
Defines functions lmestSearch

Documented in lmestSearch

lmestSearch <- function(responsesFormula = NULL, latentFormula = NULL,
                        data, index, k,
                        version = c("categorical", "continuous"),
                        weights = NULL, nrep = 2, tol1 = 10^-5,
                        tol2 = 10^-10, out_se = FALSE, miss.imp = FALSE, seed = NULL, ...){
  # function that search for the global maximum of the log-likelihood
  # vector of kv to try for
  # nrep = number repetitions with random starting values
  # version = model to be estimated ("basic" = basic LM model (est_lm_basic function); "LMlatent" = LM model with covariates in the distribution of the latent process (est_lm_cov_latent function); "LMmanifest" = LM model with covariates in the measurement model (est_lm_cov_maifest function))

  if(inherits(data, "lmestData"))
    data <- data$data
  }else if(!is.data.frame(data))
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    stop("A data.frame must be provided")


  if(length(index) !=2)
    stop("id and time must be provided")

  id.el <- names(data) == index[1]
  tv.el <- names(data) == index[2]

  id.which <- which(id.el == TRUE)
  tv.which <- which(tv.el == TRUE)

    stop("the id column does not exist")

    stop("the time column does not exist")

  id <- data[,id.which]
  tv <- data[,tv.which]

  if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
    warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
    id <- as.numeric(id)
  if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
    warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
    tv <- as.numeric(tv)
  data.new <- data[,-c(id.which,tv.which), drop = FALSE]
  Datatype <- version
    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <- getResponses(data = data.new,formula = responsesFormula)
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

    temp <- getLatent(data = data.new,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
    Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
    Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans

  cont <- ifelse(version == "categorical", FALSE, TRUE)
  tmp <- long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv, yv = weights,
                                Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = Xmanifest, Xtrans = Xtrans,cont = cont)
  version <- tmp$model
  Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y

    freq = tmp$freq
    freq = weights
    if(nrow(Y)!=length(weights)) {stop("dimensions mismatch between data and weights")}

  miss = any(is.na(Y))
  if(Datatype == "categorical")

      if(version == "LMmanifest")
        stop("Missing data in the dataset")
      cat("Missing data in the dataset, treated as missing at random\n")
      R = 1 * (!is.na(Y))
      Y[is.na(Y)] = 0
      R = NULL

  if(min(Y,na.rm=T)>0 & Datatype == "categorical"){
  cat("|------------------- WARNING -------------------|\n")
  cat("|The first response category must be coded as 0 |\n")
  for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
    Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i]-min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the measurement model are not allowed")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the initial probabilities are not allowed")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the transition probabilities are not allowed")

  miss = any(is.na(Y))
  if(miss & miss.imp){
    Yv = cbind(1,Y)
    pYv = prelim.mix(Yv,1)
    thhat = em.mix(prelim.mix(Yv,1))
    Yv = as.matrix(imp.mix(pYv, da.mix(pYv,thhat,steps=100), Yv)[,-1])
    Y = array(Yv,dim(Y))
    Yimp = Y
    cat("Missing data in the dataset. imp.mix function (mix package) used for imputation.\n")

  data.new <- data[,-c(id.which,tv.which), drop = FALSE]

  kv = k
  out = vector("list",max(kv))
  lkv = Aic = Bic = errv = rep(NA,max(kv))
  for(k in kv){
    if(version=="LMbasic") out[[k]] = try(  lmbasic(S = Y,yv = freq,k = k,start = 0,tol = tol1,miss = miss, R = R, ...))
    if(version=="LMlatent") out[[k]] = try(  lmcovlatent(S = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,yv = freq,start = 0, k = k,tol = tol1, miss = miss, R = R, ...))
    if(version=="LMmanifest") out[[k]] = try(  lmcovmanifest(S = as.matrix(Y[,,1]),X = Xmanifest, yv = freq, k = k,tol = tol1,start = 0,...))
    if(version=="LMbasiccont") out[[k]] = try(  lmbasic.cont(Y = Y,k = k,start = 0, tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))
    if(version=="LMlatentcont") out[[k]] = try(  lmcovlatent.cont(Y = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,k = k,start = 0,tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))

      errv[[k]] = FALSE
      errv[[k]] = TRUE
      if(k>1) out[[k]] = out[[k-1]]

    if(version=="LMbasic") outh = try(  lmbasic(S = Y,yv = freq,k = k,start = 0,tol = tol1,miss = miss, R = R, ...))
    if(version=="LMlatent") outh = try(  lmcovlatent(S = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,yv = freq,start = 0, k = k,tol = tol1, miss = miss, R = R, ...))
    if(version=="LMmanifest") outh = try(  lmcovmanifest(S = as.matrix(Y[,,1]),X = Xmanifest, yv = freq, k = k,tol = tol1,start = 0, ...))
    if(version=="LMbasiccont") outh = try(  lmbasic.cont(Y = Y,k = k,start = 0, tol = tol1, ntry = 0 , ...))
    if(version=="LMlatentcont") outh = try(  lmcovlatent.cont(Y = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,k = k,start = 0,tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))

