#' @title Create MODIStsp virtual files
#' @description Function used to create virtual files from time series of single-band
#' files corresponding to different acquisition dates. The function takes as input
#' the folder in which the single-band files are stored, and creates a ENVI Meta
#' file and/or a GDAL vrt file that allows access to the full time series as if
#' it was a single physical file.
#' Created virtual files are stored in the "Time Series" subfolder of `out_prod_folder``
#' @param out_prod_folder `character` Main output folder.
#' @param bandnames names of all layers available for the product being processed
#' @param indexes_bandnames names of all indexes available for the product being processed
#' @param indexes_nodata_out nodata value for indexes vrts
#' @param quality_bandnames names of all quality indicators available for the product being processed
#' @param quality_nodata_out nodata value for quality vrts
#' @param nodata_out `numeric` Output nodata value to be used in vrt files
#' @param file_prefixes `character array (2)` file_prefixes for TERRA and AQUA -
#' used to identify the files corresponding to each sensor
#' @param ts_format `character ["ENVI" | "GDAL" | "Both"]` Required output format
#' for virtual file.
#' @param out_format `character ["ENVI" | "GTiff"]` Format of images used as
#' "input" for the vrt and contained in out_prod_folder/band folders.
#' @param verbose `logical` If FALSE, suppress processing messages, Default: TRUE
#' @inheritParams MODIStsp
#' @return NULL - the function is called for its side effects
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2014-2017)
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2015)
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub str_detect
#' @importFrom raster raster stack nlayers setZ
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom gdalUtilities gdalbuildvrt
MODIStsp_vrt_create <- function(
bandnames, bandsel, nodata_out,
indexes_bandnames, indexes_bandsel, indexes_nodata_out,
quality_bandnames, quality_bandsel, quality_nodata_out,
ts_format, out_format,
verbose) {
if (length(sensor) == 2) {
senslist <- c("Terra", "Aqua", "Mixed")
} else {
senslist <- sensor
for (sens_sel in senslist) {
if (sens_sel == "Terra") {
file_prefix <- file_prefixes[["Terra"]]
if (sens_sel == "Aqua") {
file_prefix <- file_prefixes[["Aqua"]]
if (sens_sel == "Mixed") {
file_prefix <- paste(file_prefixes[["Terra"]], file_prefixes[["Aqua"]],
sep = "_")
if (sens_sel == "Combined") {
file_prefix <- file_prefixes[["Terra"]]
meta_bands <- c(bandnames[which(bandsel == 1)],
indexes_bandnames[which(indexes_bandsel == 1)],
quality_bandnames[which(quality_bandsel == 1)])
nodata_vals <- c(nodata_out[which(bandsel == 1)],
indexes_nodata_out[which(indexes_bandsel == 1)],
quality_nodata_out[which(quality_bandsel == 1)])
if (basename(out_prod_folder) == "MAIA_Land_Surf_BRF_500") {
warning("Creation of Time Series files for product MAIA_Land_Surf_BRF_500 is currently not possible!")
for (mb in seq_along(meta_bands)) {
# Exclude VRT creation for products for which multiple multiple bands are
# included in a single "date"
meta_band <- meta_bands[mb]
if (!(meta_band %in% c("DSR_tot", "DSR_dir", "DSR_diff",
"PAR_tot", "PAR_dir", "PAR_diff",
"LC1_Percent", "LC2_Percent", "LC3_Percent"))) {
nodata_value <- nodata_vals[mb]
if (verbose) {
message("[", date(), "] Creating Virtual Files and R time series for ", #nolint
"layer ", meta_band)
#- --------------------------------------------------------#
# retrieve files list of the time series (ENVI format) ####
# (both .dat and .hdr)
if (out_format == "ENVI") {
# get list of ENVI files
out_meta_files <- list.files(file.path(out_prod_folder, meta_band),
pattern = "\\.dat$", full.names = TRUE)
if (sens_sel != "Mixed") {
out_meta_files <- out_meta_files[grep(file_prefix, out_meta_files)]
out_meta_files_hdr <- list.files(file.path(out_prod_folder, meta_band), #nolint
pattern = "\\.hdr$",
full.names = TRUE)
if (sens_sel != "Mixed") {
out_meta_files_hdr <- out_meta_files_hdr[grep(file_prefix,
#- --------------------------------------------------------#
# retrieve files list of the time series (GTiff format) ####
if (out_format == "GTiff") {
# get list of TIFF files
out_meta_files <- list.files(file.path(out_prod_folder, meta_band),
pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = TRUE)
if (sens_sel != "Mixed") {
out_meta_files <- out_meta_files[grep(file_prefix, out_meta_files)]
