
Defines functions print.lmestData plot.lmestData summary.lmestData lmestData

Documented in lmestData plot.lmestData print.lmestData summary.lmestData

lmestData <- function(data, id = NULL,
                      time = NULL, idAsFactor = TRUE, timeAsFactor = TRUE,
                      responsesFormula = NULL, latentFormula = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)

  data <- data.frame(data)
  #bal.transf <- match.arg(bal.transf, choices = eval(formals(lmestData)$bal.transf))

  # if(missing(id))
  # {
  #   stop("id must be provided", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  if(is.null(id) & is.null(time))
    id <- data[,1]
    time <- data[,2]
    #data <- x[,-c(1,2)]
    id.which <- 1
    tv.which <- 2
  }else if(!is.null(id) & !is.null(time)){
      id.which <- which(colnames(data) == id)
      if(length(id.which) == 0)
        stop("the id column does not exist")

      id <- data[,id.which]
      id.which <- id
      id <- data[,id.which]

      tv.which <- which(colnames(data) == time)

      if(length(tv.which) == 0)
        stop("the time column does not exist")

      time <- data[,tv.which]
      tv.which <- time
      time <- data[,tv.which]

    #data <- x[,-c(idCol,timeCol)]

  }else if(is.null(id) & !is.null(time)){

      tv.which <- which(colnames(data) == time)
      time <- data[,tv.which]
      tv.which <- time
      time <- data[,tv.which]

    id <- data[,1]
    id.which <- 1

    #data <- data.frame(data, id = id)

  }else if(!is.null(id) & is.null(time)){

      id.which <- which(colnames(data) == id)
      if(length(id.which) == 0)
        stop("the id column does not exist")
      id <- data[,id.which]
      id.which <- id
      id <- data[,id.which]
    time <- rep(NA, length(id))
    uniid <- unique(id)
    for(i in uniid)
      ii <- id == i
      time.temp <- time[ii]
      time[ii] <- 1:length(time.temp)

    tv.which <- ncol(data) + 1
    data <- data.frame(data, tt = time, check.names = check.names)
    #data <- x[,-timeCol]


    # data.new <- data[,-c(id.which,tv.which), drop = FALSE]
    # nas <- is.na(data[,-c(id.which,tv.which)])
    # nn <- sapply(1:max(id), function(x) colSums(data[id == x,]))
    nna <- which(sapply(1:length(unique(id)), function(x) any(is.na(data[id == x,])) == FALSE))
    data <- data[id%in%nna,]
    id <- data[,id.which]
    time <- data[,tv.which]

  if(is.character(id) | idAsFactor)
    data[,id.which] <- factor(data[,id.which])
    id <- factor(id)
    n <- nlevels(id)

  if(is.character(time) | timeAsFactor)
    data[,tv.which] <- factor(data[,tv.which])
    time <- factor(time)

  for(i in (1:ncol(data))[-c(id.which,tv.which)])
      data[,i] <- factor(data[,i])

  # id <- data[,id.which]
  # tv <- data[,tv.which]
  n <- nlevels(id)

    n <- nlevels(id)
    n <- length(unique(id))

    TT <- nlevels(time)
    TT <- max(time)

  bal <- all(table(id) == TT)
    warning("data are not balanced.",call. = FALSE)

  data.new <- data[,-c(id.which,tv.which), drop = FALSE]
  d <- ncol(data.new)
  ## of frequencies of the available configurations
    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <- getResponses(data = data.new,formula = responsesFormula)
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

    temp <- getLatent(data = data.new,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
    Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
    Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  #data <- cbind(id,time,data)

  attributes(data)$responsesFormula = responsesFormula
  attributes(data)$latentFormula = latentFormula
  attributes(data)$whichid = id.which
  attributes(data)$whichtv = tv.which
  attributes(data)$id = id
  attributes(data)$time = time
  attributes(data)$balanced = bal

  out <- list(data = data, id = as.character(factor(id)), time = as.character(factor(time)),
              n = n, TT = TT, d = d,
              Y = Y, Xmanifest = Xmanifest, Xinitial = Xinitial, Xtrans = Xtrans)

  class(out) <- c("lmestData")

summary.lmestData <- function(object, type = c("all","cross", "year"),
                              dataSummary = c("all", "responses", "manifest", "initial", "transition"),
                              varType = rep("c", x$d),
                              digits = getOption("digits"), maxsum = 10, maxobs = 20, ...)

