
Defines functions integralMOP derivMOP coeffPol coeffMOP asMOPString bestMOP mop.learning

Documented in asMOPString bestMOP coeffMOP coeffPol derivMOP integralMOP mop.learning

#' Fitting mixtures of polynomials
#' These functions fit mixtures of polynomials (MOPs).  
#' Least square optimization is used to  
#' minimize the quadratic error between the empirical 
#' cumulative distribution and the estimated one. 
#' @name mop.learning
#' @rdname mop.learning
#' @param X A \code{"numeric"} data vector.
#' @param nparam Number of parameters of the function.
#' @param domain A \code{"numeric"} containing the interval over which the function is defined.
#' @param maxParam A \code{"numeric"} value indicating the maximum number of coefficients in the function. By default it is \code{NULL},
#' which means that the number of parameter is not limited. The output is the function which gets 
#' the best BIC (with at most\code{maxParam} parameters if not NULL).
#' @return 
#' \code{mop.lerning()} returns a list of n elements:
#' \item{Function}{An \code{"motbf"} object of the \code{'mop'} subclass.}
#' \item{Subclass}{\code{'mop'}.}
#' \item{Domain}{The range where the function is defined to be a legal density function.}
#' \item{Iterations}{The number of iterations that the optimization problem takes to minimize
#' the errors.}
#' \item{Time}{The CPU time employed.}
#' \code{bestMOP()} returns a list including the polynomial function with the best BIC score, 
#' the number of parameters and an array with 
#' the BIC values of the evaluated functions.
#' @details 
#' \code{mop.learning()}:
#' The returned value \code{$Function} is the only visible element which contains the algebraic expression. 
#' Using \link{attributes} the name of the others elements are shown and also they can be extracted with \code{$}.
#' The \link{summary} of the function also shows all these elements.
#' \code{bestMOP()}:
#' The first returned value \code{$bestPx} contains the output of the \code{mop.learning()} function
#' with the number of parameters which gets the best BIC values, taking into account the  
#' BIC score to penalize the functions. It evaluates the two next functions,
#' if the BIC score does not improve then the function with the last best BIC is returned.
#' @seealso \link{univMoTBF} A complete function for learning MOPs which includes extra options.
#' @importFrom quadprog solve.QP
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette terrain.colors
#' @importFrom graphics abline contour filled.contour layout lcm legend par persp plot points title
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats coef cov dunif ecdf integrate ks.test quantile rnorm runif sd uniroot
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @examples
#' ## 1. EXAMPLE 
#' data <- rnorm(1000)
#' ## MOP with fix number of degrees
#' fx <- mop.learning(data, nparam=7, domain=range(data))
#' fx
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fx, col=2, xlim=range(data), add=TRUE)
#' ## Best MOP in terms of BIC
#' fMOP <- bestMOP(data, domain=range(data))
#' attributes(fMOP)
#' fMOP$bestPx
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fMOP$bestPx, col=2, xlim=range(data), add=TRUE)
#' ## 2. EXAMPLE
#' data <- rbeta(4000, shape1=1/2, shape2=1/2)
#' ## MOP with fix number of degrees 
#' fx <- mop.learning(data, nparam=6, domain=range(data))
#' fx
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fx, col=2, xlim=range(data), add=TRUE)
#' ## Best MOP in terms of BIC
#' fMOP <- bestMOP(data, domain=range(data), maxParam=6)
#' attributes(fMOP)
#' fMOP$bestPx
#' attributes(fMOP$bestPx)
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fMOP$bestPx, col=2, xlim=range(data), add=TRUE)

