
Defines functions GetHypervolume GetHVContribution GetLeastContribution GetLeastContributor ApproximateHypervolumeContribution GetIGD AssociateLine CalcIGDDistanceToObjective CalcDistRefLineToSolution CalcDistanceFromLine Normalize AdaptiveNormalization DTLZ4 DTLZ3 DTLZ2 DTLZ1 EvaluatePopulation EvaluateIndividual InitializePopulationLHS

Documented in AdaptiveNormalization DTLZ1 DTLZ2 DTLZ3 DTLZ4 EvaluateIndividual EvaluatePopulation GetHVContribution GetHypervolume GetIGD GetLeastContribution GetLeastContributor InitializePopulationLHS Normalize

#' Create initial sample using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method. The variables will be ranged between 0-1
#' @title Initialize population with Latin Hypercube Sampling
#' @param numberOfIndividuals The number of individual in the population (ncol). Integer > 0.
#' @param chromosomeLength The number of variables per individual (nrow)
#' @param minVal Minimum value of the resulting sample
#' @param maxVal Maximum value of the resulting sample
#' @param samplingMethod Not used
#' @return A matrix of size chromosomeLength x nIndividual.
#' @examples
#' nVar <- 14
#' nIndividual <- 100
#' InitializePopulationLHS(nIndividual,nVar,FALSE)
#' @export
InitializePopulationLHS <- function(numberOfIndividuals,chromosomeLength, minVal=0,maxVal=1,samplingMethod=0) {


  #  if(binaryEncoding==TRUE){
  #    population<-round(population)
  #  }else{
  population<-population * (maxVal-minVal) + minVal
  #  }


#' Evaluate individual with the specified test function. Non-feasible solution are given Inf as objective values.
#' @title Evaluate objective values of a single individual
#' @param individual The individual to be evaluated
#' @param fun A string containing which problem is being solved. Currently available DTLZ1-DTLZ4, WFG4-WFG9.
#' @param ... Further parameters used by \code{fun}
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective, containing the objective values.
#' @examples
#' individual <- stats::runif(8)
#' EvaluateIndividual(individual,WFG4,3) # the 3 is passed to WFG4 nObj
#' @export
EvaluateIndividual <- function(individual,fun,...){
  nVar <- length(individual)

  objective <- fun(individual,...)

#' Evaluate a population with the specified test function. Non-feasible solution are given Inf as objective values.
#' @title Evaluate objective value of a set of individuals
#' @param pop The population to be evaluated
#' @param fun A string containing which problem is being solved. Currently available in the package: DTLZ1-DTLZ4, WFG4-WFG9.
#' @param ... Further parameters used by \code{fun}
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective, containing the objective values.
#' @examples
#' pop <- matrix(runif(8*50),nrow=8) # 8 variables, 50 individuals
#' EvaluatePopulation(pop,WFG4,3) # the 3 is passed to WFG4 nObj
#' @export
EvaluatePopulation <- function(pop,fun,...){
  popSize <- ncol(pop)
  popObjective <- NULL
  for(individualIndex in 1:popSize){
    indObjective <- EvaluateIndividual(pop[,individualIndex],fun,...)
    popObjective <- cbind(popObjective,indObjective)


#' The DTLZ1 test function.
#' @param individual The vector of individual (or matrix of population) to be evaluated.
#' @param nObj The number of objective
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective x population size, containing the objective values for each individual.
#' @references Deb,  K.,  Thiele,  L.,  Laumanns,  M.,  Zitzler,  E.:  Scalable  Multi-Objective  Optimization Test Problems. In: Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). pp. 825–830. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
#' @examples
#' individual <- stats::runif(14)
#' nObj <- 4
#' DTLZ1(individual,nObj)
#' @export
DTLZ1 <- function(individual,nObj){
    individual <- matrix(individual)

  popSize <- ncol(individual)

  nVar <- nrow(individual)
  popObj <- NULL

  #for (popIndex in 1:popSize){
    obj <- matrix(rep(1,nObj),nrow = nObj,ncol = popSize)
    gSigma <- 0
    for (subIndex in nObj:nVar) {
      gSigma <- gSigma + ((individual[subIndex,] - 0.5)^2 - cos(20*pi*((individual[subIndex,] - 0.5))))
    g <- 100*(nVar- nObj + 1 + gSigma)

    for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObj){
      obj[objectiveIndex,] <- 0.5* (1+g)

      if( (nObj-objectiveIndex) > 0){
        for(cosIndex in 1:(nObj-objectiveIndex)){
          obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] * individual[cosIndex,]
      if(objectiveIndex > 1)
        obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] *  (1 - individual[nObj - objectiveIndex + 1,])
    popObj <- cbind(popObj,obj)
#  }


