
Defines functions extractModelParameters extractParameters_1file extractParameters_1section extractParameters_1chunk

Documented in extractModelParameters extractParameters_1chunk extractParameters_1file extractParameters_1section

#' Extract Parameters for One Chunk
#' Helper function for extractModelParameters. Used to parse each subsection of
#' output within a given file and given results section (e.g., stdyx section) There
#' will be many chunks if latent classes, multiple groups, multilevel features are used.
#' @param filename name of Mplus output file being processed
#' @param thisChunk character vector of output chunk from which to extract parameter values
#' @param columnNames character vector of expected column names for output chunk
#' @return A data frame (or matrix?)
#' @keywords internal
extractParameters_1chunk <- function(filename, thisChunk, columnNames, sectionName) {
  if (isEmpty(thisChunk)) stop("Missing chunk to parse.\n  ", filename)
  if (isEmpty(columnNames)) stop("Missing column names for chunk.\n  ", filename)
  if (missing(sectionName)) { sectionName <- "" } #right now, just use sectionName for R-SQUARE section, where there are no subheaders per se
  #R-SQUARE sections are not divided into the usual subheader sections, and the order of top-level headers is not comparable to typical output.
  #Create a single match for the whole section
  #In addition, the column names typically need to be filtered out because of the absence of subheaders
  if (sectionName == "r2") {
    splitRows <- strsplit(thisChunk, "\\s+")
    headerRows <- sapply(splitRows, function(x) {
          if (identical(x, c("Observed")) ||
              identical(x, c("Latent")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Scale")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Two-Tailed", "Scale")) || 
              identical(x, c("Latent", "Two-Tailed", "Scale")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Two-Tailed", "Residual")) || 
              identical(x, c("Latent", "Two-Tailed", "Residual")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Two-Tailed")) ||
              identical(x, c("Latent", "Two-Tailed")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Residual")) ||
              identical(x, c("Latent", "Residual")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "S.E.", "Est./S.E.", "P-Value", "Factors")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "S.E.", "Est./S.E.", "P-Value", "Variance")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "S.E.", "Est./S.E.", "P-Value")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "Factors")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "Variance")) ||
              identical(x, c("Posterior", "One-Tailed", "95%", "C.I.")) ||
              identical(x, c("Variable", "Estimate", "S.D.", "P-Value", "Lower", "2.5%", "Upper", "2.5%")) ||
              identical(x, c("Observed", "Two-Tailed", "Rate", "of")) #r2 output for MI v8 with rate of missing
          ) { TRUE } else { FALSE }

    thisChunk <- thisChunk[!headerRows]
    convertMatches <- data.frame(startline=1, keyword="R-SQUARE", varname=NA_character_, operator=NA_character_, endline=length(thisChunk))
  } else if (sectionName=="probability.scale") {
    #Probability scale output tends to fall in one uniform chunk. If it has header (e.g., Latent Class 1), these are handled upstream before parsing into chunks processed here.
    convertMatches <- data.frame(startline=1, keyword="Probability.Scale", varname=NA_character_, operator=NA_character_, endline=length(thisChunk))
  } else {
    #okay to match beginning and end of line because strip.white used in scan
    matches <- gregexpr("^\\s*((Means|Thresholds|Intercepts|Variances|Item Difficulties|Item Locations|Item Categories|Item Guessing|Upper Asymptote|Residual Variances|Base Hazard Parameters|New/Additional Parameters|Scales|Dispersion|Steps)|([\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+\\s+(BY|WITH|ON|\\|))|([\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+\\s*\\|\\s*[\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+\\s*(BY|WITH|ON)))\\s*$", thisChunk, perl=TRUE)

    #more readable (than above) using ldply from plyr
    convertMatches <- ldply(matches, function(row) data.frame(start=row, end=row+attr(row, "match.length")-1))
    #beware faulty logic below... assumes only one match per line (okay here)
    convertMatches$startline <- 1:nrow(convertMatches)
    #only keep lines with a single match
    #this removes rows that are -1 from gregexpr
    convertMatches <- convertMatches[which(convertMatches$start > 0),]
    #convertMatches <- subset(convertMatches, start > 0) #removed for compliance with CRAN
    #sometimes chunks have no parameters because they are empty. e.g., stdyx for ex7.30
    #in this case, return null
    if (nrow(convertMatches)==0) { return(NULL) }
    #develop a dataframe that divides into keyword matches versus variable matches
    convertMatches <- ddply(convertMatches, "startline", function(row) {
          #pull the matching keyword based on the start/end attributes from gregexpr
          match <- substr(thisChunk[row$startline], row$start, row$end)

