
Defines functions run_LLMs

#' Run an Experiment Based on the Configuration
#' Executes the experiment and saves the results to an Excel file.
#' @param gptConfig A list containing the configuration for the language model, including the system prompt,
#' model specifications, and token settings.
#' @param savePath The file path where the experiment results will be saved in Excel format.
#' Defaults to './output.xlsx' in the current working directory.
#' @return This function does not return a value but saves the experiment results to the specified Excel file.
#' Upon completion, "Done." will be printed to the console.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' runExperiment(Experiment_config,"./output.xlsx")
#' #The first argument Experiment_config is generated by preCheck() function.
#' Experiment_config <- preCheck(data)
#' }
runExperiment <- function (gptConfig, savePath = "./output.xlsx") {
    "openai" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "baidubce" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "llama-2" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "llama-3" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "claude" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "gemini" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "baichuan" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "aimlapi_test" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    "custom" = run_LLMs(gptConfig, savePath),
    stop("Failed to the interact with the LLM.")

#' Internal Execution of the Experiment Scenarios
#' @description
#' This internal function manages the execution of the experiment scenarios based on the gptConfig settings.
#' It iteratively processes the data for each run and trial, interacts with the GPT model,
#' and appends the results in the designated Excel file. It is utilized within the 'runExperiment' function.
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar write.csv modifyList
#' @import openxlsx
#' @param gptConfig A list containing the configuration for the GPT model, including the system prompt,
#' model specifications, token settings, and experiment mode.
#' @param savePath The file path where the experiment results will be saved in Excel/CSV format.
#' @param log A logical value indicating whether to log the experiment results. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return This function does not return a value but executes the experiment scenarios and
#' compiles the results in an Excel file. It prints "Done." to the console upon completion.
#' @noRd
run_LLMs <- function(gptConfig, savePath, log = FALSE) {
  initializeData <- function(data) {
    data$Response <- NA
    data$N <- NA
    data$Trial <- NA
    data$Message <- NA
    data$rawResponse <- NA
    data$...... <- NA
    data <- data[, c(6, 1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12)]
  url <- Sys.getenv("url")
  # Completion
  if (grepl("/chat/", Sys.getenv("url")) || grepl("messages", Sys.getenv("url"))) {
    Completion_mode = FALSE
  } else {
    Completion_mode = TRUE
  if (log) {
    log_file_name <- paste0("request_log_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), ".txt")
    Sys.setenv(LOG_FILE = log_file_name)
  # Create work book and sheet
  createWorkbookAndSheet <- function(data) {
    wb <- createWorkbook()
    addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet1")
      sheet = 1,
      x = t(colnames(data)),
      startRow = 1,
      startCol = 1,
      colNames = FALSE
    return(list(wb = wb, row_num = 2))
  # Progress bar
  updateProgressBar <- function(progress_bar,
                                total_iterations) {
    current_progress <- current_progress + 1
    setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar, current_progress)
  # Send request to models
  callModel <- function(messages, model, args) {
    # Request method list
    ## ToDo: add more models
    model_request <- list(
      openai = list(chat = "openai_chat", completion = "openai_completion"),
      "llama-3" = list(chat = "llama_chat", completion = "llama_chat"),
      "llama-2" = list(chat = "llama_chat", completion = "llama_chat"),
      baidubce = list(chat = "wenxin_chat", completion = "wenxin_chat"),
      claude = list(chat = "claude_chat", completion = "claude_chat"),
      gemini = list(chat = "gemini_chat", completion = "gemini_chat"),
      custom = list(chat = "openai_chat", completion = "openai_completion")
    chat_request <- model_request[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$chat
    completion_request <- model_request[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$completion
    repeat {
      result <- tryCatch({
        if (Completion_mode != TRUE) {
          #message("run_LLMs_model: ",model)
          #message("run_LLMs_chat_request: ",chat_request)
          result_list <- do.call(chat_request, modifyList(list(
            messages = messages, model = model
          ), args))
        } else {
          #message("callModel: ",messages)
          result_list <- do.call(completion_request, modifyList(list(
            prompt = messages, model = model
          ), args))
        # message(result_list$raw_response)
          content_list = result_list$content_list,
          raw_response = result_list$raw_response,
          success = TRUE
      }, error = function(e) {
        warning(paste("warning:", e))
        list(success = FALSE)
      if (result$success) {
      } else {
  ## ToDo: Add more models' response format
  handle_response <- function(response) {
    if (Sys.getenv("llm") == "llama-3") {
      return(substring(response, 12))
    } else {
  saveResults <- function(wb, savePath, csvFlag) {
    saveWorkbook(wb, savePath, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (csvFlag) {
      csvPath <- paste0(sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", savePath), ".csv")
      data_xlsx <- read.xlsx(savePath)
      utils::write.csv(data_xlsx, csvPath, row.names = FALSE)
  data <- as.data.frame(gptConfig[1])
  systemPrompt <- gptConfig$systemPrompt
  if (systemPrompt != ""&&Sys.getenv("llm") == "claude") {
    gptConfig$args$system <- systemPrompt
  model <- Sys.getenv("model")
  imgDetail <- gptConfig$imgDetail
  args <- gptConfig$args
  n <- ifelse(is.null(args[["n"]]), 1, args[["n"]])
  csvFlag <- FALSE
  if (sub(".*\\.", "", savePath) == 'csv') {
    savePath <- paste0(sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", savePath), ".xlsx")
    csvFlag <- TRUE
  if (grepl("^sk", Sys.getenv("key"))&&Completion_mode == FALSE) {
      total_iterations <- nrow(data) * n
    } else {
      total_iterations <- nrow(data)