  x <- object
  dataSummary <- match.arg(dataSummary, choices = eval(formals(summary.lmestData)$dataSummary))
  type <- match.arg(type, choices = eval(formals(summary.lmestData)$type))

  id.which <- attributes(x$data)$whichid
  tv.which <- attributes(x$data)$whichtv

    tab <- table(table(x$id))
    tab <- data.frame(cbind(times = dimnames(tab)[[1]],freq = tab,rel.freq = prop.table(tab)), check.names = "FALSE")
  if(dataSummary == "responses" & !is.null(x$Y))
    dt <- data.frame(time = factor(x$data[,tv.which]), x$Y, check.names = "FALSE")
    if(length(varType) != ncol(dt)-1)
      stop("lenght of varType must be equal to the number of variables")

  }else if(dataSummary == "manifest" & !is.null(x$Xmanifest))
    dt <- data.frame(time = factor(x$data[,tv.which]), x$Xmanifest, check.names = "FALSE")
    if(length(varType) != ncol(dt)-1)
      stop("lenght of varType must be equal to the number of variables")
  }else if(dataSummary == "initial" & !is.null(x$Xinitial))
    dt <- data.frame(time = factor(x$data[,tv.which]), x$Xinitial, check.names = "FALSE")
    if(length(varType) != ncol(dt)-1)
      stop("lenght of varType must be equal to the number of variables")
  }else if(dataSummary == "transition" & !is.null(x$Xtrans))
    dt <- data.frame(time = factor(x$data[,tv.which]), x$Xtrans, check.names = "FALSE")
    if(length(varType) != ncol(dt)-1)
      stop("lenght of varType must be equal to the number of variables")
  }else if(dataSummary == "all")
    if(length(varType) != x$d)
      stop("lenght of varType must be equal to the number of variables")

    dt <- x$data[,-c(id.which, tv.which)]
    dt <- data.frame(time = factor(x$data[,tv.which]), dt, check.names = "FALSE")

  x$d <- ncol(dt)-1
  ## Informazioni principali sui dati
  cat("\nData Info:")
  cat("Observations:       ", x$n, "\n")
  cat("Time occasions:     ", ifelse(is.factor(dt$time),nlevels(dt$time),max(unique(dt$time))), "\n")
  cat("Variables:          ", ncol(dt)-1, "\n\n")

    print(tab, row.names = FALSE)

if(type == "all")
  typeCross = TRUE
  typeYear = TRUE
  typeCross <- type ==  "cross"
  typeYear <- type ==  "year"

whichC <- varType == "c"
C <- length(unique(whichC))
  if(C > 1)
    cat("\nSummary for continuous variables:")
    print(summary(dt[,-c(1,which(varType == "d"))], maxsum = maxsum, digits = digits))
    if(x$n <= maxobs)
      cat("\nMean for each observation:")
      dt1 <- dt[,-c(1,(which(varType == "d")+1))]
      ii <- x$data[,id.which]
      dtt <- t(sapply(levels(factor(ii)), function(x) colMeans(as.matrix(dt1[ii==x,]))))
      print(data.frame(dtt,row.names = unique(x$data[,c(id.which)])))

    cat("\nProportion for discrete variables:")
    #dt1 <- dt[,-1]
    dt1 <- dt[,-(which(varType == "c")+1)]
    temp1 <- data.frame(lapply(dt1, factor))
    nle <- max(sapply(temp1,nlevels))
    temp1 <- summary(temp1)
    temp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 150, ncol = ncol(dt1))
    #temp[1:x$TT,1] <- paste(1:x$TT,summary(dt[,1]),sep = ":")
    temp[1:x$TT,1] <- temp1[1:x$TT,1]
    attr(temp, "dimnames")[[1]] <- rep("", 150)
    for(i in 2:ncol(dt1))
      tp <- prop.table(table(dt1[,i]))
      temp[1:length(tp),i] <- paste(attr(tp, "dimnames")[[1]],round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")


    #dt1 <-
    temp <- as.table(temp)[1:nle,]
    attr(temp, "dimnames")[[2]] <- attr(temp1, "dimnames")[[2]][1:ncol(dt1)]

    }else if (all(whichC)){
      print(summary(dt[,-1], maxsum = maxsum, digits = digits))
      if(x$n <= maxobs)
        cat("\nMean for each observation:")
        dt1 <- dt[,-1]
        ii <- x$data[,id.which]
        dtt <- t(sapply(levels(factor(ii)), function(x) colMeans(as.matrix(dt1[ii==x,]))))
        print(data.frame(dtt,row.names = unique(x$data[,c(id.which)])))