          #check for keyword
          if (match %in% c("Means", "Thresholds", "Intercepts", "Variances", "Residual Variances", "Base Hazard Parameters", "New/Additional Parameters", 
              "Scales", "Item Difficulties", "Item Locations", "Item Categories", "Item Guessing", "Upper Asymptote", "Dispersion", "Steps")) {
            return(data.frame(startline=row$startline, keyword=make.names(match), varname=NA_character_, operator=NA_character_, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
          } else if (length(variable <- strapply(match, "^\\s*([\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+)\\s+(BY|WITH|ON|\\|)\\s*$", c, perl=TRUE)[[1]]) > 0) { #typical "factor BY" heading  
            return(data.frame(startline=row$startline, keyword=NA_character_, varname=variable[1], operator=variable[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
          } else if (length(variable <- strapply(match, "^\\s*([\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+)\\s*\\|\\s*([\\w_\\d+\\.#\\&\\^]+)\\s*(BY|WITH|ON)\\s*$", c, perl=TRUE)[[1]]) > 0) { #random slope syntax
            return(data.frame(startline=row$startline, keyword=NA_character_, slope=variable[1], varname=variable[2], operator=variable[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
          } else stop("failure to match keyword: ", match, "\n  ", filename)
  comboFrame <- c()

  #convertMatches will now contain a data.frame marking the section headers for the chunk
  #		startline keyword varname operator endline
  #		        7    <NA>      FW       BY      12
  #		       13    <NA>      FW       ON      16

  for (i in 1:nrow(convertMatches)) {
    #define the end line for this match as the start of next match - 1
    if (i < nrow(convertMatches)) convertMatches[i,"endline"] <- convertMatches[i+1,"startline"]-1
    else convertMatches[i,"endline"] <- length(thisChunk) # or if last chunk in the section, just define as length

    #need +1 to eliminate header row from params
    paramsToParse <- thisChunk[(convertMatches[i, "startline"]+1):convertMatches[i, "endline"]]

    #Very rarely, a section header is printed, but no parameters follow. In such cases, skip to the next match
    #  I1       |
    if (all(paramsToParse=="")) { next }
    #should result in a short list of params to parse (that belong to a given header i)
    #"U1                 0.557      0.036     15.470      0.000"
    #"U2                 0.638      0.038     16.751      0.000"
    #"U3                 0.660      0.038     17.473      0.000"
    #"U4                 0.656      0.037     17.585      0.000"

    if ((!is.na(convertMatches[i,"keyword"]) && (convertMatches[i,"keyword"] %in% c("Item.Categories", "Probability.Scale")))) { 
      #handle item categories output from IRT (e.g. ex5.5pcm.out), where the output section looks like this:
      # Item Categories
      #  U1
      #    Category 1         0.000      0.000      0.000      1.000
      #    Category 2        -0.247      0.045     -5.534      0.000
      #    Category 3         0.699      0.052     13.325      0.000
      #    Category 4        -0.743      0.057    -12.938      0.000
      #    Category 5         0.291      0.052      5.551      0.000
      paramsToParse <- parseCatOutput(paramsToParse) #reformat into U1.Cat.1 etc.
    #define the var title outside of the chunk processing because it will apply to all rows
    if (is.na(convertMatches[i,]$keyword)) {
      slo <- convertMatches[i,"slope"] #support Mplus v8 output style S1 | Y1 ON Y1&1 (e.g., ex9.32.out) 
      prefix <- ifelse(is.null(slo) || is.na(slo), "", paste(slo, "|", sep=""))
      varTitle <- paste(prefix, convertMatches[i,"varname"], ".", convertMatches[i,"operator"], sep="")
    } else { varTitle <- as.character(convertMatches[i,"keyword"]) }
    splitParams <- strsplit(paramsToParse, "\\s+", perl=TRUE)

    # Handle undefined parameter values (I've only seen these in R-SQUARE second column so far)    
    if (columnNames[2L] == "est") {
      splitParams <- lapply(splitParams, function(x) {
        if (length(x) >= 2L && grepl("undefined", x[2L], ignore.case = TRUE)) { 
          x <- c(x[1L], rep("NA_real_", length(columnNames) - 1)) #Fill in NAs for undefined params
    #for the Significance column in 7-column Mplus output, it may be missing for a chunk (all n.s./not tested), or for a given row.
    #Handle this condition here by adding FALSE for missing 7th column and converting * to TRUE.
    if (length(columnNames) == 7L && columnNames[7L] == "sig") {
      splitParams <- lapply(splitParams, function(col) {
        lcol <- length(col)
        if (lcol == 6L) { col[7L] <- "FALSE"
        } else if (lcol == 7L && col[7L] == "*") { col[7L] <- "TRUE"
        } else if (lcol != 0) { warning("Unknown columns found for 7-column BAYES format") }
    #handle case of missing scale factors for non-categorical variables and residual variance in R-SQUARE output 
    if (length(columnNames) == 6L && (columnNames[6L] == "scale_f" || columnNames[6L] == "resid_var")) {
      splitParams <- lapply(splitParams, function(col) {
        lcol <- length(col)
        if (lcol == 5L) { col[6L] <- "NA_real_" } #NA-fill variables without a scale factor or residual variance
    #similar problem for 3-column R-SQUARE output with missing residual variances or scale factors
    if (length(columnNames) == 3L && columnNames[3L] %in% c("resid_var", "scale_f")) {
      splitParams <- lapply(splitParams, function(col) {
        lcol <- length(col)
        if (lcol == 2L) { col[3L] <- "NA_real_" } #NA-fill variables without a residual variance
    #rbind the split list as a data.frame
    parsedParams <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", splitParams), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    #for each column, convert to numeric if it is. Otherwise, return as character
    parsedParams <- data.frame(lapply(parsedParams, function(col) {
      #a bit convoluted, but we want to test for a purely numeric string by using a regexp that only allows numbers, periods, and the minus sign
      #then sum the number of matches > 0 (i.e., where a number was found).
      #if the sum is the same as the length of the column, then all elements are purely numeric.
      if (all(col %in% c("TRUE", "FALSE"))) return(as.logical(col)) #True/False significance check above
      else if (sum(sapply(gregexpr("^(NA_real_|[\\d\\.-]+)$", col, perl=TRUE), "[", 1) > 0) == length(col)) return(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(col)))
      else return(as.character(col))
    }), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    #use the column names detected in extractParameters_1section
    names(parsedParams) <- columnNames

