
Defines functions .formulaStructure CUSTOM UN TOEPLITZ RE CS IND ID


### structure.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: May 31 2021 (15:28) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: aug  1 2023 (15:19) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 1159
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * ID (identity)
##' @title identity Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the residuals are independent and identically distributed.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the residual variance (left hand side).
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param add.time not used.
##' @details A typical formula would be \code{~1}.
##' @return An object of class \code{IND} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' ID(NULL, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' ID(~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' ID(~gender, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' ID(gender~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' @export
ID <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
    outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = NULL, strata.X = TRUE, correlation = FALSE)
    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake ID(~1,~1) instead of ID(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## ** create structure
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(length(outCov$strata)>0){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = NA,
                                  cor = NA,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = NULL),
                class = "ID")

    ## ** export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("ID",class(out))

## * IND (independence)
##' @title Independence Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the residuals are independent but may have different variance.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' @param formula formula indicating variables influencing the residual variance,
##' using either as a multiplicative factor (right hand side) or stratification (left hand side) to model their effect.
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param add.time Should the default formula (i.e. when \code{NULL}) contain a time effect.
##' @details A typical formula would be either \code{~1} indicating constant variance
##' or \code{~time} indicating a time dependent variance.
##' @return An object of class \code{IND} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' IND(NULL, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' IND(~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' IND(gender~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' IND(gender~time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' IND(~gender+time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' @export
IND <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
            add.X <- list(variance = add.time,
                          correlation = NULL)
        }else if(add.time){
            add.X <- list(variance = var.time,
                          correlation = NULL)
        }else if(!add.time){
            add.X <- NULL
            stop("Incorrect argument \'add.time\': should be logical or character. \n")
        add.X <- NULL

    outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = add.X, strata.X = FALSE, correlation = FALSE)
    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake IND(~1,~1) instead of IND(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## ** create structure
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(length(outCov$strata)>0){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = if(length(outCov$X.var)>0){I(list(outCov$X.var))}else{NA},
                                  cor = NA,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = NULL),
                class = "IND")

    ## ** export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("IND",class(out))

## * CS (compound symmetry)
##' @title Compound Symmetry Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the variance and correlation of the residuals is constant within covariate levels.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' The default has no covariate and therefore the variance and correlation are constant within cluster.
##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the residual variance and correlation (left hand side)
##' and variables influencing the residual variance and correlation (right hand side).
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param type [character] \itemize{
##' \item \code{"ho"}, \code{"homo"}, or \code{"homogeneous"}: constant variance and covariate-specific correlation.
##' Analogous to crossed or nested random effects.
##' \item \code{"he"}, \code{"hetero"}, or \code{"heterogeneous"}: variance and correlation specific to the level of covariates.
##' Can be seen as more flexible crossed or nested random effects model.
##' }
##' @param group.type [integer vector] grouping of the regressor for the correlation structure.
##' A constant value corresponds to nested random effects (default) and a regressor-specific value to crossed random effects
##' @param add.time not used.
##' @details A typical formula would be \code{~1}, indicating a variance constant over time and the same correlation between all pairs of times.
##' @return An object of class \code{CS} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' ## no covariates
##' CS(~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' CS(gender~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' ## covariates
##' CS(~time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' CS(gender~time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' CS(list(~time,~1), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' CS(list(gender~time,gender~1), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' @export
CS <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, type = NULL, group.type = NULL, add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
    type.ho <- c("ho","homo","homogeneous")
    type.he <- c("he","hetero","heterogeneous")
        type <- match.arg(type, c(type.ho,type.he))
        if(type %in% type.ho){
            type <- type.ho[3]
        }else if(type %in% type.he){
            type <- type.he[3]
    }else if(inherits(formula,"formula") || (is.list(formula) && length(formula)==1)){
        type <- type.ho[3]
    }else if((is.list(formula) && length(formula)==2)){
        type <- type.he[3]

