
Defines functions lmestMc

Documented in lmestMc

lmestMc <- function(responsesFormula = NULL,
                    data, index, start = 0,
                    modBasic = 0, weights = NULL,
                    tol = 10^-8, maxit = 1000,
                    out_se = FALSE, output = FALSE, fort = TRUE, seed = NULL){

  if(inherits(data, "lmestData")){
    data <- data$data
  }else if(!is.data.frame(data)){
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    stop("A data.frame must be provided")
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if(length(index) !=2) stop("id and time must be provided")
  id.which <- which(names(data) == index[1])
  tv.which <- which(names(data) == index[2])

  if(length(id.which) == 0)
    stop("the id column does not exist")

  if(length(tv.which) == 0)
    stop("the time column does not exist")

  id <- data[,id.which]
  tv <- data[,tv.which]

  if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
    warning("id column must be numeric. Coerced in numeric.", call. = FALSE)
    id <- as.numeric(id)

  if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
    warning("time column must be numeric. Coerced in numeric.", call. = FALSE)
    tv <- as.numeric(tv)

  data.new <- data[,-c(id.which,tv.which), drop = FALSE]

    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <- getResponses(data = data.new,formula = as.formula(paste(responsesFormula[[2]], "NULL", sep = "~" )))
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

  if(!is.null(responsesFormula) & !is.null(responsesFormula[[3]]))
    temp <- getLatent(data = data.new,latent = responsesFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
    Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
    Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans

  if(dim(Y)[2] > 1){
    warning("multivariate data are not allowed; only the first response variable is considered", call. = FALSE)
    Y <- Y[,1]
  tmp <- long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv,yv = weights,
                          Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = NULL, Xtrans = Xtrans)
  model <- tmp$model
  Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y

    freq = tmp$freq
    freq = weights
    if(nrow(Y)!=length(weights)) stop("dimensions mismatch between data and weights")

    cat("|------------------- WARNING -------------------|\n")
    cat("|The first response category must be coded as 0 |\n")
    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
      Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i]-min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)

    stop("Missing data in the dataset")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the initial probabilities are not allowed")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the transition probabilities are not allowed")
  out <- switch(model,
                "LMbasic" = mcbasic(S = Y[,,1], yv = freq, modBasic = modBasic, tol = tol, maxit = maxit, out_se = out_se),
                "LMlatent" = mccov(S = Y[,,1],X1 = Xinitial, X2 = Xtrans, start = start,yv = freq,
                                   tol = tol, maxit = maxit, out_se = out_se, output = output, fort = fort))

  class <- class(out)
  out <- do.call(c, list(out,
                         list(call = match.call(),data = data)))
  #out <- append(out, list(call = match.call(),data = data))
  attributes(out)$responsesFormula = responsesFormula
  attributes(out)$whichid = id.which
  attributes(out)$whichtv = tv.which
  attributes(out)$id = id
  attributes(out)$time = tv
  class(out) <- class


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LMest documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 1:07 a.m.