
Defines functions nobs.loglm coef.loglm residuals.loglm fitted.loglm print.summary.loglm summary.loglm print.loglm print.anova.loglm anova.loglm loglm1.default loglm1.data.frame loglm1.xtabs loglm1 loglm renumerate.formula denumerate.formula renumerate denumerate

Documented in anova.loglm coef.loglm denumerate denumerate.formula fitted.loglm loglm loglm1 loglm1.data.frame loglm1.default loglm1.xtabs print.anova.loglm print.loglm print.summary.loglm renumerate renumerate.formula residuals.loglm summary.loglm

# file MASS/R/loglm.R
# copyright (C) 1994-2023 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
denumerate <- function(x) UseMethod("denumerate")

renumerate <- function(x) UseMethod("renumerate")

denumerate.formula <- function(x)
    if(length(x) == 1L) {
        if(mode(x) == "numeric" ||
           (mode(x) == "name" &&
            any(substring(as.character(x), 1L, 1L) == as.character(1L:9))))
            x <- as.name(paste(".v", x, sep = ""))
    } else {
        x[[2L]] <- Recall(x[[2L]])
        if(length(x) == 3L && x[[1L]] != as.name("^"))
            x[[3L]] <- Recall(x[[3L]])

renumerate.formula <- function(x)
    if(length(x) == 1L) {
        if(mode(x) == "name"
	   ## these are always one-byte chars
           && nchar(xx <- as.character(x), "b") > 2
           && substring(xx, 1L, 2L) == ".v")
            x <- as.name(substring(xx, 3L))
    } else {
        x[[2L]] <- Recall(x[[2L]])
        if(length(x) == 3L && x[[1L]] != as.name("^"))
           x[[3L]] <- Recall(x[[3L]])

loglm <-
  function(formula, data, subset, na.action, ...)
    .call <- match.call()
    if(missing(data) || inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
        m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        m$... <- NULL
        m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
        data <- eval.parent(m)
        .formula <- as.formula(attr(data, "terms"))
    } else {
        trms <- attr(data, "terms") <- terms(formula <- denumerate(formula))
        .formula <- renumerate(as.formula(trms))
    loglm1(formula, data, ..., .call=.call, .formula=.formula)

loglm1 <- function(formula, data, ...) UseMethod("loglm1", data)

loglm1.xtabs <-
function(formula, data, ...)
    attr(data, "marginals") <- attr(data, "call") <- class(data) <- NULL

loglm1.data.frame <-
function(formula, data, ...)
    trms <- attr(data, "terms")
    if(is.null(trms)) stop("'data' has no 'terms' attribute")
    if(attr(trms, "response") == 0) stop("formula specifies no response")
    resp <- match(as.character(attr(trms, "variables"))[1+attr(trms, "response")],
    off <- attr(trms, "offset")
    fac <- data.frame(lapply(data[, -c(resp, off)], as.factor))
    rsp <- data[, resp]
    tab <- table(fac)
    if(max(tab) > 1L) {
# an extra factor needed for repeated frequencies
        i <- do.call("order", rev(fac))
        fac <- fac[i,  ]
        rsp <- rsp[i]
        fac$.Within. <-
                                 function(x) if(x > 0) seq(x) else NULL)))
    dn <- lapply(fac, levels)
    dm <- sapply(dn, length)
    offset <- model.offset(data)
    if (is.null(offset)) offset <- 0
    offset <- rep(offset, length.out = nrow(data))
    data <- structure(array(-1, dm, dn), terms = trms)
    data[do.call("cbind", lapply(fac, as.numeric))] <- rsp
    st <- array(as.numeric(data >= 0), dm, dn)
    st[do.call("cbind", lapply(fac, as.numeric))] <- exp(offset)
    data[data < 0] <- 0
    loglm1.default(formula, data, ..., start = st)

loglm1.default <-
function(formula, data, start = rep(1, length(data)), fitted = FALSE,
	keep.frequencies = fitted, param = TRUE, eps =
	1/10, iter = 40, print = FALSE, ...)
    trms <- attr(data, "terms")
    if(is.null(trms)) stop("'data' has no 'terms' attribute")
    factors <- attr(trms, "factors") > 0
    if((r <- attr(trms, "response")))
        factors <- factors[-r,  , drop = FALSE]
    nt <- ncol(factors)
    fo <- order(colSums(factors))
    factors <- factors[, fo, drop = FALSE]
    ff <- crossprod(factors)
    keep <- rep(TRUE, nt)
    j <- 0L
    while((j <- j + 1L) < nt) keep[j] <- ff[j, j] > max(ff[j, (j + 1L):nt])
    factors <- factors[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    ldim <- length(dim(data))
    nnames <- paste(".v", 1L:ldim, sep = "")
    which <- structure(1L:ldim, names = nnames)
    if(!is.null(anames <- names(dimnames(data))))
        which <- c(which, structure(which, names = anames))
    margins <- apply(factors, 2L, function(x, which, nam)
                     as.vector(which[nam[x]]), which, rownames(factors))
        margins <- as.list(data.frame(margins))
    else margins <- structure(as.list(margins), names = names(margins))
    Fit <- loglin(data, margins, start = start, fit = fitted,
                  param = param, eps = eps, iter = iter, print = print)
    dots <- list(...)
    if(".formula" %in% names(dots)) {
        Fit$call <- dots$.call
        Fit$formula <- dots$.formula
    class(Fit) <- "loglm"
    if(keep.frequencies) Fit$frequencies <- structure(data, terms = NULL)
    if(fitted) {
        names(Fit)[match("fit", names(Fit))] <- "fitted"
        attr(Fit$fitted, "terms") <- NULL
    Fit$deviance <- Fit$lrt
    Fit$nobs <- length(data)
    Fit$df <- Fit$df - sum(start == 0)
    Fit$terms <- trms # for stepAIC

