
Defines functions Locations2PEMscores getAncGraphLocations getGraphLocations PEM.forcedSimple PEM.fitSimple PEM.updater PEM.build PEMInfluence

Documented in getAncGraphLocations getGraphLocations Locations2PEMscores PEM.build PEM.fitSimple PEM.forcedSimple PEMInfluence PEM.updater

## **************************************************************************
##    (c) 2010-2022 Guillaume Guénard
##        Department de sciences biologiques,
##        Université de Montréal
##        Montreal, QC, Canada
##    **Phylogenetic Eigenvector Maps (PEM) functions**
##    This file is part of MPSEM
##    MPSEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    MPSEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with MPSEM. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
##    R source code file
## **************************************************************************
#' Phylogenetic Eigenvector Maps
#' @description Functions to calculate and manipulate Phylogenetic Eigenvector
#' Maps (PEM).
#' @name PEM-functions
#' @param x A \code{\link{graph-class}} object containing a phylogenetic graph.
#' @param w A \code{\link{graph-class}} object containing a phylogenetic graph.
#' @param object A \code{\link{PEM-class}} object containing a Phylogenetic
#' Eigenvector Map.
#' @param y One or many response variable(s) in the form of a numeric vector or
#' a \code{\link{matrix}}, respectively.
#' @param mroot Boolean (TRUE or FALSE) specifying whether multiple rooting is
#' allowed.
#' @param d The name of the member of \code{x$edge} where the phylogenetic
#' distances (edge lengths) can be found.
#' @param a The steepness parameter describing whether changes occur, on
#' average, progressively long edges (a close to 0) or abruptly at vertices (a
#' close to 1).
#' @param psi Relative evolution rate along the edges (default: 1). This
#' parameter is only relevant when multiple values are assigned to different
#' portions of the phylogeny.
#' @param sp Name of the member of \code{x$vertex} where a \code{\link{logical}}
#' vertex property specifying which vertices are species can be found. (see
#' \code{\link{graph-class}}).
#' @param tol Eigenvalue threshold to regard eigenvectors as usable.
#' @param lower Lower limit for the L-BFGS-B optimization algorithm as
#' implemented in \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param upper Upper limit for the L-BFGS-B optimization algorithm as
#' implemented in \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param tpall Parameter of function \code{getGraphLocations}: Phylogenetic
#' tree object of class \sQuote{phylo} (package \link{ape}) containing all
#' species (model and target) used in the study.
#' @param targets Name of the target species to extract using the \code{tpall}.
#' @param gsc The output of \code{getGraphLocations}.
#' @details Functions \code{\link{PEMInfluence}} and \code{\link{PEMweights}}
#' are used internally by \code{\link{PEM.build}} to create a binary matrix
#' referred to as an \sQuote{influence matrix} and weight its columns. That
#' matrix has a row for each vertex of graph \sQuote{x} and a column for each of
#' its edges. The elements of the influence matrix are 1 whenever the vertex
#' associated with a row is located in the tree either directly or indirectly
#' downward the edge associated with a column. That function is implemented in C
#' language using recursive function calls. Although \code{\link{PEMInfluence}}
#' allows one to use multiple roots as its default parameter, it is called
#' within \code{PEM.build} with \code{mroot = FALSE}. User must therefore ensure
#' that the graph provided to \code{PEMap} is single-rooted.
#' Function \code{\link{PEM.build}} is used to produce a phylogenetic
#' eigenvector map, while function \code{\link{PEM.updater}} allows one to
#' re-calculate a \code{\link{PEM-class}} object with new weighting function
#' parameters. Function \code{\link{PEM.fitSimple}} performs a maximum
#' likelihood estimation of \code{a} and \code{psi} assuming single values for
#' the whole tree whereas function \code{\link{PEM.forcedSimple}} allows one the
#' force parameters \code{a} and \code{psi} to a \code{\link{PEM-class}} object
#' while adding the same computational details as those
#' \code{\link{PEM.fitSimple}} would have produced (and which are necessary to
#' make predictions).