    if(!missing(formula) && inherits(formula,"formula")){
        if(type == "homogeneous"){
                formula <- list(variance = ~1,
                                correlation = formula)
                formula <- list(variance = stats::update(formula,".~0"),
                                correlation = formula)
        }else if(type == "heterogeneous" && !missing(var.time)){
            var.f <- all.vars(formula)
            if(length(var.f)>0 && any(var.f %in% c(var.time,attr(var.time,"original")))){
                formula <- list(variance = formula,
                                correlation = formula)
                add.var <- c(attr(var.time,"original"),var.time)[1]
                    formula <- list(variance = stats::update(formula,paste0("~.+",add.var)),
                                    correlation = formula)
                    formula <- list(variance = stats::update(formula,paste0(".~.+",add.var)),
                                    correlation = formula)

        outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = NULL, strata.X = FALSE, correlation = TRUE)
            type <- "homogeneous"
        outCov <- NULL

    if(is.null(group.type) || length(group.type) == 0){
            group.type <- NULL
            group.type <- stats::setNames(rep(1,length(outCov$X.cor)), outCov$X.cor)
        if(length(group.type) != length(outCov$X.cor)){
            stop("Argument \'group.type\' should have length ",length(outCov$X.cor),", i.e. one value for each variable. \n")
            stop("Argument \'group.type\' should no have duplicated names. \n")
            if(any(names(group.type) %in% outCov$X.cor == FALSE)){
                stop("Argument \'group.type\' should contain regressors for the correlation structure. \n",
                     "Valid values: \"",paste(outCov$X.cor, collapse = "\", \""),"\". \n")
            names(group.type) <- outCov$X.cor
    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake CS(~1,~1) instead of CS(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## ** create structure
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(length(outCov$strata)>0){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = if(length(outCov$X.var)>0){I(list(outCov$X.var))}else{NA},
                                  cor = if(length(outCov$X.cor)>0){I(list(outCov$X.cor))}else{NA},
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = outCov$formula.cor),
                type = type,
                group.type = group.type,
                class = "CS")

    ## export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("CS",class(out))

## * RE (random effect)
##' @title Random Effect Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure parametrized via random effects.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the residual variance and correlation (left hand side)
##' and variables influencing the residual variance and correlation (right hand side).##' 
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param ranef [list] characteristics of the random effects
##' @param add.time not used.
##' @details A typical formula would be \code{~1}, indicating a variance constant over time and the same correlation between all pairs of times.
##' @return An object of class \code{CS} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' RE(~1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' RE(~gender, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' RE(gender~(1|id), var.time = "time")
##' @export
RE <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, ranef = NULL, add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
    ## ranef
    test.ranef <- is.null(ranef)

    ## var.cluster
    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake RE(~1,~1) instead of RE(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## formula
        stop("Argument \'formula\' must inherits from formula. \n")
    detail.formula <- formula2var(formula)

    ## convert ~1|id to ~(1|id)
        if(length(detail.formula$vars$repetition)>2 || length(detail.formula$terms$all)!=1){
            stop("Something when wrong when identifying the random effects. \n",
                 "Consider wrapping the random effect term in the formula by parentheses, e.g. ~ (1|id). \n")
        newformula <- stats::as.formula(paste0(paste(detail.formula$vars$response, collapse = "+"),"~(",detail.formula$terms$repetition,")"))
        detail.formula <- formula2var(newformula)

                stop("The strata variable in argument \'formula\' should be specified on the left or right hand side (not both). \n")
            var.strata <- detail.formula$vars$regressor
            var.strata <- detail.formula$vars$response
    }else if(detail.formula$special=="ranef"){
        var.strata <- detail.formula$vars$response        
        stop("Incorrect argument \'formula\' for structure RE. \n",
             "Should be something like ~strata or strata ~ (1|id).")

