
Defines functions calc_Statistics

Documented in calc_Statistics

#' Function to calculate statistic measures
#' This function calculates a number of descriptive statistics for estimates
#' with a given standard error (SE), most fundamentally using error-weighted approaches.
#' The option to use Monte Carlo Methods (`n.MCM`) allows calculating
#' all descriptive statistics based on random values. The distribution of these
#' random values is based on the Normal distribution with `De` values as
#' means and `De_error` values as one standard deviation. Increasing the
#' number of MCM-samples linearly increases computation time. On a Lenovo X230
#' machine evaluation of 25 Aliquots with n.MCM = 1000 takes 0.01 s, with
#' n = 100000, ca. 1.65 s. It might be useful to work with logarithms of these
#' values. See Dietze et al. (2016, Quaternary Geochronology) and the function
#' [plot_AbanicoPlot] for details.
#' @param data [data.frame] or [RLum.Results-class] object (**required**): 
#' for [data.frame] two columns: De (`data[,1]`) and De error (`data[,2]`). 
#' To plot several data sets in one plot the data sets must be provided 
#' as `list`, e.g. `list(data.1, data.2)`.
#' @param weight.calc [character]: 
#' type of weight calculation. One out of `"reciprocal"` (weight is 1/error), 
#' `"square"` (weight is 1/error^2). Default is `"square"`.
#' @param digits [integer] (*with default*): 
#' round numbers to the specified digits. 
#' If digits is set to `NULL` nothing is rounded.
#' @param n.MCM [numeric] (*with default*): 
#' number of samples drawn for Monte Carlo-based statistics. 
#' `NULL` (the default) disables MC runs.
#' @param na.rm [logical] (*with default*): 
#' indicating whether `NA` values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' @return Returns a list with weighted and unweighted statistic measures.
#' @section Function version: 0.1.7
#' @keywords datagen
#' @author Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany)
#' @examples
#' ## load example data
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' ## show a rough plot of the data to illustrate the non-normal distribution
#' plot_KDE(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998)
#' ## calculate statistics and show output
#' str(calc_Statistics(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998))
#' \dontrun{
#' ## now the same for 10000 normal distributed random numbers with equal errors
#' x <- as.data.frame(cbind(rnorm(n = 10^5, mean = 0, sd = 1),
#'                          rep(0.001, 10^5)))
#' ## note the congruent results for weighted and unweighted measures
#' str(calc_Statistics(x))
#' }
#' @md
#' @export
calc_Statistics <- function(
  weight.calc = "square",
  digits = NULL,
  n.MCM = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE
) {

  ## Check input data
  if(is(data, "RLum.Results") == FALSE &
       is(data, "data.frame") == FALSE) {
    stop("[calc_Statistics()] Input data is neither of type 'data.frame' nor 'RLum.Results'", call. = FALSE)

  } else {
    if(is(data, "RLum.Results")) {
      data <- get_RLum(data, "data")[,1:2]

  ##strip na values
    data <- na.exclude(data)

  ## handle error-free data sets
  if(ncol(data) == 1) {
    data <- cbind(data, rep(NA, length(data)))

  ## replace Na values in error by 0
  data[is.na(data[,2]),2] <- 0

  if(sum(data[,2]) == 0) {
    warning("[calc_Statistics()] All errors are NA or zero! Automatically set to 10^-9!", call. = FALSE)
    data[,2] <- rep(x = 10^-9, length(data[,2]))

  if(weight.calc == "reciprocal") {
    S.weights <- 1 / data[,2]
  } else if(weight.calc == "square") {
    S.weights <- 1 / data[,2]^2
  } else {
    stop ("[calc_Statistics()] Weight calculation type not supported!", call. = FALSE)

  S.weights <- S.weights / sum(S.weights)

  ## create MCM data
  if (is.null(n.MCM)) {
    data.MCM <- cbind(data[, 1])
  } else {
    data.MCM <-
      matrix(data = rnorm(
        n = n.MCM * nrow(data),
        mean = data[, 1],
        sd = data[, 2]
      ncol = n.MCM)


