
Defines functions extract_IrradiationTimes

Documented in extract_IrradiationTimes

#' @title Extract Irradiation Times from an XSYG-file
#' @description Extracts irradiation times, dose and times since last irradiation, from a
#' Freiberg Instruments XSYG-file. These information can be further used to
#' update an existing BINX-file.
#' @details
#' The function was written to compensate missing information in the BINX-file
#' output of Freiberg Instruments lexsyg readers. As all information are
#' available within the XSYG-file anyway, these information can be extracted
#' and used for further analysis or/and to stored in a new BINX-file, which can
#' be further used by other software, e.g., Analyst (Geoff Duller).
#' Typical application example: g-value estimation from fading measurements
#' using the Analyst or any other self written script.
#' Beside the some simple data transformation steps the function applies the
#' functions [read_XSYG2R], [read_BIN2R], [write_R2BIN] for data import and export.
#' @param object [character], [RLum.Analysis-class] or [list] (**required**):
#' path and file name of the XSYG file or an [RLum.Analysis-class]
#' produced by the function [read_XSYG2R];
#' alternatively a `list` of [RLum.Analysis-class] can be provided.
#' **Note**: If an [RLum.Analysis-class] is used, any input for
#' the arguments `file.BINX` and `recordType` will be ignored!
#' @param file.BINX [character] (*optional*):
#' path and file name of an existing BINX-file. If a file name is provided the
#' file will be updated with the information from the XSYG file in the same
#' folder as the original BINX-file.
#' **Note:** The XSYG and the BINX-file have to be originate from the
#' same measurement!
#' @param recordType [character] (*with default*):
#' select relevant curves types from the XSYG file or [RLum.Analysis-class]
#' object. As the XSYG-file format comprises much more information than usually
#' needed for routine data analysis and allowed in the BINX-file format, only
#' the relevant curves are selected by using the function
#' [get_RLum]. The argument `recordType` works as
#' described for this function.
#' **Note:** A wrong selection will causes a function error. Please change this
#' argument only if you have reasons to do so.
#' @param compatibility.mode [logical] (*with default*):
#' this option is parsed only if a BIN/BINX file is produced and it will reset all position
#' values to a max. value of 48, cf.[write_R2BIN]
#' @param txtProgressBar [logical] (*with default*):
#' enables `TRUE` or disables `FALSE` the progression bars during import and export
#' @note The function can be also used to extract irradiation times from [RLum.Analysis-class] objects
#' previously imported via [read_BIN2R] (`fastForward = TRUE`) or in combination with [Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis].
#' Unfortunately the timestamp might not be very precise (or even invalid),
#' but it allows to essentially treat different formats in a similar manner.
#' @return
#' An [RLum.Results-class] object is returned with the
#' following structure:
#' ```
#' .. $irr.times (data.frame)
#' ```
#' If a BINX-file path and name is set, the output will be additionally
#' transferred into a new BINX-file with the function name as suffix. For the
#' output the path of the input BINX-file itself is used. Note that this will
#' not work if the input object is a file path to an XSYG-file, instead of a
#' link to only one file. In this case the argument input for `file.BINX` is ignored.
#' In the self call mode (input is a `list` of [RLum.Analysis-class] objects
#' a list of [RLum.Results-class] is returned.
#' @note
#' The produced output object contains still the irradiation steps to
#' keep the output transparent. However, for the BINX-file export this steps
#' are removed as the BINX-file format description does not allow irradiations
#' as separate sequences steps.
#' **BINX-file 'Time Since Irradiation' value differs from the table output?**
#' The way the value 'Time Since Irradiation' is defined differs. In the BINX-file the
#' 'Time Since Irradiation' is calculated as the 'Time Since Irradiation' plus the 'Irradiation
#' Time'. The table output returns only the real 'Time Since Irradiation', i.e. time between the
#' end of the irradiation and the next step.
#' **Negative values for `TIMESINCELAS.STEP`?**
#' Yes, this is possible and no bug, as in the XSYG-file multiple curves are stored for one step.
#' Example: TL step may comprise three curves:
#' - (a) counts vs. time,
#' - (b) measured temperature vs. time and
#' - (c) predefined temperature vs. time.
#' Three curves, but they are all belonging to one TL measurement step, but with regard to
#' the time stamps this could produce negative values as the important function
#' ([read_XSYG2R]) do not change the order of entries for one step
#' towards a correct time order.
#' @section Function version: 0.3.3
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum.Analysis-class], [RLum.Results-class], [Risoe.BINfileData-class],
#' [read_XSYG2R], [read_BIN2R], [write_R2BIN]
#' @references
#' Duller, G.A.T., 2015. The Analyst software package for luminescence data: overview and
#' recent improvements. Ancient TL 33, 35-42.
#' @keywords IO manip
#' @examples
#' ## (1) - example for your own data
#' ##
#' ## set files and run function
#' #
#' #   file.XSYG <- file.choose()
#' #   file.BINX <- file.choose()
#' #
#' #     output <- extract_IrradiationTimes(file.XSYG = file.XSYG, file.BINX = file.BINX)
#' #     get_RLum(output)
#' #
#' ## export results additionally to a CSV.file in the same directory as the XSYG-file
#' #       write.table(x = get_RLum(output),
#' #                   file = paste0(file.BINX,"_extract_IrradiationTimes.csv"),
#' #                   sep = ";",
#' #                   row.names = FALSE)
#' @md
#' @export
extract_IrradiationTimes <- function(
  recordType = c("irradiation (NA)", "IRSL (UVVIS)", "OSL (UVVIS)", "TL (UVVIS)"),
  compatibility.mode = TRUE,
  txtProgressBar = TRUE

