
Defines functions fit.model

Documented in fit.model

fit.model <- function(data, model.filename, restrictions.filename = NULL, n.optim = 5, fia = NULL, ci = 95, starting.values = NULL, lower.bound = 0, upper.bound = 1, output = c("standard", "fia", "full"), reparam.ineq = TRUE, fit.aggregated = TRUE, sort.param = TRUE, show.messages = TRUE, model.type = c("easy", "eqn", "eqn2"),  multicore = c("none", "individual", "n.optim", "fia"), sfInit = FALSE, nCPU = 2, control = list(), use.gradient = TRUE, use.hessian = FALSE, check.model = TRUE, args.fia = list(), numDeriv = TRUE){
	llk.model <- function(Q, unlist.model, data, param.names, n.params, lower.bound, upper.bound, llk.gradient, llk.hessian, tmp.env, ...){
            if (length(upper.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound[Q > upper.bound]
            if (length(lower.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound[Q < lower.bound]
        }, silent = TRUE)
		#tmpllk.env <- new.env()
		for (i in seq_len(n.params))  assign(param.names[i],Q[i], envir = tmp.env)
		model.eval <- vapply(unlist.model, eval, envir = tmp.env, 0)
		if (check.model) if (isTRUE(any(model.eval < 0))) stop(paste("Model not constructed well. Line ", which(model.eval < 0), " produces probabilities < 0!", sep = ""))
		llk <- data * log(model.eval)
		llk[data == 0] <- 0
		llk <- sum(llk)
		if (is.na(llk)) llk <- -1e10
		if (llk == -Inf) llk <- -1e10
	model.predictions <- function(Q, unlist.model, param.names, n.params, lower.bound, upper.bound, llk.gradient, llk.hessian, tmp.env, ...){
		#tmpllk.env <- new.env()
		for (i in seq_len(n.params))  assign(param.names[i],Q[i], envir = tmp.env)
		vapply(unlist.model, eval, envir = tmp.env, 0)
	llk.gradient.funct <- function(Q, unlist.model, data, param.names, n.params, lower.bound, upper.bound, llk.gradient, llk.hessian, tmp.env, ...){
		try( {
            if (length(upper.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound[Q > upper.bound]
            if (length(lower.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound[Q < lower.bound]
        }, silent = TRUE)
		#tmpllk.env <- new.env()
		for (i in 1:n.params)  assign(param.names[i],Q[i], envir = tmp.env)
		model.eval <- vapply(llk.gradient, eval, 0, envir = tmp.env)
		model.eval[is.na(model.eval)] <- -1e10
		model.eval[model.eval == -Inf] <- -1e10