#' @rdname mop.learning
#' @export
mop.learning <- function(X, nparam, domain)
  ## Time
  tm <- Sys.time()
  ## CDF quadratic function to be minimized
  x <- sort(as.numeric(X)); f <- ecdf(x); y <- f(x); 
  y  <- unique(y); x <- unique(x);  n <- length(x)
  ## N.records is equal 1
    if(nparam!=1) return(NULL)
    P <- asMOPString(1/diff(domain))
    P <- list(Function = P, Subclass = "mop", Domain = domain,
              Iterations = 0, Time = 0)
    P <- motbf(P)
  xx=rep(1,n); xi <- 0
  for(i in 1:nparam){
  ## Dmat
  XX <- t(xx)%*%xx 
  ## dvec
  Xy <- t(xx)%*%y
  ## Compute the constraints
  xnew=seq(min(domain), max(domain), 10^(-3))
  if(xnew[length(xnew)]!=max(domain)) xnew=c(xnew,max(domain))
  for(j in 1:nparam){
  ma2 <- matrix(c(ma2,ma), nrow=nparam+1)
  xi <- 0; ma3 <- 1
  for(i in 1:nparam){
    xi <- min(domain)^i
    ma3 <- rbind(ma3,xi)
  xi <- 0; ma4 <- 1
  for(i in 1:nparam){
    xi <- cbind((max(domain))^i)
    ma4 <- rbind(ma4,xi)
  ## Amat
  AA <- cbind(ma3, ma4, ma2)
  ## bvec
  B <- c(0, 1, rep(10^(-3),ncol(ma2)))
  ## Solve the optimization problem
  tr=tryCatch(solve.QP(XX, Xy, AA, B, meq=2), error = function(e) NULL)
  finaltm <- Sys.time() - tm
    soluc <-tr
    parameters <- soluc$solution
    Px <- asMOPString(parameters)
    Px <- list(Function=Px, Subclass="mop")
    Px <- motbf(Px)
    ## Derivative (PDF)
    Px <-derivMoTBF(Px)
    P <- asMOPString(coef(Px))
    P <- list(Function = P, Subclass = "mop", Domain = domain,
              Iterations = tr$iterations[1], Time = finaltm)
    P <- motbf(P)
#' @rdname mop.learning
#' @export
bestMOP=function(X, domain, maxParam=NULL)
  bestBIC <- -10^10;  bestPx <- 0; degreeN <- 0
  degree <- 1; i <- 0; vecBIC <- c()
      if(!is.null(maxParam)&&(degree>maxParam)) break
      if(i==4) break
      ## Learning parameters with a fix number of degree
      Px=mop.learning(X, degree, domain) #fit function
      if((is.null(Px)==T)&&(!is.motbf(bestPx))) {
        degree <- degree+1
        i <- i+1
      if((is.null(Px)==T)&&(is.motbf(bestPx))) break
      ## compute the BIC score
      degree <- degree+1
      BiC <- sum(log(as.function(Px)(X)))
      #BiC <- BICMoTBF(Px,X)
      Pxs[[length(Pxs)+1]] <- Px
      vecBIC <- c(vecBIC,BiC)
    p <- which(vecBIC==max(vecBIC))
    bestBIC <- vecBIC[p]
    bestPx <- Pxs[[p]]
    degreeN <- length(coef(bestPx))    
  } else{
      if(!is.null(maxParam)&&(degree>maxParam)) break
      if(i==4) break
      ## Learning parameters with a fix number of degree
      Px=mop.learning(X, degree, domain) #fit function
      if((is.null(Px)==T)&&(!is.motbf(bestPx))) {
        degree <- degree+1
        i <- i+1
      if((is.null(Px)==T)&&(is.motbf(bestPx))) break
      ## compute the BIC score
      BiC <- BICMoTBF(Px,X)
      vecBIC <- c(vecBIC,BiC)
      if(is.na(BiC)) break
          bestBIC <- BiC
          bestPx <- Px
          degreeN <- degree-1
          degree <- degree+1
        } else {
          degree <- degree+1
      } else{
          bestBIC <- BiC
          bestPx <- Px
          degreeN <- degree-1
          degree <- degree+1
        } else{
            if(length(unique(vecBIC))==1) break
            degree <- degree+1
          } else{
  result <- list(bestPx=bestPx, bestBIC=bestBIC, degreeN=degreeN+1, vecBIC=vecBIC)