#' The DTLZ2 test function.
#' @param individual The vector of individual (or matrix of population) to be evaluated.
#' @param nObj The number of objective
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective x population size, containing the objective values for each individual.
#' @references Deb,  K.,  Thiele,  L.,  Laumanns,  M.,  Zitzler,  E.:  Scalable  Multi-Objective  Optimization Test Problems. In: Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). pp. 825–830. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
#' @examples
#' individual <- stats::runif(14)
#' nObj <- 4
#' DTLZ2(individual,nObj)
#' @export
DTLZ2 <- function(individual,nObj){
    individual <- matrix(individual)

  popSize <- ncol(individual)

  nVar <- nrow(individual)
  popObj <- NULL

  # for (popIndex in 1:popSize){
    obj <- matrix(rep(1,nObj),nrow = nObj,ncol = popSize)
    g <- 0
    for (subIndex in nObj:nVar) {
      g <- g + (individual[subIndex,] - 0.5)^2
    for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObj){
      obj[objectiveIndex,] <- (1+g)

      if( (nObj-objectiveIndex) > 0){
        for(cosIndex in 1:(nObj-objectiveIndex)){
          obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] * cos(individual[cosIndex,] * pi / 2)
      if(objectiveIndex > 1)
        obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] *  sin(individual[nObj - objectiveIndex + 1,] * pi / 2)
    popObj <- cbind(popObj,obj)
  # }

#' The DTLZ3 test function.
#' @param individual The vector of individual (or matrix of population) to be evaluated.
#' @param nObj The number of objective
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective x population size, containing the objective values for each individual.
#' @references Deb,  K.,  Thiele,  L.,  Laumanns,  M.,  Zitzler,  E.:  Scalable  Multi-Objective  Optimization Test Problems. In: Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). pp. 825–830. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
#' @examples
#' individual <- stats::runif(14)
#' nObj <- 4
#' DTLZ3(individual,nObj)
#' @export
DTLZ3 <- function(individual,nObj){
    individual <- matrix(individual)

  popSize <- ncol(individual)

  nVar <- nrow(individual)
  popObj <- NULL

  #for(popIndex in 1:popSize){
    obj <- matrix(rep(1,nObj),nrow = nObj,ncol = popSize)
    gSigma <- 0
    for (subIndex in nObj:nVar) {
      gSigma <- gSigma + ((individual[subIndex,] - 0.5)^2 - cos(20*pi*((individual[subIndex,] - 0.5))))
    g <- 100*(nVar- nObj + 1 + gSigma)
    for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObj){
      obj[objectiveIndex,] <- (1+g)

      if( (nObj-objectiveIndex) > 0){
        for(cosIndex in 1:(nObj-objectiveIndex)){
          obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] * cos(individual[cosIndex,] * pi / 2)
      if(objectiveIndex > 1)
        obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] *  sin(individual[nObj - objectiveIndex + 1,] * pi / 2)
    popObj <- cbind(popObj,obj)
 # }

#' The DTLZ4 test function.
#' @param individual The vector of individual (or matrix of population) to be evaluated.
#' @param nObj The number of objective
#' @param alpha Alpha value of DTLZ4 function.
#' @return A matrix of size nObjective x population size, containing the objective values for each individual.
#' @references Deb,  K.,  Thiele,  L.,  Laumanns,  M.,  Zitzler,  E.:  Scalable  Multi-Objective  Optimization Test Problems. In: Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). pp. 825–830. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
#' @examples
#' individual <- stats::runif(14)
#' nObj <- 4
#' DTLZ4(individual,nObj)
#' @export
DTLZ4 <- function(individual,nObj,alpha=100){
    individual <- matrix(individual)

  popSize <- ncol(individual)

  nVar <- nrow(individual)
  popObj <- NULL

  #for(popIndex in 1:popSize){
    obj <- matrix(rep(1,nObj),nrow = nObj,ncol = popSize)
    g <- 0
    for (subIndex in nObj:nVar) {
      g <- g + (individual[subIndex,] - 0.5)^2
    for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObj){
      obj[objectiveIndex,] <- (1+g)

      if( (nObj-objectiveIndex) > 0){
        for(cosIndex in 1:(nObj-objectiveIndex)){
          obj[objectiveIndex,] <- (obj[objectiveIndex,]) * cos((individual[cosIndex,]^alpha) * pi / 2)
      if(objectiveIndex > 1)
        obj[objectiveIndex,] <- obj[objectiveIndex,] *  sin(individual[nObj - objectiveIndex + 1,] * pi / 2)
    popObj <- cbind(popObj,obj)

