
#' Impute a large number of genes using the MixRF algorithm with parallel computing
#' This function impute the expression of a large number of genes using the MixRF algorithm with parallel computing.
#' @param Ydat An array of expression data of dimension sample-by-gene-by-tissue, nxpxT, where n is sample size.
#'   p is the number of genes, and T is the number of tissues.  Ydat[,1,] is a matrix of the first gene expression
#'   in T tissues for n individuals, nxT. Ydat[,,1] is a nxp matrix of the expression data of p genes in the first tissue.
#' @param eqtl.lis A list of eQTL names of length p. Each element in the list contains the name of the eQTLs for
#'   the corresponding gene. The order of the list should correspond to the order of genes in Ydat. The code and example to calculate eQTLs can be found at https://github.com/randel/MixRF/blob/master/R/eqtl.r.
#' @param snp.dat A matrix of genotype. Each row is a sample and each column corresponds to one SNP. The column names should match eqtl.lis.
#' @param cov A matrix of covariates. Each row is a sample and each column corresponds to one covariate. For example, age, gender.
#' @param iPC An option. When it is TRUE, the imputed PCs (iPCs) for each tissue type will be constructed
#'   based on the combined observed and imputed data on the selected genes. The iPCs will be adjusted as covariates
#'   in the imputation.
#' @param idx.selected.gene.iPC The option is used only when iPC=TRUE. When it is, one may select a subset of genes and impute
#'   those first to construct iPCs.
#' @param parallel.size A numerical value specifying the number of CPUs/cores/processors available for parallel computing.
#' @param correlation The option to calculate the imputation correlation using cross-validation or not. The default is FALSE.
#' @param nCV The option is used only when correlation=TRUE. The number of folds for cross-validation. The default is 3 folds.
#' @return An nxpxT array of imputed and observed expression data. The observed values in Ydat are still kept and the missing values in Ydat are imputed.
#' When the user chooses to calculate the imputation correlation using cross-validation (correlation=TRUE), the estimated imputation correlation (cor)
#' will also be returned in a list together with the imputed data (Yimp).

#' @export
#' @import doParallel randomForest lme4 foreach parallel
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef cor lm logLik na.exclude predict
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(sim)
#' idx.selected.gene.iPC = which(sapply(sim$eqtl.lis,length)>=1)
#' Yimp = MixRF.impute(sim$Ydat, sim$eqtl.lis, sim$snp.dat, sim$cov, iPC=TRUE, idx.selected.gene.iPC,
#'                     parallel.size=4)
#' }
MixRF.impute <- function(Ydat, eqtl.lis, snp.dat, cov=NULL, iPC=TRUE, idx.selected.gene.iPC=NULL,
                         parallel.size=1, correlation=FALSE, nCV=3){

  MixRF.impute.single <- function(Yi, eqtl.lis.i, snp.dat, cov=NULL, iPC.cov=NULL){

    MixRF <- function(data, initialRandomEffects=0,
                      ErrorTolerance=0.001, MaxIterations=1000) {

      Target = data$Y
      ID = data$ID

      # Condition that indicates the loop has not converged or run out of iterations
      ContinueCondition <- TRUE

      iterations <- 0

      # Get initial values
      AdjustedTarget <- Target - initialRandomEffects
      oldvar <- -Inf

      # y - X*beta
      resi = rep(NA,length(Target))

      if(ncol(data)==3) {
        x = as.data.frame(data[,-c(1:2)])
        colnames(x) = colnames(data)[3]
      } else x = data[,-c(1:2)]


        iterations <- iterations+1

        # randomForest
        rf = randomForest(x,AdjustedTarget)

        # out-of-bag prediction
        resi = Target - rf$predicted

        ## Estimate New Random Effects and Errors using lmer
        lmefit <- lmer(resi~1+(1|ID), data=data)

        # check on convergence
        newvar <- attr(VarCorr(lmefit)$'ID','stddev')^2

        ContinueCondition <- (newvar-oldvar>ErrorTolerance & iterations < MaxIterations)
        oldvar <- newvar

