Man pages for MBESS
The MBESS R Package

aipe.smdSample size planning for the standardized mean different from...
ancova.random.dataGenerate random data for an ANCOVA model
CFA.1One-factor confirmatory factor analysis model
ci.cConfidence interval for a contrast in a fixed effects ANOVA
ci.c.ancovaConfidence interval for an (unstandardized) contrast in...
ci.ccConfidence interval for the population correlation...
ci.cvConfidence interval for the coefficient of variation
ci.omega2Confidence Interval for omega-squared (omega^2) for...
ci.pvafConfidence Interval for the Proportion of Variance Accounted...
ci.RConfidence interval for the multiple correlation coefficient
ci.R2Confidence interval for the population squared multiple...
ci.rcConfidence Interval for a Regression Coefficient
ci.reg.coefConfidence interval for a regression coefficient
ci.reliabilityConfidence Interval for a Reliability Coefficient
ci.rmseaConfidence interval for the population root mean square error...
ci.scConfidence Interval for a Standardized Contrast in a Fixed... interval for a standardized contrast in ANCOVA...
ci.smConfidence Interval for the Standardized Mean
ci.smdConfidence limits for the standardized mean difference.
ci.smd.cConfidence limits for the standardized mean difference using...
ci.snrConfidence Interval for the Signal-To-Noise Ratio
ci.srcConfidence Interval for a Standardized Regression Coefficient
ci.srsnrConfidence Interval for the Square Root of the... limits for noncentral chi square parameters
conf.limits.ncfConfidence limits for noncentral F parameters
conf.limits.nctConfidence limits for a noncentrality parameter from a...
cor2covCorrelation Matrix to Covariance Matrix Conversion
Cor.Mat.LomaxCorrelation matrix for Lomax (1983) data set
Cor.Mat.MMCorrelation matrix for Maruyama & McGarvey (1980) data set
covmat.from.cfmCovariance matrix from confirmatory (single) factor model.
cvFunction to calculate the regular (which is also biased)...
Expected.R2Expected value of the squared multiple correlation...
F.and.R2.Noncentral.ConversionConversion functions from noncentral noncentral values to...
Gardner.LDThe Gardner learning data, which was used by L.R. Tucker
HSComplete Data Set of Holzinger and Swineford's (1939) Study
intr.plotRegression Surface Containing Interaction
intr.plot.2dPlotting Conditional Regression Lines with Interactions in...
mediationEffect sizes and confidence intervals in a mediation model plots of mediation effects
mediation.effect.plotVisualizing mediation effects
mr.cvMinimum risk point estimation of the population coefficient...
mr.smdMinimum risk point estimation of the population standardized...
power.density.equivalence.mdDensity for power of two one-sided tests procedure (TOST) for...
power.equivalence.mdPower of Two One-Sided Tests Procedure (TOST) for Equivalence power of Two One-Sided Tests Procedure (TOST) for...
prof.salaryCohen et. al. (2003)'s professor salary data set
Sigma.2.SigmaStarConstruct a covariance matrix with specified error of... to noise using squared multiple correlation...
smdStandardized mean difference
smd.cStandardized mean difference using the control group as the...
ss.aipe.cSample size planning for an ANOVA contrast from the Accuracy...
ss.aipe.c.ancovaSample size planning for a contrast in randomized ANCOVA from...
ss.aipe.c.ancova.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size planning for the...
ssAIPECRDFind target sample sizes for the accuracy in unstandardized...
ssAIPECRDESFind target sample sizes for the accuracy in standardized...
ss.aipe.cvSample size planning for the coefficient of variation given... analysis for sample size planning given the...
ss.aipe.pcmSample size planning for polynomial change models in...
ss.aipe.R2Sample Size Planning for Accuracy in Parameter Estimation for...
ss.aipe.R2.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size planning with the goal...
ss.aipe.rcSample size necessary for the accuracy in parameter...
ss.aipe.rc.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size planing from the...
ss.aipe.reg.coefSample size necessary for the accuracy in parameter...
ss.aipe.reg.coef.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size planning from the...
ss.aipe.reliabilitySample Size Planning for Accuracy in Parameter Estimation for...
ss.aipe.rmseaSample size planning for RMSEA in SEM
ss.aipe.rmsea.sensitivitya priori Monte Carlo simulation for sample size planning for...
ss.aipe.scSample size planning for Accuracy in Parameter Estimation... size planning from the AIPE perspective for... analysis for the sample size planning method for... analysis for sample size planning for the...
ss.aipe.sem.pathSample size planning for SEM targeted effects
ss.aipe.sem.path.sensitiva priori Monte Carlo simulation for sample size planning for...
ss.aipe.smSample size planning for Accuracy in Parameter Estimation...
ss.aipe.smdSample size planning for the standardized mean difference...
ss.aipe.smd.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size given the Accuracy in... analysis for sample size planning for the...
ss.aipe.srcsample size necessary for the accuracy in parameter...
ss.aipe.src.sensitivitySensitivity analysis for sample size planing from the...
ss.power.pcmSample size planning for power for polynomial change models
ss.power.R2Function to plan sample size so that the test of the squared...
ss.power.rcsample size for a targeted regression coefficient
ss.power.reg.coefsample size for a targeted regression coefficient
ss.power.semSample size planning for structural equation modeling from...
s.uUnbiased estimate of the population standard deviation
t.and.smd.conversionConversion functions for noncentral t-distribution
theta.2.Sigma.thetaCompute the model-implied covariance matrix of an SEM model
transform_r.ZTransform a correlation coefficient (r) into the scale of...
transform_Z.rTransform Fischer's _Z_ into the scale of a correlation...
upsilonThis function implements the upsilon effect size statistic as...
var.eteThe Variance of the Estimated Treatment Effect at Selected...
Variance.R2Variance of squared multiple correlation coefficient MBESS function for verifying the sample size in...
vitVisualize individual trajectories
vit.fittedVisualize individual trajectories with fitted curve and...
MBESS documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 9:07 a.m.