
Defines functions MF1_single

Documented in MF1_single

#' multifunctionality measures for a single ecosystem
#' \code{MF1_single} computes multifunctionality measures of orders q = 0, 1 and 2 for given function weights in a single ecosystem separately for two cases
#' (i) correlations between functions are not corrected for, and (ii) correlations between functions are corrected for.
#' @param func_data ecosystem function data should be input as a data.frame (ecosystems by functions). All function values must be normalized between 0 and 1.\cr
#' The row names of \code{func_data} should be set the same as the names of plotID specified in \code{species_data} if \code{species_data} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param species_data species abundance data should be input as a data.frame and must include three columns: "plotID", "species" and "abundance" (or any proxy such as basal area). Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param weight a constant number (if all weights are equal) or a numerical vector specifying weights for ecosystem functions.
#' In the latter case, the length of \code{weight} must be equal to the number of functions.
#' Default is \code{weight = 1}, which means equal weight and weight = 1 for all ecosystem functions.
#' @param q a numerical vector specifying the multifunctionality and diversity orders. Default is q = 0, 1 and 2.
#' @import devtools
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @importFrom stats coef lm model.matrix var
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @return a data.frame with columns "plotID", "Type" (corr_uncorrected or corr_corrected), "Order.q" and "qMF" (multifunctionality of order q).
#' When \code{species_data} is not \code{NULL}, the data.frame will include an additional column "Species.diversity" in the last column.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' \donttest{
#' ### Use data from six countries
#' data("forest_function_data_normalized")
#' data("forest_biodiversity_data")
#' MF1_single(func_data = forest_function_data_normalized[,6:31], weight = 1,
#'            species_data = forest_biodiversity_data)
#' }
#' ### Use partial data to quickly obtain output 
#' ### (Take the first 18 plots in Germany and the last 18 plots in Italy)
#' data("forest_function_data_raw")
#' data("forest_biodiversity_data")
#' GER_ITA_forest_function_raw <- filter(forest_function_data_raw, 
#'                                       country=="GER"|country=="ITA")[c(1:18,57:74),]
#' GER_ITA_forest_function_normalized <- function_normalization(data = GER_ITA_forest_function_raw,
#'                                                              fun_cols = 6:31, 
#'                                                              negative = c("soil_cn_ff_10","wue"),
#'                                                              by_group = "country")
#' GER_ITA_forest_biodiversity <- forest_biodiversity_data[c(49:82,181:229),]
#' MF1_single(func_data = GER_ITA_forest_function_normalized[,6:31], weight = 1,
#'            species_data = GER_ITA_forest_biodiversity)
#' @export

