- inputs$timename
out <- vector("list", length = ntemps)
for (i in 1:ntemps){
out[[i]] <- TS_memo(data, formula, prop_changepts[ , i], timename,
weights, control)
#' @title Initialize and update the chain ids throughout the ptMCMC algorithm
#' @description \code{prep_ids} creates and \code{update_ids} updates
#' the active vector of identities (ids) for each of the chains in the
#' ptMCMC algorithm. These ids are used to track trips of the particles
#' among chains.
#' \cr \cr
#' These functions were designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' specifically \code{\link{est_changepoints}}, but have been generalized
#' and would work within any general ptMCMC as long as \code{control},
#' \code{ids}, and \code{swaps} are formatted properly.
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}.
#' @param ids The existing vector of chain ids.
#' @param swaps Chain configuration after among-temperature swaps.
#' @return The vector of chain ids.
#' @examples
#' prep_ids()
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' ids <- prep_ids(TS_control())
#' for(i in 1:TS_control()$nit){
#' steps <- step_chains(i, cpts, inputs)
#' swaps <- swap_chains(steps, inputs, ids)
#' saves <- update_saves(i, saves, steps, swaps)
#' cpts <- update_cpts(cpts, swaps)
#' ids <- update_ids(ids, swaps)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
prep_ids <- function(control = list()){
control <-"TS_control", control)
if (!is.numeric(control$ntemps) || any(control$ntemps %% 1 != 0)){
stop("ntemps must be integer-valued")
#' @rdname prep_ids
#' @export
update_ids <- function(ids, swaps){
#' @title Prepare the inputs for the ptMCMC algorithm estimation of
#' change points
#' @description Package the static inputs (controls and data structures) used
#' by the ptMCMC algorithm in the context of estimating change points.
#' \cr \cr
#' This function was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' specifically \code{\link{est_changepoints}}. It is still hardcoded to do
#' so, but has the capacity to be generalized to work with any estimation
#' via ptMCMC with additional coding work.
#' @param data Class \code{data.frame} object including [1] the time variable
#' (indicated in \code{control}), [2] the predictor variables (required by
#' \code{formula}) and [3], the multinomial response variable (indicated
#' in \code{formula}).
#' @param formula \code{formula} describing the continuous change. Any
#' predictor variable included must also be a column in the
#' \code{data}. Any (multinomial) response variable must also be a set of
#' columns in \code{data}.
#' @param nchangepoints Integer corresponding to the number of
#' change points to include in the model. 0 is a valid input (corresponding
#' to no change points, so a singular time series model), and the current
#' implementation can reasonably include up to 6 change points. The
#' number of change points is used to dictate the segmentation of the data
#' for each continuous model and each LDA model.
#' @param timename \code{character} element indicating the time variable
#' used in the time series. Defaults to \code{"time"}. The variable must be
#' integer-conformable or a \code{Date}. If the variable named
#' is a \code{Date}, the input is converted to an integer, resulting in the
#' timestep being 1 day, which is often not desired behavior.
#' @param weights Optional class \code{numeric} vector of weights for each
#' document. Defaults to \code{NULL}, translating to an equal weight for
#' each document. When using \code{multinom_TS} in a standard LDATS
#' analysis, it is advisable to weight the documents by their total size,
#' as the result of \code{\link[topicmodels]{LDA}} is a matrix of
#' proportions, which does not account for size differences among documents.
#' For most models, a scaling of the weights (so that the average is 1) is
#' most appropriate, and this is accomplished using
#' \code{\link{document_weights}}.
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}.
