
Defines functions MultiFIT

Documented in MultiFIT

#' @title Multiscale Fisher's Independence Test for Multivariate Dependence
#' @description Perform multiscale test of independence for multivariate vectors.
#' See vignettes for further examples.
#' @param xy A list, whose first element corresponds to the matrix x as below, and
#' its second element corresponds to the matrix y as below. If \code{xy} is not
#' specified, \code{x} and \code{y} need to be assigned.
#' @param x A matrix, number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations.
#' @param y A matrix, number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations.
#' @param p_star Numeric, cuboids associated with tests whose \code{p}-value is below \code{p_star}
#' will be halved and further tested. 
#' @param R_max A positive integer (or Inf), the maximal number of
#' resolutions to scan (algorithm will stop at a lower resolution if
#' all tables in it do not meet the criteria specified at \code{min.tbl.tot},
#' \code{min.row.tot} and \code{min.col.tot})
#' @param R_star A positive integer, if set to an integer
#' between 0 and \code{R_max}, all tests up to and including resolution \code{R_star}
#' will be performed (algorithm will stop at a lower resolution than requested if
#' all tables in it do not meet the criteria specified at \code{min.tbl.tot},
#' \code{min.row.tot} and \code{min.col.tot}). For higher resolutions only the children of 
#' tests with \code{p}-value lower than \code{p_star} will be considered.
#' @param rank.transform Logical, if \code{TRUE}, marginal rank transform is
#' performed on all margins of \code{x} and \code{y}. If \code{FALSE}, all
#' margins are scaled to 0-1 scale. When \code{FALSE}, the average and top
#' statistics of the negative logarithm of the \code{p}-values are only computed
#' for the univariate case.
#' @param ranking.approximation Logical, if \code{FALSE}, select only tests with \code{p}-values 
#' more extreme than \code{p_star} to halve and further test. FWER control not guaranteed.
#' If \code{TRUE}, choose at each resolution the \code{M} tests with the most extreme 
#' \code{p}-values to further halve and test.
#' @param M A positive integer (or Inf), the number of top ranking
#' tests to continue to split at each resolution. FWER control not guaranteed 
#' for this method.
#' @param apply.stopping.rule Logical. If TRUE, an adjusted \code{p}-value is computed for each resolution,
#  if it is less than \code{alpha}, testing is stopped and \code{p}-value reported.
#' @param alpha Numeric. Threshold below which resolution-specific \code{p}-values trigger early stopping.
#' @param test.method String, choose "Fisher" for Fisher's exact test (slowest), "chi.sq" for
#' Chi-squared test, "LR" for likelihood-ratio test and "norm.approx" for approximating
#' the hypergeometric distribution with a normal distribution (fastest).
#' @param correct Logical, if \code{TRUE} compute mid-p corrected \code{p}-values for
#' Fisher's exact test, or Yates corrected \code{p}-values for the Chi-squared test,
#' or Williams corrected \code{p}-values for the likelihood-ratio test.
#' @param min.tbl.tot Non-negative integer, the minimal number of observations
#' per table below which a \code{p}-value for a given table will not be computed.
#' @param min.row.tot Non-negative integer, the minimal number of observations
#' for row totals in the 2x2 contingency tables below which a contingency table will not be tested.
#' @param min.col.tot Non-negative integer, the minimal number of observations
#' for column totals in the 2x2 contingency tables below which a contingency table will not be tested.
#' @param p.adjust.methods String, choose between "H" for Holm, "Hcorrected" for Holm with
#' the correction as specified in \code{correct}.
#' @param compute.all.holm Logical, if \code{FALSE}, only global \code{p}-value is
#' computed (may be a little faster when any tests are performed). If \code{TRUE}
#' adjusted \code{p}-values are computed for all tests.
#' @param return.all.pvs Logical, if TRUE, a data frame with all \code{p}-values
#' is returned (not applicable when stopping rule is applied)
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @return \code{p.values.holistic}, a named numerical vector containing the holistic \code{p}-values of
#' for the global null hypothesis (i.e. x independent of y).
#' @return \code{p.values.resolution.specific}, a named numerical vector containing the 
#' reslution specific \code{p}-values of for the global null hypothesis (i.e. x independent of y). 
#' @return \code{res.by.res.pvs}, a dta frame that contains the raw and Bonferroni adjusted
#' resolution specific \code{p}-values.
