
Defines functions colScale rowScale dimScale .diag.dsC .Cmp.swap .setparts .set.factor ..diagN2U .diagN2U diagN2U ..diagU2N .diagU2N asCspN as_CspClass as_denseClass dmperm .validateCsparse mat2triplet aggregateT asUniqueT isUniqueT anyDuplicatedT WhichintersectInd complementInd decodeInd non0ind non0.i indTri indDiag drop0 .drop0 .tCRT forceDiagonal Matrix.message Matrix.warn Matrix.verbose .bail.out.2 as0 as1 any0 anyFalse all0 allFalse allTrue isN1 is1 isN0 is0

Documented in aggregateT anyDuplicatedT asUniqueT colScale .diag.dsC diagN2U .diagN2U .diagU2N dimScale dmperm drop0 isUniqueT mat2triplet rowScale .tCRT .validateCsparse

#### "Namespace private" Auxiliaries  such as method functions
#### (called from more than one place --> need to be defined early)

is0  <- function(x) !(is.na(x) | x)
isN0 <- function(x)   is.na(x) | x
is1  <- function(x)  !is.na(x) & x == 1L
isN1 <- function(x)   is.na(x) | x != 1L

allTrue  <- function(x)
                                           !is.na(a <- all( x)) &&  a
allFalse <- function(x)
    if(is.atomic(x)) .Call(R_all0, x) else !is.na(a <- any( x)) && !a
all0     <- function(x)
    if(is.atomic(x)) .Call(R_all0, x) else !is.na(a <- all(!x)) &&  a
anyFalse <- function(x)
    if(is.atomic(x)) .Call(R_any0, x) else !is.na(a <- all( x)) && !a
any0     <- function(x)
    if(is.atomic(x)) .Call(R_any0, x) else !is.na(a <- any(!x)) &&  a

## NB: change to using 'typeof' when we define iMatrix
as1 <- function(x, mode. = mode(x))
           "logical" = TRUE,
           "integer" =   1L,
           "double"  =     ,
           "numeric" =    1,
           "complex" = 1+0i,
           stop(gettextf("invalid mode \"%s\"", mode.), domain = NA))

## NB: change to using 'typeof' when we define iMatrix
as0 <- function(x, mode. = mode(x))
           "logical" = FALSE,
           "integer" =    0L,
           "double"  =      ,
           "numeric" =     0,
           "complex" =  0+0i,
           stop(gettextf("invalid mode \"%s\"", mode.), domain = NA))

.bail.out.2 <- function(name, cl1, cl2)
    stop(gettextf("%s(<%s>, <%s>) is not yet implemented; ask maintainer(\"%s\") to implement the missing method",
                  name, cl1[1L], cl2[1L], "Matrix"),
         call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

Matrix.verbose <- function()
    getOption("Matrix.verbose", .MatrixEnv[["verbose"]])

Matrix.warn <- function()
    getOption("Matrix.warn", .MatrixEnv[["warn"]])

## MJ: or maybe a general one?
if(FALSE) {
Matrix.getOption <- function(x, default = .Matrix.Env[[x]])
    getOption(paste0("Matrix.", x), default)
} ## MJ

Matrix.message <- function(..., .M.level = 1, call. = FALSE, domain = NULL) {
    if(Matrix.verbose() >= .M.level) {
        m <-
            if((w <- Matrix.warn()) < 1)
                function(..., call., domain) message(..., domain = domain)
            else if(w < 2)
            else stop
        m(..., call. = call., domain = domain)

## MJ: Implement forceTriangular() and export this and that?
## MJ: Notably this provides a model for (maybe, in the future) allowing
## forceSymmetric(<non-square>) ... by truncating the "too long" dimension.
forceDiagonal <- function(x, diag = NA_character_) {
    y <- diag(x, names = FALSE) # FIXME? don't allocate if diag == "U"
    cl <- switch(typeof(y),
                 logical =
                             diag <-
                             if(!is.na(a <- all(y        )) && a) "U" else "N"
                         if(.M.kind(x) == "n") "ndiMatrix" else "ldiMatrix"
                 integer =
                             diag <-
                             if(!is.na(a <- all(y == 1L  )) && a) "U" else "N"
                         storage.mode(y) <- "double"
              ## integer =
              ##     {
              ##         if(is.na(diag))
              ##             diag <-
              ##             if(!is.na(a <- all(y == 1L  )) && a) "U" else "N"
              ##         "idiMatrix"
              ##     },
                 double =
                             diag <-
                             if(!is.na(a <- all(y == 1   )) && a) "U" else "N"
                 complex =
                     stop(gettextf("complex %s not yet implemented",
                          domain = NA),
              ## complex =
              ##     {
              ##         if(is.na(diag))
              ##             diag <-
              ##             if(!is.na(a <- all(y == 1+0i)) && a) "U" else "N"
              ##         "zdiMatrix"
              ##     },
                 stop(gettextf("cannot coerce matrix of type \"%s\" to %s",
                               typeof(y), "diagonalMatrix"),
                      domain = NA))
    n <- length(y)
    d <- dim(x)
    dn <- dimnames(x) %||% list(NULL, NULL)
    if(any(d > n)) {
        d <- c(n, n)
        w <- if(d[1L] > n) 1L else 2L
        if(!is.null(dnw <- dn[[w]]))
            dn[[w]] <- dnw[seq_len(n)]
    new(cl, Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, diag = diag,
        x = if(diag == "N") y else y[FALSE])

