conf.limits.nct <- function(ncp, df, conf.level=.95, alpha.lower=NULL, alpha.upper=NULL, t.value, tol=1e-9,, ...)
# Note this function is new in version 4, replacing what was used in prior versions.
# Internal functions for the noncentral t distribution; two appraoches.
if(missing(t.value)) stop("You need to specify either 'ncp' or its alias, 't.value,' you have not specified either")
ncp <- t.value
# General stop checks.
if(df <= 0) stop("The degrees of freedom must be some positive value.", call.=FALSE)
if(abs(ncp) > 37.62) print("The observed noncentrality parameter of the noncentral t-distribution has exceeded 37.62 in magnitude (R's limitation for accurate probabilities from the noncentral t-distribution) in the function's iterative search for the appropriate value(s). The results may be fine, but they might be inaccurate; use caution.")
if( Orig.warn <- options()$warn; options(warn=-1)
if(!is.null(conf.level) & is.null(alpha.lower) & !is.null(alpha.upper)) stop("You must choose either to use \'conf.level\' or define the \'lower.alpha\' and \'upper.alpha\' values; here, \'upper.alpha\' is specified but \'lower.alpha\' is not", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(conf.level) & !is.null(alpha.lower) & is.null(alpha.upper)) stop("You must choose either to use \'conf.level\' or define the \'lower.alpha\' and \'upper.alpha\' values; here, \'lower.alpha\' is specified but \'upper.alpha\' is not", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(conf.level) & is.null(alpha.lower) & is.null(alpha.upper))
alpha.lower <- (1-conf.level)/2
alpha.upper <- (1-conf.level)/2
.conf.limits.nct.M1 <- function(ncp, df, conf.level=NULL, alpha.lower, alpha.upper, tol=1e-9,, ...)
if( Orig.warn <- options()$warn; options(warn=-1)
min.ncp=min(-150, -5*ncp)
max.ncp=max(150, 5*ncp)
# Internal function for upper limit.
# Note the upper tail is used here, as we seek to find the NCP that has, in its upper tail (alpha.lower, for the lower limit), the specified value of the observed t/ncp.
.ci.nct.lower <- function(val.of.interest, ...)
(qt(p=alpha.lower, df=df, ncp=val.of.interest, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE) - ncp)^2
# Internal function for lower limit.
# Note the lower tail is used here, as we seek to find the NCP that has, in its lower tail (alpha.upper, for the upper limit), the specified value of the observed t/ncp.
.ci.nct.upper <- function(val.of.interest, ...)
(qt(p=alpha.upper, df=df, ncp=val.of.interest, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) - ncp)^2
if( Low.Lim <- suppressWarnings(optimize(, interval=c(min.ncp, max.ncp), alpha.lower=alpha.lower, df=df, ncp=ncp, maximize=FALSE, tol=tol))
if( Low.Lim <- optimize(, interval=c(min.ncp, max.ncp), alpha.lower=alpha.lower, df=df, ncp=ncp, maximize=FALSE, tol=tol)
if( Up.Lim <- suppressWarnings(optimize(, interval=c(min.ncp, max.ncp), alpha.upper=alpha.upper, df=df, ncp=ncp, maximize=FALSE, tol=tol))
if( Up.Lim <- optimize(, interval=c(min.ncp, max.ncp), alpha.upper=alpha.upper, df=df, ncp=ncp, maximize=FALSE, tol=tol)
if(alpha.lower==0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=-Inf, Prob.Less.Lower=0, Upper.Limit=Up.Lim$minimum, Prob.Greater.Upper=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Up.Lim$minimum, df=df))
if(alpha.upper==0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=Low.Lim$minimum, Prob.Less.Lower=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Low.Lim$minimum, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE), Upper.Limit=Inf, Prob.Greater.Upper=0)
if(alpha.lower!=0 & alpha.upper!=0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=Low.Lim$minimum, Prob.Less.Lower=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Low.Lim$minimum, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE), Upper.Limit=Up.Lim$minimum, Prob.Greater.Upper=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Up.Lim$minimum, df=df))
if( options(warn=Orig.warn)
.conf.limits.nct.M2 <- function(ncp, df, conf.level=NULL, alpha.lower, alpha.upper, tol=1e-9,, ...)