#' @return \code{all.pvs}, a data frame that contains all \code{p}-values and adjusted
#' \code{p}-values that are computed. Returned if \code{return.all.pvs} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return \code{all}, a nested list. Each entry is named and contains data about a resolution
#' that was tested. Each resolution is a list in itself, with \code{cuboids}, a summary of
#' all tested cuboids in a resolution, \code{tables}, a summary of all 2x2
#' contingency tables in a resolution, \code{pv}, a numerical vector containing the
#' \code{p}-values from the tests of independence on 2x2 contingency table in \code{tables}
#' that meet the criteria defined by \code{min.tbl.tot}, \code{min.row.tot} and \code{min.col.tot}.
#' The length of \code{pv} is equal to the number of rows of \code{tables}. \code{pv.correct},
#' similar to the above \code{pv}, corrected \code{p}-values are computed and returned when
#' \code{correct} is \code{TRUE}. \code{rank.tests}, logical vector that indicates
#' whether or not a test was ranked among the top \code{M} tests in a resolution. The
#' length of \code{rank.tests} is equal to the number of rows of \code{tables}. \code{parent.cuboids},
#' an integer vector, indicating which cuboids in a resolution are associated with
#' the ranked tests, and will be further halved in the next higher resolution.
#' \code{parent.tests}, a logical vector of the same length as the
#' number of rows of \code{tables}, indicating whether or not a test was chosen as a parent
#' test (same tests may have multiple children).
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n = 300
#' Dx = Dy = 2
#' x = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = Dx)
#' y = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = Dy)
#' x[,1] = rnorm(n)
#' x[,2] = runif(n)
#' y[,1] = rnorm(n)
#' y[,2] = sin(5 * pi * x[ , 2]) + 1 / 5 * rnorm(n)
#' fit = MultiFIT(x = x, y = y, verbose = TRUE)
#' w = MultiSummary(x = x, y = y, fit = fit, alpha = 0.0001)
#' @export
MultiFIT = function(xy, x = NULL, y = NULL,
                    p_star = NULL, R_max = NULL,
                    R_star = 1,
                    rank.transform = TRUE,
                    ranking.approximation = FALSE, M = 10, 
                    apply.stopping.rule = FALSE, alpha = 0.05,
                    test.method = "Fisher", correct = TRUE,
                    min.tbl.tot = 25L, min.row.tot = 10L, min.col.tot = 10L,
                    p.adjust.methods = c("H", "Hcorrected"),
                    compute.all.holm = TRUE,
                    return.all.pvs = TRUE,
                    verbose = FALSE) {
  s0 = Sys.time()
  # Pre-processing -----
  no_pot_parents = FALSE
  stopping_rule_applied = FALSE
  if (!missing(xy)) {
  if (is.vector(x)) x = matrix(x, ncol = 1)
  if (is.vector(y)) y = matrix(y, ncol = 1)
  Dx = ncol(x); Dy = ncol(y); n = nrow(x)
  if (is.null(R_max)) R_max = as.integer(floor(log(n / 10, 2)))
  if (!is.null(R_star)) {
    if (R_star >= R_max) {
      warning(paste0("Full coverage was asked for resolution ",
                     " whereas the maximal resolution is ",
                     ". All cuboids are scanned."))
      M = Inf
  } else { R_star = -1 }
  if (is.null(p_star)) p_star = 1 / (Dx * Dy * log(n, 2))
  if (is.null(R_star)) R_star = 1
  if (!ranking.approximation) M = Inf
  R_max_denominator = R_max
  if (is.infinite(R_max) | is.infinite(R_star)) {
    if (apply.stopping.rule) {
      stop("Cannot apply stopping rule with R_max or R_star set to Inf.")