MF1_single <- function(func_data, species_data = NULL, weight = 1, q = c(0,1,2)){
  if ((length(func_data) == 1) && (inherits(func_data, c("numeric", "integer"))))
    stop("Error: Your data does not have enough information.")
  if((length(weight)!=1) && (length(weight)!=length(func_data)))
    stop("Error: Weight should be a vector with the same length as func_data")
  if(!inherits(q, "numeric"))
    stop("invalid class of order q, q should be a postive value/vector of numeric object", call. = FALSE)
  if(min(q) < 0){
    warning("ambigous of order q, we only compute postive q", call. = FALSE)
    q <- q[q >= 0]
  if (FALSE %in% (0 <= func_data & func_data <= 1))
    stop("Error: Your data does not be normalized, please transform the data between 0 and 1 first.")
  # if (is.vector(data) & (FALSE %in% (0 <= data & data <= 1)))
  #   stop("Error: Your data does not have enough information to be normalized automatically, please transform the data between 0 and 1 first.")
    if(!all(names(species_data) %in% c("plotID","species","abundance")))
      stop("Error: The species_data should include the following three columns: 'plotID', 'species' and 'abundance'.")
    else if(!all(rownames(func_data) %in% unique(species_data$plotID)))
      stop("Error: The column 'plotID' of species_data should include all of the assemblages (i.e, row names) in func_data.")
    else if(sum(is.na(species_data))!=0)
      stop("Error: There exists NA values in species_data.")
  if (is.vector(func_data)) func_data <- matrix(func_data,nrow=1)
  # if (nrow(fun_data)<2 & (FALSE %in% (0 <= fun_data & fun_data <= 1)))
  #   stop("Error: Your data does not have enough information to be normalized automatically, please transform the data between 0 and 1 first.")
  # if ((FALSE %in% (0 <= fun_data & fun_data <= 1)) && is_normalized)
  #   stop("Error: Your data does not be normalized between 0 and 1, please change the argument is_normalized to be FALSE.")
  func_data[is.na(func_data)] <- 0
  id_data <- data.frame(plotID = rownames(func_data))
  qMF_output <- sapply(q,function(i) apply(func_data,1,function(x) qMF(w=weight,v=x,q=i))) %>% as.data.frame()
  # if(nrow(data)==1) qMF_output <- t(qMF_output)
  names(qMF_output) <- paste0("qMF_corr_uncorrected_",q)
    tau <- seq(0,1,0.01)
    transform_D <- sqrt(1-abs(cor(func_data)))
    qMF_tau_output <- sapply(q,function(i) {
      out <- lapply(tau,function(t){
        apply(func_data,1,function(x) qMF(w=weight,v=x,q=i,tau=t,di=transform_D))
      }) %>% do.call(cbind,.)
      AUC <- apply(out,1,function(x){
        AUC_L <- sum(x[seq_along(x[-1])]*diff(tau))
        AUC_R <- sum(x[-1]*diff(tau))
    }) %>% as.data.frame()
    # if(nrow(norm_data)==1) qMF_tau_output <- t(qMF_tau_output)
    names(qMF_tau_output) <- paste0("qMF_corr_corrected_",q)
    output <- cbind(id_data,qMF_output,qMF_tau_output) %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("qMF"),
                   names_to = c("Type", "Order.q"),
                   names_pattern = "qMF_?(.*)_(.*)",
                   values_to = "qMF") %>%
      mutate(Order.q = factor(paste0("q = ",Order.q)))
    output <- cbind(id_data,qMF_output) %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("qMF"),
                   names_to = c("Type", "Order.q"),
                   names_pattern = "qMF_?(.*)_(.*)",
                   values_to = "qMF") %>%
      mutate(Order.q = factor(paste0("q = ",Order.q)))
    species_div <- lapply(id_data$plotID,function(p){
      data_s <- species_data %>% filter(plotID == p) %>% group_by(species) %>%
        summarise(abundance = sum(abundance))
      div = qTD(data_s$abundance, q = q)
      return(data.frame("Species diversity"=rep(div,ifelse(ncol(func_data)>1,2,1))))
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    output <- cbind(output,species_div)