# Internal function for upper limit.
.ci.nct.lower <- function(val.of.interest, ...)
(qt(p=alpha.lower, df=df, ncp=val.of.interest, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE) - ncp)^2
# Internal function for lower limit.
.ci.nct.upper <- function(val.of.interest, ...)
(qt(p=alpha.upper, df=df, ncp=val.of.interest, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) - ncp)^2
Low.Lim <- suppressWarnings(nlm(, p=ncp, ...))
Up.Lim <- suppressWarnings(nlm(, p=ncp, ...))
Low.Lim <- nlm(, p=ncp, ...)
Up.Lim <- nlm(, p=ncp, ...)
if(alpha.lower==0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=-Inf, Prob.Less.Lower=0, Upper.Limit=Up.Lim$estimate, Prob.Greater.Upper=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Up.Lim$estimate, df=df))
if(alpha.upper==0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=Low.Lim$estimate, Prob.Less.Lower=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Low.Lim$estimate, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE), Upper.Limit=Inf, Prob.Greater.Upper=0)
if(alpha.lower!=0 & alpha.upper!=0) Result <- list(Lower.Limit=Low.Lim$estimate, Prob.Less.Lower=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Low.Lim$estimate, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE), Upper.Limit=Up.Lim$estimate, Prob.Greater.Upper=pt(q=ncp, ncp=Up.Lim$estimate, df=df))
# Now, use the each of the two methods.
Res.M1 <- Res.M2 <- NULL
try(Res.M1 <- .conf.limits.nct.M1(ncp=ncp, df=df, conf.level=NULL, alpha.lower=alpha.lower, alpha.upper=alpha.upper, tol=tol,, silent=TRUE)
if(length(Res.M1)!=4) Res.M1 <- NULL
try(Res.M2 <- .conf.limits.nct.M2(ncp=ncp, df=df, conf.level=NULL, alpha.lower=alpha.lower, alpha.upper=alpha.upper, tol=tol,, silent=TRUE)
if(length(Res.M2)!=4) Res.M2 <- NULL
# Now, set-up the test to find the best method.
Low.M1 <- Res.M1$Lower.Limit
Prob.Low.M1 <- Res.M1$Prob.Less.Lower
Upper.M1 <- Res.M1$Upper.Limit
Prob.Upper.M1 <- Res.M1$Prob.Greater.Upper
Low.M2 <- Res.M2$Lower.Limit
Prob.Low.M2 <- Res.M2$Prob.Less.Lower
Upper.M2 <- Res.M2$Upper.Limit
Prob.Upper.M2 <- Res.M2$Prob.Greater.Upper
# Choose the best interval limits:
##Here low
Min.for.Best.Low <- min((c(Prob.Low.M1, Prob.Low.M2)-alpha.lower)^2)
if(!is.null(Res.M1)){if(Min.for.Best.Low==(Prob.Low.M1-alpha.lower)^2) Best.Low <- 1}
if(!is.null(Res.M2)){if(Min.for.Best.Low==(Prob.Low.M2-alpha.lower)^2) Best.Low <- 2}
##Here high
Min.for.Best.Up <- min((c(Prob.Upper.M1, Prob.Upper.M2)-alpha.upper)^2)
if(!is.null(Res.M1)){if(Min.for.Best.Up==(Prob.Upper.M1-alpha.upper)^2) Best.Up <- 1}
if(!is.null(Res.M2)){if(Min.for.Best.Up==(Prob.Upper.M2-alpha.upper)^2) Best.Up <- 2}
if(is.null(Res.M1)) {Low.M1 <- NA; Prob.Low.M1 <- NA; Upper.M1 <- NA; Prob.Upper.M1 <- NA}
if(is.null(Res.M2)) {Low.M2 <- NA; Prob.Low.M2 <- NA; Upper.M2 <- NA; Prob.Upper.M2 <- NA}
Result <- list(Lower.Limit=c(Low.M1, Low.M2)[Best.Low], Prob.Less.Lower=c(Prob.Low.M1, Prob.Low.M2)[Best.Low], Upper.Limit=c(Upper.M1, Upper.M2)[Best.Up], Prob.Greater.Upper=c(Prob.Upper.M1, Prob.Upper.M2)[Best.Up])
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