
context("Testing fftw functionality")

#### DCT ####

test_that("Test fftw: DCT", {
  image2D <- outer(seq(0,1,0.01), sin(seq(-1,1,0.02))) + matrix(rnorm(101^2, sd = 0.2), nrow= 101)
  image3D <- aperm(sapply(seq(0,10,0.5), 
                          function(x){x*outer(seq(0,1,0.01), sin(seq(-1,1,0.02))) + matrix(rnorm(101^2, sd = 0.2), nrow= 101)}, 
                          simplify = "array"), c(3,1,2))
  expect_error(MFPCA:::dct2D(image3D, qThresh = 0.9), "dct2D can handle only 2D images")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::dct3D(image2D, qThresh = 0.9), "dct3D can handle only 3D images")
  fftw2D <- try(MFPCA:::dct2D(image2D, qThresh = 0.95), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(fftw2D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(fftw2D), "dctBasis2D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(length(fftw2D$ind), 510)
    expect_equal(fftw2D$ind[1:3], c(2,92,102))
    expect_equal(mean(fftw2D$val), -0.000499, tolerance = 1e-7)
    expect_equal(fftw2D$val[1], 0.01828, tolerance = 1e-5)
  fftw3D <- try(MFPCA:::dct3D(image3D, qThresh = 0.95), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(fftw3D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(fftw3D), "dctBasis3D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(length(fftw3D$ind), 10711)
    expect_equal(fftw3D$ind[1:3], c(102, 103, 110))
    expect_equal(mean(fftw3D$val), 0.0002752, tolerance = 1e-7)
    expect_equal(fftw3D$val[1], -0.32200, tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("test univariate DCT 2D", {
  skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
  x1 <- seq(0,1,length.out=50)
  x2 <- seq(-1,1, length.out=75)
  f2 <- funData(argvals = list(x1, x2),
                X = aperm(replicate(10, outer(x1, cos(pi*x2))+matrix(rnorm(50*75, sd = 0.1), nrow = 50)), c(3,1,2)))
  dct2D <- try(MFPCA:::dctBasis2D(f2, qThresh = 0.95), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(dct2D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(dct2D), "dctBasis2D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    expect_equal(dim(dct2D$scores), c(10, 3750))
    expect_equal(length(dct2D$scores@i),  1880) 
    expect_equal(dct2D$scores@x[1],  -0.01965, tolerance = 1e-5) 
    expect_equal(dim(dct2D$B), c(3750, 3750))
    expect_equal(dct2D$B@x[1], 0.20264, tolerance = 1e-5)
    expect_equal(var(diff(dct2D$B@x)), 0)
    # wrapper function
    decompDCT2D <- MFPCA:::univDecomp(type = "DCT2D", funDataObject = f2, qThresh = 0.95)
    expect_equal(decompDCT2D, dct2D)

test_that("test univariate DCT 3D", {
  skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
  x1 <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 40)
  x2 <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 30)
  x3 <- seq(0, 0.5, length.out = 20)
  f3 <- funData(argvals = list(x1, x2, x3), X = replicate(20, array(rnorm(10*40*30), dim = c(10, 40, 30))))
  dct3D <- try(MFPCA:::dctBasis3D(f3, qThresh = 0.95), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(dct3D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(dct3D), "dctBasis3D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    expect_equal(dim(dct3D$scores), c(10, 23998))
    expect_equal(length(dct3D$scores@i),  12000) 
    expect_equal(dct3D$scores@x[1],  -0.07128, tolerance = 1e-5) 
    expect_equal(dim(dct3D$B), c(23998, 23998))
    expect_equal(dct3D$B@x[1], 0.03225, tolerance = 1e-5)
    expect_equal(var(diff(dct3D$B@x)), 0)
    # wrapper function
    decompDCT3D <- MFPCA:::univDecomp(type = "DCT3D", funDataObject = f3, qThresh = 0.95)
    expect_equal(decompDCT3D, dct3D)