  # SELF CALL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##show message for non-supported arguments
      warning("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] argument 'file.BINX' is not supported in the self call mode.",
              call. = FALSE)


    ##extend arguments
      ##extent recordType
      if(is(recordType, "list")){
        recordType <-
          rep(recordType, length = length(object))

        recordType <-
          rep(list(recordType), length = length(object))


      ##run function
      results <- lapply(1:length(object), function(x) {
          object = object[[x]],
          recordType = recordType[[x]],
          txtProgressBar = txtProgressBar


      ##DO NOT use invisible here, this will stop the function from stopping
      if(length(results) == 0){




# Integrity tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##check whether an character or an RLum.Analysis object is provided
  if(is(object)[1] != "character" & is(object)[1] != "RLum.Analysis"){
    stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] Input object is neither of type 'character' nor of type 'RLum.Analysis'.",
         call. = FALSE)

  } else if(is(object)[1] == "character"){

    ##set object to file.XSYG
    file.XSYG <- object

    ##check if file exists
    if(file.exists(file.XSYG) == FALSE){
      stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] Wrong XSYG file name or file does not exsits!",
           call. = FALSE)


    ##check if file is XML file
    if(tail(unlist(strsplit(file.XSYG, split = "\\.")), 1) != "xsyg" &
         tail(unlist(strsplit(file.XSYG, split = "\\.")), 1) != "XSYG" ){
      stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] File is not of type 'XSYG'!", call. = FALSE)


      ##check if file exists
      if(file.exists(file.BINX) == FALSE){
        stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] Wrong BINX file name or file does not exist!", call. = FALSE)


      ##check if file is XML file
      if(tail(unlist(strsplit(file.BINX, split = "\\.")), 1) != "binx" &
           tail(unlist(strsplit(file.BINX, split = "\\.")), 1) != "BINX" ){
        stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] File is not of type 'BINX'!", call. = FALSE)


    # Settings and import XSYG --------------------------------------------------------------------
    temp.XSYG <- read_XSYG2R(file.XSYG, txtProgressBar = txtProgressBar)

      temp.BINX <- read_BIN2R(file.BINX, txtProgressBar = txtProgressBar)
      temp.BINX.dirname <- (dirname(file.XSYG))

    # Some data preparation -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##set list
    temp.sequence.list <- list()

    ##select all analysis objects and combine them
    for(i in 1:length(temp.XSYG)){
      ##select sequence and reduce the data set to really wanted values
      temp.sequence.list[[i]] <- get_RLum(
        object = temp.XSYG[[i]]$Sequence.Object,
        recordType = recordType,
        drop = FALSE)

      ##get corresponding position number, this will be needed later on
      temp.sequence.position <- as.numeric(as.character(temp.XSYG[[i]]$Sequence.Header["position",]))


    ##now we assume a single RLum.Analysis object
    ##select sequence and reduce the data set to really wanted values, note that no
    ##record selection was made!
    temp.sequence.list <- list(object)


  ##merge objects
    temp.sequence <- merge_RLum(temp.sequence.list)

    temp.sequence <- temp.sequence.list[[1]]


# Grep relevant information -------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##Sequence STEP
  STEP <- names_RLum(temp.sequence)