    R_max_denominator = 0
  if (n < 50 & min.tbl.tot == 25L & min.row.tot == 10L & min.col.tot == 10L) {
    min.tbl.tot = as.integer(floor(n / 4))
    min.row.tot = as.integer(floor(0.4 * min.tbl.tot))
    min.col.tot = as.integer(floor(0.4 * min.tbl.tot))
  if (!is.null(p.adjust.methods)) {
    if (sum(!is.na(p.adjust.methods)) == 0) {
      switch (test.method,
              Fisher = {
                test.name = "Fisher's exact tests"
                choices = c("H", "Hcorrected")
                if ("Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods) correct = TRUE
              chi.sq = {
                test.name ="Chi-squared tests"
                choices = c("H", "Hcorrected")
                if ("Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods) correct = TRUE
              LR = {
                test.name ="likelihood-ratio tests"
                choices = c("H", "Hcorrected")
                if ("Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods) correct = TRUE
              norm.approx = {
                test.name = "normal approximation based tests"
                correct = FALSE
                p.adjust.methods = setdiff(p.adjust.methods, c("Hcorrected"))
                choices = c("H")
      if (any(!(p.adjust.methods %in% choices))) {
        stop(paste0("p.adjust.methods not specified correctly. For ", test.name,
                    " p.adjust.methods must include ",
                    paste(paste0(choices[1:(length(choices)-1)], ", "), collapse = ""),
                    "or ", choices[length(choices)], ".", sep = ""))
  p.values = rep(NA, length(p.adjust.methods))
  names(p.values) = p.adjust.methods
  if (rank.transform) {
    if (verbose) cat("Applying rank transformation\n")
    x.tran = apply(x, 2, function(x) ecdf(x)(x) - 1 / n)
    y.tran = apply(y, 2, function(y) ecdf(y)(y) - 1 / n)
  if (!rank.transform) {
    scale01 = function(z){ (1 - 10^(-7)) * (z - min(z))/(max(z) - min(z)) }
    if (verbose) cat("Scaling variables to 0-1\n")
    x.tran = apply(x, 2, scale01)
    y.tran = apply(y, 2, scale01)
  # res 0 -----
  kx.header = paste0("kx.", 1:Dx)
  ky.header = paste0("ky.", 1:Dy)
  k.header = c(kx.header, ky.header)
  lx.header = paste0("lx.", 1:Dx)
  ly.header = paste0("ly.", 1:Dy)
  l.header = c(lx.header, ly.header)
  kl.header = c(k.header, l.header)
  cuboid.header = c("n00", "n01", "n10", "n11")
  ij = expand.grid(1L:Dy, 1L:Dx)
  ij = as.matrix(ij[ , c(2,1)])
  cuboids.colnames = c("res", kl.header, "cuboid.idx", "child.of.cuboid", "child.of.test")
  W = as.data.frame(matrix(0L, nrow=1, ncol = length(cuboids.colnames)))
  colnames(W) = cuboids.colnames
  # Initial values for resolution 0:
  W[ , "cuboid.idx"] = 1L
  W[ , l.header] = 1L
  rng = 1L:(Dx*Dy) # rng: range of tests(=rows in pvs) defined for each resolution
  if (verbose) cat("Testing")
  if (verbose & correct & test.method=="Fisher") cat(" and computing mid-p corrected p-values")
  if (verbose & correct & test.method=="chi.sq") cat(" and computing Yates corrected p-values")
  if (verbose & correct & test.method=="LR") cat(" and computing Williams corrected p-values")
  if (verbose) cat(paste0(":\nResolution ", 0, "/", R_max,
                          ": performing ", length(rng), " tests\n"))
  discCpp = discretizeCpp(a = x.tran, b = y.tran,
                          w = as.numeric(W[ , c(kl.header, "cuboid.idx")]),
                          mask = rep(TRUE, n),
                          ij = ij, Dx = Dx, Dy = Dy);
  colnames(discCpp$tables) = c("i", "j",
                               "n00", "n01", "n10", "n11",
                               "cuboid.idx", "test.idx");
  disc = list();
  disc$tables = discCpp$tables;
  disc$`2`$mask = as.logical(discCpp$mask);
  disc$`2`$x0.sub.mask = matrix(as.logical(discCpp$x0.sub.mask), nrow = nrow(discCpp$x0.sub.mask));
  disc$`2`$y0.sub.mask = matrix(as.logical(discCpp$y0.sub.mask), nrow = nrow(discCpp$y0.sub.mask));
  names(disc)[2] = "";
  # **********************************
  disc$tables[,"test.idx"] = rng
  if (return.all.pvs) tx = disc$tables[ , "test.idx"]
  t = matrix(integer(), nrow = nrow(disc$tables), ncol = 4 + 5 + 2 * (test.method == "Fisher"))
  if (test.method == "Fisher") {
    colnames(t) = c(cuboid.header, "row0.tot", "row1.tot", "col0.tot", "col1.tot", "grand.tot", "hi", "lo")
  } else {
    colnames(t) = c(cuboid.header, "row0.tot", "row1.tot", "col0.tot", "col1.tot", "grand.tot")
  if (is.matrix(disc$tables[ , cuboid.header])) {
    t[ , cuboid.header] = disc$tables[,cuboid.header]
    t[ , "col0.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n00","n10")])
    t[ , "col1.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n01","n11")])
    t[ , "grand.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("col0.tot", "col1.tot")])
    t[ , "row1.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n10","n11")])
    t[ , "row0.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n00","n01")])
  } else {
    t[ , cuboid.header] = matrix(disc$tables[ , cuboid.header], nrow = 1)
    t[ , "col0.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n00", "n10")])
    t[ , "col1.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n01","n11")])
