# combination of term names (a character vector), additional list of arbitrary
# options is accepted. This is much a reverse action to getAllTerms
makeArgs <- function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) UseMethod("makeArgs", obj)
# opt == argsOptions
#argsOptions <- list(
# response = attr(allTerms0, "response"),
# intercept = nInts, ### ONLY .default
# interceptLabel = interceptLabel,
# random = attr(allTerms0, "random"),
# gmCall = gmCall, ### ONLY .default
# gmEnv = gmEnv,
# allTerms = allTerms0,
# gmCoefNames = gmCoefNames,
# gmDataHead = if(!is.null(gmCall$data)) {
# if(eval(call("", gmCall$data), gmEnv))
# eval(call("head", gmCall$data, 1L), gmEnv) else gmCall$data
# } else NULL,
# gmFormulaEnv = gmFormulaEnv
# )
.getCoefNames <-
function(formula, data, contrasts, envir = parent.frame()) {
object = formula, data = data, contrasts.arg = contrasts), envir = envir))
makeArgs.default <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
reportProblems <- character(0L)
termNames[termNames %in% opt$interceptLabel] <- "1"
## XXX: what if length(opt$intercept) > 1 ???
f <- reformulate(c(if(!opt$intercept) "0" else if (!length(termNames)) "1", termNames), response = opt$response)
environment(f) <- opt$gmFormulaEnv
ret <- list(formula = f)
if(!is.null(opt$gmCall$start)) {
coefNames <- fixCoefNames(.getCoefNames(f, opt$gmDataHead,
opt$gmCall$contrasts, envir = opt$gmEnv))
idx <- match(coefNames, opt$gmCoefNames)
if(anyNA(idx)) reportProblems <-
append(reportProblems, "cannot subset 'start' argument. Coefficients in the model do not exist in 'global.model'")
else ret$start <- substitute(start[idx], list(start = opt$gmCall$start,
idx = idx))
#attr(ret, "formulaList") <- list(f)
attr(ret, "problems") <- reportProblems
makeArgs.gls <-
makeArgs.wgee <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt)
names(ret)[1L] <- "model"
`makeArgs.asreml` <-
makeArgs.MCMCglmm <-
makeArgs.lme <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt)
names(ret)[1L] <- "fixed"
`makeArgs.glmmadmb` <-
`makeArgs.merMod` <- ## since lme4-0.99999911-0
`makeArgs.mer` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt)
if(!is.null(opt$random)) ret[['formula']] <-
update.formula(ret[['formula']], opt$random)
# clmm needs explicit "1" if no other FX terms
`makeArgs.clmm` <- ## Class 'clmm' from package 'ordinal':
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.merMod(obj, termNames, opt, ...)
if(length(termNames) == 1L && identical(termNames[1L], opt$interceptLabel))
ret$formula[[3L]] <- call("+", 1, ret$formula[[3L]])
`makeArgs.coxph` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt)
ret$formula <- update.formula(ret$formula, . ~ . + 1)
`makeArgs.betareg` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
i <- termNames %in% opt$interceptLabel
termNames[i] <- gsub("(Intercept)", "1", termNames[i], fixed = TRUE)
j <- grepl("^\\(phi\\)_", termNames)
# TODO: zero-length terms in reformulate
zarg <- list(beta = formula(terms.formula(reformulate(termNames[!j]), simplify = TRUE)))
zarg$phi <- formula(terms.formula(reformulate(substring(termNames[j], 7L)), simplify = TRUE))
zarg <- lapply(zarg, `environment<-`, opt$gmFormulaEnv)
fexpl <- zarg$beta[[2L]]
if(!is.null(zarg$phi)) fexpl <- call("|", fexpl, zarg$phi[[2L]])
else zarg$phi <- NULL
ret <- list(formula = call("~", opt$response, fexpl))
#attr(ret, "formulaList") <- zarg
`makeArgs.hurdle` <-
`makeArgs.zeroinfl` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
intType <- substring(opt$interceptLabel, 0,
regexpr("_", opt$interceptLabel, fixed = TRUE) - 1L)
i <- termNames %in% opt$interceptLabel
termNames[i] <- gsub("(Intercept)", "1", termNames[i], fixed = TRUE)
pos <- regexpr("_", termNames, fixed = TRUE)
fnames <- c("count", "zero")
# TODO: zero-length terms in reformulate
zarg <- split(substring(termNames, pos + 1L, 256L),
substring(termNames, 1L, pos - 1L))
for(j in fnames) zarg[[j]] <-
if(is.null(zarg[[j]])) {
if(j %in% intType) ~1 else ~0
} else formula(terms.formula(reformulate(as.character(zarg[[j]]),
intercept = j %in% intType),
simplify = TRUE))
zarg <- lapply(zarg, `environment<-`, opt$gmFormulaEnv)
zarg <- zarg[fnames]
fexpl <- zarg$count[[2L]]
if(!is.null(zarg$zero)) fexpl <-
call("|", fexpl, zarg$zero[[2L]]) else zarg$zero <- NULL
ret <- list(formula = call("~", opt$response, fexpl))
#attr(ret, "formulaList") <- zarg
`makeArgs.coxme` <-
`makeArgs.lmekin` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
ret <- makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt)
ret$formula <- update.formula(update.formula(ret$formula, . ~ . + 1),
`makeArgs.mark` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
interceptLabel <- "(Intercept)"
termNames <- sub(interceptLabel, "1", termNames, fixed = TRUE)
rxres <- regexpr("^([a-zA-Z]+)\\((.*)\\)$", termNames, perl = TRUE)
cs <- attr(rxres, "capture.start")
cl <- attr(rxres, "capture.length")
parname <- substring(termNames, cs[, 1L], cs[, 1L] + cl[,1L] - 1L)
parval <- substring(termNames, cs[, 2L], cs[, 2L] + cl[,2L] - 1L)
formulaList <- lapply(split(parval, parname), function(x) {
int <- x == "1"
x <- x[!int]
res <- if(!length(x))
if(int) ~ 1 else ~ 0 else
reformulate(x, intercept = any(int))
environment(res) <- opt$gmFormulaEnv
mpar <- if(is.null(obj$model.parameters))
eval(opt$gmCall$model$parameters) else
for(i in names(mpar)) mpar[[i]]$formula <- formulaList[[i]]
#ret <- list(model.parameters = mpar)
if(opt$gmCall[[1L]] == "run.mark.model") {
arg.model <- opt$gmCall$model
arg.model$parameters <- mpar
ret <- list(model = arg.model)
} else {
ret <- list(model.parameters = mpar)
#attr(ret, "formulaList") <- formulaList
`makeArgs.aodml` <-
function(obj, termNames, opt, ...) {
if(sys.nframe() > 2L && ( <-[[1L]] == "dredge" &&
stop(simpleError("'aodml' models with constant parameters cannot be handled by 'dredge'",
call =
makeArgs.default(obj, termNames, opt, ...)
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