#' Normalize the objectives to 0-1. The origin is the ideal point. (1,...,1) is not the nadir point.
#' The normalization is done by using adaptive normalization used in NSGA-III.
#' @title Objective space normalization.
#' @param objectiveValue Set of objective vectors to normalize
#' @return A list containing the following:
#' \code{normalizedObjective} The normalized values
#' \code{idealPoint} The ideal point corresponding to the origin
#' \code{nadirPoint} The location of nadir point in the normalized Space
#' @examples
#' nObj <- 5
#' nIndividual <- 100
#' nVar <- 10
#' population <- InitializePopulationLHS(nIndividual,nVar,FALSE)
#' objective <- matrix(,nrow=nObj,ncol=nIndividual)
#' for(individual in 1:nIndividual){
#'    objective[,individual] <- WFG4(population[,individual],nObj)
#' }
#' AdaptiveNormalization(objective)
#' @export
AdaptiveNormalization <- function(objectiveValue){
  minObjVal <- matrix(,nrow = nrow(objectiveValue),ncol = 1)

  nObjective <- nrow(objectiveValue)
  idealPoint <- rep(Inf,nObjective)
  nadirPoint <- rep(-Inf,nObjective)

  indexOfMax <- matrix(,nrow = nObjective,ncol = 1)
  for (i in 1:nObjective) {
    indexOfMax[i] <- nnet::which.is.max(objectiveValue[i,]) # get the individual with max objective for objective i
    minObjVal[i] <- min(objectiveValue[i,])
      minObjVal[i] <- idealPoint[i]
      idealPoint[i] <- minObjVal[i]

  # get the normalization minimum value to zero
  normalizedObjective <- objectiveValue - rep(minObjVal,ncol(objectiveValue))
  #get the intercept, set it as maximum value
  for (i in 1:nObjective) {
    summedMaxRow <- sum(normalizedObjective[,indexOfMax[i]])
    normalizedObjective[i,] <- normalizedObjective[i,] / summedMaxRow
    nadirPoint[i] <- max(normalizedObjective[i,])
    #   normalizedRefPoint[i,] <- normalizedRefPoint[i,] / summedMaxRow

  newList <- list(normalizedObjective = normalizedObjective,idealPoint = idealPoint, nadirPoint = nadirPoint)# "numeric" = normalizedRefPoint)


#' Normalize the objectives AND reference (combined) to 0-1. The origin is the ideal point. (1,...,1) is the nadir.
#' @title Objective space normalization.
#' @param objectiveValue Set of objective vectors to normalize
#' @param referencePoints Set of reference points to transform following the objective vector normalization
#' @return A list containing the following:
#' \code{normalizedObjective} The normalized values
#' \code{idealPoint} The ideal point corresponding to the origin
#' \code{transformedReference} The location of reference points in the normalized Space
#' @examples
#' nObj <- 5
#' nVar <- 10
#' nIndividual <- 100
#' population <- InitializePopulationLHS(nIndividual,nVar,FALSE)
#' objective <- matrix(,nrow=nObj,ncol=nIndividual)
#' for(individual in 1:nIndividual){
#'    objective[,individual] <- WFG4(population[,individual],nObj)
#' }
#' Normalize(objective)
#' @export
Normalize <- function(objectiveValue,referencePoints=NULL){
  minObjVal <- matrix(,nrow = nrow(objectiveValue),ncol = 1)
  nObjective <- nrow(objectiveValue)
  idealPoint <- rep(Inf,nObjective)
  popSize <- ncol(objectiveValue)
  if(!is.null(referencePoints)) {
    referencePoints <- matrix(referencePoints,nrow = nObjective)
    objectiveValue <- cbind(objectiveValue,referencePoints)
  indexOfMax <- matrix(,nrow = nObjective,ncol = 1)

  for (i in 1:nObjective) {
    indexOfMax[i] <- nnet::which.is.max(objectiveValue[i,]) # get the individual with max objective for objective i
    minObjVal[i] <- min(objectiveValue[i,])
      minObjVal[i] <- idealPoint[i]
      idealPoint[i] <- minObjVal[i]
  # get the normalization minimum value to zero
  normalizedObjective <- objectiveValue - rep(minObjVal,ncol(objectiveValue))