# Set a flag to 1 if "Mixed" time series are being processed but either
# no AQUA or no TERRA files are available, so that in that case the
# creation of META files for the mixed case is skipped !
skip_flag <- 0
if ((sens_sel == "Mixed") &
((length(grep(file_prefixes[["Aqua"]], out_meta_files)) == 0) |
(length(grep(file_prefixes[["Terra"]], out_meta_files)) == 0))) {
skip_flag <- 1
# If skip_flag == 1 (mixed TS, but data from TERRA or AQUA missing) do
# nothing
if (skip_flag != 1) {
# If no files available, skip metadata creation
if (length(out_meta_files) > 0) {
# ________________________________________________________________
# check/reset order of acquisition dates and files ####
# retrieve the doys and years from filenames
doys <- stringr::str_sub(basename(out_meta_files), -7, -5)
years <- stringr::str_sub(basename(out_meta_files), -12, -9)
# find the files order (by
acq_order <- order(as.numeric(paste0(years, doys)))
# reorder doys and years
doys <- as.numeric(doys[acq_order])
years <- as.numeric(years[acq_order])
# Reorder Files according to acquisition date (useful to have a
# META file with bands in the correct order
out_meta_files <- out_meta_files[acq_order]
temp_dates <- as.Date(strptime(paste(years, doys),
format = "%Y %j"))
doy_min <- min(doys[which(years == min(years))])
year_min <- min(years)
doy_max <- max(doys[which(years == max(years))])
year_max <- max(years)
# __________________________________________________________________
# Write the ENVI meta file if needed ####
if (any(stringr::str_detect(lapply(ts_format, tolower), "envi meta"))) {
if (out_format == "ENVI") {
# retrieve nsamp and nrow from first hdr file
head_file <- paste0(out_meta_files_hdr[1])
fileConn_hd <- file(head_file)
nsamp <- strsplit(readLines(fileConn_hd)[4], "=")[[1]][2]
nrow <- strsplit(readLines(fileConn_hd)[5], "=")[[1]][2]
if (out_format == "GTiff") {
# retrieve nsamp and nrow from first tif file
nsamp <- suppressWarnings(raster::raster(out_meta_files[1])@ncols)
nrow <- suppressWarnings(raster::raster(out_meta_files[1])@nrows)
meta_dir <- file.path(out_prod_folder, "Time_Series", "ENVI_META",
sens_sel, meta_band)
dir.create(meta_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# define fileneame for meta file
meta_filename <- file.path(meta_dir, paste(file_prefix, meta_band,
doy_min, year_min,
doy_max, year_max,
"META.dat", sep = "_"))
fileConn_meta <- file(meta_filename, "w")
# Write first line
writeLines(c("ENVI META FILE"), fileConn_meta)
# Write the lines of the META file corresponding to each input
# file
for (ff in out_meta_files) {
writeLines(c(paste0("File : ", ff),
paste0("Bands: 1"),
paste0("Dims: 1-", nsamp, " , 1-", nrow), ""),
# Compute the "wavelengths" - DOYS elapsed from 01/01/2000
temp_dates <- as.Date(strptime(paste(years, doys),
format = "%Y %j"))
elapsed <- signif(difftime(
temp_dates, strptime(paste(2000, 001), format = "%Y %j"),
units = "days"), 5)
# Write the hdr file for the meta file
fileConn_meta_hdr <- file(
paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(meta_filename), ".hdr"), "w"
# Write first line
writeLines(c("ENVI"), fileConn_meta_hdr)
writeLines(c("Description = {ENVI META FILE}"), fileConn_meta_hdr)
writeLines(paste0("samples = ", nsamp), fileConn_meta_hdr) #nsamp
writeLines(paste0("lines = ", nrow), fileConn_meta_hdr) #lines
writeLines(paste0("bands = ", length(out_meta_files)), #nbands
writeLines(paste("header offset = 0"), fileConn_meta_hdr)
# File type - fundamental
writeLines(c("file type = ENVI Meta File"), fileConn_meta_hdr)
writeLines(c("read procedures = {envi_read_spatial_m, envi_read_spectral_m}"), #nolint
# Band names
writeLines(c("band names = {",
paste(basename(out_meta_files), collapse = "," ), "}"), #nolint
writeLines(c("wavelength units = DOY"), fileConn_meta_hdr)
# Wavelengths == DOY from 01/01/2000
writeLines(c("wavelength = {",
paste(as.numeric(elapsed), collapse = ","), "}"),
# Data Ignore Value
writeLines(c("data ignore value = ", nodata_value[[1]]),
fileConn_meta_hdr, sep = " ")
writeLines("", fileConn_meta_hdr) # Dummy
# ________________________________________________________________
# # Write the GDAL vrt file if needed ####
if (any(stringr::str_detect(lapply(ts_format, tolower), "gdal vrt"))) {
meta_dir <- file.path(out_prod_folder, "Time_Series", "GDAL",
dir.create(meta_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
meta_filename <- file.path(meta_dir, paste(file_prefix, meta_band,
doy_min, year_min,
doy_max, year_max,
sep = "_"))
if (length(split_nodata_values(nodata_value)[[1]]) == 1) {
gdalUtilities::gdalbuildvrt(out_meta_files, meta_filename,
separate = TRUE,
srcnodata = nodata_value,
vrtnodata = nodata_value)
} else {
gdalUtilities::gdalbuildvrt(out_meta_files, meta_filename,
separate = TRUE)
} # end If on necessity to build GDAL vrt files
# ________________________________________________________________
# Create RasterStacks if needed ####
if (any(stringr::str_detect(lapply(ts_format, tolower), "rasterstack"))) {
meta_dir <- file.path(out_prod_folder, "Time_Series", "RData",
sens_sel, meta_band)
dir.create(meta_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# create stack. Use "quick" since already sure about alignment !
# raster_ts <- raster::stack(lapply(out_meta_files,
# FUN = function(x) {
# rst <- raster::stack(x)
# rst}),
# quick = TRUE)
raster_ts <- suppressWarnings(raster::stack(out_meta_files, quick = TRUE))
# Add the "time" dimension to the rasterstack
if (raster::nlayers(raster_ts) != length(temp_dates)) {
temp_dates <- rep(temp_dates,
each = raster::nlayers(raster_ts) / length(temp_dates))
raster_ts <- raster::setZ(raster_ts, temp_dates, name = "time")
RData_filename <- file.path(meta_dir, paste(file_prefix,
doy_min, year_min,
doy_max, year_max,
sep = "_"))
save(raster_ts, file = RData_filename)
} # end If on necessity to build R Stack files
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("[", date(), "] Skipping creation of Virtual Files and R
time series for layer ", meta_band, "because it is multiband")
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