#' Functions \code{\link{getGraphLocations}} returns the coordinates of a
#' species in terms of its position with respect to the influence matrix while
#' function \code{\link{Locations2PEMscores}} transforms these coordinates into
#' sets of scores that can be used to make predictions. Function
#' \code{\link{getAncGraphLocations}} produce the same output as
#' \code{\link{getGraphLocations}}, but of the ancestral species (i.e. the nodes
#' of the phylogeny) in order to estimate ancestral trait values.
#' @returns Function \code{\link{PEMInfluence}} returns the influence matrix of
#' graph \code{x} and function \code{\link{PEMweights}} returns weights
#' corresponding to the distances. Functions \code{\link{PEM.build}},
#' \code{\link{PEM.fitSimple}}, \code{\link{PEM.forcedSimple}} returns a
#' \code{\link{PEM-class}} object. Function \code{\link{getGraphLocations}}
#' returns a list whose first member is an influence coordinates matrix whose
#' rows refer to the target species and columns refer to the edges and second
#' member is the lengths of the terminal edges connecting each target species to
#' the rest of the phylogeny. Function \code{\link{Locations2PEMscores}} returns
#' a list whose first member is a PEM score matrix whose rows refer to the
#' target species and columns refer to the eigenvectors and second member is the
#' variance associated with the terminal edges connecting the target species to
#' the phylogeny.
#' @author \packageAuthor{MPSEM}
#' Maintainer: \packageMaintainer{MPSEM}
#' @references
#' Guénard, G., Legendre, P., and Peres-Neto, P. 2013. Phylogenetic eigenvector
#' maps (PEM): a framework to model and predict species traits. Meth. Ecol.
#' Evol. 4: 1120--1131
#' Makarenkov, V., Legendre, L. & Desdevise, Y. 2004. Modelling phylogenetic
#' relationships using reticulated networks. Zool. Scr. 33: 89--96
#' Blanchet, F. G., Legendre, P. & Borcard, D. 2008. Modelling directional
#' spatial processes in ecological data. Ecol. Model. 215: 325--336
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph-class}}.
#' @importFrom ape is.rooted drop.tip
#' @importFrom stats optim na.omit
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @examples
#' t1 <- read.tree(text=paste(
#'             "(((A:0.15,B:0.2)N4:0.15,C:0.35)N2:0.25,((D:0.25,E:0.1)N5:0.3,",
#'             "(F:0.15,G:0.2)N6:0.3)N3:0.1)N1;",sep=""))
#' x <- Phylo2DirectedGraph(t1)
#' ## Calculates the (binary) influence matrix
#' PEMInfluence(x)
#' PEMInfluence(x)[x$vertex$species,]
#' ## Building phylogenetic eigenvector maps
#' PEM1 <- PEM.build(x)
#' print(PEM1)
#' PEM2 <- PEM.build(x, a = 0.2)
#' PEM3 <- PEM.build(x, a = 1)
#' PEM4 <- PEM.updater(PEM3,a=0.5)
#' ## Extracts the eigenvectors
#' as.data.frame(PEM4)
#' ## Example of an hypothetical set of trait values
#' y <- c(A=-1.1436265,B=-0.3186166,C=1.9364105,D=1.7164079,E=1.0013993,
#'        F=-1.8586351,G=-2.0236371)
#' ## Estimate single steepness parameter for the whole tree.
#' PEMfs1 <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y,x=NULL,w=x,d="distance",sp="species",lower=0,upper=1)
#' PEMfs1$optim       # Results of the optimization.
#' ## Force neutral evolution for the whole tree.
#' PEMfrc1 <- PEM.forcedSimple(y=y,x=NULL,w=x,d="distance",sp="species",a=0)
#' PEMfrc1$x$edge$a   # Steepness parameter forced for each individual edge.