  #get the intercept, set it as maximum value
  for (i in 1:nObjective) {
    maxObj <- (normalizedObjective[i,indexOfMax[i]])
    normalizedObjective[i,] <- normalizedObjective[i,] / maxObj

  newList <- list(normalizedObjective = normalizedObjective[,1:popSize], transformedReference =normalizedObjective[,-(1:popSize)],idealPoint = idealPoint)# "numeric" = normalizedRefPoint)


# Used in NSGA-III line-association
CalcDistanceFromLine <- function(pointAInLine, pointBInLine, pointC){
  pa <- pointC - pointAInLine;
  ba <- pointBInLine - pointAInLine;
  t  <- (pa %*% ba)/(ba %*% ba);

  distance = norm(matrix(pa - (ba*c(t)),nrow=length(pointAInLine),ncol=1),type="f")

# Used in NSGA-III line-association
CalcDistRefLineToSolution <- function(normalizedObjective,referencePoint){
  nRefPoint <- ncol(referencePoint)
  populationSize <- ncol(normalizedObjective)
  origin <- rep(0,nrow(normalizedObjective))
  distFromLine <- matrix(,nrow = nRefPoint,ncol = 0)

  for(objectiveIndex in 1:(populationSize)){
    currentPointDistanceFromLine <- matrix(,nrow = nRefPoint,ncol = 1)
    for (refPointIndex in 1:nRefPoint) {
      distanceToLine <- CalcDistanceFromLine(origin, referencePoint[,refPointIndex],normalizedObjective[,objectiveIndex])
      currentPointDistanceFromLine[refPointIndex] <- distanceToLine
    distFromLine <- cbind(distFromLine,currentPointDistanceFromLine)

  } # end for calculate distances of all P+Q individuals from reference lines, we obtain distFromLine

  return(distFromLine) #each column represent different solution, each row different refline

CalcIGDDistanceToObjective <- function(objective,referencePoint){
  nRefPoint <- ncol(referencePoint)
  populationSize <- ncol(objective)
  nObjective <- nrow(objective)
  distances <- matrix(,nrow = nRefPoint,ncol = populationSize)

  intersectionPoint <- referencePoint
  # get the intersection of the refline and sigma(x^2)=1
  # x^2  + y^2  + z^2  = 1
  # the refline is the line from (0,0,0) to some {(x,y,z) | x+y+z=1} (the ref point)
  # which means if for example the ref point is at (x*,y*,z*)
  # the line has length = a = root(x*^2+y*^2+z*^2)
  # to make the line to have length = 1, we simply multiply the initial ref point by 1/a

  for (refPointIndex in 1:nRefPoint){
    a <- (sum(referencePoint[,refPointIndex]*referencePoint[,refPointIndex]))^0.5
    intersectionPoint[,refPointIndex] <- intersectionPoint[,refPointIndex]/a
    for(objectiveIndex in 1:populationSize){
      distances[refPointIndex,objectiveIndex] <- norm(matrix(intersectionPoint[,refPointIndex]-objective[,objectiveIndex],nrow=nObjective,ncol = 1),type = "F")
  return(distances) #each column represent different solution, each row different refline

# Used in NSGA-III
AssociateLine <- function(distanceFromLines){
  populationSize <- ncol(distanceFromLines)
  associatedLine <- matrix(,nrow = 1,ncol = populationSize)
  for(populationIndex in 1:populationSize){
    associatedLine[populationIndex] <- nnet::which.is.max(-distanceFromLines[,populationIndex])

#' Get Inverted Generational Distance (IGD) value of the population objective w.r.t. a matrix of reference set (each row contain 1 point).
#' @title Get IGD value
#' @param populationObjective The objective value of the corresponding individual
#' @param referenceSet The reference points for computing IGD
#' @return The IGD metric. A Scalar value.
#' @export
GetIGD <- function(populationObjective, referenceSet){
  nRef <- ncol(referenceSet)