    lktrace = out[[k]]$lk
    lkv[k] = out[[k]]$lk
    Aic[k] = out[[k]]$aic
    Bic[k] = out[[k]]$bic
    cat("lktrace = ",sort(lktrace),"\n")
    cat("lk = ",lkv,"\n")
    cat("aic = ",Aic,"\n")
    cat("bic = ",Bic,"\n")
        if(version=="LMbasic") outh = try(  lmbasic(S = Y,yv = freq,k = k,start = 1, tol = tol1,miss = miss, R = R, ...))
        if(version=="LMlatent") outh = try(  lmcovlatent(S = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,yv = freq,start = 1, k = k,tol = tol1, miss = miss, R = R, ...))
        if(version=="LMmanifest") outh = try(  lmcovmanifest(S = as.matrix(Y[,,1]),X = Xmanifest, yv = freq, k = k,tol = tol1,start = 1, ...))
        if(version=="LMbasiccont") outh = try(  lmbasic.cont(Y = Y,k = k,start = 1, tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))
        if(version=="LMlatentcont") outh = try(  lmcovlatent.cont(Y = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,k = k,start = 1,tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))
          lktrace = c(lktrace,outh$lk)
          if(outh$lk>out[[k]]$lk) out[[k]] = outh
        lkv[k] = out[[k]]$lk
        Aic[k] = out[[k]]$aic
        Bic[k] = out[[k]]$bic

        cat("lktrace = ",sort(lktrace),"\n")
        cat("lk = ",lkv,"\n")
        cat("aic = ",Aic,"\n")
        cat("bic = ",Bic,"\n")
        for(h in 1:(nrep*(k-1))){
          if(version=="LMbasic") outh = try(  lmbasic(S = Y,yv = freq,k = k,start = 1, tol = tol1,miss = miss, R = R, ...))
          if(version=="LMlatent") outh = try(  lmcovlatent(S = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,yv = freq,start = 1, k = k,tol = tol1, miss = miss, R = R, ...))
          if(version=="LMmanifest") outh = try(  lmcovmanifest(S = as.matrix(Y[,,1]),X = Xmanifest, yv = freq, k = k,tol = tol1,start = 1, ...))
          if(version=="LMbasiccont") outh = try(  lmbasic.cont(Y = Y,k = k,start = 1, tol = tol1, ntry = 0 , ...))
          if(version=="LMlatentcont") outh = try(  lmcovlatent.cont(Y = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,k = k,start = 1,tol = tol1, ntry = 0, ...))
            lktrace = c(lktrace,outh$lk)
            if(outh$lk>out[[k]]$lk) out[[k]] = outh
          lkv[k] = out[[k]]$lk
          Aic[k] = out[[k]]$aic
          Bic[k] = out[[k]]$bic

          cat("lktrace = ",sort(lktrace),"\n")
          cat("lk = ",lkv,"\n")
          cat("aic = ",Aic,"\n")
          cat("bic = ",Bic,"\n")

      if(version=="LMbasic") outn = try(  lmbasic(S = Y,yv = freq,k = k,start = 2,tol=tol2,piv=out[[k]]$piv,Pi=out[[k]]$Pi,Psi=out[[k]]$Psi,out_se=out_se,miss = miss, R = R, ...))
      if(version=="LMlatent") outn = try(  lmcovlatent(S = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,yv = freq,start = 2, k = k,tol=tol2,Psi=out[[k]]$Psi,Be=out[[k]]$Be,Ga=out[[k]]$Ga,out_se=out_se, miss = miss, R = R, ...))
      if(version=="LMmanifest") outn = try(  lmcovmanifest(S = as.matrix(Y[,,1]),X = Xmanifest, yv = freq, k = k,tol=tol2,mu=out[[k]]$mu,al=out[[k]]$al,be=out[[k]]$be,la=out[[k]]$la,PI=out[[k]]$PI,rho=out[[k]]$rho,si=out[[k]]$si,out_se=out_se,start = 2, ...))
      if(version=="LMbasiccont") outn = try(  lmbasic.cont(Y = Y,k = k,start = 2, tol=tol2,piv=out[[k]]$piv,Pi=out[[k]]$Pi,Mu=out[[k]]$Mu,Si=out[[k]]$Si, ntry = 0, ...))
      if(version=="LMlatentcont") outn = try(  lmcovlatent.cont(Y = Y,X1 = Xinitial,X2 = Xtrans,k = k,start = 2,tol=tol2,Mu=out[[k]]$Mu,Si=out[[k]]$Si,Be=out[[k]]$Be,Ga=out[[k]]$Ga, ntry = 0, ...))

        lktrace = c(lktrace,outn$lk)
        out[[k]] = outn
        out[[k]]$lktrace = lktrace
        lkv[k] = out[[k]]$lk
        Aic[k] = out[[k]]$aic
        Bic[k] = out[[k]]$bic
    out[[k]]$data = data
    if(miss & miss.imp) out[[k]]$Yimp = Yimp
    attributes(out[[k]])$responsesFormula = responsesFormula
    attributes(out[[k]])$latentFormula = latentFormula
    attributes(out[[k]])$whichid = id.which
    attributes(out[[k]])$whichtv = tv.which
    attributes(out[[k]])$id = id
    attributes(out[[k]])$time = tv
  Aic <- Aic[kv]
  Bic <- Bic[kv]
  lkv <- lkv[kv]
  errv <- errv[kv]
  names(Aic) <- names(Bic) <- names(lkv) <- names(errv) <- kv
  out = list(out.single=lapply(kv,function(x) out[[x]]),Aic=Aic,Bic=Bic,lkv=lkv,errv=errv,k=kv,call=match.call())

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LMest documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.