
Defines functions table_addLocation

Documented in table_addLocation

#' @title Add new known location records to a table
#' @description Incoming \code{longitude} and \code{latitude} values are compared 
#' against the incoming \code{locationTbl} to see if they are already within
#' \code{distanceThreshold} meters of an existing entry. A new record is created for
#' each location that is not already found in \code{locationTbl}.
#' @note This function is a vectorized version of \code{table_addSingleLocation()}.
#' @param locationTbl Tibble of known locations.
#' @param longitude Vector of longitudes in decimal degrees E.
#' @param latitude Vector of latitudes in decimal degrees N.
#' @param distanceThreshold Distance in meters.
#' @param stateDataset Name of spatial dataset to use for determining state
#' codes, Default: 'NaturalEarthAdm1'
#' @param elevationService Name of the elevation service to use for determining
#' the elevation. Default: NULL skips this step. Accepted values: "usgs".
#' @param addressService Name of the address service to use for determining
#' the street address. Default: NULL skips this step. Accepted values: "photon".
#' @param verbose Logical controlling the generation of progress messages.
#' @return Updated tibble of known locations.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(MazamaLocationUtils)
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#'   # Set up standard directories and spatial data
#'   spatialDataDir <- tempdir() # typically "~/Data/Spatial"
#'   initializeMazamaSpatialUtils(spatialDataDir)
#'   locationTbl <- get(data("wa_monitors_500"))
#'   # Coulee City, WA
#'   lon <- -119.290904
#'   lat <- 47.611942
#'   locationTbl <- 
#'     locationTbl %>%
#'     table_addLocation(lon, lat, distanceThreshold = 500)
#'   dplyr::glimpse(locationTbl)
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }
#' @seealso \link{table_addSingleLocation}
#' @seealso \link{table_removeRecord}
#' @seealso \link{table_updateSingleRecord}
#' @rdname table_addLocation
#' @export 
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils stopIfNull
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
table_addLocation <- function(
  locationTbl = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  distanceThreshold = NULL,
  stateDataset = "NaturalEarthAdm1",
  elevationService = NULL,
  addressService = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------
  MazamaLocationUtils::validateLocationTbl(locationTbl, locationOnly = FALSE)
  if ( length(longitude) != length(latitude) )
    stop("longitude and latitude must have the same length")
  if ( length(distanceThreshold) != 1 )
    stop("distanceThreshold must be of length 1")
  incomingCount <- length(longitude)
  # Remove location pairs if either is missing
  naMask <- is.na(longitude) | is.na(latitude)
  longitude <- longitude[!naMask]
  latitude <- latitude[!naMask]
  if ( verbose && any(naMask, na.rm = TRUE) ) {
      "%d of the %d requested locations have NA values",
      length(which(naMask)), incomingCount
  # Validate remaining locations
  MazamaLocationUtils::validateLonsLats(longitude, latitude)
  if ( !exists(stateDataset) ) {
      "You must load \"stateDataset\" with: \n",
      "  loadSpatialData(\"", stateDataset, "\")\n"
  if ( !is.null(addressService) ) {
    if ( !is.character(addressService) ) {
      stop("Currently, only the \"photon\" address service is supported.")
    } else {
      if ( tolower(addressService) != "photon" )
        stop("Currently, only the \"photon\" address service is supported.")
  if ( !is.null(elevationService) ) {
    if ( !is.character(elevationService) ) {
      stop("Currently, only the \"usgs\" address service is supported.")
    } else {
      if ( tolower(elevationService) != "usgs" )
        stop("Currently, only the \"usgs\" address service is supported.")
  # ----- Reduce to only new locations -----------------------------------------

  foundLocationID <- table_getLocationID(locationTbl, longitude, latitude, distanceThreshold)
  existingCount <- sum(!is.na(foundLocationID))
  if ( verbose && existingCount > 0 ) {
      "%d of the %d requested locations are already found in the locationTbl",
      existingCount, incomingCount
  longitude <- longitude[is.na(foundLocationID)]
  latitude <- latitude[is.na(foundLocationID)]
  # ----- Loop over new locations ----------------------------------------------

  # NOTE:  Yes, this is a loop!
  # NOTE:  But the task of generating spatial data takes many seconds for each
  # NOTE:  iteration so there is nothing to be gained by making the code less
  # NOTE:  readable with functional programming style.
  for ( i in seq_along(longitude) ) {
    result <- try({
      if ( verbose ) {
          "Working on %.7f, %.7f ...",
          longitude[i], latitude[i]
      locationTbl <- table_addSingleLocation(
        locationTbl = locationTbl,
        longitude = longitude[i],
        latitude = latitude[i],
        distanceThreshold = distanceThreshold,
        stateDataset = stateDataset,
        elevationService = elevationService,
        addressService = addressService,
        verbose = verbose
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if ( "try-error" %in% result ) {
      # Warn but don't stop
        "Skipping with error: ", geterrmessage()
    # Be _somewhat_ careful with memory
    if ( 1 %% 10 == 0 ) {

  # ----- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------

# ===== DEBUGGING ==============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {
  locationTbl = table_initialize()
  longitude = -113.7868
  latitude = 42.60782
  distanceThreshold = 500
  stateDataset = "NaturalEarthAdm1"
  elevationService = "usgs"
  addressService = "photon"
  verbose = TRUE

Try the MazamaLocationUtils package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

MazamaLocationUtils documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.