range_expansion <-
function(rl, percI, param, b=1, tsteps, iter, plot = FALSE)
if(!inherits(rl, "landscape"))
stop(paste(rl, " should be an object of class class 'landscape'.", sep = ""),
call. = FALSE)
mapsize <- rl$mapsize
dist_m <- rl$minimum.distance
areaM <- rl$mean.area
areaSD <- rl$SD.area
Npatch <- rl$number.patches
disp <- rl$dispersal
node.expansion <- function(occ_landscape, param, b, tsteps) {
output0 <- c()
npatch <- occ_landscape$number.patches
mapsize <- occ_landscape$mapsize
ID_land <- max(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics$ID)
nrow_land <- nrow(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics)
areaM2 <- occ_landscape$mean.area
areaSD2 <- occ_landscape$SD.area
dispersal <- 1/param[1,1]
ocupp <- "N"
for(j in 1:tsteps) {
ocupp <- "N"
occ_landscape_new <- spom(sp = occ_landscape, kern = "op1", conn = "op1", colnz = "op1", ext = "op1", param_df = param, b,
c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, succ="none")
if(sum(occ_landscape_new$nodes.characteristics$species2)==0) {
message(paste("Empty landscape. Next simulation... ","- time step ", j,sep=""))
perc_occup <- (sum(occ_landscape_new$nodes.characteristics$species2[1:nrow_land])*100)/nrow_land
v0 <- occ_landscape_new$nodes.characteristics[ which(occ_landscape_new$nodes.characteristics$x < dispersal/2), ]$species2
if(sum(v0)==0) ocupp <- "N"
if(sum(v0)!=0) ocupp <- "Y"
if(ocupp == "N") {
message(paste("No transition between landscape units. ","- time step ", j,sep=""))
occ_landscape <- occ_landscape_new
occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics <- occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics[, -c(9, 11)]
names(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics)[names(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics) == "species2"] <- "species"
occ_landscape <- occ_landscape[-9]
occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics <- occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics[-(nrow_land + 1), ]
occ_landscape$ <- occ_landscape$[-(nrow_land + 1), ]
occ_landscape$ <- occ_landscape$[, -(nrow_land + 1)]
occ_landscape$number.patches <- occ_landscape$number.patches - 1
class(occ_landscape) <- "metapopulation"
if(ocupp == "Y"){
message(paste("Transition between landscapes. New landscape created. ","- time step ", j,sep=""))
v2 <- length(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics[ which(occ_landscape$nodes.characteristics$y < dispersal/2), ]$ID)
number_patches <- v2*(nrow_land/100)
rl1 <- rland.graph(mapsize = occ_landscape$mapsize, dist_m = occ_landscape$minimum.distance,
areaM2, areaSD2, Npatch = npatch, disp = occ_landscape$dispersal, plotG = FALSE)
occ_landscape <- suppressWarnings(species.graph(rl = rl1, method = "number", parm = number_patches,
plotG = FALSE))
message(paste("Saving in output file! ","- time step ", j,sep=""))
output0 <- c(output0,j)
if(sum(output0)==0) output0 <- 0
output1 <- cbind(mapsize,output0)
output1 <- cbind(cumsum(output1[,1]),output1[,2])
colnames(output1) <- c("DISTANCE", "TIME STEP")
output1 <-
distance <- mapsize * 1:tsteps
output_all <-
for (i in 1:iter) {
sp1 <- species.graph(rl = rl, method = "percentage", parm = percI, nsew = "none", plotG = FALSE)
nodeALL <- node.expansion(occ_landscape = sp1, param, b, tsteps)
output_all <- suppressWarnings(cbind(output_all, c(nodeALL[, 2], rep(NA, nrow(output_all) - length(nodeALL[, 2])))))
output_all[] <- 0
tstep_average_all <- rowMeans(output_all[,2:(iter+1)], na.rm=FALSE)
for (x in 2:(iter + 1)) {
i_all <- which(output_all[, x] != 0)
output_all[i_all, x] <- 1
output_all <- cbind(output_all[, 1], rowSums([, 2:(ncol(output_all))])))
output_all <- cbind(output_all[, 1:2], output_all[, 2]/iter, tstep_average_all)
output_all[] <- 0
output_all <-
names(output_all) <- c("DISTANCE", "OCCUPATION", "PROPORTION", "TIME STEP")
p1all <- gvisLineChart(output_all,
xvar = "DISTANCE",
yvar = "PROPORTION",
options = list(title = "Dispersal Simulation",
width = 500,
height = 300,
curveType = "function",
legend = "none",
titleTextStyle = "{colour:'black', fontName:'Courier', fontSize:16}",
vAxis = "{title: 'proportion'}",
hAxis = "{title: 'distance (m)'}",
series = "[{color: '#006400'}]",
backgroundColor = "#D1EEEE")
p1all$html$caption <- paste("<div><span>Range expansion , considering that ",
percI, "% of the patches are occupied in the first landscape mosaic.</span><br />",
sep = "")
p1all$html$footer <- paste("\n<!-- htmlFooter -->\n<span> \n ",
" • <a href=\"\">googleVis-",
"</a>\n • MetaLandSim-",
"\n • <a href=\"\">Google Terms of Use</a> • <a href=\"\">Data Policy</a>\n</span></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n",
if(plot == TRUE) plot(p1all)
#class(output_all) <- "expansion"
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