#' Parameters to MOP String
#' This function builds a string with the structure of a \code{'mop'} function.
#' @param parameters A \code{"numeric"} vector containing the coefficients.
#' @return A \code{"character"} string with a \code{'mop'} structure.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param <- c(1,2,3,4)
#' asMOPString(param)
#' param <- 3.4
#' asMOPString(param)
asMOPString <- function(parameters) 
  str <- parameters[1]
  if(length(parameters)==1) return(noquote(paste(str,"+0*x", sep="")))
  sign <- parameters; sign[sign<0] <- ""; sign[sign>=0] <- "+"
  for(i in 2: length(parameters)) str <- noquote(paste(str,sign[i], parameters[i], "*x",ifelse((i-1)!=1,paste("^", i-1, sep=""),""), sep=""))

#' Extract coefficients from MOPs
#' It extracts the parameters of the learned mixtures of polynomial models.
#' @name coef.mop
#' @rdname coef.mop
#' @param fx An \code{"motbf"} function of subclass \code{'mop'}.
#' @return An array with the parameters of the function.
#' @details
#' \code{coeffMOP()} return the coefficients of the terms in the function.
#' \code{coeffPol()} returns the coefficients of the potential of the polynomial basis in the function. 
#' @seealso \link{coef.motbf} and \link{univMoTBF}
#' @examples
#' ## 1. EXAMPLE
#' data <- rchisq(1000, df=5)
#' fx1 <- univMoTBF(data, POTENTIAL_TYPE = "MOP")
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fx1, xlim=range(data), col="red", add=TRUE)
#' coeffMOP(fx1) ## coef(fx1)
#' coeffPol(fx1)
#' ## 2. EXAMPLE
#' data <- rexp(1000, rate=1/2)
#' fx2 <- univMoTBF(data, POTENTIAL_TYPE = "MOP")
#' hist(data, prob=TRUE, main="")
#' plot(fx2, xlim=range(data), col="red", add=TRUE)
#' coeffMOP(fx2) ## coef(fx2)
#' coeffPol(fx2)

#' @rdname coef.mop
#' @export
coeffMOP <- function(fx)
  fx <- noquote(as.character(fx))
  #var <- nVariables(fx)
  mu <- tryCatch(meanMOP(fx), error = function(e) NA) 
    fx <-strsplit(fx, split=mu)[[1]]
  f1 <- substr(fx[1], 1, 1)
  t <- unlist(sapply(1:length(fx), function(i) strsplit(fx[i], split="-", fixed = T)[[1]]))
  for(i in 1:length(t)) t[i] <- paste("-", t[i], sep="")
  if(f1!=substr(t[1], 1, 1)) t[1] <- substr(t[1], 2, nchar(t[1]))
  t2 <- c()
  for(i in 1:(length(t))){
    t1 <- strsplit(t[i], split="+", fixed = T, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)[[1]]
    t2 <- c(t2,t1)
  t3 <- c()
  for(i in 1:(length(t2))){
    t1 <- strsplit(t2[i], split="*", fixed = T, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)[[1]]
    t3 <- c(t3,t1[1])
  pos <- grep("e", t3)
    h1 <- c()
    for(i in pos){
      if(as.numeric(t3[i+1])>=0) sign="+" else sign=""
      h=paste(t3[i], sign, t3[i+1], sep="")
    t3[pos] <- h1; t4 <- t3[-(pos+1)]; t3 <- t4
  t3 <- t3[!sapply(1:length(t3), function(i) t3[i]=="-")]
  t3 <- t3[!sapply(1:length(t3), function(i) t3[i]=="+")]
  coeff <- as.numeric(t3)[!sapply(as.numeric(t3), is.na)]

