Defines functions IGMM

Documented in IGMM

#' @title Iterative Generalized Method of Moments -- IGMM
#' @name IGMM

#' @description
#' An iterative method of moments estimator to find this \eqn{\tau = (\mu_x,
#'     \sigma_x, \gamma)} for \code{type = 's'} (\eqn{\tau = (\mu_x, \sigma_x,
#'     \delta)} for \code{type = 'h'} or \eqn{\tau = (\mu_x, \sigma_x, \delta_l,
#'     \delta_r)} for \code{type = "hh"}) which minimizes the distance between
#'     the sample and theoretical skewness (or kurtosis) of \eqn{\boldsymbol x}
#'     and X.
#' This algorithm is only well-defined for data with finite mean and variance
#'     input X.  See \code{\link{analyze_convergence}} and references therein
#'     for details.
#' @details
#' For algorithm details see the References.
#' @inheritParams common-arguments
#' @param y a numeric vector of real values.
#' @param skewness.x theoretical skewness of input X; default \code{0}
#'     (symmetric distribution).
#' @param kurtosis.x theoretical kurtosis of input X; default \code{3} (Normal
#'     distribution reference).
#' @param tau.init starting values for IGMM algorithm; default:
#'     \code{\link{get_initial_tau}}.  See also \code{\link{gamma_Taylor}} and
#'     \code{\link{delta_Taylor}}.
#' @param robust logical; only used for \code{type = "s"}. If \code{TRUE} a
#'     robust estimate of asymmetry is used (see
#'     \code{\link{medcouple_estimator}}); default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param tol a positive scalar specifiying the tolerance level for terminating
#'     the iterative algorithm. Default: \code{.Machine$double.eps^0.25}
#' @param location.family logical; tell the algorithm whether the underlying
#'     input should have a location family distribution (for example, Gaussian
#'     input); default: \code{TRUE}. If \code{FALSE} (e.g., for
#'     \code{"exp"}onential input), then \code{tau['mu_x'] = 0} throughout the
#'     optimization.
#' @param not.negative logical; if \code{TRUE}, the estimate for \eqn{\gamma} or
#'     \eqn{\delta} is restricted to non-negative reals. If it is set to
#'     \code{NULL} (default) then it will be set internally to \code{TRUE} for
#'     heavy-tail(s) Lambert W\eqn{ \times} F distributions (\code{type = "h"}
#'     or \code{"hh"}).  For skewed Lambert W\eqn{ \times} F (\code{type = "s"})
#'     it will be set to \code{FALSE}, unless it is not a location-scale family
#'     (see \code{\link{get_distname_family}}).
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations; default: \code{100}.
#' @param delta.lower,delta.upper lower and upper bound for
#'     \code{\link{delta_GMM}} optimization.  By default: \code{-1} and \code{3}
#'     which covers most real-world heavy-tail scenarios.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{delta_GMM}}, \code{\link{gamma_GMM}}, \code{\link{analyze_convergence}}
#' @return 
#' A list of class \code{LambertW_fit}: 
#' \item{tol}{see Arguments} 
#' \item{data}{ data \code{y}}
#' \item{n}{ number of observations} 
#' \item{type}{see Arguments} 
#' \item{tau.init}{ starting values for \eqn{\tau} } 
#' \item{tau}{ IGMM estimate for \eqn{\tau} }
#' \item{tau.trace}{entire iteration trace of \eqn{\tau^{(k)}}, \eqn{k = 0, ..., K}, where 
#' \code{K <= max.iter}.}
#' \item{sub.iterations}{number of iterations only performed in GMM algorithm to find optimal \eqn{\gamma} (or \eqn{\delta})} 
#' \item{iterations}{number of iterations to update \eqn{\mu_x} and
#' \eqn{\sigma_x}. See References for detals.} 
#' \item{hessian}{ Hessian matrix (obtained from simulations; see References)} 
#' \item{call}{function call}
#' \item{skewness.x, kurtosis.x}{ see Arguments} 
#' \item{distname}{ a character string describing distribution characteristics given
#' the target theoretical skewness/kurtosis for the input. Same information as \code{skewness.x} and \code{kurtosis.x} but human-readable.} 
#' \item{location.family}{see Arguments} 
#' \item{message}{message from the optimization method. What kind of convergence?} 
#' \item{method}{estimation method; here: \code{"IGMM"}}
#' @author Georg M. Goerg
#' @keywords iteration optimize
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # estimate tau for the skewed version of a Normal
#' y <- rLambertW(n = 100, theta = list(beta = c(2, 1), gamma = 0.2), 
#'                distname = "normal")
#' fity <- IGMM(y, type = "s")
#' fity
#' summary(fity)
#' plot(fity)
#' \dontrun{
#' # estimate tau for the skewed version of an exponential
#' y <- rLambertW(n = 100, theta = list(beta = 1, gamma = 0.5), 
#'                distname = "exp")
#' fity <- IGMM(y, type = "s", skewness.x = 2, location.family = FALSE)
#' fity
#' summary(fity)
#' plot(fity)
#' # estimate theta for the heavy-tailed version of a Normal = Tukey's h
#' y <- rLambertW(n = 100, theta = list(beta = c(2, 1), delta = 0.2), 
#'                distname = "normal")
#' system.time(
#' fity <- IGMM(y, type = "h")
#' )
#' fity
#' summary(fity)
#' plot(fity)
#' }

