
Defines functions binomDiffCI

Documented in binomDiffCI

## unpaired case (Newcombe (1998), Statist. Med. 17, 873-890)
## a: number of successes in group 1
## b: number of successes in group 2
## c: number of failures in group 1
## d: number of failures in group 2
## paired case (Newcombe (1998), Statist. Med. 17, 2635-2650)
## a: number of successes in group 1 + 2
## b: number of sccesses in group 1 with failure in group 2
## c: number of failures in group 1 with successes in group 2
## d: number of failures in group 1 + 2
## conf.level: confidence level
## paired: logical
## method
binomDiffCI <- function(a, b, c, d, conf.level = 0.95, 
                        paired = FALSE, 
                        method = ifelse(paired, "wilson-cc", "wilson"),
                        R = 9999, bootci.type = "all",
                        alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), ...){
  stopifnot(is.numeric(a), is.numeric(b), is.numeric(c), is.numeric(d),
  stopifnot(length(a) == 1, length(b) == 1, length(c) == 1, 
            length(d) == 1, length(conf.level) == 1)
  stopifnot(a >= 0, b >= 0, c >= 0, d >= 0)
  if(!(0 < conf.level & conf.level < 1)) 
    stop("'conf.level' must be in (0,1)")
  stopifnot(R >= 1)
  R <- trunc(R)
  a <- trunc(a)
  b <- trunc(b)
  c <- trunc(c)
  d <- trunc(d)
    METHODS <- c("wald", "wald-cc", "wilson", "wilson-cc", "boot")
    method <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
    stopifnot(a+c > 0, b+d > 0)
    METHODS <- c("wald", "wald-cc", "wilson", "boot")
    method <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
  if (is.na(method))
    stop("invalid method")
  if (method == -1)
    stop("ambiguous method")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  alpha <- 1 - conf.level