  ## calculate n
  S.n <- nrow(data)

  ## calculate mean
  S.mean <- mean(x = data[,1],
                 na.rm = na.rm)

  S.wg.mean <- weighted.mean(x = data[,1],
                             w = S.weights,
                             n.rm = na.rm)

  S.m.mean <- mean(x = data.MCM,
                   na.rm = na.rm)

  ## calculate median
  S.median <- median(x = data[,1],
                     na.rm = na.rm)

  S.wg.median <- S.median

  S.m.median <- median(x = data.MCM,
                       na.rm = na.rm)

  ## calculate absolute standard deviation
  S.sd.abs <- sd(x = data[,1],
                 na.rm = na.rm)

  S.wg.sd.abs <- sqrt(sum(S.weights * (data[,1] - S.wg.mean)^2) /
                        (((S.n - 1) * sum(S.weights)) / S.n))

  S.m.sd.abs <- sd(x = data.MCM,
                   na.rm = na.rm)

  ## calculate relative standard deviation
  S.sd.rel <- S.sd.abs / S.mean * 100

  S.wg.sd.rel <- S.wg.sd.abs / S.wg.mean * 100

  S.m.sd.rel <- S.m.sd.abs / S.m.mean * 100

  ## calculate absolute standard error of the mean
  S.se.abs <- S.sd.abs / sqrt(S.n)

  S.wg.se.abs <- S.wg.sd.abs / sqrt(S.n)

  S.m.se.abs <- S.m.sd.abs / sqrt(S.n)

  ## calculate relative standard error of the mean
  S.se.rel <- S.se.abs / S.mean * 100

  S.wg.se.rel <- S.wg.se.abs / S.wg.mean * 100

  S.m.se.rel <- S.m.se.abs / S.m.mean * 100

  ## calculate skewness
  S.skewness <- 1 / S.n * sum(((data[,1] - S.mean) / S.sd.abs)^3)

  S.m.skewness <- 1 / S.n * sum(((data.MCM - S.m.mean) / S.m.sd.abs)^3)

  ## calculate kurtosis
  S.kurtosis <- 1 / S.n * sum(((data[,1] - S.mean) / S.sd.abs)^4)

  S.m.kurtosis <- 1 / S.n * sum(((data.MCM - S.m.mean) / S.m.sd.abs)^4)

  ## create list objects of calculation output
  S.weighted <- list(n = S.n,
                     mean = S.wg.mean,
                     median = S.wg.median,
                     sd.abs = S.wg.sd.abs,
                     sd.rel = S.wg.sd.rel,
                     se.abs = S.wg.se.abs,
                     se.rel = S.wg.se.rel,
                     skewness = S.skewness,
                     kurtosis = S.kurtosis)

  if(!is.null(digits)) {

     S.weighted <- sapply(names(S.weighted),
                          simplify = FALSE,
                          USE.NAMES = TRUE,
                          function(x) {
                                  digits = digits)})

  S.unweighted <- list(n = S.n,
                       mean = S.mean,
                       median = S.median,
                       sd.abs = S.sd.abs,
                       sd.rel = S.sd.rel,
                       se.abs = S.se.abs,
                       se.rel = S.se.rel,
                       skewness = S.skewness,
                       kurtosis = S.kurtosis)

    S.unweighted  <- sapply(names(S.unweighted),
                            simplify = FALSE,
                            USE.NAMES = TRUE,
                            function(x) {
                              round(S.unweighted [[x]],
                                    digits = digits)})


  S.MCM <- list(n = S.n,
                mean = S.m.mean,
                median = S.m.median,
                sd.abs = S.m.sd.abs,
                sd.rel = S.m.sd.rel,
                se.abs = S.m.se.abs,
                se.rel = S.m.se.rel,
                skewness = S.m.skewness,
                kurtosis = S.m.kurtosis)


    S.MCM  <- sapply(names(S.MCM),
                     simplify = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = TRUE,
                     function(x) {
                       round(S.MCM [[x]],
                             digits = digits)})

  list(weighted = S.weighted,
       unweighted = S.unweighted,
       MCM = S.MCM)


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