#' multifunctionality measures for multiple ecosystems
#' \code{MF2_multiple} computes alpha, beta and gamma multifuctionality measures of orders q = 0, 1 and 2 for given function weights in multiple ecosystems separately for two cases
#' (i) correlations between functions are not corrected for, and (ii) correlations between functions are corrected for.
#' @param func_data ecosystem function data should be input as a data.frame (ecosystems by functions for multiple ecosystems). All function values must be normalized between 0 and 1. \cr
#' For \code{by_group = NULL}, the \code{func_data} must contain only the ecosystem function columns. (e.g., those columns specified in the argument \code{fun_cols} if user use \code{function_normalization} to do normalization).
#' If \code{by_group} is not \code{NULL},in addition to ecosystem function columns, the \code{by_group} column must be included. \cr
#' The row names of \code{func_data} should be set the same as the names of plotID specified in \code{species_data} if \code{species_data} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param species_data species abundance data should be input as a data.frame and must include three columns: "plotID", "species" and "abundance". Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param weight a constant number (if all weights are equal) or a numerical vector specifying weights for ecosystem functions.
#' In the latter case, the length of \code{weight} must be equal to the number of functions. Default is \code{weight = 1}, which means equal weight and weight = 1 for all ecosystem functions.
#' @param q a numerical vector specifying the multifunctionality and diversity orders. Default is q = 0, 1 and 2.
#' @param by_group the column name of the stratifying variable that is used to group data for performing decomposition.
#' For example, if \code{by_group = "country"}, then multifunctionality decomposition is performed for any pair of plots selected within a country. \cr
#' The \code{by_group} setting must be the same as that set in \code{function_normalization}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return a data.frame with columns "plotID" (combinations of plot pairs), "Order.q" , "Type" (corr_uncorrected or corr_corrected) , "Scale" (gamma, alpha or beta) and "qMF" (multifunctionality of order q).
#' When \code{by_group} is not \code{NULL} (i.e., the column name of the stratifying variable is specified),
#' an additional column with stratification variable (e.g., "country" of the plot pairs) is also shown after the plotID column. For \code{species_data} is not \code{NULL},
#' the data.frame will show an additional column contain "Species.diversity" in the last column. 
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' \donttest{
#' ### Use data from five countries (data in Finland are excluded)
#' data("forest_function_data_normalized")
#' data("forest_biodiversity_data")
#' forest_function_data_normalized <- filter(forest_function_data_normalized, country != "FIN")
#' forest_biodiversity_data <- forest_biodiversity_data[-(1:48),]
#' MF2_multiple(func_data = forest_function_data_normalized[,6:32],
#'              species_data = forest_biodiversity_data,
#'              weight = 1,
#'              by_group = "country")
#' ### Use partial data to quickly obtain output 
#' ### (Take the first 18 plots in Germany and the last 18 plots in Italy)
#' data("forest_function_data_raw")
#' data("forest_biodiversity_data")
#' GER_ITA_forest_function_raw <- filter(forest_function_data_raw, 
#'                                       country=="GER"|country=="ITA")[c(1:18,57:74),]
#' GER_ITA_forest_function_normalized <- function_normalization(data = GER_ITA_forest_function_raw,
#'                                                              fun_cols = 6:31, 
#'                                                              negative = c("soil_cn_ff_10","wue"),
#'                                                              by_group = "country")
#' GER_ITA_forest_biodiversity <- forest_biodiversity_data[c(49:82,181:229),]
#' MF2_multiple(func_data = GER_ITA_forest_function_normalized[,6:32],
#'              species_data = GER_ITA_forest_biodiversity,
#'              weight = 1,
#'              by_group = "country")
#' }
#' @export