        # Extract random effects to make the new adjusted target
        AllEffects <- predict(lmefit)-fixef(lmefit)
        #  y-Zb
        AdjustedTarget <- Target - AllEffects

      result <- list(forest=rf, EffectModel=lmefit, RandomEffects=ranef(lmefit),
                     IterationsUsed=iterations, ErrorTolerance=ErrorTolerance)


    predict_MixRF <- function(object, newdata, id=NULL, EstimateRE=TRUE){

      # Base predictions from the forest part
      if(ncol(newdata)==3) {
        x = as.data.frame(newdata[,-c(1:2)])
        colnames(x) = colnames(newdata)[3]
      } else x = newdata[,-c(1:2)]

      forestPrediction <- predict(object$forest,x)

      # If we aren't estimating random effects, we
      # just use the forest for prediction.

      # Get the group identifiers if necessary
        id <- as.matrix(object$EffectModel$groups)

      n = length(unique(id))
      nT = length(forestPrediction)/n

      completePrediction <- matrix(forestPrediction, n, nT)

      # Get the identities of the groups in the data
      uniqueID <- unique(id)

      estRE <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=1)
      estRE[idx.re,1] <- as.vector(oRE[[1]])

      for(i in uniqueID){
        completePrediction[i,] = completePrediction[i,] + estRE[i,1]



    # transform covariates array into a matrix
    if (!is.null(iPC.cov)){
      np = ncol(iPC.cov)
      for (i in 1:nT){
        oo= matrix(0, nrow=nT*n, ncol=np)
        oo[n*(i-1)+1:n, ] <- iPC.cov[,,i]
        covMat = cbind(covMat,oo)

    y_mean = apply(Yi,2,mean,na.rm=T)

    Ymat = matrix(Yi-matrix(rep(y_mean,n),byrow=T,nrow=n),ncol=1)
    ID = rep(1:n, nT)

    # Marginal effects: regress each tissue and gene on each eQTL one by one
    ID2 = rep(1:nT, rep(n,nT))

    comCovMat <- NULL
    if (!is.null(cov)) {
      for (i in 1:nT) comCovMat=rbind(comCovMat, cov)

    XTmat = comCovMat

    ## include all eQTLs, then adaptively weight them

    if(!is.null(eqtl.lis.i)) {
      eqtl.lis.i <- unlist(eqtl.lis.i)
      XTmat= cbind(XTmat, matrix(snp.dat[,eqtl.lis.i], ncol=length(eqtl.lis.i))[ID,])

    ## adaptive.weight
    XTmat_marginal = XTmat

    for (i in 1:nT){
      for(j in 1:ncol(XTmat)){
          try({lm_marginal = lm(Ymat[ID2==i] ~ XTmat[ID2==i,j],na.action=na.exclude)},silent=T)
          weight = coef(lm_marginal)[2]

          # coef may be NA since all X are 0s
          if(!is.na(weight)) XTmat_marginal[ID2==i,j] = XTmat[ID2==i,j] * weight

    XX = cbind(covMat, XTmat_marginal)

    newdata = as.data.frame(cbind(ID, Ymat, XX))
    colnames(newdata) <- c('ID',"Y",paste0("X",1:ncol(XX)))
    xnam = colnames(newdata)[-c(1:2)]

    dat = newdata[!is.na(Ymat),]

    ### MixRF
    result <- MixRF(data=dat)
    fitted.y = predict_MixRF(result, newdata, id=newdata$ID, EstimateRE=TRUE)

    #   resid.y = Ymat - as.vector(fitted.y)

    Ypred= fitted.y + rep(y_mean,rep(n,nT))


  snp.dat = snp.dat[,unique(unlist(eqtl.lis))]
  iPC.cov = NULL
  g = ncol(Ydat)

  #set up parallel backend
  cl <- makeCluster(parallel.size)

  if(iPC==TRUE) {
    g = length(idx.selected.gene.iPC)

    ls <- foreach(i=idx.selected.gene.iPC) %dopar% {
      MixRF.impute.single(Yi=Ydat[,i,], eqtl.lis=eqtl.lis[[i]], snp.dat=snp.dat, cov=cov,