    ## ** prepare variance structure
        ff.var <- stats::as.formula(paste0(var.strata,"~1"))
        ff.var <- ~1

    ## ** prepare correlation / random effect structure
    if(test.ranef && detail.formula$special=="ranef"){
        ranef <- detail.formula$ranef
        if(missing(var.cluster) && ranef$cross == FALSE){
            var.cluster <- ranef$cluster
            attr(var.cluster,"original") <- ranef$cluster
    if(is.null(ranef) || (ranef$cross == FALSE && ranef$nested == FALSE)){ ## no random effect or random intercept
        ff.cor <- ff.var   
        group <- NULL
    }else if(ranef$cross == FALSE && ranef$nested == TRUE){
        Ovar.cluster <- attr(var.cluster,"original")
        if(!is.null(Ovar.cluster) && Ovar.cluster %in% ranef$vars){
            ## remove cluster level from formula 
            ff.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste0(var.strata,"~",paste0(setdiff(ranef$vars,Ovar.cluster), collapse = "+")))
            stop("Something went wrong when identifying the nested random effects. \n",
                 "Cluster variable ",attr(var.cluster,"original")," not found among the variables defining the random effects \"",paste(ranef$vars, collapse = "\" \""),"\".\n")
    }else if(ranef$cross == TRUE && ranef$nested == FALSE){
        ## crossed random effect: typically each random effect has been specified (e.g. (1|id) and (1|scan))
        ## but not the overall level (e.g. hospital where specific id and scans are performed)
        ff.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste0(var.strata,"~",paste0(ranef$vars, collapse = "+")))
    }else if(ranef$cross == TRUE && ranef$nested == TRUE){
        stop("Random effect structre with both nested and cross random effect not (yet!) possible. \n")

    ## groups of random effects
    n.group <- length(ranef$hierarchy)
    group <- unlist(lapply(1:n.group, function(iG){
        stats::setNames(rep(iG, length(ranef$hierarchy[[iG]])), ranef$hierarchy[[iG]])
    if(!missing(var.cluster) && !is.null(attr(var.cluster,"original")) && attr(var.cluster,"original") %in% names(group)){
        groupCS <- group[names(group) != attr(var.cluster,"original")]
        groupCS <- group

    ## ** create structure
    out <- CS(list(variance = ff.var, correlation = ff.cor),
              var.cluster = var.cluster, var.time = var.time,
              type = "homogeneous",
              group.type = groupCS) ## modify group.type to remove cluster variable (otherwise error as it does not match the design matrix)
    out$group.type <- group ## use the proper group variable later
    out$ranef <- ranef

    ## ** export
    out$call <- match.call()
    out$class <- "RE"
    class(out) <- append("RE",class(out))

## * TOEPLITZ (Toeplitz)
##' @title Toeplitz Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the correlation depends on time elapsed between two repetitions.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the residual variance and correlation (left hand side)
##' and variables influencing the residual variance and correlation (right hand side). 
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param type [character] degree of flexibility of the correlation structure within covariate (\code{"UN","LAG","CS"}).
##' Will also affect the variance structure when not explicit.
##' @param add.time Should the default formula (i.e. when \code{NULL}) contain a time effect.
##' @details \bold{formula}: there can only be at most one covariate for the correlation structure.
##' A typical formula would be \code{~1}, indicating a variance constant over time and a correlation specific to each gap time.
##' \bold{type}: for a binary covariate the correlation matrix can be decomposed into four blocs: A, B, B, C.
##' A correspond the correlation within level 0 of the covariate, C within level 1, and B between level 0 and 1.
##' Different correlation structures can be specified:\itemize{ 
##' \item \code{"UN"}: unstructured matrix except for the diagonal elements of C which are constrained to be equal.
##' \item \code{"LAG"}: Toeplitz structure within A, B, and C, i.e. correlation specific to each time lag and covariate level.
##' \item \code{"CS"}: block-specific value except for C which has a different value for its diagonal elements.
##' @return An object of class \code{TOEPLITZ} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' ## no covariate
##' TOEPLITZ(~time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' TOEPLITZ(gender~time, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' TOEPLITZ(list(~time,~time), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' TOEPLITZ(list(gender~time,gender~time), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time")
##' ## with covariates
##' TOEPLITZ(~side, var.cluster = "id", type = "UN",
##'          var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' TOEPLITZ(~side, var.cluster = "id", type = "LAG",
##'          var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' TOEPLITZ(~side, var.cluster = "id", type = "CS",
##'          var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' TOEPLITZ(gender~side, var.cluster = "id", type = "CS",
##'          var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' @export
TOEPLITZ <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, type = "LAG", add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
        type <- "LAG"
        toeplitz.block <- FALSE
        type <- match.arg(type, c("UN","LAG","CS"))
        toeplitz.block <- NULL
            if(type == "UN" || type == "LAG"){
                add.X <- list(variance = add.time,
                              correlation = add.time)
            }else if(type == "CS"){
                    add.X <- list(variance = utils::head(add.time,1),
                                  correlation = add.time)
                    add.X <- list(variance = NULL,
                                  correlation = add.time)
        }else if(add.time){
            if(type == "UN" || type == "LAG"){
                add.X <- list(variance = var.time,
                              correlation = var.time)
            }else if(type == "CS"){
                    add.X <- list(variance = utils::head(var.time,1),
                                  correlation = var.time)
                    add.X <- list(variance = NULL,
                                  correlation = var.time)
        }else if(!add.time){
            add.X <- NULL
            stop("Incorrect argument \'add.time\': should be logical or character. \n")
        add.X <- NULL

        outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = add.X, strata.X = FALSE, correlation = TRUE)
            stop("TOEPLITZ covariance structure does not support no covariates for the correlation structure. \n")
        }else if(length(outCov$X.cor)>2){
            stop("TOEPLITZ covariance structure does not support more than 2 covariates for the correlation structure. \n")
        }else if(is.null(toeplitz.block)){
            toeplitz.block <- length(outCov$X.cor) > 1
        outCov <- NULL

    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake TOEPLITZ(~1,~1) instead of TOEPLITZ(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## ** create structure
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(!is.null(outCov$strata)){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = if(length(outCov$X.var)>0){I(list(outCov$X.var))}else{NA},
                                  cor = if(length(outCov$X.cor)>0){I(list(outCov$X.cor))}else{NA},
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = outCov$formula.cor),
                type = type,
                block = toeplitz.block,
                class = "TOEPLITZ")

    ## ** export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("TOEPLITZ",class(out))

## * UN (unstructured)
##' @title Unstructured Structure 
##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the residuals have time-specific variance and correlation.
##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the covariance structure.
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param add.time Should the default formula (i.e. when \code{NULL}) contain a time effect.
##' @details A typical formula would be \code{~1}, indicating a time-specific variance parameter and a correlation parameter specific to each pair of times.
##' @return An object of class \code{UN} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' UN(NULL, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' UN(~gender, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' UN(gender ~ 1, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' UN(list(~gender,~1), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' UN(list(gender~age,gender~1), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
##' @export
UN <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, add.time){

    ## ** normalize input
            add.X <- list(variance = add.time,
                          correlation = add.time)
        }else if(add.time){
            add.X <- list(variance = var.time,
                          correlation = var.time)
        }else if(!add.time){
            add.X <- NULL
            stop("Incorrect argument \'add.time\': should be logical or character. \n")
        add.X <- NULL

    outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = add.X, strata.X = inherits(formula,"formula"), correlation = 2) ## 2 for fully stratified structure

    if(!missing(var.cluster) && inherits(var.cluster,"formula")){ ## possible user mistake UN(~1,~1) instead of UN(list(~1,~1))
        stop("Argument \'var.cluster\' should not be a formula. \n",
             "Consider using a list to collect the formula for the variance and correlation structure. \n")

    ## ** create structure
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(length(outCov$strata)>0){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = I(list(outCov$X.var)),
                                  cor = I(list(outCov$X.cor)),
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = outCov$formula.cor),
                class = "UN")