MF2_multiple <- function(func_data, species_data = NULL, weight = 1, q = c(0,1,2), by_group = NULL){
  if ((length(func_data) == 1) && (inherits(func_data, c("numeric", "integer"))))
    stop("Error: Your data does not have enough information.")
    if((length(weight)!=1) && (length(weight)!=length(func_data)))
      stop("Error: Weight should be a vector with the same length as func_data")
    if((length(weight)!=1) && (length(weight)!=(length(func_data)-1)))
      stop("Error: Weight should be a vector with the same length as func_data")
  if(!inherits(q, "numeric"))
    stop("invalid class of order q, q should be a postive value/vector of numeric object", call. = FALSE)
  if(min(q) < 0){
    warning("ambigous of order q, we only compute postive q", call. = FALSE)
    q <- q[q >= 0]
  if (FALSE %in% (0 <= (func_data %>% dplyr::select(-by_group)) & (func_data %>% dplyr::select(-by_group)) <= 1))
    stop("Error: Your data does not be normalized, please transform the data between 0 and 1 first.")
    if(!all(names(species_data) %in% c("plotID","species","abundance")))
      stop("Error: The species_data should include the following three columns: 'plotID', 'species' and 'abundance'.")
    else if(!all(rownames(func_data) %in% unique(species_data$plotID)))
      stop("Error: The column 'plotID' of species_data should include all of the assemblages (i.e, row names) in func_data.")
    else if(sum(is.na(species_data))!=0)
      stop("Error: There exists NA values in species_data.")
  if (is.vector(func_data)) func_data <- matrix(func_data,nrow=1)
    func_data <- ungroup(func_data)
    spe_data <- func_data
    two_idx <- combn(1:nrow(spe_data),2)
    fun_data <- func_data
      tau <- seq(0,1,0.02)
      fun_data[is.na(fun_data)] <- 0
      transform_D <- sqrt(1-abs(cor(fun_data)))
    output <- lapply(1:ncol(two_idx),function(i){
      d_x <- cbind(x1=t(spe_data[two_idx[1,i],]),
      rF <- sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,diversity = "gamma"))
      aF <- sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,diversity = "alpha"))
      bF <- rF/aF
      two_plot <- rownames(spe_data)[c(two_idx[1,i],two_idx[2,i])]
      result <- data.frame("plotID"=rep(paste(two_plot[1],two_plot[2],sep = " vs. "),length(q)),
                           "Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
        rF_tau <- lapply(tau,function(t){
          out <- data.frame("Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
                            "value"=sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,t,transform_D,diversity = "gamma")),
        }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
        aF_tau <- parallel::mclapply(tau,function(t){
          out <- data.frame("Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
                            "value"=sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,t,transform_D,diversity = "alpha")),
        }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
        bF_tau <- rF_tau$value/aF_tau$value
        result_tau <- data.frame("Order.q"=rF_tau$Order.q,
                                 "MF_b"=bF_tau) %>% group_by(Order.q) %>%
          summarise(L_g = sum(MF_g[seq_along(MF_g[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                    R_g = sum(MF_g[-1]*diff(Tau)),
                    L_a = sum(MF_a[seq_along(MF_a[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                    R_a = sum(MF_a[-1]*diff(Tau)),
                    L_b = sum(MF_b[seq_along(MF_b[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                    R_b = sum(MF_b[-1]*diff(Tau))) %>% ungroup %>%
          mutate(corr_corrected_Gamma = (L_g+R_g)/2,
                 corr_corrected_Alpha = (L_a+R_a)/2,
                 corr_corrected_Beta = (L_b+R_b)/2) %>%
        result <- cbind(result,result_tau)
        Obs_div <- function(data,q){
          data_gamma = rowSums(data)
          data_gamma = data_gamma[data_gamma > 0]
          data_alpha = as.matrix(data) %>% as.vector
          data_alpha = data_alpha[data_alpha > 0]
          gamma = qTD(data_gamma, q = q)
          g = gamma
          alpha = qTD(data_alpha, q = q)
          a = alpha/2
          b = g/a
        spec_data1 <- (species_data %>% filter(plotID==two_plot[1])) %>%
          group_by(species) %>% summarise(x1 = sum(abundance)) %>% select(c(species,x1))
        spec_data2 <- (species_data %>% filter(plotID==two_plot[2])) %>%
          group_by(species) %>% summarise(x2 = sum(abundance)) %>% select(c(species,x2))
        spec_data <- dplyr::full_join(spec_data1,spec_data2,by="species") %>% select(-species)
        spec_data[is.na(spec_data)] <- 0
        div_out <- Obs_div(spec_data,q=q)
        s_r <- div_out$gamma
        s_a <- div_out$alpha
        s_b <- div_out$beta
        result <- cbind(result,data.frame("Species_Gamma"=s_r,
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
  else if(length(by_group)!=1) stop("Error: The number of the group variable should not be more than 1.")
  else if(!(by_group %in% colnames(func_data))) stop("Error: The group variable is not included in the given data.")
    func_data <- ungroup(func_data)
    output <- lapply(unique(unlist(func_data %>% dplyr::select(by_group)) %>% as.character()),function(group){
      spe_data <- func_data %>% filter(across(by_group) == group) %>% select(-by_group)
      two_idx <- combn(1:nrow(spe_data),2)
      fun_data <- func_data %>% select(-by_group)
        tau <- seq(0,1,0.02)
        fun_data[is.na(fun_data)] <- 0
        transform_D <- sqrt(1-abs(cor(fun_data)))
      out <- lapply(1:ncol(two_idx),function(i){
        d_x <- cbind(x1=t(spe_data[two_idx[1,i],]),
        rF <- sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,diversity = "gamma"))
        aF <- sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,diversity = "alpha"))
        bF <- rF/aF
        two_plot <- rownames(spe_data)[c(two_idx[1,i],two_idx[2,i])]
        result <- data.frame("plotID"=rep(paste(two_plot[1],two_plot[2],sep = " vs. "),length(q)),
                             "Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
        colnames(result)[2] <- by_group
          rF_tau <- lapply(tau,function(t){
            out <- data.frame("Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
                              "value"=sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,t,transform_D,diversity = "gamma")),
          }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
          aF_tau <- parallel::mclapply(tau,function(t){
            out <- data.frame("Order.q"=paste0("q = ",q),
                              "value"=sapply(q,function(y) qMF_diversity(w=weight,d_x,y,t,transform_D,diversity = "alpha")),
          }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
          bF_tau <- rF_tau$value/aF_tau$value
          result_tau <- data.frame("Order.q"=rF_tau$Order.q,
                                   "MF_b"=bF_tau) %>% group_by(Order.q) %>%
            summarise(L_g = sum(MF_g[seq_along(MF_g[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                      R_g = sum(MF_g[-1]*diff(Tau)),
                      L_a = sum(MF_a[seq_along(MF_a[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                      R_a = sum(MF_a[-1]*diff(Tau)),
                      L_b = sum(MF_b[seq_along(MF_b[-1])]*diff(Tau)),
                      R_b = sum(MF_b[-1]*diff(Tau))) %>% ungroup %>%
            mutate(corr_corrected_Gamma = (L_g+R_g)/2,
                   corr_corrected_Alpha = (L_a+R_a)/2,
                   corr_corrected_Beta = (L_b+R_b)/2) %>%
          result <- cbind(result,result_tau)
          Obs_div <- function(data,q){
            data_gamma = rowSums(data)
            data_gamma = data_gamma[data_gamma > 0]
            data_alpha = as.matrix(data) %>% as.vector
            data_alpha = data_alpha[data_alpha > 0]
            gamma = qTD(data_gamma, q = q)
            g = gamma
            alpha = qTD(data_alpha, q = q)
            a = alpha/2
            b = g/a
          spec_data1 <- (species_data %>% filter(plotID==two_plot[1])) %>%
            group_by(species) %>% summarise(x1 = sum(abundance)) %>% select(c(species,x1))
          spec_data2 <- (species_data %>% filter(plotID==two_plot[2])) %>%
            group_by(species) %>% summarise(x2 = sum(abundance)) %>% select(c(species,x2))
          spec_data <- dplyr::full_join(spec_data1,spec_data2,by="species") %>% select(-species)
          spec_data[is.na(spec_data)] <- 0
          div_out <- Obs_div(spec_data,q=q)
          s_r <- div_out$gamma
          s_a <- div_out$alpha
          s_b <- div_out$beta
          result <- cbind(result,data.frame("Species_Gamma"=s_r,
        # other_data <- data[,-fun_cols] %>% filter(Country == country) %>% dplyr::select(!Country)
        # other <- paste(other_data[two_idx[1,i],],other_data[two_idx[2,i],],sep = "-") %>%
        #   rep(each=length(q)) %>% matrix(nrow = length(q)) %>% as.data.frame()
        # names(other) <- names(other_data)
      }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    output <- output %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with(c("corr_uncorrected","corr_corrected")),
                                             names_to = c("Type","Scale"),
                                             names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
                                             values_to = "qMF") %>%
                                                    Species_Beta))) %>%
    output <- output %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with(c("corr_uncorrected","corr_corrected")),
                                             names_to = c("Type","Scale"),
                                             names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
                                             values_to = "qMF")