    t[ , "grand.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("col0.tot","col1.tot")])
    t[ , "row1.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n10","n11")])
    t[ , "row0.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n00","n01")])
  do.tests = ((t[ , "grand.tot"] > min.tbl.tot) & (t[ , "row0.tot"] > min.row.tot)
              & (t[ , "row1.tot"] > min.row.tot) & (t[ , "col0.tot"] > min.col.tot)
              & (t[ , "col1.tot"] > min.col.tot))
  if (sum(do.tests) == 0) {
    if (verbose) cat("No pairs of margins in resolution 0 had enough observations to be tested,
                     no tests performed.\n")
  if (test.method == "Fisher") {
    t[ , "hi"] = t[ , "n00"] + pmin(t[ , "n10"], t[ , "n01"])
    t[ , "lo"] = pmax(0, t[ , "col0.tot"] - t[ , "row1.tot"])
  if (test.method == "chi.sq" | test.method == "LR") {
    if (is.matrix(disc$tables[ , cuboid.header]) & sum(do.tests) > 1) {
      E = exp(c(rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col1.tot")])),
                rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col1.tot")]))) - 
                  log(t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]))
    } else {
      E = exp(c(sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col1.tot")])),
                sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col1.tot")]))) - log(t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]))
  all = list(list(cuboids = W[ , cuboids.colnames], tables = disc$tables))
  names(all) = '0'
  switch (test.method,
          Fisher = {
            if (sum(do.tests) == 1) {
              ST = single_Fisher_test(t[do.tests, ],  correct, FALSE)
              pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
              pv[do.tests] = ST$pv
              if (correct) {
                pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                pv.correct[do.tests] = ST$pv.correct
            } else {
              ST = apply(t[do.tests, ], 1, single_Fisher_test, correct, FALSE)
              pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
              pv[do.tests] = vapply(ST, `[[`, double(1), "pv")
              if (correct) {
                pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                pv.correct[do.tests] = vapply(ST, `[[`, double(1), "pv.correct")
          chi.sq = {
            U = abs(c(t[do.tests, cuboid.header]) - E)
            stat = rowSums(matrix(U^2 / E, ncol = 4))
            if (correct) {
              stat.yates = rowSums(matrix((U - pmin(0.5, U))^2/E, ncol = 4))
            } else {
                stat.yates = NULL
            p = pchisq(c(stat, stat.yates), 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
            pv[do.tests] = p[1:((length(p) / 2) + as.integer(!correct) * (length(p) / 2))]
            pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
            if (correct) {
              pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
              pv.correct[do.tests] = p[(length(p) / 2 + 1):length(p)]
              pv.correct[pv.correct == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
          LR = {
            t[do.tests,cuboid.header][t[do.tests, cuboid.header] == 0] = NA
            U = c(t[do.tests, cuboid.header])
            stat = 2 * rowSums(matrix(U * log(U / E), ncol = 4), na.rm = TRUE)
            if (correct) {
              row.tot = 1 / t[do.tests, "row0.tot"] + 1 / t[do.tests, "row1.tot"]
              col.tot = 1 / t[do.tests, "col0.tot"] + 1 / t[do.tests, "col1.tot"]
              gt = t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]
              q = 1 + exp(log(gt * row.tot - 1) + log(gt * col.tot - 1) - log(6 * gt))
              stat.williams = stat / q
            } else {
              stat.williams = NULL
            p = pchisq(c(stat, stat.williams), 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
            pv[do.tests] = p[1:((length(p) / 2) + as.integer(!correct) * (length(p) / 2))]
            pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
            if (correct) {
              pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
              pv.correct[do.tests] = p[(length(p) / 2 + 1):length(p)]
              pv.correct[pv.correct == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
          norm.approx = {
            c0 = t[do.tests, "col0.tot"]
            r0 = t[do.tests, "row0.tot"]
            gt = t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]
            EA00 = exp(log(c0) + log(r0) - log(gt))
            VarA00 = exp(log(EA00) + log(gt - r0) - log(gt) + log(gt - c0) - log(gt - 1))
            pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
            pv[do.tests] = 2 * pnorm(-abs((t[do.tests, "n00"] - EA00) / sqrt(VarA00)))
            pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
  if (correct) {
    all$`0` = c(all$`0`, list(pv = pv, pv.correct = pv.correct))
  } else {
    all$`0` = c(all$`0`, list(pv = pv))
  disc$tables = NULL
  selector = disc
  names(selector) = "1"
  p.rng = !is.na(all$`0`$pv)
  if (sum(is.na(all$`0`$pv)) == length(all$`0`$pv)) {
    warning("No tests were performed, too few observations per table. Consider changing min.tbl.tot, min.row.tot or min.col.tot.")
