
Defines functions proc.weight

Documented in proc.weight

#' calculate weights inverse to the distances from the specified observation.
#' for calculation of a shape model by averaging the observations neighbouring
#' the configuration in question, it is necessary to calculate weights by
#' similarity.
#' distances of zero will get a weight of 1e12 (this is scaled to all weights
#' summing to one), thus weights for observations further away are converging
#' to zero.
#' @param data array containing landmark configurations
#' @param number integer: how many of the neighbours are to be involved.
#' @param ref integer: position in the array that is used as reference.
#' @param report logical: require report about name of the reference.
#' @param reg numeric: regularise mahalanobis distance by adding reg to the
#' diagonal of eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.
#' @param log logical: use the logarithm of the distances.
#' @param mahalanobis logical: use mahalanobis distance.
#' @param weightfun custom function that operates on a vector of distances (see examples) and generates weights accordingly.
#' @return
#' \item{data }{dataframe containing id, procrustes/mahalanobis distance
#' and weight according to the reference}
#' \item{reference }{returns observations' names if available}
#' \item{rho.all }{dataframe containing distances to references of all observations}
#' @examples
#' if (require(shapes)) {
#' proc <- procSym(gorf.dat)
#' ##get weights for the the four specimen closest to the first observation.
#' weights <- proc.weight(proc$rotated,4,1)
#' ##estimate the first specimen by weighted neighbour shapes.
#' estim <- proc$mshape*0;
#' for (i in 1:4)
#' {estim <-estim+proc$rotated[,,weights$data$nr[i]]*weights$data$weight[i]}
#' ### visualise
#' plot(estim,asp=1)## show estimation
#' points(proc$rotated[,,1],col=3)##show original
#' ## use a gaussian smoother to compute weights using a bandwidth of 0.05
#' gaussWeight <- function(r,sigma=0.05) {
#'    sigma <- 2*sigma^2
#'    return(exp(-r^2/ sigma))
#' }
#' weights <- proc.weight(proc$rotated,4,1,weightfun=gaussWeight)
#' }
#' @export
proc.weight <- function(data,number,ref,report=TRUE,reg=0,log=FALSE,mahalanobis=FALSE,weightfun=NULL) {
    lmdat <- FALSE
    col <- 3
    rho <- 0
    if (length(dim(data))==3) {
        data <- vecx(data)
        lmdat <- TRUE
    l <- dim(data)[1]
    obsnames <- dimnames(data)[[1]]
    if (lmdat && !mahalanobis) {
        for(i in 1:l)
            rho[i] <- angle.calc(data[ref,],data[i,])
        if (is.null(obsnames))
            id <- as.character(c(1:l))
            id <- obsnames
    } else {
        if (mahalanobis) {
            covtmp <- cov(data)
            if (reg != 0) {
                eig <- eigen(covtmp,symmetric=TRUE)
                covtmp <- t(eig$vectors)%*%diag(eig$values+reg)%*%eig$vectors
            checksing <- try(covtmp <- solve(covtmp),silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(checksing,"try-error")) {
                covtmp <- armaGinv(covtmp)
                cat("singular covariance matrix: using general inverse\n")
            covtmp <- diag(ncol(data))
        rho <- sqrt(mahalanobis(data,cov=covtmp,center=data[ref,],inverted = TRUE))
    if (is.null(obsnames))
        id <- as.character(c(1:l))
        id <- obsnames
    if (log)
        rho <- log(rho)
    nr <- c(1:l)
    data <- data.frame(nr,id,rho)
    dat.sort.i <- data[order(data[,col]),]
    dat.which <- dat.sort.i[2:(number+1),]
    if (is.null(weightfun)) {
        weightfun <- function(x) {
            if (0 %in% x)
                x[which(x == 0)] <- 1/1e12
            weight <- 1/x
            weight <- weight/sum(weight)
    weight <- weightfun(dat.which[,col])
    weight <- weight/sum(weight)
    out <- data.frame(dat.which,weight)
    if (report)
        cat(paste("  reference was",id[ref],"\n"))

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Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.