
Defines functions calc_Lamothe2003

Documented in calc_Lamothe2003

#'@title Apply fading correction after Lamothe et al., 2003
#'@description This function applies the fading correction for the prediction of long-term fading as suggested
#' by Lamothe et al., 2003. The function basically adjusts the $L_n/T_n$ values and fit a new dose-response
#' curve using the function [plot_GrowthCurve].
#' **Format of `object` if `data.frame`**
#' If `object` is of type [data.frame], all input values most be of type [numeric].
#' Dose values are excepted in seconds (s) not Gray (Gy). No `NA` values are allowed and
#' the value for the natural dose (first row) should be `0`. Example for three dose points,
#' column names are arbitrary:
#' ```
#'  object <- data.frame(
#'  dose = c(0,25,50),
#'  LxTx = c(4.2, 2.5, 5.0),
#'  LxTx_error = c(0.2, 0.1, 0.2))
#'  ```
#'  **Note on the g-value and `tc`**
#'  Users new to R and fading measurements are often confused about what to
#'  enter for `tc` and why it may differ from `tc.g_value`. The `tc` value
#'  is, by convention (Huntley & Lamothe 2001), the time elapsed between the end of the irradiation and the prompt
#'  measurement. Usually there is no reason for having a `tc` value different for the equivalent dose measurement
#'  and the *g*-value measurement, except if different equipment was used.
#'  However, if, for instance, the *g*-value measurement sequence was analysed
#'  with the *Analyst* (Duller 2015) and the `'Luminescence` is used to correct for fading,
#'  there is a high chance that the value returned by the *Analyst* comes normalised to 2-days;
#'  even the `tc` values of the measurement were identical.
#'  In such cases, the fading correction cannot be correct until the `tc.g_value` was manually
#'  set to 2-days (`172800` s) because the function will internally recalculate values
#'  to an identical `tc` value.
#' @param object [RLum.Results-class] [data.frame] (**required**): Input data for applying the
#' fading correction. Allow are (1) [data.frame] with three columns (`dose`, `LxTx`, `LxTx error`; see details), (2)
#' [RLum.Results-class] object created by the function [analyse_SAR.CWOSL] or [analyse_pIRIRSequence]
#' @param dose_rate.envir [numeric] vector of length 2 (**required**): Environmental dose rate in mGy/a
#' @param dose_rate.source [numeric] vector of length 2 (**required**): Irradiation source dose rate in Gy/s,
#' which is, according to Lamothe et al. (2003) De/t*.
#' @param g_value [numeric] vector of length 2 (**required**): g_value in \%/decade *recalculated at the moment*
#' the equivalent dose was calculated, i.e. `tc` is either similar for the *g*-value measurement **and** the De measurement or
#' needs be to recalculated (cf. [calc_FadingCorr]). Inserting a normalised g-value, e.g., normalised to 2-days , will
#' lead to wrong results
#' @param tc [numeric] (optional): time in seconds between the **end** of the irradiation and
#' the prompt measurement used in the equivalent dose estimation (cf. Huntley & Lamothe 2001).
#' If set to `NULL` it is assumed that `tc` is similar for the equivalent dose
#' estimation and the *g*-value estimation
#' @param tc.g_value [numeric] (with default): the time in seconds between irradiation and the
#' prompt measurement estimating the *g*-value. If the *g*-value was normalised to, e.g., 2 days,
#' this time in seconds (i.e., `172800`) should be entered here along with the time used for the
#' equivalent dose estimation. If nothing is provided the time is set to `tc`, which is the
#' usual case for *g*-values obtained using the SAR method and *g*-values that had been not normalised to 2 days.
#' Note: If this value is not `NULL` the functions expects a [numeric] value for `tc`.
#' @param plot [logical] (with default): Enables/disables plot output
#' @param verbose [logical] (with default): Enables/disables terminal verbose mode
#' @param ... further arguments passed to the function [plot_GrowthCurve]
#' @return The function returns are graphical output produced by the function [plot_GrowthCurve] and
#' an [RLum.Results-class].
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' **`RLum.Results`**-object
#' **slot:** **`@data`**
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'  **Element** \tab **Type** \tab **Description**\cr
#'  `$data` \tab `data.frame` \tab the fading corrected values \cr
#'  `$fit` \tab `nls` \tab the object returned by the dose response curve fitting \cr
#' }
#' '**slot:** **`@info`**
#' The original function call
#' @references
#' Huntley, D.J., Lamothe, M., 2001. Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement
#' and correction for it in optical dating. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38, 1093-1106.
#' Duller, G.A.T., 2015. The Analyst software package for luminescence data: overview and recent improvements.
#' Ancient TL 33, 35–42.
#' Lamothe, M., Auclair, M., Hamzaoui, C., Huot, S., 2003.
#' Towards a prediction of long-term anomalous fading of feldspar IRSL. Radiation Measurements 37,
#' 493-498.
#' @section Function version: 0.1.0
#' @author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany), Norbert Mercier,
#' IRAMAT-CRP2A, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
#' @keywords datagen
#' @seealso [plot_GrowthCurve], [calc_FadingCorr], [analyse_SAR.CWOSL], [analyse_pIRIRSequence]
#' @examples
#'##load data
#'##ExampleData.BINfileData contains two BINfileData objects
#'##CWOSL.SAR.Data and TL.SAR.Data
#'data(ExampleData.BINfileData, envir = environment())
#'##transform the values from the first position in a RLum.Analysis object
#'object <- Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis(CWOSL.SAR.Data, pos=1)
#'##perform SAR analysis and set rejection criteria
#'results <- analyse_SAR.CWOSL(
#' object = object,
#' signal.integral.min = 1,
#' signal.integral.max = 2,
#' background.integral.min = 900,
#' background.integral.max = 1000,
#' verbose = FALSE,
#' plot = FALSE,
#' onlyLxTxTable = TRUE
#' )
#' ##run fading correction
#' results_corr <- calc_Lamothe2003(
#'   object = results,
#'   dose_rate.envir =  c(1.676 , 0.180),
#'   dose_rate.source = c(0.184, 0.003),
#'   g_value =  c(2.36, 0.6),
#'   plot = TRUE,
#'   fit.method = "EXP")
calc_Lamothe2003 <- function(
  tc = NULL,
  tc.g_value = tc,
  verbose = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE,