##### Inverse DCT #####

test_that("Test fftw: IDCT", {
  # suppress warnings in transition to new RNG, as proposed by CRAN maintainers
  scores <- rnorm(25, sd = 25:1/25)
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = scores, ind = 1:25, dim = 50), "Function idct2D can handle only 2D images.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = scores, ind = 1:20, dim = c(5,5)), "Indices do not match number of scores.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = scores, ind = 0:24, dim = c(10, 20)), "Indices must be positive.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = scores, ind = 200+0:24, dim = c(10, 20)), "Index exceeds image dimensions.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = scores, ind = 1:25, dim = 50), "Function idct3D can handle only 3D images.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = scores, ind = 1:20, dim = c(5,5,5)), "Indices do not match number of scores.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = scores, ind = 0:24, dim = c(10, 20, 30)), "Indices must be positive.")
  expect_error(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = scores, ind = 2000+0:24, dim = c(10, 20, 10)), "Index exceeds image dimensions.")
  idct2D <- try(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = scores, ind = sample(200, 25), dim = c(10, 20)), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(idct2D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(idct2D), "dctBasis2D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(dim(idct2D), c(10, 20))
    expect_equal(mean(idct2D), 0)
    expect_equal(idct2D[1,1], 1.08970, tolerance = 1e-5)
    # check correct handling of empty scores
    expect_equal(MFPCA:::idct2D(scores = NULL, ind = NULL, dim = c(5,5)), array(0, dim = c(5,5)))
  idct3D <- try(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = scores, ind = sample(2000, 25), dim = c(10, 20, 10)), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(idct3D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(idct3D), "dctBasis3D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(dim(idct3D), c(10, 20, 10))
    expect_equal(mean(idct3D), 0)
    expect_equal(idct3D[1,1,1], 0.87795, tolerance = 1e-5)
    # check correct handling of empty scores
    expect_equal(MFPCA:::idct3D(scores = NULL, ind = NULL, dim = c(5,5,5)), array(0,c(5,5,5)))

test_that("test univariate IDCT 2D", {
  scores <- sapply(25:1, function(x){rnorm(20, sd = x/25)})
  argvals <- list(seq(0, 1, 0.01), seq(-1, 1, 0.02))
  dct2D <- try(MFPCA:::dctFunction2D(scores = scores, argvals = argvals), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(dct2D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(dct2D), "dctBasis2D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.\"")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(nObs(dct2D), 20)
    expect_equal(nObsPoints(dct2D),  c(101,101))
    expect_equal(mean(norm(dct2D)),  2.06938, tolerance = 1e-5) 
    expect_equal(norm(dct2D)[1], 2.45253, tolerance = 1e-5)
    # wrapper function
    expandDCT2D <- MFPCA:::univExpansion(type = "DCT2D", scores = scores, argvals = argvals, functions = NULL)
    expect_equal(expandDCT2D, dct2D)

test_that("test univariate IDCT 3D", {
  scores <- sapply(60:1, function(x){rnorm(20, sd = x/25)})
  argvals <- list(seq(0, 1, 0.01), seq(-1, 1, 0.02), seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.05))
  dct3D <- try(MFPCA:::dctFunction3D(scores = scores, argvals = argvals), silent = TRUE)
  if(any(class(dct3D) == "try-error"))
    expect_error(stop(dct3D), "dctBasis3D requires C-library fftw3 to be installed. Check http://www.fftw.org/ for more information.")
    skip_on_cran() # skip this on CRAN, depends on third party code
    expect_equal(nObs(dct3D), 20)
    expect_equal(nObsPoints(dct3D),  c(101, 101, 21))
    expect_equal(mean(norm(dct3D)),  7.57861, tolerance = 1e-5) 
    expect_equal(norm(extractObs(dct3D, obs = 1)), 7.64625, tolerance = 1e-5)
    # wrapper function
    expandDCT3D <- MFPCA:::univExpansion(type = "DCT3D", scores = scores, argvals = argvals, functions = NULL)
    expect_equal(expandDCT3D, dct3D)

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MFPCA documentation built on Sept. 15, 2022, 9:07 a.m.