.tCRT <- function(x, lazy = TRUE) .Call(R_sparse_transpose, x, lazy)

.drop0 <- function(x, tol = 0, isM = TRUE) {
        return(.Call(R_sparse_drop0, x, tol))
    ## TODO: write sparseVector code in C and respecting 'tol'
    if(.M.kind(x) == "n")
    x.x <- x@x
    k <- which(is.na(x.x) | x.x)
    if(length(k)) {
        x@i <- x@i[k]
        x@x <- x.x[k]

drop0 <- function(x, tol = 0, is.Csparse = NA, give.Csparse = TRUE) {
    tryCoerce <-
            is.na(is.Csparse) || !is.Csparse
        else if(.M.kind(x) != "n")
        else if(all(.M.repr(x) != c("C", "R", "T", "i")))
        else return(x) # n[gst][CRT]Matrix or indMatrix
        x <- if(isS4(x)) .M2C(x) else .m2sparse.checking(x, ".", "C")
    .Call(R_sparse_drop0, x, as.double(tol))

indDiag <- function(n, upper = TRUE, packed = FALSE)
    .Call(R_index_diagonal, n, packed, upper)

indTri <- function(n, upper = TRUE, diag = FALSE, packed = FALSE)
    .Call(R_index_triangle, n, packed, upper, diag)

## For sparseness handling, return a
## 2-column (i,j) matrix of 0-based indices of non-zero entries:

##' the workhorse for non0ind(.), but occasionally used directly
non0.i <- function(M, cM = class(M), uniqT = TRUE) {
    cld <- getClassDef(cM)
    if(extends(cld, "CsparseMatrix"))
        .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, M, TRUE)
    else if(extends(cld, "RsparseMatrix"))
        .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, M, FALSE)
    else if(extends(cld, "TsparseMatrix")) {
        if(uniqT && !isUniqueT(M))
	    .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, .M2C(M), TRUE)
	else cbind(M@i, M@j, deparse.level = 0L)
    } else if(extends(cld, "diagonalMatrix")) {
        i <- seq.int(from = 0L, length.out = M@Dim[1L])
        if(M@diag == "N")
	    i <- i[isN0(M@x)]
	cbind(i, i, deparse.level = 0L)
    } else if(extends(cld, "indMatrix")) {
        perm <- M@perm
        i <- seq.int(from = 0L, length.out = length(perm))
        if(M@margin == 1L)
            cbind(i, perm - 1L, deparse.level = 0L)
        else cbind(perm - 1L, i, deparse.level = 0L)
    } else
        stop(gettextf("non0.i() not yet implemented for class %s", dQuote(cM)),
             domain = NA)

##' the "more versatile / user" function (still not exported):
non0ind <- function(x, cld = getClassDef(class(x)),
		    uniqT = TRUE, xtendSymm = TRUE, check.Udiag = TRUE)
    if(is.numeric(x)) {
        n <- length(x)
        return(if(n == 0L)
               else if(is.matrix(x))
                   arrayInd(seq_len(n)[isN0(x)], dim(x)) - 1L
               else (0:(n-1L))[isN0(x)])
    stopifnot(extends(cld, "sparseMatrix"))

    ij <- non0.i(x, cld, uniqT = uniqT)
    if(xtendSymm && extends(cld, "symmetricMatrix")) {
        ## also get "other" triangle, but not the diagonal again
	notdiag <- ij[, 1L] != ij[, 2L]
	rbind(ij, ij[notdiag, 2:1], deparse.level = 0L)
    } else if(check.Udiag && extends(cld, "triangularMatrix") &&
              x@diag == "U") {
        i <- seq.int(from = 0L, length.out = x@Dim[1L])
        rbind(ij, cbind(i, i, deparse.level = 0L), deparse.level = 0L)
    } else ij