  # Input parameter test ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'object' missing but required!", call. = FALSE)

    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'dose_rate.envir' missing but required!", call. = FALSE)

    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'dose_rate.source' missing but required!", call. = FALSE)

    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'g_value' missing but required!", call. = FALSE)

  ##check input type and length
  if(!inherits(dose_rate.envir, "numeric") || length(dose_rate.envir) < 2){
    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'dose_rate.envir' is not of type 'numeric' and/or of length < 2!", call. = FALSE)

    if(length(dose_rate.envir) > 2){
      warning("[calc_Lamothe2003()] 'dose_rate.envir' has length > 2. Take only the first two entries.",call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
      dose_rate.envir <- dose_rate.envir[1:2]


  if(!inherits(dose_rate.source, "numeric") || length(dose_rate.source) < 2){
    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'dose_rate.source' is not of type 'numeric' and/or of length < 2!", call. = FALSE)

    if(length(dose_rate.source) > 2){
      warning("[calc_Lamothe2003()] 'dose_rate.source' has length > 2. Take only the first two entries.",call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
      dose_rate.source <- dose_rate.source[1:2]

  if(is.null(tc) && !is.null(tc.g_value))
    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] If you set 'tc.g_value' you have to provide a value for 'tc' too!", call. = FALSE)

  # Input assignment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## We allow input as data.frame() and RLum.Results objects ... the output from functions listed
  ## below .. if we allow a data.frame it should have at least Dose, Lx/Tx, Lx/Tx Error
  if(inherits(object, "data.frame")){
    data <- object[,1:3]

    ##add signal information
    if(any(grepl(pattern = "Signal", x = colnames(object), fixed = TRUE))){
      SIGNAL <- object[[which(grepl(pattern = "Signal", colnames(object), fixed = TRUE))[1]]]

      SIGNAL <- NA


  }else if(inherits(object, "RLum.Results")){
    if(object@originator == "analyse_SAR.CWOSL" || object@originator == "analyse_pIRIRSequence"){
      ##now we do crazy stuff, we make a self-call here since this file can contain a lot of information

        ##get number of datasets; we have to search for the word natural, everything else is not safe enough
        full_table <- object@data$LnLxTnTx.table
        set_start <- which(grepl(full_table$Name, pattern = "Natural", fixed = TRUE))
        set_end <- c(set_start[-1] - 1, nrow(full_table))

        ##signal column if available
        if(object@originator == "analyse_pIRIRSequence"){
          object <- full_table[,c("Dose", "LxTx", "LxTx.Error", "Signal")]
          object <- full_table[,c("Dose", "LxTx", "LxTx.Error")]


        ##now run the function
        results <- lapply(1:length(set_start), function(x){
            object = object[set_start[x]:set_end[x], ],
            dose_rate.envir = dose_rate.envir,
            dose_rate.source = dose_rate.source,
            g_value = g_value,
            tc = tc,
            tc.g_value = tc.g_value,
            verbose = verbose,
            plot = plot,