    #add the paramHeader to the data.frame
    parsedParams$paramHeader <- varTitle

    #put the paramHeader at the front of the data.frame columns
    parsedParams <- parsedParams[,c("paramHeader", columnNames)]

    #add the current chunk to the overall data.frame
    comboFrame <- rbind(comboFrame, parsedParams)


  if (sectionName == "r2") { comboFrame$paramHeader <- NULL } #not relevant for this section
  #under the new strsplit strategy, just return the dataframe


#' Extract Parameters for One Section
#' To do: add details
#' @param filename name of Mplus output file being processed
#' @param modelSection name of model output section being processed
#' @param sectionName name of output type to search for (e.g., "model_results") 
#' @return A list of parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   #a few examples of files to parse
#'   #mg + lc. Results in latent class pattern, not really different from
#'   #         regular latent class matching. See Example 7.21
#'   #mg + twolevel. Group is top, bw/wi is 2nd. See Example 9.11
#'   #lc + twolevel. Bw/wi is top, lc is 2nd. See Example 10.1.
#'   #               But categorical latent variables is even higher
#'   #test cases for more complex output: 7.21, 9.7, 9.11, 10.1
#' }
extractParameters_1section <- function(filename, modelSection, sectionName) {
  #extract model parameters for a given model results section. A section contains complete output for all parameters of a given type
  #(unstandardized, ci, stdyx, stdy, or std) for a single file.
  #section name is used to name the list element of the returned list

  #first trim all leading and trailing spaces (new under strip.white=FALSE)
  modelSection <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", modelSection, perl=TRUE)

  #detectColumnNames sub-divides (perhaps unnecessarily) the matches based on the putative section type of the output
  #current distinctions include modification indices, confidence intervals, and model results.
  if (sectionName %in% c("ci.unstandardized", "ci.stdyx.standardized", "ci.stdy.standardized", "ci.std.standardized")) { 
    sectionType <- "confidence_intervals"
  } else if (sectionName == "irt.parameterization" || sectionName == "probability.scale") {
    #the IRT section follows from the MODEL RESULTS section, and column headers are not reprinted.
    #Same applies for RESULTS IN PROBABILITY SCALE section
    #Update 2020: at least for GPCM, v8.4 now reprints the header "Estimate", but does not provide se, est_se, or pval.
    #Thus, first try to detect column names, but revert to default if this fails
    columnNames <- suppressWarnings(detectColumnNames(filename, modelSection, "model_results"))
    #If we can't detect column names (because they're not reprinted from model results, assume a 5-column header -- heuristic
    if (is.null(columnNames)) { columnNames <- c("param", "est", "se", "est_se", "pval") } #default if detection fails
  } else { sectionType <- "model_results" }

  if (!exists("columnNames")) { columnNames <- detectColumnNames(filename, modelSection, sectionType) }

  #return nothing if unable to detect column names (this will then get filtered out in the extractParameters_1file process
  if (is.null(columnNames)) {
    x <- data.frame() #empty
    class(x) <- c("mplus.params", "data.frame")
    attr(x, "filename") <- filename
  #Detect model section dividers
  #These include: 1) multiple groups: Group XYZ
  #  2) latent classes: Latent Class XYZ
  #  3) two-level structure: Between Level, Within Level
  #  4) categorical latent variables: Categorical Latent Variables
  #  5) class proportions (only known class output?)

  allSectionParameters <- c() #will hold extracted params for all sections
  betweenWithinMatches <- grep("^\\s*(Between (?:\\s*\\w+\\s+)*Level|Within (?:\\s*\\w+\\s+)*Level|Within-Level (Standardized Estimates|R-Square) Averaged (Over|Across) Clusters)\\s*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)
  #latent class patterns can be "1 1 3 1" or something like "C#1" (see ex8.15.out for a complicated example)
  latentClassMatches <- grep("^\\s*(Latent )*Class (Pattern )*([\\d\\w#_]+\\s*)+(\\(\\s*\\d+\\s*\\))*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)
  multipleGroupMatches <- grep("^\\s*Group \\w+(?:\\s+\\(\\d+\\))*\\s*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE) #support Mplus v8 syntax Group G1 (0) with parentheses of numeric value
  catLatentMatches <- grep("^\\s*Categorical Latent Variables\\s*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE)
  classPropMatches <- grep("^\\s*Class Proportions\\s*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE)
  classSpecificMatches <- grep("^\\s*(Results|Parameters) for Class-specific Model Parts of [\\w_\\.]+\\s*$", modelSection, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)