anova.loglm <- function(object, ..., test = c("Chisq", "chisq", "LR"))
    test <- match.arg(test)
    margs <- function(...) nargs()
    if(!(k <- margs(...))) return(object)
    objs <- list(object, ...)
    dfs <- sapply(objs, "[[", "df")
    o <- order( - dfs)
    objs <- objs[o]
    dfs <- c(dfs[o], 0)
    forms <- lapply(objs, function(x) x$call$formula)
    dev <- c(sapply(objs, "[[", "lrt"), 0)
    M <- array(0, c(k + 2L, 5L),
               list(c(paste("Model", 1L:(k + 1L)), "Saturated"),
                    c("Deviance", "df", "Delta(Dev)", "Delta(df)", "P(> Delta(Dev)")))
    M[, 1L] <- dev
    M[, 2L] <- dfs
    M[-1L, 3L] <- dev[1L:(k + 1L)] - dev[2L:(k + 2L)]
    M[-1L, 4L] <- dfs[1L:(k + 1L)] - dfs[2L:(k + 2L)]
    M[-1L, 5L] <- 1 - pchisq(M[-1L, 3L], M[-1L, 4L])
    res <- structure(M, formulae = forms)
    class(res) <- "anova.loglm"

print.anova.loglm <- function(x, ...)
    rjustify <- function(str) {
        m <- max(n <- nchar(str, "c"))
        blanks <- format(c("", str[n == m][1L]))[1L]
        paste(substring(blanks, 0L, m - n), str, sep = "")
    y <- x
    y[, 5L] <- round(y[, 5L], 5L)
    R <- array("", dim(x), dimnames(x))
    for(j in 1L:5L) {
        colj <- rjustify(c(colnames(x)[j], format(y[, j])))
        R[, j] <- colj[-1L]
        colnames(R)[j] <- colj[1L]
    R[1L, 3L:5L] <- ""
    forms <- attr(x, "formulae")
    cat("LR tests for hierarchical log-linear models\n\n")
    for(i in seq_along(forms))
        cat(paste("Model ", i, ":\n", sep = ""),
            deparse(forms[[i]], width.cutoff = 500L), "\n")
    print(R, quote = FALSE)

print.loglm <- function(x, ...)
    ts.array <- rbind(c(x$lrt, x$df,
                        if(x$df > 0L) 1 - pchisq(x$lrt, x$df) else 1),
                      c(x$pearson, x$df,
                        if(x$df > 0L) 1 - pchisq(x$pearson, x$df)
                        else 1))
    dimnames(ts.array) <- list(c("Likelihood Ratio",
                                 "Pearson"), c("X^2", "df", "P(> X^2)"))

summary.loglm <- function(object, fitted = FALSE, ...)
    ts.array <- rbind(c(object$lrt, object$df,
                        if(object$df > 0L) 1 - pchisq(object$lrt, object$df)
                        else 1), c(object$pearson, object$df,
                                   if(object$df > 0L)
                                   1 - pchisq(object$pearson, object$df)
                                   else 1))
    dimnames(ts.array) <- list(c("Likelihood Ratio", "Pearson"),
                               c("X^2", "df", "P(> X^2)"))
    if(fitted) {
        if(is.null(object$fitted) || is.null(object$freqencies)) {
            cat("Re-fitting to find fitted values\n")
            object <- update(object, fitted = TRUE, keep.frequencies = TRUE)
        fit <- format(round(object$fitted, 1L))
        OE <- array(paste(format(object$frequnecies), " (", fit, ")", sep = ""),
                    dim(fit), dimnames(object$frequnencies))
    }  else OE <- NULL
    structure(list(formula = formula(object), tests = ts.array, oe = OE),
              class = "summary.loglm")

print.summary.loglm <- function(x, ...)
    if(!is.null(x$oe)) {
        cat("\nObserved (Expected):\n")
        print(x$oe, quote = FALSE)

update.loglm <- function (object, formula, ...)
    if (is.null(call <- object$call))
        stop("'object' has no 'call' component.  Updating not possible")
    if (!missing(formula)) {
        object$formula <- denumerate(object$formula)
        formula <- denumerate(as.formula(formula))
        call$formula <- renumerate(update.formula(formula(object), formula))
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (length(extras) > 0L) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        ## do these individually to allow NULL to remove entries.
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    result <- eval.parent(call)

fitted.loglm <- function(object, ...)
    cat("Re-fitting to get fitted values\n")
    unclass(update(object, fitted = TRUE, keep.frequencies = FALSE)$fitted)

residuals.loglm <-
    function(object, type = c("deviance", "pearson", "response"), ...)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(is.null(object$fitted) || is.null(object$frequencies)) {
        cat("Re-fitting to get frequencies and fitted values\n")
        object <- update(object, fitted = TRUE, keep.frequencies = TRUE)
    y <- object$frequencies
    mu <- object$fitted
    res <- y - mu
    nz <- mu > 0
    y <- y[nz]
    mu <- mu[nz]
    res[nz] <-
               deviance = sign(y - mu) *
                 sqrt(2*abs(y*log((y + (y == 0))/mu) - (y - mu))),
               pearson = (y - mu)/sqrt(mu),
               response = y - mu)

coef.loglm <- function(object, ...)
    if(!is.null(cf <- object$param)) return(cf)
    cat("Re-fitting to calculate missing coefficients\n")
    update(object, param = TRUE)$param

nobs.loglm  <- function(object, ...) object[["nobs"]]

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