## METHODS FOR GENERIC: determinant
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Constructor for "det" objects, used liberally below
.mkDet <- function(modulus = sum(log(abs(x))),
logarithm = TRUE,
sign = if(prod(base::sign(x)) < 0) -1L else 1L,
x) {
modulus <- exp(modulus)
attr(modulus, "logarithm") <- logarithm
val <- list(modulus = modulus, sign = sign)
class(val) <- "det"
## 'base::det' calls 'base::determinant', which is not S4 generic,
## so we define own our 'det' calling 'Matrix::determinant' ...
det <- base::det
environment(det) <- environment() # the Matrix namespace
## 1. MatrixFactorization
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "MatrixFactorization", logarithm = "missing"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(x, TRUE, ...))
## FIXME: if we knew the specific class of 'T', then we could optimize
## knowing that 'T' is block upper triangular with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2
## diagonal blocks
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "Schur", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(x@T, logarithm, ...))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "denseLU", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.Call(denseLU_determinant, x, logarithm))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "sparseLU", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.Call(sparseLU_determinant, x, logarithm))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "sparseQR", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.Call(sparseQR_determinant, x, logarithm))
for(.cl in c("BunchKaufman", "pBunchKaufman"))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = .cl, logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.Call(BunchKaufman_determinant, x, logarithm))
for(.cl in c("Cholesky", "pCholesky"))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = .cl, logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.Call(Cholesky_determinant, x, logarithm))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "CHMfactor", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE, ...) {
if(missing(sqrt)) {
w <- getOption("Matrix.warnSqrtDefault",
if(is.atomic(w) && length(w) == 1L &&
(( <- <- as.integer(w))) || w > 0L)) {
on.exit(options(Matrix.warnSqrtDefault = 0L))
else if(w > 1L) {
oop <- options(warn = 2L)
warning(gettextf("the default value of argument '%s' of method '%s(<%s>, <%s>)' may change from %s to %s as soon as the next release of Matrix; set '%s' when programming",
"sqrt", "determinant", "CHMfactor", "logical", "TRUE", "FALSE", "sqrt"),
domain = NA)
.Call(CHMfactor_determinant, x, logarithm, sqrt)
## 2. Matrix
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "Matrix", logarithm = "missing"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(x, TRUE, ...))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "Matrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(.M2kind(x, ","), logarithm, ...))
## .... GENERAL ........................................................
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dgeMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
d <- x@Dim
if(d[1L] != d[2L])
stop("determinant of non-square matrix is undefined")
trf <- lu(x, warnSing = FALSE)
determinant(trf, logarithm, ...)
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dgCMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
d <- x@Dim
if(d[1L] != d[2L])
stop("determinant of non-square matrix is undefined")
trf <- lu(x, errSing = FALSE)
determinant(trf, logarithm, ...)
else .mkDet(if(anyNA(x@x)) NaN else -Inf, logarithm, 1L)
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dgRMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(.tCRT(x), logarithm, ...))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dgTMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(.M2C(x), logarithm, ...))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "indMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
d <- x@Dim
if(d[1L] != d[2L])
stop("determinant of non-square matrix is undefined")
if(anyDuplicated.default(perm <- x@perm))
.mkDet(-Inf, logarithm, 1L)
else .mkDet(0, logarithm, signPerm(perm))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "pMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
.mkDet(0, logarithm, signPerm(x@perm)))
## .... SYMMETRIC ......................................................
for(.cl in c("dsyMatrix", "dspMatrix"))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = .cl, logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
trf <- BunchKaufman(x, warnSing = FALSE)
determinant(trf, logarithm, ...)
for(.cl in c("dpoMatrix", "dppMatrix"))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = .cl, logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
trf <- tryCatch(
Cholesky(x, perm = FALSE),
error = function(e) BunchKaufman(x, warnSing = FALSE))
determinant(trf, logarithm, ...)
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dsCMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {
trf <- tryCatch(
Cholesky(x, perm = TRUE, LDL = TRUE, super = FALSE),
error = function(e) lu(x, errSing = FALSE))
determinant(trf, logarithm, sqrt = FALSE, ...)
else .mkDet(if(anyNA(x@x)) NaN else -Inf, logarithm, 1L)
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dsRMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(.tCRT(x), logarithm, ...))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = "dsTMatrix", logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
determinant(.M2C(x), logarithm, ...))
## .... TRIANGULAR .....................................................
for(.cl in c("triangularMatrix", "diagonalMatrix"))
setMethod("determinant", c(x = .cl, logarithm = "logical"),
function(x, logarithm = TRUE, ...)
if(x@diag == "N")
.mkDet(x = diag(x, names = FALSE), logarithm = logarithm)
else .mkDet(0, logarithm, 1L))
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