  current_progress <- 0
  progress_bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total_iterations, style = 3)
  utils::setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar, current_progress)
  data <- initializeData(data)
  wb_info <- createWorkbookAndSheet(data)
  wb <- wb_info$wb
  row_num <- wb_info$row_num
  # Role name
  ## ToDo: Add more models' roles
  model_roles <- list(
    openai = list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    custom = list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    claude = list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    baidubce= list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    gemini= list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system_instruction",
      assistant = "model"
    "llama-2" = list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    "llama-3" = list(
      user = "user",
      system = "system",
      assistant = "assistant"
    # example_model = list(chat = "example_chat_function", completion = "example_completion_function")
  user <- model_roles[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$user
  system <- model_roles[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$system
  assistant <- model_roles[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$assistant
  # Beginning message
  ## ToDo: Add more models' beginning message

  Beginning_messages_list <- list(openai = list(),
                                  "llama-2" = "<s>[INST] ",
                                  "llama-3" = "<|begin_of_text|>")
  if (Completion_mode == T) {
    Beginning_messages <- Beginning_messages_list[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]
  } else {
    Beginning_messages <-list()
  for (s in unique(data$Session)) {
    s_data <- data[data$Session == s, ]
    for (r in unique(data$Run)) {
      r_data <- s_data[s_data$Run == r, ]
      trial = 0
      # Beginning message
      messages <- Beginning_messages
      if (systemPrompt != "" && Completion_mode != TRUE&&Sys.getenv("llm") != "claude"&&Sys.getenv("llm") != "gemini"){
        messages <- addMessage(messages, system, systemPrompt)
      #message("Beginning message: ",messages)
      for (it in unique(r_data$Item)) {
        trial = trial+1
        it_data <- r_data[r_data$Item == it, ]
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(it_data))) {
          if (Completion_mode != TRUE) {
            messages <- addMessage(messages, user, it_data$Prompt[i], imgDetail)
          }else {
            messages <- it_data$Prompt[i]
          t_data <- it_data[i, ]
          #message("run_LLMs_before_callmodel: ",messages)
          result <- callModel(messages, model, args)
          if (is.null(result$content_list)|| length(result$content_list) == 0) {
            stop("No result returned from model. Please check setKey function or the model parameter setting in preCheck function.")
          # message(result)
          content_list <- result$content_list
          raw_temp <- result$raw_response
          #message("run_LLMs_content_list: ",content_list)
          for (nr in seq_along(content_list)) {
            t_data$Response <- handle_response(content_list[nr])
            # message("run_LLMs_Response: ",t_data$Response)
            t_data$N <- nr
            if (n == 1 && Completion_mode != TRUE) {
              messages <- addMessage(messages, assistant, content_list[nr])
            cMessage <- paste(messages, collapse = " ")
            new_row <- c(
            for (j in seq(1, nchar(raw_temp), by = 25000)) {
              new_row <- c(new_row, substring(raw_temp, j, min(j + 24999, nchar(
              sheet = 1,
              x = t(new_row),
              startRow = row_num,
              startCol = 1,
              colNames = FALSE
            row_num <- row_num + 1
            current_progress <- updateProgressBar(progress_bar, current_progress, total_iterations)
          saveWorkbook(wb, savePath, overwrite = TRUE)
  saveResults(wb, savePath, csvFlag)

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