##' Decode "encoded" (i,j) indices back to  cbind(i,j)
##' This is the inverse of encodeInd(.)
##' @title Decode "Encoded" (i,j) Indices
##' @param code integer in 0:((n x m - 1)  <==> encodeInd(.) result
##' @param nr the number of rows
##' @return
##' @author Martin Maechler
decodeInd <- function(code, nr)
    cbind(as.integer(code %% nr), as.integer(code %/% nr),
          deparse.level = 0L)

complementInd <- function(ij, dim, orig1=FALSE, checkBnds=FALSE) {
    ## Purpose: Compute the complement of the 2-column 0-based ij-matrix
    ##		but as 1-based indices
    n <- prod(dim)
    if(n == 0L)
    seq_len(n)[-(1L + .Call(m_encodeInd, ij, dim, orig1, checkBnds))]

WhichintersectInd <- function(ij1, ij2, di, orig1=FALSE, checkBnds=FALSE) {
    ## from 2-column (i,j) matrices where i \in {0,.., nrow-1},
    ## find *where*  common entries are in ij1 & ij2
    m1 <- match(.Call(m_encodeInd, ij1, di, orig1, checkBnds),
                .Call(m_encodeInd, ij2, di, orig1, checkBnds))
    ni <- !is.na(m1)
    list(which(ni), m1[ni])

anyDuplicatedT <- function(x, ...) {
    mn <- prod(d <- x@Dim)
    if(mn <= .Machine$integer.max)
        anyDuplicated.default(          x@j  * d[1L] + x@i, ...)
    else if(mn <= 0x1p+53)
        anyDuplicated.default(as.double(x@j) * d[1L] + x@i, ...)
    else anyDuplicated.default(.mapply(c, list(x@i, x@j), NULL), ...)

isUniqueT <- function(x, byrow = FALSE, isT = is(x, "TsparseMatrix"))
    isT && !is.unsorted(if(byrow) order(x@i, x@j) else order(x@j, x@i),
                        strictly = TRUE)

asUniqueT <- function(x, byrow = FALSE, isT = is(x, "TsparseMatrix"))
    if(isUniqueT(x, byrow, isT)) x else .M2T(if(byrow) .M2R(x) else .M2C(x))

aggregateT <- function(x) .Call(Tsparse_aggregate, x)

mat2triplet <- function(x, uniqT = FALSE) {
    T <- as(x, "TsparseMatrix")
        T <- asUniqueT(T, isT = TRUE)
    if(is(T, "nsparseMatrix"))
         list(i = T@i + 1L, j = T@j + 1L)
    else list(i = T@i + 1L, j = T@j + 1L, x = T@x)

.validateCsparse <- function(x, sort.if.needed = FALSE) {
        .Call(CsparseMatrix_validate_maybe_sorting, x)
    else .Call(CsparseMatrix_validate, x)

dmperm <- function(x, nAns = 6L, seed = 0L) {
    ## NB: result is determined entirely by nonzero pattern of 'x'
    stopifnot(length(nAns <- as.integer(nAns)) == 1L, any(nAns == 2L * (1L:3L)),
              length(seed <- as.integer(seed)) == 1L, any(seed == -1L:1L))
    x <- if(isS4(x)) .M2gen(.M2C(x), "n") else .m2sparse(x, "ngC")
    .Call(Csparse_dmperm, x, nAns, seed)

## (matrix|denseMatrix)->denseMatrix as similar as possible to "target"
as_denseClass <- function(x, cl, cld = getClassDef(cl)) {
    kind <- .M.kind(x)
    cl <- .M.nonvirtual(new(cld))
    if(cl == "indMatrix")
        cl <- "ngeMatrix"
    symmetric <- substr(cl, 2L, 2L) == "s" && isSymmetric(x)
    triangular <- !symmetric &&
        substr(cl, 2L, 2L) == "t" && (it <- isTriangular(x))
    packed <- (symmetric || triangular) && substr(cl, 3L, 3L) == "p"
    if(isS4(x)) {
        r <- if(symmetric || triangular)
                         else if(attr(it, "kind") == "U")
                         else tril(x),
             else .M2gen(x, kind)
        if(packed) pack(r) else r
    else if(symmetric)
        .m2dense(x, paste0(kind, "s", if(packed) "p" else "y"), "U", NULL)
    else if(triangular)
        .m2dense(x, paste0(kind, "t", if(packed) "p" else "r"), attr(it, "kind"), "N")
    else .m2dense(x, paste0(kind, "ge"))