        ##merge output
      stop(paste0("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Input for 'object' created by function ",object@originator, "() not supported!"), call. = FALSE)


    stop("[calc_Lamothe2003()] Unsupported data type for 'object'!", call. = FALSE)


  # Apply correction----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##recalculate the g-value to the given tc ...
  ##re-calculation thanks to the help by Sébastien Huot, e-mail: 2016-07-19
    k0 <- g_value / 100 / log(10)
    k1 <- k0 / (1 - k0 * log(tc[1]/tc.g_value[1]))
    g_value <-  100 * k1 * log(10)


  # transform irradiation times to dose values
  data[[1]] <- data[[1]] * dose_rate.source[1]

  ## fading correction (including dose rate conversion from Gy/s to Gy/ka)
  ## and error calculation
  ## the formula in Lamothe et al. (2003) reads:
  ## I_faded = I_unfaded*(1-g*log((1/e)*DR_lab/DR_soil)))
  rr <-  31.5576e+09 * dose_rate.source[1] / (exp(1) * dose_rate.envir[1])
  s_rr <- sqrt((dose_rate.source[2]/dose_rate.source[1])^2 + (dose_rate.envir[2]/dose_rate.envir[1])^2) * rr
  Fading_C <- 1 - g_value[1] / 100 * log10(rr)
  sFading_C <- sqrt((log10(rr) * g_value[2]/100)^2 + (g_value[1]/(100 * rr) * s_rr)^2)

  # store original Lx/Tx in new object
  LnTn_BEFORE <- data[[2]][1]
  LnTn_BEFORE.ERROR <- data[[3]][1]

  # apply to input data
  data[[2]][1] <-  data[[2]][1] / Fading_C
  data[[3]][1] <-  sqrt((data[[3]][1]/data[[2]][1])^2 +
                            ((1/Fading_C - 1) * sFading_C/Fading_C)^2) * data[[2]][1]

  ##TODO discuss with Norbert
  # data[[3]][1] <-  sqrt((data[[3]][1]/data[[2]][1])^2 +
  #                         (sFading_C/Fading_C)^2) * data[[2]][1]
  # print(data[[3]][1]/ data[[2]][1] )

  # Fitting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##set arguments
  argument_list <- list(
    sample = data,
    verbose = FALSE,
    main = "Corrected Dose Response Curve",
    xlab = "Dose [Gy]",
    txtProgressBar = verbose,
    output.plotExtended = FALSE,
    output.plot = plot


  ##filter doubled arguments
  argument_list <- modifyList(x = argument_list, val = list(...))

  ##run plot function
  fit_results <- do.call(what = plot_GrowthCurve,args = argument_list)

  # Age calculation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Age <-  get_RLum(fit_results)[["De"]] / dose_rate.envir[1]
  s_Age <-  sqrt((100*get_RLum(fit_results)[["De.Error"]]/get_RLum(fit_results)[["De"]])^2 + (100*dose_rate.envir[2]/dose_rate.envir[1])^2) *Age/100

  # Terminal output -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cat("\n[calc_Lamothe2003()] \n\n")
    cat(" Used g_value:\t\t", round(g_value[1],3)," \u00b1 ",round(g_value[2],3),"%/decade \n")
      cat(" tc for g_value:\t", tc.g_value, " s\n")

    cat(" Fading_C:\t\t", round(Fading_C,3), " \u00b1 ", round(sFading_C,3),"\n")
    cat(" Corrected Ln/Tn:\t", round(data[[2]][1],3), " \u00b1 ", round(data[[3]][1],3),"\n")
    cat(" Corrected De:\t\t", round(get_RLum(fit_results)[["De"]],2), " \u00b1 ", round(get_RLum(fit_results)[["De.Error"]],2)," Gy \n")
    cat(" Corrected Age:\t\t", round(Age,2), " \u00b1 ", round(s_Age,2)," ka \n")


  # Compile output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      class = "RLum.Results",
      data = list(
        data = data.frame(
          g_value = g_value[1],
          g_value.ERROR = g_value[2],
          tc = ifelse(is.null(tc), NA, tc),
          tc.g_value = ifelse(is.null(tc.g_value), NA, tc.g_value),
          FADING_C = Fading_C,
          FADING_C.ERROR = sFading_C,
          LnTn_BEFORE = LnTn_BEFORE,
          LnTn_AFTER = data[[2]][1],
          LnTn_AFTER.ERROR = data[[3]][1],
          DE = get_RLum(fit_results)[["De"]],
          DE.ERROR = get_RLum(fit_results)[["De.Error"]],
          AGE = Age,
          AGE.ERROR = s_Age,
          SIGNAL = SIGNAL
        fit = get_RLum(fit_results, data.object = "Fit")

      info = list(
        call = sys.call()



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