	llk.hessian.funct <- function(Q, unlist.model, data, param.names, n.params, lower.bound, upper.bound, llk.gradient, llk.hessian, tmp.env, ...){
		try( {
            if (length(upper.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q > upper.bound] <- upper.bound[Q > upper.bound]
            if (length(lower.bound) == 1) {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound
            } else {
                Q[Q < lower.bound] <- lower.bound[Q < lower.bound]
        }, silent = TRUE)
		#tmpllk.env <- new.env()
		for (i in 1:n.params)  assign(param.names[i],Q[i], envir = tmp.env)
		model.eval <- apply(llk.hessian, c(1,2), function(x) eval(x[[1]], envir = tmp.env))
		#model.eval <- apply(llk.hessian, c(1,2), eval, envir = tmpllk.env)
		model.eval[is.na(model.eval)] <- -1e10
		model.eval[model.eval == -Inf] <- -1e10
	## objective, gradient, hessian above, preparation below ##
	# check if model or restrictions are connections and if it is needed later again:
	class.model <- class(model.filename)
	if (!is.null(fia) & ("connection" %in% class.model)) {
		tmp.model <- readLines(model.filename)
		model.filename <- textConnection(tmp.model)
	class.restr <- class(restrictions.filename)
	if (!is.null(restrictions.filename) & !is.null(fia) & ("connection" %in% class.restr)) {
		tmp.restr <- readLines(restrictions.filename)
		restrictions.filename <- textConnection(tmp.restr)
	tree <- .get.mpt.model(model.filename, model.type, model.check = check.model)
	if(is.null(data)) stop("Model seems to be constructed well (i.e., all probabilities sum to 1), but data is NULL.")
	if(is.vector(data)) {
		data <- array(data, dim = c(1, length(data)))
		multiFit <- FALSE
	} else
		if(dim(data)[1] == 1) {
			if (is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
			data <- array(data, dim = c(1,length(data)))
			multiFit <- FALSE
		} else 
			if(is.matrix(data) | is.data.frame(data)) {
				if (is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
				multiFit <- TRUE
			} else stop("data is neither vector, nor matrix, nor data.frame!")
	if (sum(sapply(tree, length)) != length(data[1,])) stop(paste("Size of data does not correspond to size of model (i.e., model needs ", sum(sapply(tree, length)), " datapoints, data gives ", length(data[1,]), " datapoints).", sep = ""))
	orig.params <- NULL
	use.restrictions <- FALSE
	if (!is.null(restrictions.filename)) {
		orig.params <- .find.MPT.params(tree)
		new.restrictions <- .check.restrictions(restrictions.filename, tree)
		if (length(new.restrictions) > 0) use.restrictions <- TRUE
		if (!reparam.ineq) {
			res.no.ineq <- new.restrictions
			for (res in 1:length(new.restrictions)) if (new.restrictions[[res]][3] == "<") res.no.ineq[[1]] <- NULL
			if (length(res.no.ineq) == 0) use.restrictions <- FALSE
			else new.restrictions <- res.no.ineq
		if (use.restrictions) tree <- .apply.MPT.restrictions(tree, new.restrictions)
		restrictions <- new.restrictions
	# check if restrictions is connection and needed again then construct anew here:
	if (!is.null(fia) & ("connection" %in% class.model)) {
		model.filename <- textConnection(tmp.model)
	if (!is.null(restrictions.filename) & !is.null(fia) & ("connection" %in% class.restr)) {
		restrictions.filename <- textConnection(tmp.restr)
	# make arguments:
	param.names <- .find.MPT.params(tree)
	length.param.names <- length(param.names)
	categories.per.type <- vapply(tree, length, 0)
	# gradient and hessian:
	llk.function <- tryCatch(.make.llk.function(tree, param.names, length.param.names), error = function(e) {warning("likelihood function cannot be build"); NULL})
	llk.gradient <- tryCatch(.make.llk.gradient(llk.function, param.names, length.param.names), error = function(e) {message("gradient function cannot be build (probably derivation failure, see ?D"); NULL})
	llk.hessian <- tryCatch(.make.llk.hessian(llk.function, param.names, length.param.names), error = function(e) {message("hessian function cannot be build (probably derivation failure, see ?D"); NULL})
	if (!is.null(fia)) {
	  if (length(args.fia)) {
	    nms <- names(args.fia)
	    if (!is.list(args.fia) || is.null(args.fia)) stop("'args.fia' argument must be a named list")
	    if (!all(nms %in% names(formals(get.mpt.fia)))) warning(paste0("Unrecognized arguments in 'args.fia' ignored: ", paste(args.fia[!nms %in% names(formals(get.mpt.fia))], collapes = " ")))
	    args.fia <- args.fia[nms %in% names(formals(get.mpt.fia))]
	    fia.args <- c(model.filename = model.filename, restrictions.filename = if (is.list(restrictions.filename)) list(restrictions.filename) else restrictions.filename, Sample = fia, model.type = list(model.type), multicore = if (multicore[1] != "none") TRUE else FALSE, args.fia)
	  else {
	    fia.args <- list(model.filename = model.filename, restrictions.filename = restrictions.filename, Sample = fia, model.type = model.type, multicore = if (multicore[1] != "none") TRUE else FALSE)
	  args.fia <- NULL
	  if (multiFit) {
	    data.new <- rbind(data, apply(data,2,sum))
	    fia.tmp <- tryCatch(do.call(get.mpt.fia, args = c(data = list(data.new), fia.args)), error = function(e) NULL)
	    if (!is.null(fia.tmp)) {
	      fia.df <- fia.tmp[-dim(fia.tmp)[1],]
	      fia.agg.tmp <- fia.tmp[dim(fia.tmp)[1],]
	      fia.df <- list(fia.df, fia.agg.tmp)
	    } else fia.df <- NULL
	  } else {
	    fia.df <- tryCatch(do.call(get.mpt.fia, args = c(data = list(data), fia.args)), error = function(e) NULL)
	  if (is.null(fia.df)) {
	    warning("Calculation of FIA failed. Model does not seem to be a BMPT!")
	    fia <- NULL
	# call the workhorse:	
	fit.mptinr(data = data, objective = llk.model, param.names = param.names, categories.per.type = categories.per.type, gradient = llk.gradient.funct, use.gradient = use.gradient, hessian = llk.hessian.funct, use.hessian = use.hessian, prediction = model.predictions, n.optim = n.optim, fia.df = if(!is.null(fia)) fia.df, ci = ci, starting.values = starting.values, lower.bound = lower.bound, upper.bound = upper.bound, output = output, orig.params = orig.params, fit.aggregated = fit.aggregated, sort.param = sort.param, show.messages = show.messages, use.restrictions = use.restrictions, restrictions = restrictions, multicore = multicore, sfInit = sfInit, nCPU = nCPU, control = control, numDeriv = numDeriv, unlist.model = unlist(tree), llk.gradient = llk.gradient, llk.hessian = llk.hessian, check.model = check.model)

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MPTinR documentation built on July 13, 2021, 5:07 p.m.