
Defines functions printConditional plotConditional BICMultiFunctions BICscoreMoTBF learn.tree.Intervals select conditional conditionalMethod

Documented in BICMultiFunctions BICscoreMoTBF conditional conditionalMethod learn.tree.Intervals plotConditional printConditional select

#' Learning conditional MoTBF densities
#' Collection of functions used for learning conditional MoTBFs,
#' computing the internal BIC, selecting the parents that get 
#' the best BIC value, and other internal functions required to learn the
#' conditional densities.
#' @name conditionalmotbf.learning
#' @rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
#' @param data An object of class \code{"data.frame"}.
#' @param nameParents A \code{"character"} vector containing the names of the parent variables.
#' @param nameChild A \code{"character"} string containing the name of the child variable.
#' @param domainChild A \code{"numeric"} vector with the range of the child variable.
#' @param domainParents An object of class \code{"matrix"} with the range of the parent 
#' variables, or a \code{"numeric"} vector if there is only one parent.
#' @param numIntervals A positive integer indicating the maximum number of intervals 
#' for splitting the domain of the parent variables.
#' @param POTENTIAL_TYPE A \code{"character"} string, either \emph{MOP} or \emph{MTE}, corresponding 
#' to the type of basis function.
#' @param maxParam A positive integer which indicates the maximum number of coefficients in the 
#' function. If specified, the output is the function which gets the best BIC with, at most, 
#' this number of parameters. By default, it is set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param s A \code{"numeric"} value indicating the expert's confidence in the prior knowledge. 
#' This argument takes values on the interval \emph{[0, N]}, where \emph{N} is the sample size, and is used
#' to synchronize the support of the prior knowledge and the sample.
#' By default, it is \code{NULL}, and must be modified only if prior information is to be 
#' incorporated in the learning process.
#' @param priorData An object of class \code{"data.frame"}, corresponding to the prior information.
#' @param conditionalfunction The output of the internal function \code{learn.tree.Intervals}.
#' @param mm One of the inputs and the output of the recursive internal function \code{"conditional"}.
#' @return The main function \code{conditionalMethod} returns a list with the name of the parents, 
#' the different intervals and the fitted densities
#' @details The main function, \code{conditionalMethod()}, fits truncated basis functions for the conditioned variable 
#' for each configuration of splits of the parent variables. The domain of the parent variables is splitted
#' in different intervals and univariate functions are fitted in these 
#' ranges. The remaining above described functions are internal to the main function.
#' @seealso \link{printConditional}
#' @examples
#' ## Dataset
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' Y <- rbeta(1000, shape1 = abs(X)/2, shape2 = abs(X)/2)
#' Z <- rnorm(1000, mean = Y)
#' data <- data.frame(X = X, Y = Y, Z = Z)
#' ## Conditional Method
#' parents <- c("X","Y")
#' child <- "Z"
#' intervals <- 2
#' potential <- "MTE"
#' fMTE <- conditionalMethod(data, nameParents = parents, nameChild = child, 
#' numIntervals = intervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE = potential)
#' printConditional(fMTE)
#' ##############################################################################
#' \donttest{
#' potential <- "MOP"
#' fMOP <- conditionalMethod(data, nameParents = parents, nameChild = child,
#' numIntervals = intervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE = potential, maxParam = 15)
#' printConditional(fMOP)
#' }

#' ##############################################################################
#' ##############################################################################
#' ## Internal functions: Not needed to run #####################################
#' ##############################################################################
#' \donttest{
#' domainP <- range(data[,parents])
#' domainC <- range(data[, child])
#' t <- conditional(data, nameParents = parents, nameChild = child,
#' domainParents = domainP, domainChild = domainC, numIntervals = intervals,
#' mm = NULL, POTENTIAL_TYPE = potential)
#' printConditional(t)
#' selection <- select(data, nameParents = parents, nameChild = child,
#' domainParents = domainP, domainChild = domainC, numIntervals = intervals,
#' POTENTIAL_TYPE = potential)
#' parent1 <- selection$parent; parent1
#' domainParent1 <- range(data[,parent1])
#' treeParent1 <- learn.tree.Intervals(data, nameParents = parent1,
#' nameChild = child, domainParents = domainParent1, domainChild = domainC,
#' numIntervals = intervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE = potential)
#' BICscoreMoTBF(treeParent1, data, nameParents = parent1, nameChild = child)
#' }

#' ###############################################################################
#' ###############################################################################