    Yimp = Ydat[,idx.selected.gene.iPC,]
    for(i in 1:g){
      Yimp[,i,] = ls[[i]]
    ### observed values
    Yimp[!is.na(Ydat[,idx.selected.gene.iPC,])] = Ydat[,idx.selected.gene.iPC,][!is.na(Ydat[,idx.selected.gene.iPC,])]

    # get PCs
    npc = 5
    iPC.cov = array(NA,dim=c(n,npc,nT))

    for (ti in 1:nT) {
      Yt=Yimp[, gid, ti]
      av.sampt= !is.na(Yt[,1])
      ev.ti=matrix(NA, n, npc)
      ss= svd(t(Yt[av.sampt,]))
      ev.ti[av.sampt,] = ss$v[,1:npc]

      iPC.cov[,,ti] = ev.ti


  # loop
  ls <- foreach(i=1:g) %dopar% {
    MixRF.impute.single(Yi=Ydat[,i,], eqtl.lis=eqtl.lis[[i]], snp.dat, cov=cov,

  Yimp = Ydat
  for(i in 1:g){
    Yimp[,i,] = ls[[i]]
  ### observed values
  Yimp[!is.na(Ydat)] = Ydat[!is.na(Ydat)]

  if(correlation) {
    ### use cross-validation to estimate correlation

    ## This function will split the data into nCV fold, and return the list of CV samples.
    ## When the option no.NA is true, we will find the split that each sample has at least one tissue observed.

    get.CVlist = function(nCV, Ydat, no.NA=TRUE) {

      nT = dim(Ydat)[3]
      if (no.NA==FALSE){
        for (ti in 1:nT){
          av.samp = which(apply(Ydat[,,ti],1,function(x) mean(is.na(x)))!=1)
          indi.lis[[ti]] =  split(sample(av.samp), 1:nCV)
      } else {
        indi.lis = list()
        for (ti in 1:nT){
          av.samp = which(apply(Ydat[,,ti],1,function(x) mean(is.na(x)))!=1)
          indi.lis[[ti]] =  split(sample(av.samp), 1:nCV)
        for (k in 1:nCV) {
          Exp.test = Ydat[,1,]
          for (ti in 1:nT) Exp.test[indi.lis[[ti]][[k]], ti] = NA
          samp.na = rowSums(!is.na(Exp.test))

          # add a random tissue to a subject without any tissues
          if(sum(samp.na==0)>0) {
            for(i in which(samp.na==0)) {
              ti = sample(which(!is.na(Ydat[i,1,])), 1)
              indi.lis[[ti]][[k]] = indi.lis[[ti]][[k]][indi.lis[[ti]][[k]]!=i]
      indi.lis=lapply(indi.lis,function(x) lapply(x, function(z) sort(z)))

    indi.lis_k = get.CVlist(nCV, Ydat, no.NA=TRUE)

    Yimp_cv = array(NA, dim=dim(Ydat))

    for(k in 1:nCV) {
      nT = dim(Ydat)[3]
      Ymis_k = Ydat
      for (ti in 1:nT) {
        Ymis_k[indi.lis_k[[ti]][[k]], , ti] = NA

      ls <- foreach(i=1:g) %dopar% {
        MixRF.impute.single(Yi=Ymis_k[,i,], eqtl.lis=eqtl.lis[[i]], snp.dat, cov=cov,
      Yimp_k = Ymis_k
      for(i in 1:g){
        Yimp_k[,i,] = ls[[i]]
      for(ti in 1:nT) {
        Yimp_cv[indi.lis_k[[ti]][[k]], , ti] = Yimp_k[indi.lis_k[[ti]][[k]], , ti]
    cor_g = sapply(1:g, function(i) cor(as.vector(Yimp_cv[,i,]), as.vector(Ydat[,i,]), method='spearman', use='pairwise'))

  if(correlation) return(list(Yimp=Yimp, cor=cor_g)) else return(Yimp)

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