  topLevelMatches <- sort(c(betweenWithinMatches, latentClassMatches, multipleGroupMatches, catLatentMatches, classPropMatches, classSpecificMatches))
  if (length(topLevelMatches) > 0) {

    lcNum <- NULL
    bwWi <- NULL
    groupName <- NULL

    matchIndex <- 1
    for (match in topLevelMatches) {
      if (grepl("\\s*Within-Level Standardized Estimates Averaged Over Clusters\\s*", modelSection[match], perl=TRUE)) {
        bwWi <- "Within.Std.Averaged.Over.Clusters"
      } else if (match %in% betweenWithinMatches) { bwWi <- sub("\\s+Level\\s*$", "", modelSection[match], perl=TRUE)
      } else if (match %in% latentClassMatches) {
        if ((pos <- regexpr("Pattern", modelSection[match], ignore.case=TRUE)) > 0) {
          #need to pull out and concatenate all numerical values following pattern
          postPattern <- trimSpace(substr(modelSection[match], pos + attr(pos, "match.length"), nchar(modelSection[match])))
          #replace any spaces with periods to create usable unique lc levels
          lcNum <- gsub("\\s+", "\\.", postPattern, perl=TRUE)
        else lcNum <- sub("^\\s*(?:Latent )*Class\\s+([\\w#]+)\\s*(\\(\\s*\\d+\\s*\\))*$", "\\1", modelSection[match], perl=TRUE)
      } else if (match %in% multipleGroupMatches) groupName <- sub("^\\s*Group (\\w+)(?:\\s+\\(\\d+\\))*\\s*$", "\\1", modelSection[match], perl=TRUE)
      else if (match %in% catLatentMatches) {
        #the categorical latent variables section is truly "top level"
        #that is, it starts over in terms of bw/wi and latent classes
        #multiple groups with cat latent variables is handled by knownclass and results in a latent class
        #pattern, so don't have to worry about nullifying groupName
        lcNum <- "Categorical.Latent.Variables"
        bwWi <- NULL
      else if (match %in% classPropMatches) {
        #the class proportions section is truly "top level"
        #that is, it starts over in terms of bw/wi and latent classes
        #multiple groups with cat latent variables is handled by knownclass and results in a latent class
        #pattern, so don't have to worry about nullifying groupName
        lcNum <- "Class.Proportions"
        bwWi <- NULL

        #N.B.: 15Mar2012. the parse chunk routine can't handle the class proportions output right now
        #because there is no nesting. Need to come back and fix.
        #for now, this output is just ignored.

      #if the subsequent top level match is more than 2 lines away, assume that there is a
      #chunk to be parsed. If it's <= 2, then assume that these are just blank lines
      chunkToParse <- FALSE
      if (matchIndex < length(topLevelMatches) &&
          (topLevelMatches[matchIndex + 1] - topLevelMatches[matchIndex]) > 2) {

        #extract all text between this match and the next one (add one to omit this header row,
        #subtract one to exclude the subsequent header row)
        thisChunk <- modelSection[(match+1):(topLevelMatches[matchIndex+1]-1)]
        chunkToParse <- TRUE
      } else if (matchIndex == length(topLevelMatches) && match+1 <= length(modelSection)) {
        #also assume that the text following the last topLevelMatch is also to be parsed
        #second clause ensures that there is some chunk below the final header.
        #this handles issues where a blank section terminates the results section, such as multilevel w/ no between
        thisChunk <- modelSection[(match+1):length(modelSection)]
        chunkToParse <- TRUE
      if (chunkToParse == TRUE && !all(thisChunk=="")) { #omit completely blank chunks (v8 ex9.32.out)
        # In R-SQUARE output for multilevel models, we violate the usual convention of column headers that
        # are superordinate to the Within/Between distinction. This leads the chunk to contain the labels.
        # Here's an example:
        # R-SQUARE
        # Within Level
        # Observed                                        Two-Tailed   Rate of
        # Variable        Estimate       S.E.  Est./S.E.    P-Value    Missing
        # ASRREA             0.266      0.013     20.079      0.000      0.026
        #Thus, we need to delete these lines prior to parsing. Implement attr tagging in detectColumnNames
        if (sectionName == "r2") {
          #need to delete header lines from each chunk using the header_lines attribute
          header_lines <- modelSection[attr(columnNames, "header_lines")]
          thisChunk <- thisChunk[!thisChunk %in% header_lines]
        #parse the chunk into a data.frame      
        parsedChunk <- extractParameters_1chunk(filename, thisChunk, columnNames, sectionName)
        #WORKAROUND: For confidence intervals in multilevel mixtures, the Categorical Latent Variables section does not
        #follow the same formatting guidelines. Specifically, it does not print "Within Level" after "Categorical Latent Variables".
        #As a result, the CI parser blows up because bwWi will be NULL. The inconsistent section is in my assessment always the within level
        #See, for example CINTERVAL output for UG ex10.1. The first section pertains to the within level (e.g., -1.302 is the param estimate in MODEL RESULTS).
        #  Categorical Latent Variables
        #  C#1      ON
        #  X1              -1.979      -1.817      -1.734      -1.302      -0.869      -0.787      -0.625
        #  Intercepts
        #  C#1             -0.692      -0.490      -0.386       0.153       0.692       0.795       0.997
        #  Between Level
        #  C#1      ON
        #  W               -1.989      -1.785      -1.680      -1.134      -0.588      -0.484      -0.280
        #  Residual Variances
        #  C#1             -0.325      -0.244      -0.203       0.013       0.230       0.271       0.352