    ## ** export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("UN",class(out))

## * LV (latent variable)

## ## * EXP (exponential)
## ##' @title Exponential Structure
## ##' @description Variance-covariance structure where the residuals have a correlation decreasing exponentially,
## ##' Can be stratified on a categorical variable.
## ##'
## ##' @param formula formula indicating on which variable to stratify the residual variance and correlation (left hand side)
## ##' and variables influencing the residual variance and correlation (right hand side).
## ##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
## ##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
## ##' @param nugget [logical] whether a nugget effect is present.
## ##' @param add.time not used.
## ##'
## ##' @details A typical formula would be \code{~1}, indicating a variance constant over time and correlation with exponential decrease over time.
## ##'
## ##' Inspired from \code{nlme::corExp} where if \eqn{K} denotes the nugget effect and \eqn{\rho} the time effect,
## ##' the correlation between two observations with a time gap \eqn{dt} is \eqn{exp(-\rho dt)} when no nugget effect is present and \eqn{(1-K) exp(-\rho dt)} when a nugget effect is assumed. 
## ##'
## ##' @return An object of class \code{EXP} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
## ##' 
## ##' @keywords multivariate
## ##' 
## ##' @examples
## ##' EXP(var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
## ##' EXP(~space, var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
## ##' EXP(list(~space,~space), var.cluster = "id", var.time = "time", add.time = TRUE)
## ##' 
## ##' @export
## EXP <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time, nugget = FALSE, add.time){

##     if(missing(formula) || is.null(formula)){
##         outCov <- .formulaStructure(list(~1,stats::as.formula(paste0("~",var.time))), heterogeneous = nugget)
##     }else if(is.list(formula)){
##         outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, heterogeneous = nugget)
##     }else if(!missing(add.time) && (is.character(add.time) || identical(add.time,TRUE)) && length(all.vars(stats::update(formula,0~.)))==0){
##         if(is.character(add.time)){
##             var.time <- add.time
##         }
##         if(attr(stats::terms(formula),"response")==1){ # with strata
##             ff <- stats::as.formula(paste0(all.vars(formula),"~",var.time))
##         }else{
##             ff <- stats::as.formula(paste0("~",var.time))
##         }
##         outCov <- .formulaStructure(list(formula,ff), heterogeneous = nugget)
##     }else{
##         if(attr(stats::terms(formula),"response")==1){ # with strata
##             outCov <- .formulaStructure(list(stats::as.formula(paste0(all.vars(formula),"~1")),formula), heterogeneous = nugget)
##         }else{
##             outCov <- .formulaStructure(list(~1,formula), heterogeneous = nugget)
##         }
##     }

##     out <- list(call = match.call(),
##                 name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
##                                   strata = if(!is.null(outCov$strata)){outCov$strata}else{NA},
##                                   time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
##                                   var = if(length(outCov$X.var)>0){I(list(outCov$X.var))}else{NA},
##                                   cor = if(length(outCov$X.cor)>0){I(list(outCov$X.cor))}else{NA},
##                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
##                 formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
##                                cor = outCov$formula.cor),
##                 heterogeneous = nugget,
##                 class = "EXP")

##     ## export
##     class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
##     class(out) <- append("EXP",class(out))
##     return(out)
## }