#' ## Get graph locations for target species X, Y, and Z
#' tpAll <- read.tree(text=paste("((X:0.45,((A:0.15,B:0.2)N4:0.15,",
#'                               "(C:0.25,Z:0.2)NZ:0.1)N2:0.05)NX:0.2,",
#'                               "(((D:0.25,E:0.1)N5:0.05,Y:0.25)NY:0.25,",
#'                               "(F:0.15,G:0.2)N6:0.3)N3:0.1)N1;",sep=""))
#' grloc <- getGraphLocations(tpAll, c("X","Y","Z"))
#' PEMfs2 <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y, x=NULL, w=grloc$x, d="distance", sp="species",
#'                         lower=0,upper=1)
#' ## Same as for PEMfs1$optim
#' PEMfs2$optim
#' PEMsc1 <- Locations2PEMscores(PEMfs2, grloc)
#' lm1 <- lm(y~V_2+V_3+V_5,data=PEMfs2)
#' ypred <- predict(object=PEMfs2,targets=grloc,lmobject=lm1,interval="none")
#' tpModel <- drop.tip(tpAll,c("X","Y","Z"))
#' ## Plotting the results:
#' layout(t(c(1,1,2)))
#' par(mar=c(6,2,2,0.5)+0.1)
#' plot(tpModel,show.tip.label=TRUE,show.node.label=TRUE,root.edge = TRUE,
#'      srt = 0,adj=0.5,label.offset=0.08,font=1,cex=1.5,xpd=TRUE)
#' edgelabels(paste("E",1:nrow(tpModel$edge),sep=""),
#'            edge=1:nrow(tpModel$edge),bg="white",font=1,cex=1)
#' points(x=0.20,y=2.25,pch=21,bg="black")
#' lines(x=c(0.20,0.20,0.65),y=c(2.25,0.55,0.55),xpd=TRUE,lty=2)
#' text("X",x=0.69,y=0.55,xpd=TRUE,font=1,cex=1.5)
#' points(x=0.35,y=4.5,pch=21,bg="black")
#' lines(x=c(0.35,0.35,0.6),y=c(4.5,5.47,5.47),xpd=TRUE,lty=2)
#' text("Y",x=0.64,y=5.47,xpd=TRUE,font=1,cex=1.5)
#' points(x=0.35,y=3,pch=21,bg="black")
#' lines(x=c(0.35,0.35,0.55),y=c(3,3.5,3.5),xpd=TRUE,lty=2)
#' text("Z",x=0.59,y=3.5,xpd=TRUE,font=1,cex=1.5)
#' text(c("NX","NY","NZ"),x=c(0.20,0.35,0.35),y=c(2.25,4.5,3)+0.3*c(1,-1,-1),
#'      font=1,cex=1)
#' add.scale.bar(length=0.1,cex=1.25)
#' par(mar=c(3.75,0,2,2)+0.1)
#' plot(x=y,y=1:7,ylim=c(0.45,7),xlim=c(-4,4), axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab="")
#' axis(1,label=c("-4","-2","0","2","4"),at=c(-4,-2,0,2,4))
#' abline(v=0)
#' ## Observed values:
#' points(x=y,y=1:7,xlim=c(-2,2),pch=21,bg="black")
#' text("B)",x=-3.5,y=7,cex=1.5,xpd=TRUE) ; text("Trait value",x=0,y=-0.5,
#'      cex=1.25,xpd=TRUE)
#' ## Predicted values:
#' points(x=ypred,y=c(0.5,5.5,3.5),pch=23,bg="white",cex=1.25)
#' ## Estimating ancestral trait values:
#' ANCloc <- getAncGraphLocations(x)
#' PEMfsAnc <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y,x=NULL,w=ANCloc$x,d="distance",sp="species",
#'                           lower=0,upper=1)
#' PEMfsAnc$optim
#' PEManc1 <- Locations2PEMscores(PEMfsAnc, ANCloc)
#' y_anc <- predict(object=PEMfsAnc,targets=ANCloc,lmobject=lm1,
#'                  interval="confidence")
#' @useDynLib MPSEM, .registration = TRUE
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Calculate the influence matrix of a phylogenetic graph.
#' @export
PEMInfluence <- function(x,mroot=TRUE) {
  if(attr(x,"class") != "graph")
    stop("Parameter 'x' must be of class 'graph'")
  from <- x$edge[[1L]] ; to <- x$edge[[2L]] ; ev <- attr(x,"ev")
  roots <- (1L:ev[2L])[is.na(match(1L:ev[2L],to))] ; nroots <- length(roots)
  ## If several roots, add a guide vertex and nroots edges connecting each root
  ## from the guide.
  if(nroots != 1L) {
      stop("Multiple (",nroots,
           ") roots are detected but multiple rooting is not allowed ",
           "(i.e. mroot == FALSE).")
    warning("Multiple (",nroots,") roots detected.")