  IGDval <- 0
  distances <- CalcIGDDistanceToObjective(populationObjective,referenceSet)
  for(refPointIndex in 1: nRef){
    IGDval <- IGDval + min(distances[refPointIndex,])
  IGDval <- IGDval/nRef

ApproximateHypervolumeContribution <- function(populationObjective,referencePoint,numberOfSamples){
  nObjective <- nrow(populationObjective)
  nRef <- length(referencePoint)
  nPop <- ncol(populationObjective)

  nSuccess <- 0
  nUnique <- integer(nPop)

  objectiveAxisMinimum <- matrix(,nrow= nObjective,ncol = 1)
  samplePoint <- rep(0,nObjective)

  for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObjective){
    objectiveAxisMinimum[objectiveIndex] <- min(populationObjective[objectiveIndex,])

  for(sampleIndex in 1:numberOfSamples){
    for (objectiveIndex in 1:nObjective) {
      samplePoint[objectiveIndex] <- stats::runif(1)*(referencePoint[objectiveIndex]-objectiveAxisMinimum[objectiveIndex]) + objectiveAxisMinimum[objectiveIndex]
    successCount <- 0
    for(popIndex in 1:nPop){
      if(min(as.integer(samplePoint >= populationObjective[,popIndex])) == 1 ){
        successCount <- successCount + 1
        successfulPop <- popIndex
          nSuccess <- nSuccess+1

        if(successCount == 1){
          nUnique[successfulPop] <- nUnique[successfulPop]+1

  boundingBoxLengths <- referencePoint-objectiveAxisMinimum
  boundingBoxVolume <- 1

  for(objectiveIndex in 1:nObjective){
    boundingBoxVolume <- boundingBoxVolume * boundingBoxLengths[objectiveIndex]
  contribution <- nUnique / numberOfSamples * boundingBoxVolume
  totalHypervolume <- nSuccess / numberOfSamples * boundingBoxVolume


#' Get index of the individual with least hypervolume (HV) contribution. For the contribution itself, use GetLeastContribution()
#' @title Get least HV contributor
#' @param populationObjective The objective value of the corresponding individual
#' @param reference The reference point for computing HV
#' @param method the HV computation method
#' @param hypervolumeMethodParam A list of parameters to be passed to the hypervolumeMethod
#' @param ref_multiplier Multiplier to the nadir point for dynamic reference point location
#' @return The index of the least contributor, an integer.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nObjective <- 5 # the number of objectives
#' nPoint <- 10 # the number of points that will form the hypervolume
#' objective <- matrix(stats::runif(nObjective*nPoint), nrow = nObjective, ncol = nPoint)
#' # run a generation of MO-CMA-ES with standard WFG8 test function.
#' numpyready <- reticulate::py_module_available('numpy')
#' pygmoready <- reticulate::py_module_available('pygmo')
#' py_module_ready <- numpyready && pygmoready
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHypervolume(objective,,"exact") # no reference supplied
#' reference <- rep(2,nObjective) # create a reference point at (2,2,2,2,2)
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetLeastContributor(objective,reference,"exact")
#' }
#' @export
GetLeastContributor<- function(populationObjective,reference=NULL,method="exact",hypervolumeMethodParam=list(),ref_multiplier=1.1){
    populationObjective <- matrix(populationObjective)
    for(objectiveIndex in 1:nrow(populationObjective)){
      reference <- append(reference,max(populationObjective[objectiveIndex,])*ref_multiplier)

    #hypervolumeContribution <- HVContrib_WFG(populationObjective,reference)
    smallestContributor <- LeastContributorExact(populationObjective,reference)#nnet::which.is.max(-hypervolumeContribution)
    string <- paste('LeastContributor',method,'(populationObjective,reference,hypervolumeMethodParam)',sep='')
    smallestContributor <- eval(parse(text=string))