## * CUSTOM (user-specified)
##' @title Custom Structure
##' @description Variance-covariance structure specified by the user.
##' @param formula formula indicating variables influencing the residual variance and correlation (right hand side).
##' @param var.cluster [character] cluster variable.
##' @param var.time [character] time variable.
##' @param FCT.sigma [function] take as argument the model parameters, time, and design matrix.
##' Output the vector of residuals standard deviations.
##' @param dFCT.sigma [list of vectors] list whose elements are the first derivative of argument \code{FCT.sigma}. 
##' @param d2FCT.sigma [list of vectors] list whose elements are the second derivative of argument \code{FCT.sigma} (no cross-terms).
##' @param init.sigma [numeric vector] initial value for the variance parameters.
##' @param FCT.rho [function] take as argument the model parameters, time, and design matrix.
##' Output the matrix of residuals correlation.
##' @param dFCT.rho [list of matrices] list whose elements are the first derivative of argument \code{FCT.rho}. 
##' @param d2FCT.rho [list of matrices] list whose elements are the second derivative of argument \code{FCT.rho} (no cross-terms).
##' @param init.rho [numeric vector] initial value for the correlation parameters.
##' @param add.time not used.
##' @return An object of class \code{CUSTOM} that can be passed to the argument \code{structure} of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @keywords multivariate
##' @examples
##' ## Compound symmetry structure
##' CUSTOM(~1,
##'        FCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){rep(p,n.time)},
##'        init.sigma = c("sigma"=1),
##'        dFCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){list(sigma = rep(1,n.time))},  
##'        d2FCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){list(sigma = rep(0,n.time))},  
##'        FCT.rho = function(p,n.time,X){
##'            matrix(p,n.time,n.time)+diag(1-p,n.time,n.time)
##'        },
##'        init.rho = c("rho"=0.5),
##'        dFCT.rho = function(p,n.time,X){
##'             list(rho = matrix(1,n.time,n.time)-diag(1,n.time,n.time))
##'        },
##'        d2FCT.rho = function(p,n.time,X){list(rho = matrix(0,n.time,n.time))}
##' )
##' ## 2 block structure
##' rho.2block <- function(p,n.time,X){
##'    rho <- matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time)
##'    rho[1,2] <- rho[2,1] <- rho[4,5] <- rho[5,4] <- p["rho1"]
##'    rho[1,3] <- rho[3,1] <- rho[4,6] <- rho[6,4] <- p["rho2"]
##'    rho[2,3] <- rho[3,2] <- rho[5,6] <- rho[6,5] <- p["rho3"]
##'    rho[4:6,1:3] <- rho[1:3,4:6] <- p["rho4"]
##'    return(rho)
##' }
##' drho.2block <- function(p,n.time,X){
##'    drho <- list(rho1 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                 rho2 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                 rho3 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                 rho4 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time))   
##'    drho$rho1[1,2] <- drho$rho1[2,1] <- drho$rho1[4,5] <- drho$rho1[5,4] <- 1
##'    drho$rho2[1,3] <- drho$rho2[3,1] <- drho$rho2[4,6] <- drho$rho2[6,4] <- 1
##'    drho$rho3[2,3] <- drho$rho3[3,2] <- drho$rho3[5,6] <- drho$rho3[6,5] <- 1
##'    drho$rho4[4:6,1:3] <- drho$rho4[1:3,4:6] <- 1
##'    return(drho)
##' }
##' d2rho.2block <- function(p,n.time,X){
##'    d2rho <- list(rho1 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                  rho2 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                  rho3 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time),
##'                  rho4 = matrix(0, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time))   
##'    return(d2rho)
##' }
##' CUSTOM(~variable,
##'        FCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){rep(p,n.time)},
##'        dFCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){list(sigma=rep(1,n.time))},
##'        d2FCT.sigma = function(p,n.time,X){list(sigma=rep(0,n.time))},
##'        init.sigma = c("sigma"=1),
##'        FCT.rho = rho.2block,
##'        dFCT.rho = drho.2block,
##'        d2FCT.rho = d2rho.2block,
##'        init.rho = c("rho1"=0.25,"rho2"=0.25,"rho3"=0.25,"rho4"=0.25))
##' @export
CUSTOM <- function(formula, var.cluster, var.time,
                   FCT.sigma, dFCT.sigma = NULL, d2FCT.sigma = NULL, init.sigma,
                   FCT.rho, dFCT.rho = NULL, d2FCT.rho = NULL, init.rho, add.time){

        outCov <- .formulaStructure(~1, add.X = NULL, strata.X = FALSE, correlation = TRUE)
        outCov <- .formulaStructure(formula, add.X = NULL, strata.X = FALSE, correlation = TRUE)

    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                name = data.frame(cluster = if(!missing(var.cluster)){var.cluster}else{NA},
                                  strata = if(!is.null(outCov$strata)){outCov$strata}else{NA},
                                  time = if(!missing(var.time)){var.time}else{NA},
                                  var = if(length(outCov$X.var)>0){I(list(outCov$X.var))}else{NA},
                                  cor = if(length(outCov$X.cor)>0){I(list(outCov$X.cor))}else{NA},
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                formula = list(var = outCov$formula.var,
                               cor = outCov$formula.cor),
                class = "CUSTOM")