    from <- c(rep(1L,nroots),from+1L)
    to <- c(roots,to)+1L
    ev <- ev+c(nroots,1L)
  B <- matrix(.C("PEMInfMat",
                 B = integer(ev[2L]*ev[1L]))$B,ev[2L],ev[1L])
  if(nroots != 1L)
    B <- B[-1L,]    ## Strip the guidance vertex if many roots.
    rownames(B) <- attr(x,"vlabel")
  if(!is.null(attr(x,"elabel"))) {
    if(nroots == 1L) {  ## Edge labels should be handled with 
      colnames(B) <- attr(x,"elabel")
    } else {
      colnames(B) <- c(paste("V->",attr(x,"vlabel")[roots],sep=""),
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Calculates the edge weights to be used in PEM calculation.
#' @export
PEMweights <- function (d, a=0, psi=1) {
  nd <- length(d)
  a <- rep(a, length.out = nd)
  psi <- rep(psi, length.out = nd)
            res = double(nd))$res)
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Calculates a PEM with parameters given by arguments a and psi.
#' @export
PEM.build <- function(x, d="distance", sp="species", a=0, psi=1,
                      tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  if(attr(x,"class") != "graph")
    stop("Parameter 'x' must be of class 'graph'")
    stop("There is no property '",d,"' to be used as edges lengths.")
    stop("There is no property '",sp,"' to indicate species vertices.")
  nsp <- sum(x$vertex[[sp]])
  ### All graphs sould be single-rooted
  ev <- as.integer(attr(x, "ev"))  # Just to be sure.
  a <- rep(a,length.out=ev[1L])
  psi <- rep(psi,length.out=ev[1L])
  out <- list(x=x,sp=x$vertex[[sp]])
  out[["B"]] <-
              B = integer(ev[2L]*ev[1L]))$B,ev[2L],ev[1L])[x$vertex[[sp]],]
  out <- c(out,.C("PEMbuildC",
  attr(out$Bc,"dim") <- c(nsp,ev[1L])
  attr(out$BcW,"dim") <- c(nsp,ev[1L])
  dimnames(out$Bc) <- dimnames(out$BcW) <-
  out <- c(out, La.svd(out$BcW,nsp,nsp))
  sel <- out$d >= tol
  out$d <- out$d[sel]
  out$u <- out$u[,sel,drop=FALSE]
  out$vt <- out$vt[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  rownames(out$vt) <- colnames(out$u) <- paste("V",1L:sum(sel),sep="_")
  rownames(out$u) <- attr(x,"vlabel")[x$vertex[[sp]]]
  colnames(out$vt) <- attr(x,"elabel")
  attr(out,"class") <- "PEM"
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Update a PEM with new parameters given by arguments a and psi.
#' @export
PEM.updater <- function(object,a,psi=1,tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  nsp <- object$nsp
  ne <- object$ne
  object$a <- rep(a,length.out=ne)
  object$psi <- rep(psi,length.out=ne)
  out <- .C("PEMupdateC",
  object$w <- out$w
  object$BcW[] <- out$BcW
  out <- La.svd(object$BcW,nsp,nsp)
  sel <- out$d > tol
  object$d <- out$d[sel]
  object$u[] <- out$u[, sel, drop = FALSE]
  object$vt[] <- out$vt[sel, , drop = FALSE]
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Fit a PEM with a single ``a'' parameter value for the whole phylogeny
#' (assumes psi = 1).