#' @return Class \code{ptMCMC_inputs} \code{list}, containing the static
#' inputs for use within the ptMCMC algorithm for estimating change points.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' }
#' @export
prep_ptMCMC_inputs <- function(data, formula, nchangepoints, timename,
weights = NULL, control = list()){
check_timename(data, timename)
check_formula(data, formula)
control <-"TS_control", control)
control$selector <- NULL
control$measurer <- NULL
out <- list(control = control, temps = prep_temp_sequence(control),
pdist = prep_proposal_dist(nchangepoints, control),
formula = formula, weights = weights, data = data,
TS_memo = memoise_fun(multinom_TS, control$memoise),
timename = timename)
class(out) <- c("ptMCMC_inputs", "list")
#' @title Pre-calculate the change point proposal distribution for the ptMCMC
#' algorithm
#' @description Calculate the proposal distribution in advance of actually
#' running the ptMCMC algorithm in order to decrease computation time.
#' The proposal distribution is a joint of three distributions:
#' [1] a multinomial distribution selecting among the change points within
#' the chain, [2] a binomial distribution selecting the direction of the
#' step of the change point (earlier or later in the time series), and
#' [3] a geometric distribution selecting the magnitude of the step.
#' @param nchangepoints Integer corresponding to the number of
#' change points to include in the model. 0 is a valid input (corresponding
#' to no change points, so a singular time series model), and the current
#' implementation can reasonably include up to 6 change points. The
#' number of change points is used to dictate the segmentation of the data
#' for each continuous model and each LDA model.
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}. Currently relevant here is
#' \code{magnitude}, which controls the magnitude of the step size (is the
#' average of the geometric distribution).
#' @return \code{list} of two \code{matrix} elements: [1] the size of the
#' proposed step for each iteration of each chain and [2] the identity of
#' the change point location to be shifted by the step for each iteration of
#' each chain.
#' @examples
#' prep_proposal_dist(nchangepoints = 2)
#' @export
prep_proposal_dist <- function(nchangepoints, control = list()){
control <-"TS_control", control)
ntemps <- control$ntemps
nit <- control$nit
if(nchangepoints == 0){
steps <- matrix(0, nrow = nit, ncol = ntemps)
which_steps <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow = nit, ncol = ntemps)
} else{
magnitude <- control$magnitude
step_signs <- sample(c(-1, 1), nit * ntemps, replace = TRUE)
step_magnitudes <- 1 + rgeom(nit * ntemps, 1 / magnitude)
steps <- matrix(step_signs * step_magnitudes, nrow = nit)
which_steps <-, nit * ntemps, replace = TRUE)
which_steps <- matrix(which_steps, nrow = nit)
list(steps = steps, which_steps = which_steps)
#' @title Prepare and update the data structures to save the ptMCMC output
#' @description \code{prep_saves} creates the data structure used to save the
#' output from each iteration of the ptMCMC algorithm, which is added via
#' \code{update_saves}. Once the ptMCMC is complete, the saved data objects
#' are then processed (burn-in iterations are dropped and the remaining
#' iterations are thinned) via \code{process_saves}.
#' \cr \cr
#' This set of functions was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' specifically \code{\link{est_changepoints}}. They are still hardcoded to
#' do so, but have the capacity to be generalized to work with any
#' estimation via ptMCMC with additional coding work.
#' @param nchangepoints \code{integer} corresponding to the number of
#' change points to include in the model. 0 is a valid input (corresponding
#' to no change points, so a singular time series model), and the current
#' implementation can reasonably include up to 6 change points. The
#' number of change points is used to dictate the segmentation of the data
#' for each continuous model and each LDA model.
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}.
#' @param i \code{integer} iteration index.
#' @param saves The existing list of saved data objects.
#' @param steps Chain configuration after within-temperature steps.
#' @param swaps Chain configuration after among-temperature swaps.