        if (sectionName == "ci.unstandardized" && lcNum=="Categorical.Latent.Variables" && is.null(bwWi) && length(betweenWithinMatches) > 0L) {
          bwWi <- "Within"
        #only append if there are some rows
        if (!is.null(parsedChunk) && nrow(parsedChunk) > 0) {
          parsedChunk$LatentClass <- lcNum
          parsedChunk$BetweenWithin <- bwWi
          parsedChunk$Group <- groupName
          allSectionParameters <- rbind(allSectionParameters, parsedChunk)

      matchIndex <- matchIndex + 1

  } else {
    allSectionParameters <- extractParameters_1chunk(filename, modelSection, columnNames, sectionName) #just one model section

  #if any std variable is one of the returned columns, we are dealing with an old-style combined results section (i.e.,
  #standardized results are not divided into their own sections, as with newer output).
  #newer output would just have the params, est, etc.
  #for consistency with newer output, we need to parse these into individual list elements and remove from unstandardized output.
  #this is a tricky maneuver in some ways because the function may return a data.frame or a list... will have to be handled by the caller
  oldStyleColumns <- c("stdyx", "stdy", "std")
  listParameters <- list()

  if (any(oldStyleColumns %in% names(allSectionParameters))) {

    #for each standardized column present, reprocess into its own df, append to list, and remove from the df
    for (colName in oldStyleColumns[oldStyleColumns %in% names(allSectionParameters)]) {
      listParameters[[paste0(colName, ".standardized")]] <- data.frame(paramHeader=allSectionParameters$paramHeader,
          param=allSectionParameters$param, est=allSectionParameters[,colName], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

      #also include latent class, multiple groups and bw/wi in the output
      if ("LatentClass" %in% names(allSectionParameters)) listParameters[[paste0(colName, ".standardized")]]$LatentClass <- allSectionParameters$LatentClass
      if ("Group" %in% names(allSectionParameters)) listParameters[[paste0(colName, ".standardized")]]$Group <- allSectionParameters$Group
      if ("BetweenWithin" %in% names(allSectionParameters)) listParameters[[paste0(colName, ".standardized")]]$BetweenWithin <- allSectionParameters$BetweenWithin

      allSectionParameters[[colName]] <- NULL #remove from unstandardized output

    listParameters[[sectionName]] <- allSectionParameters #now that standardized removed, add remainder to the list under appropriate name
  else {
    #if output only contains results of one section type (stdyx, unstandardized, etc.),
    #then return a list with a single element, which will be appended to other elements by the extractParameters_1file function
    #copy data.frame into the appropriate list element to be returned.
    listParameters[[sectionName]] <- allSectionParameters


  #tag as mplusParams class
  listParameters <- lapply(listParameters, function(x) {
        class(x) <- c("mplus.params", "data.frame")
        attr(x, "filename") <- filename

#' Extract Parameters for One File
#' To do: add details
#' @param outfiletext character vector of Mplus output file being processed
#' @param filename name of Mplus output file being processed
#' @param resultType (deprecated)
#' @param efa indicates whether the output is from an EFA model (requires some additional processing)
#' @return A list of parameters
#' @keywords internal
extractParameters_1file <- function(outfiletext, filename, resultType, efa = FALSE) {

  # if (length(grep("TYPE\\s+(IS|=|ARE)\\s+((MIXTURE|TWOLEVEL)\\s+)+EFA\\s+\\d+", outfiletext, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)) > 0) {
  #   warning(paste0("EFA, MIXTURE EFA, and TWOLEVEL EFA files are not currently supported by extractModelParameters.\n  Skipping outfile: ", filename))
  #   return(NULL) #skip file
  # }

  # copy elements of append into target. note that data.frames inherit list,
  # so could be wonky if append is a data.frame (shouldn't happen here)
  appendListElements <- function(target, append) {
    if (!is.list(target)) stop("target is not a list.")
    if (!is.list(append)) stop("append is not a list.")