    ## param
    ## if(!is.na(out$name$strata)){
    ##     stop("CUSTOM structure cannot (yet?) handle strata. \n")
    ## }
        if(any(names(formals(FCT.sigma)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'FCT.sigma\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        if(!is.null(dFCT.sigma) && any(names(formals(dFCT.sigma)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'dFCT.sigma\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        if(!is.null(d2FCT.sigma) && any(names(formals(d2FCT.sigma)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'d2FCT.sigma\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        out$FCT.sigma <- FCT.sigma
        out$dFCT.sigma <- dFCT.sigma
        out$d2FCT.sigma <- d2FCT.sigma
        out$init.sigma <- init.sigma
        if(length(out$init.sigma)>0 && is.null(names(out$init.sigma))){
            names(out$init.sigma) <- paste0("sigma",1:length(out$init.sigma))
        out$FCT.sigma <- function(p,time,X){rep(p,length(time))}
        out$dFCT.sigma <- function(p,time,X){list(rep(1,length(time)))}
        out$d2FCT.sigma <- function(p,time,X){list(rep(0,length(time)))}
        out$init.sigma <- c(sigma = NA)        
        if(any(names(formals(FCT.rho)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'FCT.rho\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        if(!is.null(dFCT.rho) && any(names(formals(dFCT.rho)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'dFCT.rho\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        if(!is.null(d2FCT.rho) && any(names(formals(d2FCT.rho)) %in% c("p","n.time","X","...") == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect argument in \'d2FCT.rho\': can be \"p\", \"n.time\", or \"X\". \n")
        out$FCT.rho <- FCT.rho
        out$dFCT.rho <- dFCT.rho
        out$d2FCT.rho <- d2FCT.rho
        out$init.rho <- init.rho
        if(length(init.rho)>0 && is.null(names(out$init.rho))){
            names(out$init.rho) <- paste0("rho",1:length(out$init.rho))
        out$FCT.rho <- NULL
        out$dFCT.rho <- NULL
        out$d2FCT.rho <- NULL
        out$init.rho <- NULL
        out$formula$cor <- NULL

    ## export
    class(out) <- append("structure",class(out))
    class(out) <- append("CUSTOM",class(out))

## * helper
## ** .formulaStructure
##' @title Extract Variable From Formula For VCOV Structure
##' @description Extract the variables from the variance and correlation formula to be used to initialize the variance-covariance structure.
##' @noRd
##' @param formula A formula or a list of two formulas.
##' @param add.X [character vector] additional covariates to be added to the variance and correlation structure.
##' @param strata.X [logical] all covariates should be used to stratify the variance and/or correlation structure.
##' @param correlation [logical] should a correlation structure be output? Otherwise no correlation parameter is considered.
##' If greater than 1 then all interaction terms are considered when having multiple variables, e.g. time:gender instead of time + gender.
##' @keywords internal
.formulaStructure <- function(formula, add.X, strata.X, correlation){

    ## ** normalize to formula format
        formula <- ~1

    class.formula <- inherits(formula,"formula")
        detail.formula0 <- formula2var(formula)

        formula <- list(variance = formula,
                        correlation = formula)
        detail.formula <- list(variance = detail.formula0,
                               correlation = detail.formula0)
    }else if(is.list(formula) && length(formula)==2 && all(sapply(formula,inherits,"formula"))){

            names(formula) <- c("variance","correlation")
        }else if(all(names(formula) %in% c("var","cor"))){
            names(formula)[names(formula)=="var"] <- "variance"
            names(formula)[names(formula)=="cor"] <- "correlation"
        }else if(all(names(formula) %in% c("variance","correlation"))){
            formula <- formula[c("variance","correlation")]
            stop("Incorrect names associated to the argument \'formula\' for the residual variance-covariance structure. \n",
                 "Should be \"variance\" and \"correlation\" (or \"var\" and \"cor\"). \n")
        detail.formula <- lapply(formula, formula2var)
        stop("Incorrect argument \'formula\': should be a formula or a list of 2 formula (var, cor).\n")

        add.X <- list(variance = add.X,
                      correlation = add.X)
    }else if(is.list(add.X) && length(add.X)==2){        
            names(add.X) <- c("variance","correlation")
        }else if(all(names(add.X) %in% c("var","cor"))){
            names(add.X)[names(add.X)=="var"] <- "variance"
            names(add.X)[names(add.X)=="cor"] <- "correlation"
        }else if(all(names(add.X) %in% c("variance","correlation"))){
            add.X <- add.X[c("variance","correlation")]
            stop("Incorrect names associated to the argument \'add.X\' for the residual variance-covariance structure. \n",
                 "Should be \"variance\" and \"correlation\" (or \"var\" and \"cor\"). \n")
    }else if(!is.null(add.X)){
        stop("Incorrect argument \'add.X\': should be a character or a list with 2 elements (var, cor).\n")