  if(alternative != "two.sided") alpha <- 2*alpha

  Infos <- NULL
    n <- a + b + c + d
    p1 <- (a+b)/n
    p2 <- (a+c)/n
    D <- (b-c)/n
    names(D) <- "difference of proportions"
    if(method == 1){ # wald
      if(n < 30)
        warning("The sample size might be too low for the asymptotic method.")
      if(p1 < 0.1 | p2 < 0.1 | p1 > 0.9 | p2 > 0.9)
        warning("At least one of the observed proportions might be too extreme for the asymptotic method.")
      z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
      SED <- sqrt((b+c) - (b-c)^2/n)/n
      CI.lower <- max(-1, D - z*SED)
      CI.upper <- min(D + z*SED, 1)
      Infos <- list(SED, c(p1, p2))
      names(Infos[[1]]) <- "SE of difference of proportions"
      names(Infos[[2]]) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 2){ # wald with continuity correction
      if(n < 30)
        warning("The sample size might be too low for the asymptotic method.")
      if(p1 < 0.1 | p2 < 0.1 | p1 > 0.9 | p2 > 0.9)
        warning("At least one of the observed proportions might be too extreme for the asymptotic method.")
      z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
      SED <- sqrt((b+c) - (b-c)^2/n)/n
      ## error in Newcombe (1998)
      CC <- 0.5/n
      CI.lower <- max(-1, D - z*SED - CC)
      CI.upper <- min(D + z*SED + CC, 1)
      Infos <- list(SED, c(p1, p2))
      names(Infos[[1]]) <- "SE of difference of proportions"
      names(Infos[[2]]) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 3){ # wilson
      CI1 <- binomCI(a+b, n, method = "wilson")$conf.int
      l1 <- CI1[1]
      u1 <- CI1[2]
      CI2 <- binomCI(a+c, n, method = "wilson")$conf.int
      l2 <- CI2[1]
      u2 <- CI2[2]
      A <- (a+b)*(c+d)*(a+c)*(b+d)
      if(A == 0){
        phi <- 0
        phi <- (a*d-b*c)/sqrt(A)
      CI.lower <- D - sqrt((p1-l1)^2 - 2*phi*(p1-l1)*(u2-p2) + (u2-p2)^2)
      CI.upper <- D + sqrt((p2-l2)^2 - 2*phi*(p2-l2)*(u1-p1) + (u1-p1)^2)
      Infos <- c(p1, p2)
      names(Infos) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 4){ # wilson with continuity correction
      CI1 <- binomCI(a+b, n, method = "wilson")$conf.int
      l1 <- CI1[1]
      u1 <- CI1[2]
      CI2 <- binomCI(a+c, n, method = "wilson")$conf.int
      l2 <- CI2[1]
      u2 <- CI2[2]
      A <- (a+b)*(c+d)*(a+c)*(b+d)
      if(A == 0){
        phi <- 0
        B <- a*d - b*c
        if(B <= 0) C <- B
        if(B > 0) C <- max(B-n/2, 0)
        phi <- C/sqrt(A)
      CI.lower <- D - sqrt((p1-l1)^2 - 2*phi*(p1-l1)*(u2-p2) + (u2-p2)^2)
      CI.upper <- D + sqrt((p2-l2)^2 - 2*phi*(p2-l2)*(u1-p1) + (u1-p1)^2)
      Infos <- c(p1, p2)
      names(Infos) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 5){ # boot
      n <- a + b + c + d
      p1 <- (a+b)/n
      p2 <- (a+c)/n
      DATA <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 2)
      DATA[1:a,] <- 1
      DATA[(a+1):(a+b), 1] <- 1
      DATA[(a+1):(a+b), 2] <- 0
      DATA[(a+b+1):(a+b+c), 1] <- 0
      DATA[(a+b+1):(a+b+c), 2] <- 1
      DATA[(a+b+c+1):n,] <- 0
      boot.diff <- function(x, i){  
        n <- length(i)
        xi <- x[i,]
        D <- -diff(colMeans(xi))
        b <- sum(xi[,1] == 1 & xi[,2] == 0)
        c <- sum(xi[,1] == 0 & xi[,2] == 1)
        VAR <- ((b+c) - (b-c)^2/n)/n^2
        c(D, VAR)
      boot.out <- boot(DATA, statistic = boot.diff, R = R, ...)
      CI <- try(boot.ci(boot.out, type = bootci.type, conf = 1-alpha),
                silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(CI, "try-error"))
        stop("Function 'boot.ci' returned an error. Please try a different 'bootci.type'.")
      Infos <- c(p1, p2)
      names(Infos) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    nameCI <- "difference of proportions (paired data)"
    nameMethod <- paste(METHODS[method], 
                        "confidence interval (paired data)")
    m <- a+c
    n <- b+d
    p1 <- a/m
    p2 <- b/n
    D <- p1 - p2
    names(D) <- "difference of proportions"
    if(method == 1){ ## Wald, simple asymptotic method
      if(m < 30 | n < 30)
        warning("The sample sizes might be too low for the asymptotic method.")
      if(p1 < 0.1 | p2 < 0.1 | p1 > 0.9 | p2 > 0.9)
        warning("At least one of the observed proportions might be too extreme for the asymptotic method.")
      z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
      SED <- sqrt(a*c/m^3 + b*d/n^3)
      CI.lower <- max(-1, D - z*SED)
      CI.upper <- min(D + z*SED, 1)
      Infos <- list(SED, c(p1, p2))
      names(Infos[[1]]) <- "SE of difference of proportions"
      names(Infos[[2]]) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 2){ ## Wald, simple asymptotic method with continuity correction
      if(m < 30 | n < 30)
        warning("The sample sizes might be too low for the asymptotic method.")
      if(p1 < 0.1 | p2 < 0.1 | p1 > 0.9 | p2 > 0.9)
        warning("At least one of the observed proportions might be too extreme for the asymptotic method.")
      z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
      ## sign error in Newcombe (1998)
      SED <- sqrt(a*c/m^3 + b*d/n^3)
      CC <- 0.5*(1/m + 1/n)
      CI.lower <- max(-1, D - z*SED + CC)
      CI.upper <- min(D + z*SED - CC, 1)
      Infos <- list(SED, c(p1, p2))
      names(Infos[[1]]) <- "SE of difference of proportions"
      names(Infos[[2]]) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 3){ ## Wilson
      CI1 <- binomCI(a, m, method = "wilson", conf.level = 1-alpha)$conf.int
      l1 <- CI1[1]
      u1 <- CI1[2]
      CI2 <- binomCI(b, n, method = "wilson", conf.level = 1-alpha)$conf.int
      l2 <- CI2[1]
      u2 <- CI2[2]
      CI.lower <- D - sqrt((p1-l1)^2 + (u2-p2)^2)
      CI.upper <- D + sqrt((p2-l2)^2 + (u1-p1)^2)
      Infos <- c(p1, p2)
      names(Infos) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    if(method == 4){ ## boot
      x <- numeric(m)
      y <- numeric(n)
      x[1:a] <- 1
      y[1:b] <- 1
      DATA <- data.frame(vals = c(x, y), 
                         group = factor(rep(c(1,2), c(m, n))))
      boot.rf <- function(x, i){ 
        xi <- x[i,]
        RF <- tapply(xi$vals, xi$group, mean)
        D <- -diff(RF)
        mn <- table(xi$group)
        ab <- tapply(xi$vals, xi$group, sum)
        cd <- mn-ab
        VAR <- ab[1]*cd[1]/mn[1]^3 + ab[2]*cd[2]/mn[2]^3
        c(D, VAR)
      boot.out <- boot(DATA, statistic = boot.rf, strata=DATA$group, R = R)
      CI <- try(boot.ci(boot.out, type = bootci.type, conf = 1-alpha), 
                silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(CI, "try-error"))
        stop("Function 'boot.ci' returned an error. Please try a different 'bootci.type'.")
      Infos <- c(p1, p2)
      names(Infos) <- c("proportion of group 1", "proportion of group 2")
    nameCI <- "difference of independent proportions"
    nameMethod <- paste(METHODS[method], 
                        "confidence interval (independent proportions)")