#' Normalize raw ecosystem function values to [0,1]
#' \code{function_normalization} transforms raw function values to values between 0 and 1. For positive functionality,
#' ecosystems with the highest value in the raw function data are transformed to the maximal value of 1, and those with the lowest raw value are transformed to the minimum value of 0.
#' Because the value "0" always implies absent functions, if the lowest raw value is not 0, the transformed 0 from this non-zero raw value will be replaced by a very small number,e.g., 10^(-5). 
#' In a similar manner, for negative functionality, if the highest raw value is not 0, the transformed 0 will also be replaced by a very small number, e.g., 10^(-5).
#' These replacements will not affect any numerical computations but will help indicate that the transformed values represent functions that should be regarded as "present" ones.
#' Thus, present or absent functions can be clearly distinguished in the transformed data, and the information on presence/absence of functions is required in the decomposition of multifunctionality
#' among ecosystems.
#' @param data data can be input as a data.frame with ecosystems/plots as rows and relevant ecosystem/plot information and ecosystem functions as columns. All missing values should be imputed in the input data. \cr
#' If the stratifying/grouping variable (specified in the argument \code{by_group}) is not \code{NULL}, data must contain a column that is used for stratification.
#' @param fun_cols the columns that represent ecosystem functions.
#' @param negative names of the negative functionality.
#' @param by_group the column name of the stratifying variable that is used to group data for performing normalization.
#' For example, if \code{by_group = "country"}, then all functions will be normalized to the range of [0, 1] within a country. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return a data.frame with all values in functions (specified in \code{fun_cols}) being replaced by the transformed values between 0 and 1. 
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' ### Use data from six countries
#' data("forest_function_data_raw")
#' function_normalization(data = forest_function_data_raw, fun_cols = 6:31,
#'                        negative = c("soil_cn_ff_10","wue"), by_group = "country")
#' ### Use partial data to quickly obtain output 
#' ### (Take the first 18 plots in Germany and the last 18 plots in Italy)
#' data("forest_function_data_raw")
#' GER_ITA_forest_function_raw <- filter(forest_function_data_raw, 
#'                                       country=="GER"|country=="ITA")[c(1:18,57:74),]
#' function_normalization(data = GER_ITA_forest_function_raw, fun_cols = 6:31,
#'                        negative = c("soil_cn_ff_10","wue"), by_group = "country")
#' @export