    if (return.all.pvs) { return(invisible(all)) } else { return(NULL) }
  # Rank the tests that have p-values:
  pvs.per.res = all$`0`$pv
  n.pvs.per.res = sum(p.rng)
  if (ranking.approximation) {
    mM = min(n.pvs.per.res, M)
    cond = (mM >= n.pvs.per.res | 0 < R_star)
  } else {
    mM = n.pvs.per.res
    cond = (0 < R_star)
  if (cond) {
    rank.tests = rep(TRUE, n.pvs.per.res)
  } else {
    if (!ranking.approximation) {
      rank.tests =
        as.logical(rep(FALSE, n.pvs.per.res) +
                     (pvs.per.res <= p_star))
    } else {
      rank.tests =
        as.logical(rep(FALSE, n.pvs.per.res) +
                     (pvs.per.res <= sort(pvs.per.res, partial = 1:mM)[mM] &
                        pvs.per.res <= p_star))
  parent.tests = rank.tests
  parent.tests[is.na(parent.tests)] = 0
  parent.tests = as.logical(parent.tests)
  num.parent.tests = sum(parent.tests)
  # On the annoying occasion where several different tests are ranked last with the
  # same p-value (not negligible chance, because of the rank transform),
  # omit until down to M ranked tests:
  if (0 >= R_star) {
    while (num.parent.tests > M) {
      rank.tests[rank.tests][tail(which(pvs.per.res[rank.tests] == max(pvs.per.res[rank.tests], na.rm = TRUE)), 1)] = FALSE
      parent.tests = rank.tests
      num.parent.tests = sum(parent.tests, na.rm = TRUE)
  parent.cuboids = unname(all$`0`$tables[parent.tests, "cuboid.idx"])
  num.parent.cuboids = length(unique(parent.cuboids))
  all$`0` = 
        rank.tests = rank.tests, 
        parent.cuboids = parent.cuboids, 
        parent.tests = parent.tests
  unq = !duplicated(W$cuboid.idx)

  res = 0
  summarize.pvs = as.data.frame(matrix(0L, nrow = 1, ncol = 2 * length(p.adjust.methods)))
  p.adjust.methodsB = paste0(p.adjust.methods, "B")
  colnames(summarize.pvs) = c(p.adjust.methods, p.adjust.methodsB)
  summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methods] <- 
      all = all, 
      p.adjust.methods = p.adjust.methods, 
      correct = correct, 
      p.values = p.values
  summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methodsB] = summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methods] * ( R_max_denominator + 1 )

    if (apply.stopping.rule) {
      if (any(summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methodsB] < alpha)) {
        if (verbose) { cat("Early stopping rule met.\n\n") }
        val = list(all = all)
        p.values.resolution.specific = apply(summarize.pvs[ , p.adjust.methodsB, drop = FALSE], 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        val = c(val, list(p.values.resolution.specific = p.values.resolution.specific))
        val = c(val, list(res.by.res.pvs = summarize.pvs))
        stopping_rule_applied = TRUE
  if (sum(rank.tests) == 0) {
    if (verbose) cat("No potential parent tests in resolution 0 have p-values below threshold.\n")
    no_pot_parents = TRUE
    R_max = 0

# ***************************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************************
  if (!stopping_rule_applied & R_max > 0) {
    # Resolutions 1 and above 
    res = 1
    old.kx.header = paste0("parent.", kx.header)
    old.ky.header = paste0("parent.", ky.header)
    old.k.header = c(old.kx.header, old.ky.header)
    lx.add.header = paste0("add.", lx.header)
    ly.add.header = paste0("add.", ly.header)
    cuboids.colnames.extended = 
      c("res", kl.header, "cuboid.idx", "child.of.cuboid", "child.of.test",
        old.k.header, lx.add.header, ly.add.header)
    while (res <= R_max) {
      # Find unique tests:
      r.prev = as.character(res - 1)
      curr.res = as.character(res)
      min.cuboid.idx = max(all[[r.prev]]$cuboid[ , "cuboid.idx"]) + 1L
      min.test.idx = max(all[[r.prev]]$tables[ , "test.idx"]) + 1L
      mM = ifelse(res <= R_star,
                  min(num.parent.tests, M))
      all.max.cuboid.idx = min.cuboid.idx - 1L + 4L * mM
      all.cuboid.rng = min.cuboid.idx:all.max.cuboid.idx
      if (verbose) cat(paste0("Resolution ", res, "/", R_max,
                              ": scanning ", length(all.cuboid.rng),
                              " cuboids"))
      W = 
                 nrow = length(all.cuboid.rng),