  if(alternative == "less")
    if(METHODS[method] == "boot"){
      if("normal" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$normal[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$normal[1,2] <- -1
      if("basic" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$basic[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$basic[1,4] <- -1
      if("student" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$student[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$student[1,4] <- -1
      if("percent" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$percent[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$percent[1,4] <- -1
      if("bca" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$bca[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$bca[1,4] <- -1
      CI.lower <- -1
  if(alternative == "greater")
    if(METHODS[method] == "boot"){
      if("normal" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$normal[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$normal[1,3] <- 1
      if("basic" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$basic[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$basic[1,5] <- 1
      if("student" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$student[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$student[1,5] <- 1
      if("percent" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$percent[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$percent[1,5] <- 1
      if("bca" %in% names(CI)){ 
        CI$bca[1,1] <- conf.level
        CI$bca[1,5] <- 1
      CI.upper <- 1
  if(METHODS[method] != "boot"){
    CI <- matrix(c(CI.lower, CI.upper), nrow = 1)
    rownames(CI) <- nameCI
    if(alternative == "two.sided")
      colnames(CI) <- c(paste(alpha/2*100, "%"), paste((1-alpha/2)*100, "%"))
    if(alternative == "less")
      colnames(CI) <- c("0 %", paste((1-alpha/2)*100, "%"))
    if(alternative == "greater")
      colnames(CI) <- c(paste(alpha/2*100, "%"), "100 %")
    attr(CI, "conf.level") <- conf.level
  structure(list("estimate" = D, "conf.int" = CI, "Infos" = Infos,
                 method = nameMethod),
            class = "confint")

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