#' @title Gaussianize matrix-like objects
#' @description
#' \code{Gaussianize} is probably the most useful function in this package. It
#' works the same way as \code{\link[base]{scale}}, but instead of just
#' centering and scaling the data, it actually \emph{Gaussianizes} the data
#' (works well for unimodal data). See Goerg (2011, 2016) and Examples.
#' \strong{Important:} For multivariate input \code{X} it performs a column-wise
#' Gaussianization (by simply calling \code{apply(X, 2, Gaussianize)}),
#' which is only a marginal Gaussianization. This does \emph{not} mean (and
#' is in general definitely not the case) that the transformed data is then
#' jointly Gaussian.
#' By default \code{Gaussianize} returns the \eqn{X \sim N(\mu_x, \sigma_x^2)}
#' input, not the zero-mean, unit-variance \eqn{U \sim N(0, 1)} input. Use
#' \code{return.u = TRUE} to obtain \eqn{U}.
#' @param data a numeric matrix-like object; either the data that should be
#' Gaussianized; or the data that should ''DeGaussianized'' (\code{inverse =
#' TRUE}), i.e., converted back to the original space.
#' @param type what type of non-normality: symmetric heavy-tails \code{"h"}
#' (default), skewed heavy-tails \code{"hh"}, or just skewed \code{"s"}.
#' @param method what estimator should be used: \code{"MLE"} or \code{"IGMM"}.
#' \code{"IGMM"} gives exactly Gaussian characteristics (kurtosis
#' \eqn{\equiv} 3 for \code{"h"} or skewness \eqn{\equiv} 0 for \code{"s"}),
#' \code{"MLE"} comes close to this. Default: \code{"IGMM"} since it is much
#' faster than \code{"MLE"}.
#' @param return.tau.mat logical; if \code{TRUE} it also returns the estimated
#' \eqn{\tau} parameters as a matrix (same number of columns as
#' \code{data}). This matrix can then be used to \code{Gaussianize} new
#' data with pre-estimated \eqn{\tau}. It can also be used to
#' ``DeGaussianize'' data by passing it as an argument (\code{tau.mat}) to
#' \code{Gaussianize()} and set \code{inverse = TRUE}.
#' @param inverse logical; if \code{TRUE} it performs the inverse transformation
#' using \code{tau.mat} to "DeGaussianize" the data back to the original
#' space again.
#' @param tau.mat instead of estimating \eqn{\tau} from the data you can pass it
#' as a matrix (usually obtained via \code{Gaussianize(..., return.tau.mat =
#' TRUE)}). If \code{inverse = TRUE} it uses this \code{tau} matrix to
#' ``DeGaussianize'' the data again. This is useful to back-transform new
#' data in the Gaussianized space, e.g., predictions or fits, back to the
#' original space.
#' @param verbose logical; if \code{TRUE}, it prints out progress information in
#' the console. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param return.u logical; if \code{TRUE} it returns the zero-mean, unit
#' variance Gaussian input. If \code{FALSE} (default) it returns the input
#' \eqn{X}.
#' @param input.u optional; if you used \code{return.u = TRUE} in a previous
#' step, and now you want to convert the data back to original space, then
#' you have to pass it as \code{input.u}. If you pass numeric data as
#' \code{data}, \code{Gaussianize} assumes that \code{data} is the input
#' corresponding to \eqn{X}, not \eqn{U}.
#' @return
#' numeric matrix-like object with same dimension/size as input \code{data}.
#' If \code{inverse = FALSE} it is the Gaussianize matrix / vector;
#' if \code{TRUE} it is the ``DeGaussianized'' matrix / vector.