                 ncol = length(cuboids.colnames.extended) + 1
      colnames(W) = c(cuboids.colnames.extended, "id")
      W[ ,"res"] = res
      parent.cuboids.row.num = match(parent.cuboids, all[[r.prev]]$cuboids$cuboid.idx)
      old.rep.idx = rep(parent.cuboids.row.num, each = 4)
      W[ , "child.of.cuboid"] = all[[r.prev]]$cuboids[old.rep.idx, "cuboid.idx"]
      # This is gross, but all options differ dependeing on whether this is
      # a 1x1 case, there is only one parent selected, or there is only one
      # p-value in the previous resolution:
      if (Dx == 1 & Dy == 1 & nrow(all[[r.prev]]$cuboids) == 1) {
        all.parent.tests.tables =
            all[[r.prev]]$tables[p.rng, ][all[[r.prev]]$parent.tests],
            nrow = 1,
            byrow = TRUE
        colnames(all.parent.tests.tables) = 
          c("i", "j", "n00", "n01", "n10", "n11", "cuboid.idx", "test.idx")
      } else {
        if (sum(p.rng) > 1 & num.parent.tests > 1) {
          all.parent.tests.tables = all[[r.prev]]$tables[p.rng, ][all[[r.prev]]$parent.tests, ]
        } else {
          if (sum(p.rng) == 1) {
            all.parent.tests.tables = matrix(all[[r.prev]]$tables[p.rng,], nrow = 1)
          } else {
            all.parent.tests.tables = 
              matrix(all[[r.prev]]$tables[p.rng,][all[[r.prev]]$parent.tests,], nrow = 1)
          colnames(all.parent.tests.tables) = 
            c("i", "j", "n00", "n01", "n10", "n11", "cuboid.idx", "test.idx")
      W[ , "child.of.test"] = rep(as.integer(all.parent.tests.tables[ , "test.idx"]), each = 4)
      kx.add = do.call("rbind", lapply(all.parent.tests.tables[,"i"],
                                       function(i) {
                                         a = matrix(0L, nrow = 2, ncol = Dx); a[1, i] = 1L;
                                         if (is.vector(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2), ])) {
                                           return(matrix(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2), ], ncol = 1))
                                         } else {
                                           return(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2), ])
      ky.add = do.call("rbind", lapply(all.parent.tests.tables[ ,"j"],
                                       function(j) {
                                         a = matrix(0L, nrow = 2, ncol = Dy); a[2, j] = 1L;
                                         if (is.vector(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2), ])) {
                                           return(matrix(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2), ], ncol = 1))
                                         } else {
                                           return(a[rep(1L:2L, each = 2),])
      W[ , old.k.header] = all[[r.prev]]$cuboids[old.rep.idx, k.header]
      W[ , kx.header] = W[ , old.kx.header] + kx.add
      W[, ky.header] = W[ , old.ky.header] + ky.add
      W[ , lx.add.header] = do.call("rbind", lapply(all.parent.tests.tables[ ,"i"],
                                                  function(i) {
                                                    a = matrix(1L, nrow = 4, ncol = Dx);
                                                    a[ , i] = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 1L);
      W[ , ly.add.header] = do.call("rbind", lapply(all.parent.tests.tables[ ,"j"],
                                                  function(j) {
                                                    a = matrix(1L, nrow = 4, ncol = Dy);
                                                    a[ ,j] = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L);
      old.l = all[[r.prev]]$cuboids[old.rep.idx,l.header]
      W[ , lx.header] = 
        kx.add * (2L * (old.l[,lx.header] - 1L) + W[ , lx.add.header]) + 
          (1L - kx.add) * old.l[ , lx.header]
      W[ , ly.header] = 
        ky.add * (2L * (old.l[ , ly.header] - 1L) + W[ , ly.add.header]) + 
          (1L - ky.add) * old.l[ , ly.header]
      W[ , "cuboid.idx"] = all.cuboid.rng
      id = NULL;
      invisible(data.table::setDT(W)[ , id := .GRP, by = kl.header]$id)
      W$cuboid.idx = min.cuboid.idx - 1L + W$id