#' @export
PEM.fitSimple <- function(y, x, w, d="distance", sp="species", lower=0, upper=1,
                          tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  object <- PEM.build(w,d=d,sp=sp,a=lower)
  nsp <- sum(w$vertex[[sp]])
  if(is.matrix(y)) {
      stop("The number of rows in 'y' must match the number of species in ",
           "phylogenetic graph 'w'")
    p <- ncol(y)
  } else {
      stop("The number of elements in 'y' must match the number of species ",
           "in phylogenetic graph 'w'")
    y <- cbind(y)
    p <- 1L
  f <- function(par,y,x,object,nsp,p) {
    object <- PEM.updater(object,a=par[1L],psi=1,tol=tol)
    Sinv <- object$u %*% diag(object$d^(-2)) %*% t(object$u)
    logdetS <- sum(log(object$d^2))
    if(is.null(x)) {
      BX <- mean(y)
      res <- y-BX
    } else {
      BX <- ginv(t(x)%*%Sinv%*%x) %*% t(x) %*% Sinv %*% y
      res <- y-x%*%BX
      BX <- c(mean(res),BX)
      res <- res-BX[1]
    dev <- 0
    for(i in 1L:p) {
      S2 <- as.numeric(t(res[,i,drop=FALSE])%*%Sinv%*%res[,i,drop=FALSE]/nsp)
      dev <- dev + nsp + (nsp-1L)*log(2*pi) + nsp*log(S2) + logdetS
  opt <- optim(par=0,f,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=lower,upper=upper,y=y,x=x,
    warning("No optimum found... Message from optim() - ",opt$message,
            ". Status = ",opt$convergence)
  object <- PEM.updater(object,a=opt$par[1L],psi=1,tol=tol)
  Sinv <- object$u %*% diag(object$d^(-2)) %*% t(object$u)
  if(is.null(x)) {
    BX <- mean(y)
    res <- y-BX
  } else {
    BX <- MASS::ginv(t(x)%*%Sinv%*%x) %*% t(x) %*% Sinv %*% y
    res <- y-x%*%BX
    BX <- c(mean(res),BX)
    res <- res-BX[1]
  S2 <- numeric(p)
  for(i in 1L:p)
    S2[i] <- as.numeric(t(res[,i,drop=FALSE])%*%Sinv%*%res[,i,drop=FALSE]/nsp)
  object$S2 <- S2
  object$y <- y
  object$optim <- opt
  object$x$edge[["a"]] <- rep(opt$par[1L],attr(object$x,"ev")[1L])
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Calculates a PEM while forcing a single value for parameter ``a'' for the
#' whole phylogeny (assumes psi = 1).
#' @export
PEM.forcedSimple <- function(y, x, w, d="distance", sp="species", a=0, psi=1,
                             tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  object <- PEM.build(w,d=d,sp=sp,a=a,psi=psi,tol=tol)
  nsp <- sum(w$vertex[[sp]])
  if(is.matrix(y)) {
      stop("The number of rows in 'y' must match the number of species in ",
           "phylogenetic graph 'w'")
    p <- ncol(y)
  } else {
      stop("The number of elements in 'y' must match the number of species ",
           "in phylogenetic graph 'w'")
    y <- cbind(y) ; p <- 1L
  Sinv <- object$u %*% diag(object$d^(-2)) %*% t(object$u)
  if(is.null(x)) {
    BX <- mean(y) ; res <- y-BX
  } else {
    BX <- MASS::ginv(t(x)%*%Sinv%*%x) %*% t(x) %*% Sinv %*% y
    res <- y-x%*%BX
    BX <- c(mean(res),BX)
    res <- res-BX[1]
  S2 <- numeric(p)
  for(i in 1L:p)
    S2[i] <- as.numeric(t(res[,i,drop=FALSE])%*%Sinv%*%res[,i,drop=FALSE]/nsp)
  object$S2 <- S2
  object$y <- y
  object$optim <- list()
  object$optim$par <- c(a,psi)
  object$x$edge[["a"]] <- rep(a,attr(object$x,"ev")[1L])
  object$x$edge[["psi"]] <- rep(psi,attr(object$x,"ev")[1L])
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Get the location of species on a phylogenic graph.
#' @export
getGraphLocations <- function(tpall, targets) {
  oldnlab <- tpall$node.label
  tpall$node.label <- newnlab <- paste("N",1:tpall$Nnode,sep="")
  tpmodel <- drop.tip(tpall, targets) ; tpmodel$root.edge <- tpall$root.edge
  xmodel <- Phylo2DirectedGraph(tpmodel)
  Bmodel <- PEMInfluence(xmodel)
  loc <- matrix(NA, length(targets), ncol(Bmodel),
                dimnames = list(targets,colnames(Bmodel)))
  dtt <- rep(NA, length(targets))
  for (i in 1L:length(targets)) {
    ## Target species need to be striped one-by-one.
    tptargetonly <-
      if (length(targets) == 1L) tpall else drop.tip(tpall, targets[-i])
    tptargetonly$root.edge <- tpall$root.edge
    Vnames <- c(tptargetonly$tip.label,tptargetonly$node.label)