      #dt1 <- dt[,-1]
      temp1 <- data.frame(lapply(dt, factor))
      nle <- max(sapply(temp1,nlevels))
      temp1 <- summary(temp1,maxsum=50)
      temp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 150, ncol = x$d+1)
      #temp[1:x$TT,1] <- paste(1:x$TT,summary(dt[,1]),sep = ":")
      temp[1:x$TT,1] <- temp1[1:x$TT,1]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[1]] <- rep("", 150)

      for(i in 2:(x$d +1))
        tp <- prop.table(table(dt[,i]))
        temp[1:length(tp),i] <- paste(unlist(attr(tp, "dimnames")),round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")


      temp <- as.table(temp)[1:nle,]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[2]] <- attr(temp1, "dimnames")[[2]]


    if(C > 1)
      cat("\nSummary by year:")

      for(i in unique(x$time))
        cat("\nTime = ", i, "\n\n")
      print(summary(dt[x$time == i,-c(1,which(varType == "d"))], maxsum = maxsum, digits = digits))

      cat("\nProportion for discrete variables:")
      #dt1 <- dt[,-1]

      dt1 <- dt[x$time == i,-(which(varType == "c")+1)]
      temp1 <- data.frame(lapply(dt1, factor))
      nle <- max(sapply(temp1,nlevels))
      temp1 <- summary(temp1)
      temp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 150, ncol = ncol(dt1))
      temp[1,1] <- temp1[1,1]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[1]] <- rep("", 150)
      for(j in 2:ncol(dt1))
        if(all(is.na(dt[x$time == i,j])))
          tp <- summary(factor(dt[x$time == i,j]))
          temp[1:length(tp),j] <- paste("NAs",round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")

          tp <- prop.table(table(dt[x$time == i,j]))
          temp[1:length(tp),j] <- paste(attr(tp, "dimnames")[[1]],round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")

        temp[1:length(tp),j] <- paste(attr(tp, "dimnames")[[1]],round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")

      #dt1 <-
      temp <- as.table(temp)[1:nle,]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[2]] <- attr(temp1, "dimnames")[[2]][1:ncol(dt1)]
    }else if (all(whichC)){
      cat("\nSummary by year:")
      for(i in unique(x$time))
        cat("\nTime = ", i, "\n\n")
      print(summary(dt[x$time == i,-1], maxsum = maxsum, digits = digits))

      cat("\nProportion by year:")
      #dt1 <- dt[,-1]
      for(i in unique(x$time))
        cat("\nTime = ", i, "\n\n")
        temp1 <- data.frame(lapply(dt[x$time == i,], factor))
        nle <- max(sapply(temp1,nlevels))
        temp1 <- summary(temp1)
      temp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 150, ncol = x$d+1)
      temp[1,1] <- temp1[1,1]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[1]] <- rep("", 150)
      for(j in 2:(x$d+1))
        if(all(is.na(dt[x$time == i,j])))
          tp <- summary(factor(dt[x$time == i,j]))
          temp[1:length(tp),j] <- paste("NAs",round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")

          tp <- prop.table(table(dt[x$time == i,j]))
          temp[1:length(tp),j] <- paste(attr(tp, "dimnames")[[1]],round(tp,digits = digits), sep = ":")



      #dt1 <-
      temp <- as.table(temp)[1:nle,]
      attr(temp, "dimnames")[[2]] <- attr(temp1, "dimnames")[[2]]





plot.lmestData <- function(x,
                           typePlot = c("s", "sh"),
                           dataPlots = c("all", "responses", "manifest", "initial", "transition"),

  # s = scatterplot matrix
  # sh = scatterplot matrix with histogram in the main diagonal
  dataPlots <- match.arg(dataPlots, choices = eval(formals(plot.lmestData)$dataPlots))
  typePlot <- match.arg(typePlot, choices = eval(formals(plot.lmestData)$typePlot))
  id.which <- attributes(x$data)$whichid
  tv.which <- attributes(x$data)$whichtv

  if(dataPlots == "all")
    dt <- x$data[,-c(id.which, tv.which)]
  }else if(dataPlots == "responses")
    dt <- x$Y

  }else if(dataPlots == "manifest")
    dt <- x$Xmanifest

  }else if(dataPlots == "initial")
    dt <- x$Xinitial

  }else if(dataPlots == "transition")
    dt <- x$Xtrans


  if(typePlot == "s")
    if(ncol(dt) == 1)
      h <- hist(x = dt, xlab = colnames(dt),...)
      pairs(x = dt, ...)

  }else if (typePlot == "sh")

    if(ncol(dt) == 1)
      h <- hist(dt, xlab = colnames(dt),...)
      panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
        usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
        par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
        h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
        breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
        y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
        rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "grey", ...)
      pairs(dt, diag.panel = panel.hist, ... )



print.lmestData <- function(x, ...)
  cat("\nAvailable objects:\n")

  cat("\nData Info:")
  cat("Observations:       ", x$n, "\n")
  cat("Time occasions:     ", x$TT, "\n")
  cat("Variables:          ", x$d, "\n\n")

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LMest documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.