#' @rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
#' @export
conditionalMethod <- function(data, nameParents, nameChild, numIntervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam=NULL, s=NULL, priorData=NULL)
    data <- newData(data, nameChild, nameParents)
    ## Domains
    if(is.character(data[,nameChild])) domainChild <- discreteVariablesStates(nameChild, data)[[1]]$states
    else domainChild <- range(data[,nameChild])
    if(is.numeric(data[,nameParents])) domainParents <- range(data[,nameParents])
      domainParents <- lapply(1:length(nameParents), function(i) if(is.numeric(data[,nameParents[i]])) range(data[,nameParents[i]]) else discreteVariablesStates(nameParents[i], data)[[1]]$states)
      names(domainParents) <- nameParents
    ## Recursive process
    mm <- c()
    mm <- conditional(data, nameParents, nameChild, domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, mm, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam, s, priorData)
    return(message("Unknown method, please use MOP or MTE"))

#'@rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
conditional <- function(data, nameParents, nameChild, domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, mm, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam=NULL, s=NULL, priorData=NULL)
  ## select the parent who get the best BIC score when its domain is splitted
  f <- select(data, nameParents, nameChild, domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam, s, priorData)
  nameParents <- nameParents[which(nameParents!=f$parent)]
  for(i in 1:length(f$t)){
    m <- list(parent=f$parent, interval=f$t[[i]]$interval, Px=f$t[[i]]$Px)
    mm[[length(mm)+1]] <- m
      dataInterval <- splitdata(data, f$parent, f$t[[i]]$interval[1], f$t[[i]]$interval[2])
          mm <- mm
        } else {
          mm[[length(mm)]]$Px <- NULL
          ## An recursive process
          mm <- conditional(dataInterval, nameParents, nameChild,domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, mm, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam, s, priorData)
    } else{
      dataInterval <- subset(data,(data[,f$parent]==f$t[[i]]$interval))
          mm <- mm
        } else {
          mm[[length(mm)]]$Px <- NULL
          mm <- conditional(dataInterval, nameParents, nameChild,domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, mm, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam, s, priorData)

#'@rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
select <- function(data, nameParents, nameChild, domainChild, domainParents, numIntervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam=NULL, s=NULL, priorData=NULL)
  bestbic <- -10^10; bestvalues <- 0; Bic <- 0
  for(i in 1:length(nameParents)){
    t <- learn.tree.Intervals(data, nameParents[i], nameChild, domainParents, domainChild, numIntervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam, s, priorData)
    Bic <- BICscoreMoTBF(t, data, nameParents[i], nameChild)
    values <- list(parent=nameParents[i], t=t)
      bestbic <- Bic
      bestvalues <- values