    ## The vertices names.
    VBidx <- which(tptargetonly$edge[,2L] == which(Vnames == targets[i]))
    ## The index of the vertex immediatly below.
    VB <- tptargetonly$edge[VBidx,1L]
    ## VB: the vertex immediatly below
    VBName <- Vnames[VB]
    ## The name of VB
    dBX <- tptargetonly$edge.length[VBidx]
    ## Distance between VB and VX
    VA <- tptargetonly$edge[tptargetonly$edge[,2L] == VB,1L]
    ## VA: the vertex below the one immediatly below and
    VAName <- Vnames[VA]
    ## its name. That vertex may not exist.
    dAB <- tptargetonly$edge.length[tptargetonly$edge[,2L] == VB]
    ## Distance between VB and VA (if exists)
    VC <- tptargetonly$edge[tptargetonly$edge[,1L] == VB,2L]
    ## The vertices above the vertex immediatly below and
    VCName <- Vnames[VC]
    ## their names. 2 or more (in case of tri+ chotomy).
    dBC <- tptargetonly$edge.length[tptargetonly$edge[,1L] == VB]
    ## Distances above VB.
    VC <- VC[VCName!=targets[i]]
    dBC <- dBC[VCName!=targets[i]]
    VCName <- Vnames[VC]
    ## Strip the target itself from the VC list.
    if(length(VA)==0) {
      ## If the target species is beyond the root:
      loc[i,] <- 0
      ## In all case: location = the root.
      dtt[i] <- dBX+min(dBC)
      ## Distance between the off-root species and the remaining ones.
    } else {
      ## If the target species is not beyond the root:
      dtt[i] <- dBX
      ## In all cases: dtt == the distance between the target and the vertex
      ## immediatly below.
      if(length(VC)>1) {
        ## When VB is more than dichotomic (several Vertices C):
        loc[i,] <- Bmodel[VBName,] * xmodel$edge$distance
        ## Coordinates are those of the still-existing vertex B.
      } else {
        ## When VB collapses (it was dichotomic):
        loc[i,] <- Bmodel[VAName,] * xmodel$edge$distance
        ## Copy the coordinates of vertex VA.
        loc[i,Bmodel[VAName,] != Bmodel[VCName,]] <- dAB
        ## Change the length of that edge connecting VA to the single VC
        ## (0 for VA) to dAB.
  if(!is.null(oldnlab)) {
    oldnlab <- oldnlab[match(attr(xmodel,"vlabel"),newnlab)]
    attr(xmodel,"vlabel")[!is.na(oldnlab)] <- na.omit(oldnlab)
  return(list(x = xmodel, locations = loc, LCA2target = dtt))
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Get the location of an ancestral species on the phylogenetic graph.
#' @export
getAncGraphLocations <- function(x, tpall) {
  if(missing(x) && !missing(tpall))
    x <- Phylo2DirectedGraph(tpall)
  loc <- PEMInfluence(x)[!x$vertex$species,] * x$edge$distance
  return(list(x = x, locations = loc, LCA2target = numeric(nrow(loc))))
#' @describeIn PEM-functions
#' Calculates the PEM scores on phylogenetic graph locations.
#' @export
Locations2PEMscores <- function(object, gsc) {
  if(object$ne != ncol(gsc$locations))
    stop("Numbers of edge coordinates mismatch: gsc$locations has ",
         ncol(gsc$locations)," columns while the phylogenetic graph has ",
         object$ne," edges.")
    stop("PEM has no attached data/optimization parameters.")
  ntgt <- nrow(gsc$locations) ; nsv <- length(object$d)
  out <- list()
  out[["scores"]] <- matrix(.C("PEMLoc2Scores",
  dimnames(out[["scores"]]) <- list(rownames(gsc$locations),colnames(object$u))
  VarianceFactor <- PEMvar(gsc$LCA2target,a=object$optim$par[1L],psi=1)
  VarianceFactor <-
    matrix(object$S2,length(object$S2),1L) %*%
  dimnames(VarianceFactor) <- list(colnames(object$y),rownames(gsc$locations))
  out[["VarianceFactor"]] <- VarianceFactor

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MPSEM documentation built on Jan. 14, 2022, 1:07 a.m.