#' The numeric parameters of mean, scale, and skewness/heavy-tail parameters
#' that were used in the Gaussianizing transformation are returned as
#' attributes of the output matrix: \code{'Gaussianized:mu'},
#' \code{'Gaussianized:sigma'}, and for
#' \item{type = "h":}{\code{'Gaussianized:delta'} & \code{'Gaussianized:alpha'},}
#' \item{type = "hh":}{\code{'Gaussianized:delta_l'} and \code{'Gaussianized:delta_r'} &
#' \code{'Gaussianized:alpha_l'} and \code{'Gaussianized:alpha_r'},}
#' \item{type = "s":}{\code{'Gaussianized:gamma'}.}
#' They can also be returned as a separate matrix using \code{return.tau.mat =
#' TRUE}. In this case \code{Gaussianize} returns a list with elements:
#' \item{input}{Gaussianized input data \eqn{\boldsymbol x} (or
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol u} if \code{return.u = TRUE}),} \item{tau.mat}{matrix
#' with \eqn{\tau} estimates that we used to get \code{x}; has same number
#' of columns as \code{x}, and 3, 5, or 6 rows (depending on
#' \code{type='s'}, \code{'h'}, or \code{'hh'}).}
#' @keywords univar multivariate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Univariate example
#' set.seed(20)
#' y1 <- rcauchy(n = 100)
#' out <- Gaussianize(y1, return.tau.mat = TRUE)
#' x1 <- get_input(y1, c(out$tau.mat[, 1])) # same as out$input
#' test_normality(out$input) # Gaussianized a Cauchy!
#' kStartFrom <- 20
#' y.cum.avg <- (cumsum(y1)/seq_along(y1))[-seq_len(kStartFrom)]
#' x.cum.avg <- (cumsum(x1)/seq_along(x1))[-seq_len(kStartFrom)]
#' plot(c((kStartFrom + 1): length(y1)), y.cum.avg, type="l" , lwd = 2,
#' main="CLT in practice", xlab = "n",
#' ylab="Cumulative sample average",
#' ylim = range(y.cum.avg, x.cum.avg))
#' lines(c((kStartFrom+1): length(y1)), x.cum.avg, col=2, lwd=2)
#' abline(h = 0)
#' grid()
#' legend("bottomright", c("Cauchy", "Gaussianize"), col = c(1, 2),
#' box.lty = 0, lwd = 2, lty = 1)
#' plot(x1, y1, xlab="Gaussian-like input", ylab = "Cauchy - output")
#' grid()
#' \dontrun{
#' # multivariate example
#' y2 <- 0.5 * y1 + rnorm(length(y1))
#' YY <- cbind(y1, y2)
#' plot(YY)
#' XX <- Gaussianize(YY, type = "hh")
#' plot(XX)
#' out <- Gaussianize(YY, type = "h", return.tau.mat = TRUE,
#' verbose = TRUE, method = "IGMM")
#' plot(out$input)
#' out$tau.mat
#' YY.hat <- Gaussianize(data = out$input, tau.mat = out$tau.mat,
#' inverse = TRUE)
#' plot(YY.hat[, 1], YY[, 1])
#' }
Gaussianize <- function(data = NULL, type = c("h", "hh", "s"),
method = c("IGMM", "MLE"),
return.tau.mat = FALSE,
inverse = FALSE,
tau.mat = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
return.u = FALSE,
input.u = NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type)
method <- match.arg(method)
is.null(tau.mat) || is.numeric(tau.mat)) <- FALSE
if (is.null(data)) {
if (is.null(input.u)) {
stop("You must either provide 'data' or 'input.u'.")
} else {
data <- input.u <- TRUE
overall.mean <- mean.default(input.u)
if (lp_norm(overall.mean) > 0.1) {
warning("It seems like your input data is not standardize correctly ",
"(approx zero mean, variance 1). Pass it as 'data' argument or",
"set 'return.u = TRUE' when you previously called ",
"Gaussianize(data, return.u = TRUE, inverse = FALSE).")
if (is.null(ncol(data))) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (is.null(colnames(data))) {
colnames(data) <- paste0("Y", seq_len(ncol(data)))
# do the back-transformation; don't Gaussianize but do the inverse
if (inverse) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Converting Gaussianized data back to original space.\n")
if (is.null(tau.mat)) {
stop("If inverse = TRUE, tau.mat can not be NULL.")
if (!is.matrix(tau.mat)) {
tau.mat <- as.matrix(tau.mat)
if (ncol(tau.mat) != ncol(data)) {
stop("Number of columns in tau.mat must be the same as input data. \n",
" Every column of tau.mat defines the transformation for ",
"corresponding column of y (or input.u).")