#' Get the hypervolume (HV) contribution of the individual with least HV contribution.
#' @title Get least HV contribution
#' @param populationObjective The objective value of the corresponding individual
#' @param reference The reference point for computing HV
#' @param method the HV computation method
#' @param ref_multiplier Multiplier to the nadir point for dynamic reference point location
#' @return The HV contribution value of the least contributor.
#' @examples
#'  \donttest{
#' nObjective <- 5 # the number of objectives
#' nPoint <- 10 # the number of points that will form the hypervolume
#' objective <- matrix(stats::runif(nObjective*nPoint), nrow = nObjective, ncol = nPoint)
#' numpyready <- reticulate::py_module_available('numpy')
#' pygmoready <- reticulate::py_module_available('pygmo')
#' py_module_ready <- numpyready && pygmoready
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHypervolume(objective,,"exact") # no reference supplied
#' reference <- rep(2,nObjective) # create a reference point at (2,2,2,2,2)
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetLeastContribution(objective,reference,"exact")
#' }
#' @export
GetLeastContribution<- function(populationObjective,reference=NULL,method="exact",ref_multiplier=1.1){
      hypervolumeContribution <- HVContrib_WFG(populationObjective,ref_multiplier=ref_multiplier)
      hypervolumeContribution <- HVContrib_WFG(populationObjective, reference)

    smallestContribution <- min(hypervolumeContribution)
    smallestContribution <- LeastContributionApprox(populationObjective,reference)


#' Get the hypervolume (HV) contribution of the population. Dominated front will give 0 contribution.
#' @title Get HV contribution of all points.
#' @param populationObjective The objective value of the corresponding individual
#' @param reference The reference point for computing HV
#' @param method the HV computation method. Currently ignored and uses the WFG exact method.
#' @param ref_multiplier Multiplier to the nadir point for dynamic reference point location
#' @return A vector of length ncol(populationObjective)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nObjective <- 5 # the number of objectives
#' nPoint <- 10 # the number of points that will form the hypervolume
#' objective <- matrix(stats::runif(nObjective*nPoint), nrow = nObjective, ncol = nPoint)
#' numpyready <- reticulate::py_module_available('numpy')
#' pygmoready <- reticulate::py_module_available('pygmo')
#' py_module_ready <- numpyready && pygmoready
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHypervolume(objective,,"exact") # no reference supplied
#' reference <- rep(2,nObjective) # create a reference point at (2,2,2,2,2)
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHVContribution(objective,reference)
#' }
#' @export
GetHVContribution<- function(populationObjective,reference=NULL,method="exact",ref_multiplier=1.1){
  #  if(method=="exact"){
  if (!pkg.globals$have_pygmo)
    pkg.globals$have_pygmo <- reticulate::py_module_available("pygmo")
  if (!pkg.globals$have_pygmo)
    stop("HV computation requires PyGMO")

  hypervolumeContribution <- HVContrib_WFG(populationObjective,reference,ref_multiplier=ref_multiplier)


#' Compute the hypervolume formed by the points w.r.t. a reference point. If no reference is supplied, use the nadir point*(1.1,...,1.1).
#' @title Compute hypervolume
#' @param objective The set of points in the objective space (The objective values). A single column should contain one point, so the size would be numberOfObjective x nPoint, e.g. in 5 objective problem, it is 5 x n.
#' @param reference The reference point for HV computation. A column vector.
#' @param method Exact using WFG method or approximate HV using the method by Bringmann and Friedrich. Default to "exact".
#' @param ref_multiplier Multiplier to the nadir point for dynamic reference point location
#' @return Hypervolume size, a scalar value.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nObjective <- 5 # the number of objectives
#' nPoint <- 10 # the number of points that will form the hypervolume
#' objective <- matrix(stats::runif(nObjective*nPoint), nrow = nObjective, ncol = nPoint)
#' numpyready <- reticulate::py_module_available('numpy')
#' pygmoready <- reticulate::py_module_available('pygmo')
#' py_module_ready <- numpyready && pygmoready
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHypervolume(objective,,"exact") # no reference supplied
#' reference <- rep(2,nObjective) # create a reference point at (2,2,2,2,2)
#' if(py_module_ready) # prevent error on testing the example
#' GetHypervolume(objective,reference,"exact") # using reference point
#' }
#' @export
GetHypervolume <- function(objective,reference=NULL,method="exact",ref_multiplier=1.1){
  if (!pkg.globals$have_pygmo)
    pkg.globals$have_pygmo <- reticulate::py_module_available("pygmo")
  if (!pkg.globals$have_pygmo)
    stop("HV computation requires PyGMO")

      hypervolume <- HypervolumeExact(objective,ref_multiplier=ref_multiplier)
      hypervolume <- HypervolumeExact(objective, reference)
    hypervolume <- HypervolumeBFapprox(objective,reference)

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