function_normalization <- function(data, fun_cols = 1:ncol(data), negative = NULL, by_group = NULL){
  data <- dplyr::ungroup(data)
  fun_data <- data[,fun_cols]
  if(is.null(negative)) neg_cols <- 0
  else if (!all(negative %in% colnames(fun_data))) stop("Error: Negative columns must be included in function columns.")
  else neg_cols <- which(colnames(fun_data) %in% negative)
  trans_fun <- function(x, positive=TRUE){
    mi <- min(x,na.rm = T)
    ma <- max(x,na.rm = T)
    if(positive) y <- (x-mi)/(ma-mi)
    else y <- (ma-x)/(ma-mi)
    ### revise
    y[y==0] <- 10^(-5)
    #y[x==0] <- 0
    if (mi<0){
      y[x==0] <- y[x==0]
      y[x==0] <- 0
    trans_out <- lapply(1:ncol(fun_data),function(i){
      if(i %in% neg_cols) trans_fun(fun_data[,i],F)
      else trans_fun(fun_data[,i],T)
    }) %>% do.call(cbind,.)
    colnames(trans_out) <- colnames(fun_data)
    if(length(by_group)!=1) stop("Error: The number of the group variable for normalization should not be more than 1.")
    else if(!(by_group %in% colnames(data))) stop("Error: The group variable is not included in the given data.")
    data <- data %>% dplyr::arrange(across(by_group))
    gr_data <- cbind(data %>% dplyr::select(all_of(by_group)),data[,fun_cols])
    trans_out <- lapply(unique(gr_data[,1]),function(g){
      sub_gr <- gr_data[gr_data[,1]==g,] %>% .[,-1] %>% as.data.frame()
      out <- lapply(1:ncol(sub_gr),function(i){
        if(i %in% neg_cols) trans_fun(sub_gr[,i],F)
        else trans_fun(sub_gr[,i],T)
      }) %>% do.call(cbind,.)
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
  data[,fun_cols] <- trans_out

# Calculate multi-functionality measures in a single ecosystem.
# \code{qMF} Calculate uncorrelated or correlated MF measures using special case of Hill-Chao numbers.
# @param w a vector of the weighted.
# @param v a vector of the ecosystem with several functions.
# @param q a numerical vector specifying the diversity orders.
# @param tau a single value used in the correlated MF measures.
# @param di a distance matrix used in the correlated MF measures.
# @return a value of correlated/uncorrelated MF measure in a single ecosystem.

qMF <- function(w,v,q,tau=0.5,di=NULL){
  if(is.null(di) | tau == 0){
    ai_tau <- v[v>0]
    V <- w*ai_tau
    d_tau <- ifelse(di<tau,di,tau)
    ai <- (1-d_tau/tau)%*%v
    ai_tau <- ai[ai>0]
    v <- v[ai>0]
    V <- w*v*v/ai_tau
  if(q==1) exp(-sum(V*(ai_tau/sum(V*ai_tau))*log(ai_tau/sum(V*ai_tau))))
  else sum(V*(ai_tau/sum(V*ai_tau))^q)^(1/(1-q))