    for (elementName in names(append)) {
      if (!is.null(target[[elementName]])) warning("Element is already present in target list: ", elementName)
      target[[elementName]] <- append[[elementName]]

  allSections <- list() #holds parameters for all identified sections
  if (length(multisectionMatches <- grep("^\\s*MODEL RESULTS FOR .*", outfiletext, perl=TRUE, value=TRUE)) > 0L) {
    sectionNames <- make.names(sub("^\\s*MODEL RESULTS FOR\\s+(?:THE)*\\s*([\\w\\.]+)", "\\1", multisectionMatches, perl=TRUE))
    #mercifully, for now, these invariance testing outputs only appear to generate unstandardized parameters (otherwise we'd need to wrap this whole function and pass in a suffix parameter)
    unstandardizedList <- list()
    for (s in 1:length(sectionNames)) {
      unstandardizedSection <- getSection(multisectionMatches[s], outfiletext)
      if (!is.null(unstandardizedSection)) {
        unstandardizedList[[ sectionNames[s] ]] <- extractParameters_1section(filename, unstandardizedSection, "unstandardized")[[1]]
    allSections$unstandardized <- unstandardizedList
  } else {
    unstandardizedSection <- getSection("^MODEL RESULTS$", outfiletext)
    if (!is.null(unstandardizedSection)) {
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, unstandardizedSection, "unstandardized"))
  standardizedSection <- getSection("^STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS$", outfiletext)

  if (!is.null(standardizedSection)) {
    # check to see if standardized results are divided by standardization type (new format)

    # probably somewhat kludgy to use the blanklines code here, but it gets the job done
    # ultimately probably better to search for the three sections, split them, etc.
    # gregexpr("STD[YX]*Standardization", capsLine, perl=TRUE)

    stdYXSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STDYX Standardization$", standardizedSection)
    if (!is.null(stdYXSection)) {
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdYXSection, "stdyx.standardized"))

    stdYSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STDY Standardization$", standardizedSection)
    if (!is.null(stdYSection)) {
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdYSection, "stdy.standardized"))

    stdSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STD Standardization$", standardizedSection)
    if (!is.null(stdSection)) {
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdSection, "std.standardized"))

    r2Section <- getSection("^R-SQUARE$", outfiletext)
    if (!is.null(r2Section)) {
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, r2Section, "r2"))
    #if all individual standardized sections are absent, but the standardized section is present, must be old-style
    #combined standardized section (affects WLS and MUML, too). Extract and process old section.
    if (all(is.null(stdYXSection), is.null(stdYSection), is.null(stdSection))) {
      # this section name should never survive the call
      allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, standardizedSection, "standardized"))


  #Mplus v8 within-level standardized model results by cluster (ex9.32.out)
  wiclusterSections <- grep("WITHIN-LEVEL STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS FOR CLUSTER \\d+", outfiletext, perl=TRUE)
  if (length(wiclusterSections) > 0L) {
    wiclusterSection <- lapply(wiclusterSections, function(w) {
          cs <- getSection(trimSpace(outfiletext[w]), outfiletext)
          clist <- list()
          stdYXSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STDYX Standardization$", cs)
          if (!is.null(stdYXSection)) { clist <- appendListElements(clist, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdYXSection, "stdyx.standardized")) }
          stdYSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STDY Standardization$", cs)
          if (!is.null(stdYSection)) { clist <- appendListElements(clist, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdYSection, "stdy.standardized")) }
          stdSection <- getSection_Blanklines("^STD Standardization$", cs)
          if (!is.null(stdSection)) { clist <- appendListElements(clist, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdSection, "std.standardized")) }
          r2Section <- getSection_Blanklines("^WITHIN-LEVEL R-SQUARE FOR CLUSTER \\d+$", cs)
          if (!is.null(r2Section)) { clist <- appendListElements(clist, extractParameters_1section(filename, r2Section, "r2")) }
          #add cluster number to each list
          clist <- lapply(clist, function(el) { 
                el$cluster <- as.numeric(sub("\\s*WITHIN-LEVEL STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS FOR CLUSTER (\\d+)\\s*", "\\1", outfiletext[w], perl=TRUE))
    #glue together each subelement into its own aggregated list
    wiclusterResults <- list()
    wiclusterResults$stdyx.standardized <- do.call(rbind, lapply(wiclusterSection, "[[", "stdyx.standardized"))
    wiclusterResults$stdy.standardized <- do.call(rbind, lapply(wiclusterSection, "[[", "stdy.standardized"))
    wiclusterResults$std.standardized <- do.call(rbind, lapply(wiclusterSection, "[[", "std.standardized"))
    wiclusterResults$r2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(wiclusterSection, "[[", "r2"))
    allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, list(wilevel.standardized=wiclusterResults)) 
  #two-parameter IRT output
  irtSection <- getSection("^IRT PARAMETERIZATION( IN TWO-PARAMETER (PROBIT|LOGISTIC) METRIC)*$", outfiletext)
  if (!is.null(irtSection)) {
    hasprobitlogit <- FALSE
    if (grepl("where the (probit|logit)", irtSection[1L], ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)) {
      #parse what the logit or probit is
      hasprobitlogit <- TRUE
      probitLogit <- tolower(sub("^\\s*where the (probit|logit) is.*$", "\\1", irtSection[1L], ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE))
      def <- tolower(sub("^\\s*where the (?:probit|logit) is\\s+(.*)$", "\\1", irtSection[1L], ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE))
      irtSection <- irtSection[2:length(irtSection)] #drop line "WHERE THE LOGIT IS 1.7*DISCRIMINATION*(THETA - DIFFICULTY)"
    irtParsed <- extractParameters_1section(filename, irtSection, "irt.parameterization")
    if (hasprobitlogit) { attr(irtParsed[["irt.parameterization"]], probitLogit) <- def } #add probit/logit definition as attribute
    allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, irtParsed)