    ## ** type
    if(any(sapply(detail.formula, function(iDetail){iDetail$special})!="none")){
        stop("Incorrect argument \'formula\': there should be no special character, e.g. no |. \n")

    ## ** left hand side
    ls.var.strata <- lapply(detail.formula, function(iDetail){iDetail$vars$response})
        stop("Incorrect argument \'formula\': strata variable differ between the correlation and variance structure. \n")
    var.strata <- ls.var.strata[[1]]
        var.strata <- NULL
    }else if(length(var.strata)>1){
        stop("There should be at most one strata variable. \n")

    ## ** right hand side    
    ls.var.X <- list(variance = unique(c(add.X$variance, detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor)),
                     correlation = unique(c(add.X$correlation, detail.formula$correlation$vars$regressor)))
    test.interaction <- sapply(formula, function(iF){
        stop("Does not handle interactions in the formula. \n")

    ## right hand side variables define strata
    if(length(var.strata)==0 && strata.X && length(unlist(ls.var.X))>0){
        if(length(ls.var.X$variance)>0 && length(ls.var.X$correlation)>0){
                stop("The strata variable should not differ between the variance and the correlation structure. \n")
                var.strata <- detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor
                ls.var.X$variance <- setdiff(ls.var.X$variance,detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor)
                ls.var.X$correlation <- setdiff(ls.var.X$correlation,detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor)
        }else if(length(ls.var.X$variance)>0){
            var.strata <- detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor
            ls.var.X$variance <- setdiff(ls.var.X$variance,detail.formula$variance$vars$regressor)                
        }else if(length(ls.var.X$correlation)>0){
            var.strata <- detail.formula$correlation$vars$regressor
            ls.var.X$correlation <- setdiff(ls.var.X$correlation,detail.formula$correlation$vars$regressor)                


    ## ** combine left and right hand side
    ## *** variance
        X.var <- NULL
                formula.var <- ~1
                formula.var <- ~0
            formula.var <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0+",var.strata))
        X.var <- unname(ls.var.X$variance)
            formula.var <- stats::as.formula(paste("~",paste(ls.var.X$variance,collapse=":")))
            formula.var <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0+",var.strata,"+ ",paste(c(ls.var.X$variance, var.strata),collapse=":")))            

    ## *** correlation
        X.cor <- NULL
            formula.cor <- NULL
        }else if(length(var.strata)==0){
            formula.cor <- ~1
            formula.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0+",var.strata))
        X.cor <- unname(ls.var.X$correlation)
            formula.cor <- NULL
                warning("Variable(s) \"",paste(ls.var.X$correlation, collapse = "\", \""),"\" in the correlation structure are ignored. \n")
        }else if(length(var.strata)==0){
                formula.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0+",paste(ls.var.X$correlation,collapse=":")))
                formula.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0+",paste(ls.var.X$correlation,collapse="+")))
                formula.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0 + ",paste(c(ls.var.X$correlation, var.strata), collapse=":")))
                formula.cor <- stats::as.formula(paste("~0 + (",paste(ls.var.X$correlation, collapse="+"),"):",var.strata))
                ## NOTE: wrapping the non-strata variable in () ensures proper ordering of the column names (i.e. strata variable at the end)
                ##' df <- data.frame(day = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2),
                ##'                  gender = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0"),
                ##'                  session = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4))
                ##' X <- stats::model.matrix(~0 + session:gender + day:gender, df)
                ##' colnames(X) ## "session:gender0" "session:gender1" "gender0:day" "gender1:day"

    ## ** export
    out <- list(strata = var.strata,
                X.var = X.var,
                X.cor = X.cor,
                formula.var = formula.var,
                formula.cor = formula.cor

### structure.R ends here

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