# Calculate multi-functionality measures in multiple ecosystems.
# \code{qMF_diversity} Calculate uncorrelated or correlated MF measures using special case of Hill-Chao numbers.
# @param v a matrix contains two columns of the ecosystem with several functions.
# @param q a numerical vector specifying the diversity orders.
# @param tau a single value used in the correlated MF measures.
# @param di a distance matrix used in the correlated MF measures.
# @param diversity decide to compute whether 'gamma' diversity or 'alpha' diversity.
# @param w weight.
# @return a value of correlated/uncorrelated MF measure in multiple ecosystems.

qMF_diversity <- function(w, v,q,tau=0.5,di=NULL,diversity="gamma"){
  F_alpha <- function(v,q,R=c(0.5,0.5),N=2){
    v <- as.matrix(v)
    v1 <- v
    v[is.na(v)] <- 0
    V <- w*(v%*%R)
    v_plus <- c()
    for (i in 1:N){
      v_plus <- cbind(v_plus,v[,i]*R[i])
    if (q==1) {
      Vv <- ifelse(v_plus==0,0,(v_plus/sum(V*(v%*%R)))*log(v_plus/sum(V*(v%*%R))))
    else {
      Vv <- ifelse(v1==0,0,(v_plus/sum(V*(v%*%R)))^q)
  F_gamma <- function(v,q,R=c(0.5,0.5),N=2){
    v <- as.matrix(v)
    v[is.na(v)] <- 0
    V <- w*(v%*%R)
    if(q==1) {
      Vv <- ifelse(v%*%R==0,0,((v%*%R)/sum(V*(v%*%R)))*log((v%*%R)/sum(V*(v%*%R))))
    else (sum(V*((v%*%R)/sum(V*(v%*%R)))^q))^(1/(1-q))
  F_alpha_tau <- function(v,q,tau,di,R=c(0.5,0.5),N=2){
    v <- as.matrix(v)
    di <- di[rowSums(is.na(v))!=N,rowSums(is.na(v))!=N]
    w <- w[rowSums(is.na(v))!=N]
    v <- v[rowSums(is.na(v))!=N,]
    v1 <- v
    v[is.na(v)] <- 0
    d_tau <- ifelse(di<tau,di,tau)
    ai <- (1-d_tau/tau)%*%v
    f_bar <- rowSums(v)/N
    ai_bar <- (1-d_tau/tau)%*%f_bar
    v_tau <- ifelse(f_bar==0,0,f_bar*f_bar/ai_bar)
    V <- w*v_tau
    if (q==1) {
      Vv <- ifelse(ai==0,0,(ai/sum(V%*%ai))*log(ai/sum(V%*%ai)))
    else {
      Vv <- ifelse(v1==0 & ai==0,0,(ai/sum(V%*%ai))^q)
  F_gamma_tau <- function(v,q,tau,di,R=c(0.5,0.5),N=2){
    v <- as.matrix(v)
    v[is.na(v)] <- 0
    d_tau <- ifelse(di<tau,di,tau)
    ai <- (1-d_tau/tau)%*%v
    f_bar <- rowSums(v)/N
    ai_bar <- (1-d_tau/tau)%*%f_bar
    v_tau <- ifelse(f_bar==0,0,f_bar*f_bar/ai_bar)
    V <- w*v_tau
    if(q==1) {
      Vv <- ifelse(ai_bar==0,0,((ai_bar)/sum(V*ai_bar))*log((ai_bar)/sum(V*ai_bar)))
    else (sum(V*((ai_bar)/sum(V*ai_bar))^q))^(1/(1-q))
  if(is.null(di) | tau == 0){
    if(diversity=="gamma") out = F_gamma(v=v,q=q)
    else out = F_alpha(v=v,q=q)
    if(diversity=="gamma") out = F_gamma_tau(v=v,q=q,tau = tau,di=di)
    else out = F_alpha_tau(v=v,q=q,tau = tau,di=di)

qTD <- function(x, q){
  p <- x[x > 0] / sum(x)
  Sub <- function(q) {
    if(q == 0) sum(p > 0)
    else if(q == 1) exp(-sum(p * log(p)))
    else exp(1 / (1 - q) * log(sum(p^q)))
  sapply(q, Sub)

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