if ( {
if (verbose) {
cat("Input is assumed to zero-mean, unit variance U (not X). \n")
# multiply by sigma and add location
data <- sweep(data, 2, tau.mat["sigma_x", ], "*")
data <- sweep(data, 2, tau.mat["mu_x", ], "+")
# initalize the output
X <- data
for (ii in seq_len(ncol(tau.mat))) {
X[, ii] <- get_output(data[, ii], tau = unlist(tau.mat[, ii]))
# return the back-transformed data
result <- X
} else { # do the Gaussianizing transformation
if (verbose) {
cat("Making data Gaussian.\n")
# if no tau.mat is there, then estimate it from data
if (is.null(tau.mat)) {
MLE = {
.estimate_tau <- function(y) {
MLE_LambertW(y, type = type, distname = "normal")$tau
IGMM = {
.estimate_tau <- function(y) {
IGMM(y, type = type)$tau
if (verbose) {
cat("Estimating parameters for", ncol(data), "variables ")
start.time <- proc.time()
# estimate first column separately to get the names of the 'tau' vector
tau.1 <- .estimate_tau(data[, 1])
if (verbose) {
elapsed.time <- proc.time() - start.time
total.estimated.time <- elapsed.time[3] * ncol(data)
names(total.estimated.time) <- "seconds"
if (total.estimated.time > 60) {
total.estimated.time <- c("minutes" = total.estimated.time / 60)
cat("(will take ~", round(total.estimated.time, 1),
" ", names(total.estimated.time), "). \n", sep ="")
if (ncol(data) > 1) {
if (ncol(data) == 2) {
tau.mat <- .estimate_tau(data[, -1])
} else {
tau.mat <- apply(data[, -1], 2, .estimate_tau)
tau.mat <- cbind(tau.1, tau.mat)
} else {
tau.mat <- cbind(tau.1)
rownames(tau.mat) <- names(tau.1)
colnames(tau.mat) <- colnames(data)
tau.mat <- round(tau.mat, 6) # so that delta ~= 0 becomes actually 0
} else {
if (verbose) {
cat("Use provided tau.\n")
}# use the provided tau
ncol(tau.mat) == ncol(data))
type.tmp <- tau2type(tau.mat[, 1])
if (type.tmp != type) {
warning("The tau.mat you provided suggests a type '", type.tmp,
"' transformation.\n",
"However, you specified 'type = ", type, "' as the argument.\n",
"It will ignore this and use '", type.tmp,
"' transformation instead.")
type <- type.tmp
# complete every tau
tau.mat <- apply(tau.mat, 2, complete_tau, type)
X <- data
if (verbose) {
cat("Converting to Gaussianized input data.\n")
for (ii in seq_len(ncol(tau.mat))) {
X[, ii] <- get_input(data[, ii], tau = unlist(tau.mat[, ii]))
colnames(X) <- paste0(colnames(data), ".X")
if (return.u) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Return zero-mean, unit variance U (not X). \n")
X <- sweep(X, 2, tau.mat["mu_x", ], "-")
X <- sweep(X, 2, tau.mat["sigma_x", ], "/")
colnames(X) <- paste0(colnames(data), ".U")
attr(X, "Gaussianized:mu") <- tau.mat["mu_x", ]
attr(X, "Gaussianized:sigma") <- tau.mat["sigma_x", ]
s = {
attr(X, "Gaussianized:gamma") <- tau.mat["gamma", ]
h = {
attr(X, "Gaussianized:delta") <- tau.mat["delta", ]
attr(X, "Gaussianized:alpha") <- tau.mat["alpha", ]
hh = {
attr(X, "Gaussianized:delta_l") <- tau.mat["delta_l", ]
attr(X, "Gaussianized:delta_r") <- tau.mat["delta_r", ]
attr(X, "Gaussianized:alpha_l") <- tau.mat["alpha_l", ]
attr(X, "Gaussianized:alpha_r") <- tau.mat["alpha_r", ]
if (return.tau.mat) {
result <- list(input = X,
tau.mat = tau.mat)
} else {
result <- X
if (verbose) {
cat("Done! \n\n")
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