      W = data.frame(W)
      W$id = NULL
      unq = !duplicated(W$cuboid.idx)
      rng = all.cuboid.rng[unq]
      if (verbose) cat(paste0(", performing ", length(rng) * Dx * Dy, " tests\n"))
      disc = apply(W[unq,],1, function(G) {
        which.old.cuboid = as.character(G["child.of.cuboid"])
        pm = selector[[which.old.cuboid]]$mask
        if (which(as.logical(G[k.header]-G[old.k.header]))<=Dx) {
          icol = all.parent.tests.tables[all.parent.tests.tables[,"test.idx"]==G["child.of.test"],]["i"]
          if (G[lx.add.header[icol]]==1) {
            pm[pm==TRUE] = selector[[which.old.cuboid]]$x0.sub.mask[,icol]
          } else {
            pm[pm==TRUE] = !selector[[which.old.cuboid]]$x0.sub.mask[,icol]
        } else {
          jcol = all.parent.tests.tables[all.parent.tests.tables[,"test.idx"]==G["child.of.test"],]["j"]
          if (G[ly.add.header[jcol]]==1) {
            pm[pm==TRUE] = selector[[which.old.cuboid]]$y0.sub.mask[,jcol]
          } else {
            pm[pm==TRUE] = !selector[[which.old.cuboid]]$y0.sub.mask[,jcol]
          discCpp = discretizeCpp(a=x.tran, b=y.tran,
                                  ij=ij, Dx=Dx, Dy=Dy);
          colnames(discCpp$tables) =  c("i", "j",
                                        "n00", "n01", "n10", "n11",
                                        "cuboid.idx", "test.idx");
          disc = list();
          disc$tables = discCpp$tables;
          disc$`2`$mask = as.logical(discCpp$mask);
          disc$`2`$x0.sub.mask = matrix(as.logical(discCpp$x0.sub.mask), nrow = nrow(discCpp$x0.sub.mask));
          disc$`2`$y0.sub.mask = matrix(as.logical(discCpp$y0.sub.mask), nrow = nrow(discCpp$y0.sub.mask));
          names(disc)[2] = "";
      dt = do.call("rbind", lapply(disc, `[[`, "tables"))
      dt[ , "test.idx"] = min.test.idx:(min.test.idx + nrow(dt) - 1)
      if (return.all.pvs) tx = c(tx, dt[ , "test.idx"])
      all.add = list(list(cuboids = W[ , cuboids.colnames], tables = dt))
      names(all.add) = res
      all = c(all, all.add)
      t = matrix(integer(), nrow = nrow(dt), ncol = 4 + 5 + 2 * (test.method == "Fisher"))
      if (test.method == "Fisher") {
        colnames(t) = 
          c(cuboid.header, "row0.tot", "row1.tot", "col0.tot", "col1.tot", "grand.tot", "hi", "lo")
      } else {
        colnames(t) = 
          c(cuboid.header, "row0.tot", "row1.tot", "col0.tot", "col1.tot", "grand.tot")
      if (is.matrix(dt[ , cuboid.header])) {
        t[ , cuboid.header] = dt[,cuboid.header]
        t[ , "col0.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n00", "n10")])
        t[ , "col1.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n01", "n11")])
        t[ , "grand.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("col0.tot", "col1.tot")])
        t[ , "row1.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n10", "n11")])
        t[ , "row0.tot"] = rowSums(t[ , c("n00", "n01")])
      } else {
        t[ , cuboid.header] = matrix(dt[ , cuboid.header], nrow = 1)
        t[ , "col0.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n00", "n10")])
        t[ , "col1.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n01", "n11")])
        t[ , "grand.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("col0.tot", "col1.tot")])
        t[ , "row1.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n10", "n11")])
        t[ , "row0.tot"] = sum(t[ , c("n00", "n01")])
      do.tests = ((t[,"grand.tot"] > min.tbl.tot) & (t[,"row0.tot"] > min.row.tot)
                  & (t[,"row1.tot"] > min.row.tot) & (t[,"col0.tot"] > min.col.tot)
                  & (t[,"col1.tot"] > min.col.tot))
      if (sum(do.tests) == 0) {
        if (correct) {
          all[[curr.res]] = 
            c(all[[curr.res]], list(pv = rep(NA, nrow(t)), pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))))
        } else {
          all[[curr.res]] = c(all[[curr.res]], list(pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))))
        if (verbose) cat("No pairs of margins in resolution", res, "had enough observations to be tested.\n")
        no_pot_parents = TRUE
      if (test.method=="Fisher") {
        t[ , "hi"] = t[ , "n00"] + pmin(t[ , "n10"], t[ , "n01"])