#' @rdname coef.mop
#' @export
coeffPol <- function(fx)
  param <- coef(fx)
  string <- noquote(as.character(fx))
  for(i in 1:length(param)) string <- unlist(strsplit(string, split=param[i], fixed=T))
  string <- unlist(strsplit(string, split="+", fixed=T))
  if(string[1]=="") string <- string[-1]
  if(length(string)==(length(param)-1)) coeff <- 0
  else coeff <- c()
  string <- strsplit(string, split="^", fixed=T)
  t <- sapply(1:length(string), function(i) string[[i]][2])
  t[is.na(t)] <- 1
  coeff <- as.numeric(c(coeff, t))

#' Derivative of a MOP
#' Compute the derivative of an \code{"motbf"} object with \code{'mop'} subclass.
#' @param fx An \code{"motbf"} object of the \code{'mop'} subclass.
#' @return The derivative which is also an \code{"motbf"} function.
#' @seealso \link{univMoTBF} for learning and \link{derivMoTBF} for 
#' general \code{"motbf"} models.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## 1. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rexp(1000)
#' derivMOP(Px)
#' ## 2. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' derivMOP(Px)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## 3. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' derivMOP(Px)
#' ## Error in derivMOP(Px): fx is an 'motbf' function but not 'mop' subclass.
#' class(Px)
#' subclass(Px)
#' }

derivMOP <- function(fx) 
  if(!is.motbf(fx)) stop("fx is not an 'motbf' function.")
  if(is.motbf(fx)&&!is.mop(fx)) stop("fx is an 'motbf' function but not 'mop' subclass.")
  parameters <- coef(fx)
  str <- parameters[2]
  if(length(parameters)<3) str <- paste(str,"+0*x", sep="")
    sign <- parameters; sign[sign<0]=""; sign[sign>=0]="+"
    for(i in 3: length(parameters)) str <- noquote(paste(str,sign[i], parameters[i]*(i-1), "*x",ifelse((i-2)!=1,paste("^", i-2, sep=""),""), sep=""))
  str <- noquote(str)
  str <- list(Function = str, Subclass= "mop")
  str <- motbf(str)

#' Integration of MOPs
#' Method to calculate the non-defined integral of an \code{"motbf"} object of \code{'mte'} subclass.
#' @param fx An \code{"motbf"} object of subclass \code{'mop'}.
#' @return The non-defined integral of the function.
#' @seealso \link{univMoTBF} for learning and \link{integralMoTBF} 
#' for a more complete function to get defined and non-defined integrals
#' of class \code{"motbf"}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## 1. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rexp(1000)
#' integralMOP(Px)
#' ## 2. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' integralMOP(Px)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## 3. EXAMPLE
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' integralMOP(Px)
#' ## Error in integralMOP(Px): fx is an 'motbf' function but not 'mop' subclass.
#' class(Px)
#' subclass(Px)
#' }

integralMOP <- function(fx)
  if(!is.motbf(fx)) stop("fx is not an 'motbf' function.")
  if(is.motbf(fx)&&!is.mop(fx)) stop("fx is an 'motbf' function but not 'mop' subclass.")
    parameters <- coeffMOP(fx)
    mu <- tryCatch(meanMOP(fx), error = function(e) NA) 
    str <- paste(parameters[1], "*x", sep="")
      f <- noquote(str)
      f <- motbf(f)
    for(i in 2:length(parameters)){
      if(parameters[i]>=0) sign <- "+" else sign <- ""
        str <- paste(str, sign, (parameters[i]/i), "*x^", i, sep="")
        if(mu>=0) signmean <- "-" else signmean <- "+"
        str <- paste(str,sign,parameters[i]/i,"*(x",signmean, mu, ")^",i, sep="")
    f <- noquote(str)
    f <- list(Function = f, Subclass = "mop")
    f <- motbf(f)

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