  probSection <- getSection("^RESULTS IN PROBABILITY SCALE$", outfiletext)
  if (!is.null(probSection)) {
    probParsed <- extractParameters_1section(filename, probSection, "probability.scale")
    #slight modification of typical output for $parameters to put category in separate column
    probParsed[[1]]$paramHeader <- NULL
    probParsed[[1]]$category <- sub("^.*\\.Cat\\.(\\d+)$", "\\1", probParsed[[1]]$param, perl=TRUE)
    probParsed[[1]]$param <- sub("^(.*)\\.Cat\\.\\d+$", "\\1", probParsed[[1]]$param, perl=TRUE)
    other_cols <- names(probParsed[[1]])[!names(probParsed[[1]]) %in% c("param", "category", "est")] #append any other columns after primary 3
    probParsed[[1]] <- probParsed[[1]][,c("param", "category", "est", other_cols)] #reorder columns
    allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, probParsed)

  #confidence intervals for usual output, credibility intervals for bayesian output
  if (!is.null(ciSection)) {
    allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, ciSection, "ci.unstandardized"))

  if (!is.null(ciStdSection)) {
    stdsections <- c("STDYX Standardization", "STDY Standardization", "STD Standardization")
    stdyx.section <- getSection("STDYX Standardization", ciStdSection, headers=stdsections)
    if (!is.null(stdyx.section)) { allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdyx.section, "ci.stdyx.standardized")) }

    stdy.section <- getSection("STDY Standardization", ciStdSection, headers=stdsections)
    if (!is.null(stdy.section)) allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, stdy.section, "ci.stdy.standardized"))

    std.section <- getSection("STD Standardization", ciStdSection, headers=stdsections)
    if (!is.null(std.section)) allSections <- appendListElements(allSections, extractParameters_1section(filename, std.section, "ci.std.standardized"))

  #extract EFA parameters if this is an EFA output
  if (efa) {
    allSections <- appendListElements(
      extractEFAparameters(outfiletext, filename)

  # cleaner equivalent of above
  listOrder <- c("unstandardized", "r2", "ci.unstandardized",
      "irt.parameterization", "probability.scale",
      "stdyx.standardized", "ci.stdyx.standardized",
      "stdy.standardized", "ci.stdy.standardized",
      "std.standardized", "ci.std.standardized",
      "wilevel.standardized", "efa")
  listOrder <- listOrder[listOrder %in% names(allSections)]

  #only re-order if out of order
  if(!identical(names(allSections), listOrder)) allSections <- allSections[listOrder]

  #this needs to be here not to conflict with the drop to 1 element logic above.
  #if resultType passed (deprecated), only return the appropriate element
  #this is inefficient because all sections will be parsed, but it's deprecated, so no worries.
  if (!missing(resultType)) {
    warning(paste("resultType is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n  ",
            "extractModelParameters now returns a list containing unstandardized and standardized parameters, where available.\n  ",
            "For now, resultType is respected, so a data.frame will be returned."))

    oldNewTranslation <- switch(EXPR = resultType,
        raw   = "unstandardized",
        stdyx = "stdyx.standardized",
        stdy  = "stdy.standardized",
        std   = "std.standardized")

    allSections <- allSections[[oldNewTranslation]]