#'@rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
learn.tree.Intervals <- function(data, nameParents, nameChild, domainParents, domainChild, numIntervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE, maxParam=NULL, s=NULL, priorData=NULL)
  X <- data[, nameParents]
  Y <- data[, nameChild]
  if(is.numeric(domainParents)) Xrange <- domainParents
  else Xrange <- domainParents[nameParents][[1]]
  NY <- length(Y)
    priorD <- priorData[,nameChild]
    bestb <- min(X)-1
    B <- quantileIntervals(X, numIntervals)
    Pp1 <- list(); points <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(B)){
      Yf <- Y[which(X>bestb)]
      Xf <- X[which(X>bestb)]
      if(length(Y)==0) next
        cutPoints <- discreteVariablesStates(nameChild, data)[[1]]$states
        pD <- probDiscreteVariable(cutPoints, Yf)
        pos <- which(domainChild%in%cutPoints)
        coeff <- rep(0,length(domainChild))
        pD$coeff <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$coeff)
        names(pD$coeff) <- domainChild
        pD$sizeDataLeaf <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$sizeDataLeaf)
        prob <- list(pD)
        bestBIC <-  getBICDiscreteBN(prob)
      } else{
        if(is.null(priorData)) P <- univMoTBF(Yf, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)
        else P <- learnMoTBFpriorInformation(priorD, Yf, s, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)$posteriorFunction 
        bestBIC <- BICMoTBF(P, Yf)
      b <- B[i]
      Xl <- Xf[Xf<=b]; Xl <- sort(Xl)
      Yl <- Yf[which(Xf<=b)]
      if(length(Yl)<=5) break
      if(length(Yl)==0) next
      if(max(Yl)==min(Yl)) next
      ## discrete child variable
        cutPoints <- unique(Yl)
        pD <- probDiscreteVariable(cutPoints, Yl)
        pos <- which(domainChild%in%cutPoints)
        coeff <- rep(0,length(domainChild))
        pD$coeff <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$coeff)
        names(pD$coeff) <- domainChild
        pD$sizeDataLeaf <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$sizeDataLeaf)
        Px1 <- pD
      } else{
        if(is.null(priorD)) Px1 <- univMoTBF(Yl, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam) 
        else Px1 <- learnMoTBFpriorInformation(priorD, Yl, s, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)$posteriorFunction 
      Xr <- Xf[Xf>b]; Xr <- sort(Xr)
      Y22 <- Yf[which(Xf>b)]; Y22 <- sort(Y22)
      if(length(Y22)==0) next
      if(max(Y22)==min(Y22)) next
        cutPoints <- unique(Y22)
        pD <- probDiscreteVariable(cutPoints, Y22)
        pos <- which(domainChild%in%cutPoints)
        coeff <- rep(0,length(domainChild))
        pD$coeff <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$coeff)
        names(pD$coeff) <- domainChild
        pD$sizeDataLeaf <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$sizeDataLeaf)
        Px2 <- pD
      } else{
        if(is.null(priorD)) Px2 <- univMoTBF(Y22, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)
        else Px2 <- learnMoTBFpriorInformation(priorD, Y22, s, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)$posteriorFunction 
        DiscreteBN <-  list(Px1, Px2)
        BICT <-  getBICDiscreteBN(DiscreteBN)
      } else {
        PX <- list(Px1,Px2)
        multiY <- list(Yl, Y22)
        BICT <- BICMultiFunctions(PX, multiY)
      if(is.na(BICT)) next ###quitar
        Pp1[[length(Pp1)+1]] <- Px1
        Pp2 <- Px2
        bestb <- b
        points <- c(points,bestb)
      Y <- Y[which(X==X)]
        cutPoints <- unique(Y)
        pD <- probDiscreteVariable(cutPoints, Y)
        pos <- which(domainChild%in%cutPoints)
        coeff <- rep(0,length(domainChild))
        pD$coeff <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$coeff)
        names(pD$coeff) <- domainChild
        pD$sizeDataLeaf <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$sizeDataLeaf)
        prob <- list(pD)
        v <- c()
        values <- list(Px=prob, interval=c(Xrange[1], Xrange[2]))
      } else{
        v <- c()
        if(is.null(priorData)) P <- univMoTBF(Y, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)
        else P <- learnMoTBFpriorInformation(priorD, Y, s, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)$posteriorFunction 
        values <- list(Px=P, interval=c(Xrange[1], Xrange[2]))
      v[[length(v)+1]] <- values
    } else{
        v <- c(); X <- data[,nameParents]; X <- X[X<=points]
        values <- list(Px=Pp1[[1]], interval=c(Xrange[1], points))
        v[[length(v)+1]] <- values

        X <- data[, nameParents]; X <- X[X>points]
        values <- list(Px=Pp2, interval=c(points, Xrange[2]))
        v[[length(v)+1]] <- values
      } else{
        v <- c(); X <- data[,nameParents]
        dom <- c(Xrange[1], points, Xrange[2])
        Pp <- Pp1; Pp[[length(Pp)+1]] <- Pp2
        for(i in 1:length(Pp)){
          values <- list(Px=Pp[[i]], interval=c(dom[i], dom[i+1]))
          v[[length(v)+1]] <- values
  } else {
    B <- discreteVariablesStates(nameParents, data)[[1]]$states
    v <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(B)){
      Y1 <- Y[which(X==B[i])]
        cutPoints <- unique(Y1)
        pD <- probDiscreteVariable(cutPoints, Y1)
        pos <- which(domainChild%in%cutPoints)
        coeff <- rep(0,length(domainChild))
        pD$coeff <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$coeff)
        names(pD$coeff) <- domainChild
        pD$sizeDataLeaf <- replace(coeff, pos, pD$sizeDataLeaf)
        values <- list(Px=pD, interval=B[i])
        v[[length(v)+1]] <- values
      } else{
          P <- univMoTBF(Y1, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam) 
          priorChild <- priorData[,nameChild]
            priorParent <- priorData[,nameParents]
            priorD <- priorChild[which(priorParent==B[i])]
            P <- learnMoTBFpriorInformation(priorD, Y1, s, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild)$posteriorFunction 
          } else {
            P <- univMoTBF(Y1, POTENTIAL_TYPE, domainChild, maxParam=maxParam)
        values <- list(Px=P, interval=B[i])
        v[[length(v)+1]] <- values

