
Defines functions procAOVsym

Documented in procAOVsym

#' Procrustes ANOVA for structures with object symmetry
#' Procrustes ANOVA for structures with object symmetry, currently only
#' supporting the factors 'specimen', 'side' and the interaction term.
#' performs a Procrustes ANOVA for configurations with object symmetry (as
#' described in Klingenberg et al. 2002).
#' @param symproc object returned by \code{\link{procSym}}, where
#' \code{pairedLM} is specified
#' @param indnames vector containing specimen identifiers. Only necessary, if
#' data does not contain dimnames containing identifiers
#' @return returns a dataframe containing Sums of Squares for each factor.
#' @note In future releases the implementation of support for bilateral
#' symmetry and more factors is intended.
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @seealso \code{\link{procSym}}
#' @references Klingenberg CP, Barluenga M, Meyer A. 2002. Shape analysis of
#' symmetric structures: quantifying variation among individuals and asymmetry.
#' Evolution 56:1909-20.
#' @examples
#' data(boneData)
#' left <- c(4,6,8)
#' ## determine corresponding Landmarks on the right side:
#' # important: keep same order
#' right <- c(3,5,7)
#' pairedLM <- cbind(left,right)
#' symproc <- procSym(boneLM, pairedLM=pairedLM)
#' procAOVsym(symproc)
#' @export
procAOVsym <- function(symproc,indnames=NULL) {
    if (!inherits(symproc,"symproc"))
    {stop("input is not of class symproc")
    m <- dim(symproc$rotated)[2]
    k <- dim(symproc$rotated)[1]
    n <- dim(symproc$rotated)[3]

    if (is.null(indnames))
        indnames <- as.factor(rownames(symproc$PCscore_sym))
        indnames <- as.factor(indnames)
    indlev <- levels(indnames)
    nlev <- length(indlev)
    alist <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(indlev))
        alist[[i]] <- grep(indlev[i],indnames)

    checkinds <- lapply(alist,function(x){length(x) == length(alist[[1]])})
    if (prod(as.integer(unlist(checkinds))) == 0)
        stop("same number of digitizations is needed for all specimen")
    r <- length(alist[[1]])
    pl <- dim(symproc$pairedLM)[1]
    sl <- k-2*pl
    if (k == 3) {
        df.ind <- (nlev-1)*(3*pl+2*sl-4)
        df.side <- 3*pl+sl-3
        df.indxside <- (nlev-1)*(3*pl+sl-3)
        df.res <- (r-1)*nlev*(3*(2*pl+sl)-7)
    } else {
        df.ind <- (nlev-1)*(2*pl+sl-2)
        df.side <- 2*pl+sl-2
        df.indxside <- (nlev-1)*(2*pl+sl-2)
        df.res <- (r-1)*nlev*(2*(2*pl+sl)-4)
    side <- sum(symproc$asymmean^2)*n
    asymfun <- function(x) {
        x <- sum(colMeans(symproc$Asymtan[x,])^2)*length(x)
    symfun <- function(x) {
        x <- sum(colMeans(symproc$Symtan[x,])^2)*length(x)
    if (length(alist[[1]]) > 1) {
        indxside <- sum(unlist(lapply(alist,asymfun)))
        ind <- sum(unlist(lapply(alist,symfun)))
    } else {
        indxside <- sum(symproc$Asymtan^2)
        ind <- sum(symproc$Symtan^2)
    allsq <- sum(symproc$Asymtan[,]^2+symproc$Symtan[,]^2)+side
    res <- allsq-(ind+indxside+side)
    outss <- c(ind,side,indxside,res)
    outdf <- as.integer(c(df.ind,df.side,df.indxside,df.res))
    exVar <- outss/allsq
    outms <- outss/outdf
    out <- data.frame(outss,outms,exVar,outdf)
    F.values <- c(outms[1]/outms[3],outms[2]/outms[3],outms[3]/outms[4],NA)
    sig <- c(pf(F.values[1],outdf[1],outdf[3],lower.tail=F),pf(F.values[2],outdf[2],outdf[3],lower.tail=F),pf(F.values[3],outdf[3],outdf[4],lower.tail=F),NA);
    out <- data.frame(out,F.values,sig)
    rownames(out) <- c("ind","side","ind.x.side","error")
    colnames(out) <- c("SS","MS","exVar","df","F","p-value")

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