#' Extract model parameters from MODEL RESULTS section.
#' Extracts the model parameters from the MODEL RESULTS section of one or more Mplus output files.
#' If a particular output file has more than one results section (unstandardized, stdyx, stdy, and/or std),
#' a list will be returned. If the \code{target} is a directory, all .out files therein will be parsed
#' and a single list will be returned, where the list elements are named by the output file name.
#' Returned parameters often include the parameter estimate, std. err, param/s.e., and two-tailed p-value.
#' @param target the directory containing Mplus output files (.out) to parse OR the single output file to
#'   be parsed. May be a full path, relative path, or a filename within the working directory.
#'   Defaults to the current working directory. Example: \dQuote{C:/Users/Michael/Mplus Runs}
#' @param recursive optional. If \code{TRUE}, parse all models nested in subdirectories
#'   within \code{target}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param filefilter a Perl regular expression (PCRE-compatible) specifying particular output
#'   files to be parsed within \code{directory}. See \code{regex} or \url{http://www.pcre.org/pcre.txt}
#'   for details about regular expression syntax.
#' @param dropDimensions Relevant only for multi-file parsing. If \code{TRUE}, then if only one output
#'   section (usually unstandardized) is present for all files in the parsed list, then eliminate
#'   the second-level list (which contains elements for each output section). The result is
#'   that the elements of the returned list are \code{data.frame} objects with the relevant parameters.
#' @param resultType N.B.: this parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. The
#'   new default is to extract all results that are present and return a list (see below for details).
#'   \code{resultType} specified the results section to extract. If \code{raw}, the unstandardized
#'   estimates will be returned. \dQuote{stdyx}, \dQuote{stdy}, and \dQuote{std}
#'   are the other options, which extract different standardized solutions.
#'   See the Mplus User's Guide for additional details about the differences in these standardizations.
#' @return If \code{target} is a single file, a list containing unstandardized and standardized results will be
#' returned. If all standardized solutions are available, the list element will be named: \code{unstandardized},
#' \code{stdyx.standardized}, \code{stdy.standardized}, and \code{std.standardized}. If confidence intervals
#' are output using OUTPUT:CINTERVAL, then a list element named \code{ci.unstandardized} will be included.
#' Each of these list elements is a \code{data.frame} containing relevant model parameters.
#' If \code{target} is a directory, a list will be returned, where each element contains the results for
#' a single file, and the top-level elements are named after the corresponding output file name. Each
#' element within this list is itself a list, with elements as in the single file case above.
#' The core \code{data.frame} for each MODEL RESULTS section typically has the following structure:
#' \item{paramHeader}{The header that begins a given parameter set. Example: "FACTOR1 BY"}
#' \item{param}{The particular parameter being measured (within \code{paramHeader}). Example: "ITEM1"}
#' \item{est}{Parameter estimate value.}
#' \item{se}{Standard error of the estimate}
#' \item{est_se}{Quotient of \code{est/se}, representing z-test/t-test in large samples}
#' \item{pval}{Two-tailed p-value for the \code{est_se} quotient.}
#' In the case of output from Bayesian estimation (ESTIMATOR=BAYES), the \code{data.frame} will contain
#' a different set of variables, including some of the above, as well as
#' \item{posterior_sd}{Posterior standard deviation of the estimate.}
#' \item{lower_2.5ci}{Lower 2.5 percentile of the estimate.}
#' \item{upper_2.5ci}{Upper 2.5 percentile (aka 97.5 percentile) of the estimate.}
#' Also note that the \code{pval} column for Bayesian output represents a one-tailed estimate.
#' In the case of output from a Monte Carlo study (MONTECARLO: and MODEL POPULATION:), the \code{data.frame} will contain
#' a different set of variables, including some of the above, as well as
#' \item{population}{Population parameter value.}
#' \item{average}{Average parameter estimate across replications.}
#' \item{population_sd}{Standard deviation of parameter value in population across replications.}
#' \item{average_se}{Average standard error of estimated parameter value across replications.}
#' \item{mse}{Mean squared error.}
#' \item{cover_95}{Proportion of replications whose 95\% confidence interval for the parameter includes the population value.}
#' \item{pct_sig_coef}{Proportion of replications for which the two-tailed significance test of the parameter is significant (p < .05).}
#' In the case of confidence interval output (OUTPUT:CINTERVAL), the list element \code{ci.unstandardized} will contain
#' a different set of variables, including some of the above, as well as
#' \item{low.5}{Lower 0.5\% CI estimate.}
#' \item{low2.5}{Lower 2.5\% CI estimate.}
#' \item{low5}{Lower 5\% CI estimate.}
#' \item{est}{Parameter estimate value.}
#' \item{up5}{Upper 5\% (i.e., 95\%) CI estimate.}
#' \item{up2.5}{Upper 2.5\% (i.e., 97.5\%) CI estimate.}
#' \item{up.5}{Upper 0.5\% (i.e., 99.5\%) CI estimate.}
#' If the model contains multiple latent classes, an additional variable, \code{LatentClass},
#' will be included, specifying the latent class number. Also, the Categorical Latent Variables section
#' will be included as \code{LatentClass} "Categorical.Latent.Variables."
#' If the model contains multiple groups, \code{Group} will be included.
#' If the model contains two-level output (between/within), \code{BetweenWithin} will be included.
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @seealso \code{\link{extractModelSummaries}}
#' @export
#' @keywords interface
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ex3.14 <- extractModelParameters(
#' 	"C:/Program Files/Mplus/Mplus Examples/User's Guide Examples/ex3.14.out")
#' }
extractModelParameters <- function(target=getwd(), recursive=FALSE, filefilter, dropDimensions=FALSE, resultType) {
  #message("This function is deprecated and will be removed from future versions of MplusAutomation. Please use readModels() instead.")
  message("extractModelParameters has been deprecated. Please use readModels(\"nameofMplusoutfile.out\", what=\"parameters\")$parameters to replicate the old functionality.")
  #function tree (top to bottom):
  #extractModelParameters: loop over one or more output files
  #extractParameters_1file: extract model parameters for all sections (unstandardized, stdyx, stdy, std in a single file
  #extractParameters_1section: extract model parameters for a given section.
  #extractParameters_1chunk: extract model parameters for a given chunk (e.g., Latent class 2, Between Level) within a given section.


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