#'@rdname conditionalmotbf.learning
BICscoreMoTBF <- function(conditionalfunction, data, nameParents, nameChild)
  X <- data[, nameParents]
  Y <- data[, nameChild]
  ## Compute the density values
  valuesT <- c(); DiscreteBN <- c(); nlevel <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(conditionalfunction)){
      ##Continuous parent
        ## Continuous child
        domain <- Y[which((X>=conditionalfunction[[i]]$interval[1])&(X<=conditionalfunction[[i]]$interval[2]))]
        if(is.motbf(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)) values <- as.function(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)(domain)
        else values <- NULL
        if((length(values)!=length(domain))&&(is.numeric(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px))) values <- rep(values, length(domain))
        valuesT <- c(valuesT,values)
      } else{
        ## Discrete child
        if(length(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)==1) DiscreteBN[[length(DiscreteBN)+1]] <- conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px[[i]]
        else DiscreteBN[[length(DiscreteBN)+1]] <- conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px
    } else 
      ## Discrete Parent
        ## Continuous child
        domain <- Y[which(X==conditionalfunction[[i]]$interval)] 
        if(is.motbf(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)) values <- as.function(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)(domain)
        else values <- NULL
        if((length(values)!=length(domain))&&(is.numeric(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px))) values <- rep(values, length(domain))
        valuesT <- c(valuesT,values)
      } else {
        ## Discrete child
        if(length(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)==1) DiscreteBN[[length(DiscreteBN)+1]] <- conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px[[i]]
        else DiscreteBN[[length(DiscreteBN)+1]] <- conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px
  ## Compute the BIC
      for(i in 1:length(conditionalfunction)){
        if(!is.motbf(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)) tam <- 0
        else tam <- length(coef(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px))
        sizePx <- c(sizePx, tam)
      sizeP <- sum(sizePx)
      BiC <- sum(log(valuesT))-1/2*(sizeP+(length(conditionalfunction)-1))*log(length(valuesT))
    } else {
      BiC <- getBICDiscreteBN(DiscreteBN)
  } else {
      for(i in 1:length(conditionalfunction)){
        if(!is.motbf(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px)) tam <- 0
        else tam <- length(coef(conditionalfunction[[i]]$Px))
        sizePx <- c(sizePx, tam)
      sizeP <- sum(sizePx)
      valuesT <- valuesT[valuesT>0]
      BiC <- sum(log(valuesT))-1/2*(sizeP+(length(conditionalfunction)-1))*log(length(valuesT))
    } else {
      BiC <- getBICDiscreteBN(DiscreteBN)

#' BIC score for multiple functions
#' Compute the BIC score using more than one probability functions.
#' @param Px A list of objects of class \code{"motbf"}.
#' @param X A list with as many \code{"numeric"} vectors as densities in \code{Px},
#' used to compute the BIC score for each density.
#' @return The \code{"numeric"} BIC value.
#' @seealso \link{univMoTBF}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Data
#' X <- rnorm(500)
#' Y <- rnorm(500, mean=1)
#' data <- data.frame(X=X, Y=Y)
#' ## Data as a "list"
#' Xlist <- sapply(data, list)
#' ## Learning as a "list"
#' Plist <- lapply(data, univMoTBF, POTENTIAL_TYPE="MOP")
#' Plist
#' ## BIC value
#' BICMultiFunctions(Px=Plist, X=Xlist)
BICMultiFunctions <- function(Px, X){
  coeffs <- unlist(sapply(1:length(Px), function(i) coef(Px[[i]])))
  totalValues <- unlist(sapply(1:length(Px), function(i) as.function(Px[[i]])(X[[i]])))
  BiC <- sum(log(totalValues))-(1/2*((length(coeffs)+length(Px))*log(length(totalValues))))