IGMM <- function(y, type = c("h", "hh", "s"), skewness.x = 0, kurtosis.x = 3,
                 tau.init = get_initial_tau(y, type),
                 robust = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
                 location.family = TRUE, not.negative = NULL,
                 max.iter = 100, delta.lower = -1, delta.upper = 3) {
  stopifnot(tol > 0, 
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (is.null(not.negative)) {
    if (type %in% c("h", "hh")) {
      not.negative <- TRUE
    } else if (type == "s") {
      not.negative <- FALSE
    if (!location.family) {
      not.negative <- TRUE
  out <- list(call = match.call(),
              tol = tol,
              data = y,
              n = length(y),
              type = type,
              not.negative = not.negative)
  # adjust initial sd for tau by the implied theoretical sd of the
  # Lambert W x Gaussian variable with standard Gaussian input
  if (any(type == c("h", "hh"))) {
    lamW.U.sd <- mLambertW(theta = list(beta = c(0, 1), 
                                        delta = mean.default(tau.init[grepl("delta", 
                           distname = "normal")$sd
  } else if (type == "s") {
    lamW.U.sd <- mLambertW(theta = list(beta = c(0, 1), 
                                        gamma = tau.init["gamma"]),
                           distname = "normal")$sd
  } else {
    stop("Type '", type, "' is not available.")
  if (is.infinite(lamW.U.sd)) {
    lamW.U.sd <- tau.init["sigma_x"] * 10
  tau.init["sigma_x"] <- tau.init["sigma_x"] / lamW.U.sd
  if (!location.family) {
    tau.init["mu_x"] <- 0  # if it is a scale Lambert W RV only (not centered)
  # initialize iterations
  kk <- 1  # iterations for IGMM
  total.iter <- 0  # total iterations (IGMM times gamma_GMM (or delta_GMM) in each iteration)
  # for skewed version
  if (type == "s") {
    tau.trace <- rbind(0, 
                     tau.init[c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "gamma")])
    colnames(tau.trace) <- c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "gamma")
    while (lp_norm(tau.trace[kk + 1, ] - tau.trace[kk, ], p = 2) > tol &&
           kk < max.iter) {
      zz <- normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[kk + 1, ])
      DEL <- gamma_GMM(zz, gamma.init = tau.trace[kk + 1, "gamma"],
                       skewness.x = skewness.x, 
                       robust = robust, tol = tol, not.negative = not.negative,
                       optim.fct = "nlminb")
      gamma.hat <- DEL$gamma
      uu <- W_gamma(zz, gamma.hat)
      xx <- normalize_by_tau(uu, tau.trace[kk + 1, ], inverse = TRUE)
      tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, 
                       c(mean.default(xx), sd(xx), gamma.hat))
      if (!location.family) {
        tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), "mu_x"] <- 0  # e.g., for exponential input
      total.iter <- total.iter + DEL$iterations
      kk <- kk + 1
    # update last iteration with new gamma
    gamma.hat <- gamma_GMM(normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), ]),
                           gamma.init = tau.trace[kk + 1, "gamma"], 
                           skewness.x = skewness.x, 
                           robust = robust, tol = tol,
                           not.negative = not.negative)$gamma
    tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, 
                     c(utils::tail(tau.trace[, c("mu_x", "sigma_x")], 1),
    se <- c(1, sqrt(1/2), 0.4) / sqrt(out$n)
  } else  if (type == "h") {
    # based on simulations in Goerg (2011)
    se <- c(1, sqrt(1/2), 1) / sqrt(length(y))
    # for heavy-tail versions
    tau.trace <- rbind(0, tau.init[c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "delta")])
    colnames(tau.trace) <- c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "delta")
    while (lp_norm(tau.trace[kk + 1, ] - tau.trace[kk, ], p = 2) > tol && kk < max.iter) {
      zz <- normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[kk + 1, ])
      DEL <- delta_GMM(zz, delta.init = tau.trace[kk + 1, "delta"], 
                       kurtosis.x = kurtosis.x, tol = tol,