#' @return \code{list} of ptMCMC objects: change points (\code{$cpts}),
#' log-likelihoods (\code{$lls}), chain ids (\code{$ids}), step acceptances
#' (\code{$step_accepts}), and swap acceptances (\code{$swap_accepts}).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' ids <- prep_ids(TS_control())
#' for(i in 1:TS_control()$nit){
#' steps <- step_chains(i, cpts, inputs)
#' swaps <- swap_chains(steps, inputs, ids)
#' saves <- update_saves(i, saves, steps, swaps)
#' cpts <- update_cpts(cpts, swaps)
#' ids <- update_ids(ids, swaps)
#' }
#' process_saves(saves, TS_control())
#' }
#' @export
prep_saves <- function(nchangepoints, control = list()){
control <-"TS_control", control)
ntemps <- control$ntemps
nit <- control$nit
cpts <- array(NA, c(nchangepoints, ntemps, nit))
lls <- matrix(NA, ntemps, nit)
ids <- matrix(NA, ntemps, nit)
step_accepts <- matrix(FALSE, ntemps, nit)
swap_accepts <- matrix(FALSE, ntemps - 1, nit)
list(cpts = cpts, lls = lls, ids = ids, step_accepts = step_accepts,
swap_accepts = swap_accepts)
#' @rdname prep_saves
#' @export
update_saves <- function(i, saves, steps, swaps){
saves$cpts[ , , i] <- swaps$changepts
saves$lls[ , i] <- swaps$lls
saves$ids[ , i] <- swaps$ids
saves$step_accepts[ , i] <- steps$accept_step
saves$swap_accepts[ , i] <- swaps$accept_swap
#' @rdname prep_saves
#' @export
process_saves <- function(saves, control = list()){
control <-"TS_control", control)
nit <- control$nit
iters <- 1:nit
if (control$burnin > 0){
iters <- iters[-(1:control$burnin)]
niters <- length(iters)
thin_interval <- ceiling(1/control$thin_frac)
iters_thinned <- seq(1, niters, by = thin_interval)
dims <- c(dim(saves$cpts)[1:2], length(iters_thinned))
saves$cpts <- array(saves$cpts[ , , iters_thinned], dim = dims)
saves$lls <- saves$lls[, iters_thinned]
saves$ids <- saves$ids[, iters_thinned]
saves$step_accepts <- saves$step_accepts[ , iters_thinned]
saves$swap_accepts <- saves$swap_accepts[ , iters_thinned]
#' @title Initialize and update the change point matrix used in the ptMCMC
#' algorithm
#' @description Each of the chains is initialized by \code{prep_cpts} using a
#' draw from the available times (i.e. assuming a uniform prior), the best
#' fit (by likelihood) draw is put in the focal chain with each subsequently
#' worse fit placed into the subsequently hotter chain. \code{update_cpts}
#' updates the change points after every iteration in the ptMCMC algorithm.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} including [1] the time variable (indicated
#' in \code{timename}), [2] the predictor variables (required by
#' \code{formula}) and [3], the multinomial response variable (indicated in
#' \code{formula}) as verified by \code{\link{check_timename}} and
#' \code{\link{check_formula}}. Note that the response variables should be
#' formatted as a \code{data.frame} object named as indicated by the
#' \code{response} entry in the \code{control} list, such as \code{gamma}
#' for a standard TS analysis on LDA output.
#' @param formula \code{formula} defining the regression relationship between
#' the change points, see \code{\link[stats]{formula}}. Any
#' predictor variable included must also be a column in
#' \code{data} and any (multinomial) response variable must be a set of
#' columns in \code{data}, as verified by \code{\link{check_formula}}.
#' @param nchangepoints \code{integer} corresponding to the number of
#' change points to include in the model. 0 is a valid input (corresponding
#' to no change points, so a singular time series model), and the current
#' implementation can reasonably include up to 6 change points. The
#' number of change points is used to dictate the segmentation of the data
#' for each continuous model and each LDA model.
#' @param timename \code{character} element indicating the time variable
#' used in the time series. Defaults to \code{"time"}. The variable must be
#' integer-conformable or a \code{Date}. If the variable named
#' is a \code{Date}, the input is converted to an integer, resulting in the
#' timestep being 1 day, which is often not desired behavior.
