
Defines functions calc_HomogeneityTest

Documented in calc_HomogeneityTest

#' Apply a simple homogeneity test after Galbraith (2003)
#' A simple homogeneity test for De estimates
#' For details see Galbraith (2003).
#' @param data [RLum.Results-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' for [data.frame]: two columns with De `(data[,1])` and De error `(values[,2])`
#' @param log [logical] (*with default*):
#' perform the homogeneity test with (un-)logged data
#' @param ... further arguments (for internal compatibility only).
#' @return
#' Returns a terminal output. In addition an
#' [RLum.Results-class]-object is returned containing the
#' following elements:
#' \item{summary}{[data.frame] summary of all relevant model results.}
#' \item{data}{[data.frame] original input data}
#' \item{args}{[list] used arguments}
#' \item{call}{[call] the function call}
#' The output should be accessed using the function [get_RLum]
#' @section Function version: 0.3.0
#' @author Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany), Sebastian Kreutzer,
#' IRAMAT-CRP2A, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
#' @seealso [pchisq]
#' @references
#' Galbraith, R.F., 2003. A simple homogeneity test for estimates
#' of dose obtained using OSL. Ancient TL 21, 75-77.
#' @examples
#' ## load example data
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' ## apply the homogeneity test
#' calc_HomogeneityTest(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998)
#' ## using the data presented by Galbraith (2003)
#' df <-
#'  data.frame(
#'    x = c(30.1, 53.8, 54.3, 29.0, 47.6, 44.2, 43.1),
#'    y = c(4.8, 7.1, 6.8, 4.3, 5.2, 5.9, 3.0))
#' calc_HomogeneityTest(df)
#' @md
#' @export
calc_HomogeneityTest <- function(
  log = TRUE,


    if(!is(data, "data.frame") & !is(data, "RLum.Results")){
        "[calc_HomogeneityTest()] 'data' object has to be of type 'data.frame' or 'RLum.Results'!",
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
      if(is(data, "RLum.Results")){
        data <- get_RLum(data, "data")


  ## ... ARGUMENTS
  extraArgs <- list(...)

  ## set plot main title
  if("verbose" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    verbose<- extraArgs$verbose
  } else {
    verbose<- TRUE

  if(log) {
    dat <- log(data)
    dat[[2]] <- data[[2]]/data[[1]]

  } else {
    dat <- data


  wi <- 1 / dat[[2]] ^ 2
  wizi <- wi * dat[[1]]
  mu <- sum(wizi) / sum(wi)
  gi <- wi * (dat[[1]] - mu) ^ 2

  G <- sum(gi)
  df <- length(wi) - 1
  n <- length(wi)

  P <- pchisq(G, df, lower.tail = FALSE)


  if(verbose) {
    cat("\n [calc_HomogeneityTest()]")
    cat(paste("\n\n ---------------------------------"))
    cat(paste("\n n:                 ", n))
    cat(paste("\n ---------------------------------"))
    cat(paste("\n mu:                ", round(mu,4)))
    cat(paste("\n G-value:           ", round(G,4)))
    cat(paste("\n Degrees of freedom:", df))
    cat(paste("\n P-value:           ", round(P,4)))
    cat(paste("\n ---------------------------------\n\n"))

  summary <- data.frame(
    n = n,
    g.value = G,
    df = df,
    P.value = P

  args <- list(log = log)

    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(
      summary = summary,
      data = data,
      args = args
    info = list(call = sys.call())


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