  #START time of each step
  ## we try also to support BIN/BINX files with this function if imported
  ## accordingly
  if(any(temp.sequence@originator %in% c("Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis", "read_BIN2R"))) {
    temp.START <- vapply(temp.sequence, function(x) {
       paste0(get_RLum(x, info.object = c("DATE")), get_RLum(x, info.object = c("TIME")))

    }, character(1))

    ##a little bit reformatting.
    START <- strptime(temp.START, format = "%y%m%d%H%M%S", tz = "GMT")
      ## make another try in case it does not make sense
        START <- strptime(temp.START, format = "%y%m%d%H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT")

  } else {
    temp.START <- vapply(temp.sequence, function(x) {
      get_RLum(x, info.object = c("startDate"))

    }, character(1))

    ##a little bit reformatting.
    START <- strptime(temp.START, format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", tz = "GMT")


  ##DURATION of each STEP
  DURATION.STEP <- vapply(temp.sequence, function(x){
  }, numeric(1))

  ##Calculate END time of each STEP

  ##add position number so far an XSYG file was the input
    POSITION <- rep(temp.sequence.position, each = length_RLum(temp.sequence))

  }else if(!inherits(try(
      get_RLum(temp.sequence, record.id = 1), info.object = "position")),
    silent = TRUE), "try-error")){

    ##POSITION of each STEP
    POSITION <- vapply(temp.sequence, function(x){
      tmp <- suppressWarnings(get_RLum(x, info.object = c("position")))

        tmp <- get_RLum(x, info.object = c("POSITION"))

    }, numeric(1))



  ##Combine the results
  temp.results <- data.frame(POSITION,STEP,START,DURATION.STEP,END)

  # Calculate irradiation duration ------------------------------------------------------------
  if(any(temp.sequence@originator %in% c("Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis", "read_BIN2R"))) {
    IRR_TIME <- vapply(temp.sequence, function(x) get_RLum(x, info.object = c("IRR_TIME")), numeric(1))

  } else {
    IRR_TIME <- numeric(length = nrow(temp.results))
    temp_last <- 0
    for(i in 1:nrow(temp.results)){
      if(grepl("irradiation", temp.results[["STEP"]][i])) {
        temp_last <- temp.results[["DURATION.STEP"]][i]

      IRR_TIME[i] <- temp_last
  # Calculate time since irradiation ------------------------------------------------------------
  ##set objects
  time.irr.end <- NA

  TIMESINCEIRR <- unlist(sapply(1:nrow(temp.results), function(x){
    if(grepl("irradiation", temp.results[x,"STEP"])){


        return(difftime(temp.results[x,"START"],time.irr.end, units = "secs"))



  # Calculate time since last step --------------------------------------------------------------
  TIMESINCELAST.STEP <- unlist(sapply(1:nrow(temp.results), function(x){
    if(x == 1){
      return(difftime(temp.results[x,"START"],temp.results[x-1, "END"], units = "secs"))


  # Combine final results -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##results table, export as CSV
  results <- cbind(temp.results,IRR_TIME, TIMESINCEIRR,TIMESINCELAST.STEP)

  # Write BINX-file if wanted -------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##(1) remove all irradiation steps as there is no record in the BINX file and update information
    results.BINX <- results[-which(results[,"STEP"] == "irradiation (NA)"),]

    ##(1a)  update information on the irradiation time
    temp.BINX@METADATA[["IRR_TIME"]] <- results.BINX[["IRR_TIME"]]

    ##(1b) update information on the time since irradiation by using the Risoe definition of thi
    ##parameter, to make the file compatible to the Analyst
    temp.BINX@METADATA[["TIMESINCEIRR"]] <- results.BINX[["IRR_TIME"]] + results.BINX[["TIMESINCEIRR"]]

    ##(2) compare entries in the BINX-file with the entries in the table to make sure
    ## that both have the same length
      if(nrow(results.BINX) == nrow(temp.BINX@METADATA)){

        ##update BINX-file
        try <- write_R2BIN(temp.BINX, version = "06",
                   file = paste0(file.BINX,"_extract_IrradiationTimes.BINX"),
                   compatibility.mode =  compatibility.mode,
                   txtProgressBar = txtProgressBar)

        ##set message on the format definition
        if(!inherits(x = try, 'try-error')){
          message("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] 'Time Since Irradiation' was redefined in the exported BINX-file to: 'Time Since Irradiation' plus the 'Irradiation Time' to be compatible with the Analyst.")

        stop("[extract_IrradiationTimes()] XSYG-file and BINX-file did not contain similar entries. BINX-file update skipped!",call. = FALSE))


  # Output --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  return(set_RLum(class = "RLum.Results", data = list(irr.times = results)))

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