#' @param weights Optional class \code{numeric} vector of weights for each
#' document. Defaults to \code{NULL}, translating to an equal weight for
#' each document. When using \code{multinom_TS} in a standard LDATS
#' analysis, it is advisable to weight the documents by their total size,
#' as the result of \code{\link[topicmodels]{LDA}} is a matrix of
#' proportions, which does not account for size differences among documents.
#' For most models, a scaling of the weights (so that the average is 1) is
#' most appropriate, and this is accomplished using
#' \code{\link{document_weights}}.
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}.
#' @param cpts The existing matrix of change points.
#' @param swaps Chain configuration after among-temperature swaps.
#' @return \code{list} of [1] \code{matrix} of change points (rows) for
#' each temperature (columns) and [2] \code{vector} of log-likelihood
#' values for each of the chains.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(rodents)
#' document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
#' document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
#' LDA_models <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2)[[1]]
#' data <- document_covariate_table
#' data$gamma <- LDA_models@gamma
#' weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
#' data <- data[order(data[,"newmoon"]), ]
#' saves <- prep_saves(1, TS_control())
#' inputs <- prep_ptMCMC_inputs(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights,
#' TS_control())
#' cpts <- prep_cpts(data, gamma ~ 1, 1, "newmoon", weights, TS_control())
#' ids <- prep_ids(TS_control())
#' for(i in 1:TS_control()$nit){
#' steps <- step_chains(i, cpts, inputs)
#' swaps <- swap_chains(steps, inputs, ids)
#' saves <- update_saves(i, saves, steps, swaps)
#' cpts <- update_cpts(cpts, swaps)
#' ids <- update_ids(ids, swaps)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
prep_cpts <- function(data, formula, nchangepoints, timename, weights,
control = list()){
check_formula(data, formula)
check_timename(data, timename)
control <-"TS_control", control)
temps <- prep_temp_sequence(control)
ntemps <- length(temps)
min_time <- min(data[ , timename])
max_time <- max(data[ , timename])
times <- seq(min_time, max_time, 1)
avail_times <- times[-c(1, length(times))]
cps <- matrix(NA, nrow = nchangepoints, ncol = ntemps)
for (i in 1:ntemps){
cp_times <- sort(sample(avail_times, nchangepoints, replace = FALSE))
cps[ , i] <- cp_times
lls <- rep(NA, ntemps)
for (i in 1:ntemps){
modfit <- multinom_TS(data, formula, cps[ ,i], timename, weights, control)
lls[i] <- modfit$logLik
cps <- cps[ , order(lls, decreasing = TRUE), drop = FALSE]
lls <- sort(lls, decreasing = TRUE)
out <- list(cps, lls)
names(out) <- c("changepts", "lls")
#' @rdname prep_cpts
#' @export
update_cpts <- function(cpts, swaps){
list(changepts = swaps$changepts, lls = swaps$lls)
#' @title Prepare the ptMCMC temperature sequence
#' @description Create the series of temperatures used in the ptMCMC
#' algorithm.
#' \cr \cr
#' This function was designed to work within \code{\link{TS}} and
#' \code{\link{est_changepoints}} specifically, but has been generalized
#' and would work with any ptMCMC model as long as \code{control}
#' includes the relevant control parameters (and provided that the
#' \code{\link{check_control}} function and its use here are generalized).
#' @param control A \code{list} of parameters to control the fitting of the
#' Time Series model including the parallel tempering Markov Chain
#' Monte Carlo (ptMCMC) controls. Values not input assume defaults set by
#' \code{\link{TS_control}}.
#' @return \code{vector} of temperatures.
#' @examples
#' prep_temp_sequence()
#' @export
prep_temp_sequence <- function(control = list()){
control <-"TS_control", control)
ntemps <- control$ntemps
penultimate_temp <- control$penultimate_temp
ultimate_temp <- control$ultimate_temp
q <- control$q
sequence <- seq(0, log2(penultimate_temp), length.out = ntemps - 1)
log_temps <- sequence^(1 + q) / log2(penultimate_temp)^q
c(2^(log_temps), ultimate_temp)
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