#' Plot Conditional Functions
#' Plot conditional MoTBF densities.
#' @param conditionalFunction the output of function \link{conditionalMethod}. 
#' A list containing the the interval of the parent and the final conditional density (MTE or MOP).
#' @param data An object of class \code{data.frame}, corresponding to the dataset used to fit the conditional density.
#' @param nameChild A \code{character} string, corresponding to the name of the child variable in the conditional density. By default, it is \code{NULL}.
#' @param points A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the sample points are overlaid.
#' @param color If not specified, a default palette is used. 
#' @param ... Additional graphical parameters passed to filled.contour().
#' @details If the number of parents is greater than one, then the error message 
#' "It is not possible to plot the conditional function." is reported.
#' @return A plot of the conditional density function.
#' @seealso \link{conditionalMethod}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Data
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' Y <- rnorm(1000, mean=X)
#' data <- data.frame(X=X,Y=Y)
#' cov(data)
#' ## Conditional Learning
#' parent <- "X"
#' child <- "Y"
#' intervals <- 5
#' potential <- "MTE"
#' P <- conditionalMethod(data, nameParents=parent, nameChild=child, 
#' numIntervals=intervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE=potential)
#' plotConditional(conditionalFunction=P, data=data)
#' plotConditional(conditionalFunction=P, data=data, points=TRUE)
plotConditional <- function(conditionalFunction, data, nameChild=NULL, points=FALSE, color=NULL,...)
  opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)       
  ## Define the color
  if(is.null(color)) color <- colorRampPalette(c("#FFFFD9", "#EDF8B1", "#C7E9B4", "#7FCDBB", "#41B6C4", "#1D91C0", "#225EA8", "#253494", "#081D58"))
  nameParent <- conditionalFunction[[1]]$parent
      if(ncol(data)==2) nameChild <- colnames(data)[which(colnames(data)!=nameParent)]
      else (stop("The name of the child variable is needed because the number of columns in the dataset is bigger than two."))
          (stop("The name of the child variable has not been found in the dataset."))
    X <- data[, nameParent]
    Y <- data[, nameChild]
    xgrid <- seq(min(Y),max(Y),length.out=50) 
    ygrid <- seq(min(X),max(X),length.out=50)
    griddata <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(xgrid,ygrid))
    D <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(conditionalFunction)){
      j <- which((griddata[,2]>=conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[1])&(griddata[,2]<=conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[2]))
      gdi <- griddata[j,]
      D <- c(D,as.function(conditionalFunction[[i]]$Px)(gdi[,1]))
    d <- matrix(D, nrow = length(xgrid), ncol = length(ygrid), byrow=F)
    zlim <- range(d, finite=TRUE)
    zlim[1] <- 0
    nlevels <- 20
    levels <- pretty(zlim, nlevels)
    nlevels <- length(levels)

    filled.contour(x = ygrid, y = xgrid, z = t(d), nlevels = nlevels,
                   levels = levels, col = color(nlevels),                           
                   plot.title = {title(xlab = nameParent, ylab = nameChild, cex.lab = 2)},
      mar.orig <- par("mar")
      w <- (3 + mar.orig[2]) * par("csi") * 2.54
      layout(matrix(c(2, 1), ncol = 2), widths = c(1, lcm(w)))
      points(data[,c(nameParent, nameChild)])
    (stop("It is not possible to plot the conditional function."))

#' Summary of conditional MoTBF densities
#' Print the description of an MoTBF demnsity for one variable conditional on another variable.
#' @param conditionalFunction the output of the function \code{conditionalMethod}. A list with the interval of the parent
#' and the final \code{"motbf"} density function fitted in each interval.
#' @return The results  of the conditional function are shown.
#' @seealso \link{conditionalMethod}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Data
#' X <- rexp(500)
#' Y <- rnorm(500, mean=X)
#' data <- data.frame(X=X,Y=Y)
#' cov(data)
#' ## Conditional Learning
#' parent <- "X"
#' child <- "Y"
#' intervals <- 5
#' potential <- "MOP"
#' P <- conditionalMethod(data, nameParents=parent, nameChild=child, 
#' numIntervals=intervals, POTENTIAL_TYPE=potential)
#' printConditional(P)
printConditional <- function(conditionalFunction)
  for(i in 1:length(conditionalFunction)){
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range =", paste("\"",conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval,"\"", sep=""),"\n")
        } else {
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[1], "<",conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent,"<", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[2], "\n")
        print(              conditionalFunction[[i]]$Px)
      } else{
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range =", paste("\"",conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval,"\"", sep=""),"\n")
        } else {
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[1], "<",conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent,"<", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[2], "\n")
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range =", paste("\"",conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval,"\"", sep=""),"\n")
        } else {
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[1], "<",conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent,"<", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[2], "\n")
        print(              conditionalFunction[[i]]$Px)
      } else{
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range =", paste("\"",conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval,"\"", sep=""),"\n")
        } else {
          cat("Parent:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent, "   \t Range:", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[1], "<",conditionalFunction[[i]]$parent,"<", conditionalFunction[[i]]$interval[2], "\n")

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MoTBFs documentation built on April 18, 2022, 5:06 p.m.