## (matrix|sparseMatrix)->CsparseMatrix as similar as possible to "target"
as_CspClass <- function(x, cl, cld = getClassDef(cl)) {
    kind <- .M.kind(x)
    cl <- .M.nonvirtual(new(cld))
    if(cl == "indMatrix")
        cl <- "ngeMatrix"
    symmetric <- substr(cl, 2L, 2L) == "s" && isSymmetric(x)
    triangular <- !symmetric &&
        substr(cl, 2L, 2L) == "t" && (it <- isTriangular(x))
    if(isS4(x)) {
        r <- if(symmetric || triangular)
                         else if(attr(it, "kind") == "U")
                         else tril(x),
             else .M2gen(x, kind)
    else if(symmetric)
        .m2sparse(x, paste0(kind, "sC"), "U", NULL)
    else if(triangular)
        .m2sparse(x, paste0(kind, "tC"), attr(it, "kind"), "N")
    else .m2sparse(x, paste0(kind, "gC"))

## as(<[Mm]atrix>, <non-unit triangular CsparseMatrix>)
asCspN <- function(x) .Call(R_sparse_diag_U2N, as(x, "CsparseMatrix"))

diagU2N <- function (x, cl = getClassDef(class(x)), checkDense = FALSE) {
    if(extends(cl, "triangularMatrix") && x@diag == "U")
        .diagU2N(x, cl = cl, checkDense = checkDense)
    else x

.diagU2N <- function(x, cl = getClassDef(class(x)), checkDense = FALSE) {
    if(!checkDense && extends(cl, "denseMatrix"))
        x <- as(x, "CsparseMatrix")

..diagU2N <- function(x) {
    diag(x) <- TRUE

diagN2U <- function(x, cl = getClassDef(class(x)), checkDense = FALSE) {
    if(extends(cl, "triangularMatrix") && x@diag == "N")
        .diagN2U(x, cl = cl, checkDense = checkDense)
    else x

.diagN2U <- function(x, cl = getClassDef(class(x)), checkDense = FALSE) {
    if(!checkDense & (isDense <- extends(cl, "denseMatrix")))
        ..diagN2U(as(x, "CsparseMatrix"), sparse = TRUE)
    else ..diagN2U(x, sparse = !isDense)

..diagN2U <- function(x, sparse) {
    if(sparse && x@Dim[1L] > 0L)
        x <- switch(x@uplo,
                    U = .Call(R_sparse_band, x, 1L, NULL),
                    L = .Call(R_sparse_band, x, NULL, -1L))
    x@diag <- "U"

## Caches 'value' in the 'factors' slot of 'x' { NOT a copy of 'x' ! }
## and returns 'value'
.set.factor <- function(x, name, value, warn.no.slot = FALSE)
    .Call(R_set_factor, x, name, value, warn.no.slot)

##' Compute the three "parts" of two sets:
.setparts <- function(x, y) {
    n1 <- length(m1 <- match(x, y, 0L))
    n2 <- length(m2 <- match(y, x, 0L))
    ix <- which(m1 == 0L)
    iy <- which(m2 == 0L)
    list(x.only = x[ix], ix.only = ix, mx = m1,
         y.only = y[iy], iy.only = iy, my = m2,
         int = if(n1 < n2) y[m1] else x[m2])

##' *Only* to be used as function in
##'    setMethod.("Compare", ...., .Cmp.swap)  -->  ./Ops.R  & ./diagMatrix.R
.Cmp.swap <- function(e1, e2) {
    ## "swap RHS and LHS" and use the method below:
	   "==" =,
           "!=" = callGeneric(e2, e1),
	   "<"	= e2 >	e1,
	   "<=" = e2 >= e1,
	   ">"	= e2 <	e1,
	   ">=" = e2 <= e1)

.diag.dsC <- function(x, Chx = Cholesky(x, LDL = TRUE), res.kind = "diag") {
        stopifnot(.CHM.is.LDL(Chx), is.integer(Chx@p), is.double(Chx@x))
    .Call(dtCMatrix_diag, Chx, res.kind)
    ##    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in ../src/Csparse.c

dimScale <- function(x, d1 = sqrt(1/diag(x, names = FALSE)), d2 = d1) {
    dim.x <- dim(x)
    D1 <- Diagonal(n = dim.x[1L], x = d1)
    D2 <- if(missing(d2)) D1 else Diagonal(n = dim.x[2L], x = d2)
    y <- D1 %*% x %*% D2 # inefficient for symmetricMatrix 'x', but "general"
    if(isS4(x) && is(x, "symmetricMatrix") && identical(d1, d2))
        y <- forceSymmetric(y, x@uplo)
    if(is.list(dn <- dimnames(x)))
        y@Dimnames <- dn

rowScale <- function(x, d) {
    y <- Diagonal(n = nrow(x), x = d) %*% x
    if(is.list(dn <- dimnames(x)))
        y@Dimnames <- dn

colScale <- function(x, d) {
    y <- x %*% Diagonal(n = ncol(x), x = d)
    if(is.list(dn <- dimnames(x)))
        y@Dimnames <- dn

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