                       not.negative = not.negative, 
                       type = "h", lower=delta.lower, upper=delta.upper)
      delta.hat <- DEL$delta
      uu <- W_delta(zz, delta.hat)
      xx <- normalize_by_tau(uu, tau.trace[kk + 1, ], inverse = TRUE)
      tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, c(mean.default(xx), sd(xx), delta.hat))
      if (!location.family) {
        tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), "mu_x"] <- 0 
      total.iter <- total.iter + DEL$iterations
      kk <- kk + 1
    # update delta hat
    delta.hat <- delta_GMM(normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), ]), 
                           delta.init = tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), 3], 
                           kurtosis.x = kurtosis.x, tol = tol, 
                           not.negative = not.negative, type = "h", 
                           lower = delta.lower, upper = delta.upper)$delta
    tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, 
                     c(tail(tau.trace[, c("mu_x", "sigma_x")], 1), delta.hat))
  } else if (type == "hh") {
    # for double heavy tail versions
    tau.trace <- rbind(0, tau.init[c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "delta_l", "delta_r")])
    colnames(tau.trace) <- c("mu_x", "sigma_x", "delta_l", "delta_r")
    while (lp_norm(tau.trace[kk + 1, ] - tau.trace[kk, ], p = 2) > tol &&
           kk < max.iter) {
      zz <- normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[kk + 1, ])
      DEL <- delta_GMM(zz, 
                       delta.init = tau.trace[kk + 1, c("delta_l", "delta_r")],
                       kurtosis.x = kurtosis.x,
                       tol = tol, not.negative = not.negative, type = "hh",
                       lower = delta.lower, upper = delta.upper)
      delta.hat <- DEL$delta
      uu <- W_2delta(zz, delta.hat)
      xx <- normalize_by_tau(uu, tau.trace[kk + 1, ], inverse = TRUE)
      tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, 
                         c(mean(xx), sd(xx), delta.hat))
      if (!location.family) {
        tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), "mu_x"] <- 0
      total.iter <- total.iter + DEL$iterations
      kk <- kk + 1
    se <- c(1, sqrt(1/2), 1, 1) / sqrt(out$n)
    zz.tmp <- normalize_by_tau(y, tau.trace[nrow(tau.trace), ])
    delta.hat <- delta_GMM(zz.tmp, 
                           delta.init = tail(tau.trace[, c("delta_l", "delta_r")], 1), 
                           kurtosis.x = kurtosis.x, skewness.x = skewness.x, 
                           tol = tol, not.negative = not.negative,
                           lower=delta.lower, upper=delta.upper,
                           type = "hh")$delta
    tau.trace <- rbind(tau.trace, 
                     c(tail(tau.trace[, c("mu_x", "sigma_x")], 1), delta.hat))
  tau.trace <- tau.trace[-1, ] # remove the first row (which has all 0s)
  rownames(tau.trace) <- paste("Iteration", seq_len(nrow(tau.trace)) - 1)
  # initial tau is the first row of tau.trace
  tau.init <- utils::head(tau.trace, 1)[1, ]
  # estimated tau is the last iteration
  tau.est <- utils::tail(tau.trace, 1)[1,]
  out <- c(out,
           list(tau.init = tau.init,
                tau = tau.est, 
                tau.trace = tau.trace,
                sub.iterations = total.iter,
                iterations = kk,
                hessian = -diag(1/se^2),
                skewness.x = skewness.x,
                kurtosis.x = kurtosis.x,
                location.family = location.family,
                message = paste("Conversion reached after", kk, "steps."),
                method = "IGMM",
                use.mean.variance = TRUE))
  if (type == "s") {
    out$distname <- 
        paste0("Any distribution with finite mean & variance and skewness = ",
               skewness.x, ".")
  } else if (type == "h") {
    out$distname <- 
        paste0("Any distribution with finite mean & variance and kurtosis = ",
               kurtosis.x, ".")
  class(out) <- "LambertW_fit"

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LambertW documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:17 p.m.