        t[ , "lo"] = pmax(0, t[ , "col0.tot"] - t[ , "row1.tot"])
      if (test.method == "chi.sq" | test.method == "LR") {
        if (is.matrix(dt[ , cuboid.header]) & sum(do.tests) > 1) {
          E = exp(c(rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                    rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col1.tot")])),
                    rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                    rowSums(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col1.tot")]))) - log(t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]))
        } else {
          E = exp(c(sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                    sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row0.tot", "col1.tot")])),
                    sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col0.tot")])),
                    sum(log(t[do.tests, c("row1.tot", "col1.tot")]))) - log(t[do.tests,"grand.tot"]))
      switch (test.method,
              Fisher = {
                if (sum(do.tests)==1) {
                  ST = single_Fisher_test(t[do.tests,],  correct, FALSE)
                  pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                  pv[do.tests] = ST$pv
                  if (correct) {
                    pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                    pv.correct[do.tests] = ST$pv.correct
                } else {
                  ST = apply(t[do.tests,], 1, single_Fisher_test, correct, FALSE)
                  pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                  pv[do.tests] = vapply(ST, `[[`, double(1), "pv")
                  if (correct) {
                    pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                    pv.correct[do.tests] = vapply(ST, `[[`, double(1), "pv.correct")
              chi.sq = {
                U = abs(c(t[do.tests, cuboid.header]) - E)
                stat = rowSums(matrix(U^2 / E, ncol = 4))
                if (correct) {
                  stat.yates = rowSums(matrix((U - pmin(0.5, U))^2 / E, ncol = 4))
                } else {
                    stat.yates = NULL
                p = pchisq(c(stat, stat.yates), 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
                pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                pv[do.tests] = p[1:((length(p) / 2) + as.integer(!correct) * (length(p) / 2))]
                pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
                if (correct) {
                  pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                  pv.correct[do.tests] = p[(length(p) / 2 + 1):length(p)]
                  pv.correct[pv.correct == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
              LR = {
                t[do.tests,cuboid.header][t[do.tests,cuboid.header] == 0] = NA
                U = c(t[do.tests,cuboid.header])
                stat = 2 * rowSums(matrix(U * log(U / E), ncol = 4), na.rm = TRUE)
                if (correct) {
                  row.tot = 1 / t[do.tests, "row0.tot"] + 1 / t[do.tests, "row1.tot"]
                  col.tot = 1 / t[do.tests, "col0.tot"] + 1 / t[do.tests, "col1.tot"]
                  gt = t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]
                  q = 1 + exp(log(gt * row.tot - 1) + log(gt * col.tot - 1) - log(6 * gt))
                  stat.williams = stat / q
                } else {
                  stat.williams = NULL
                p = pchisq(c(stat, stat.williams), 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
                pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                pv[do.tests] = p[1:((length(p) / 2) + as.integer(!correct) * (length(p) / 2))]
                pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
                if (correct) {
                  pv.correct = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                  pv.correct[do.tests] = p[(length(p) / 2 + 1):length(p)]
                  pv.correct[pv.correct == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
              norm.approx = {
                c0 = t[do.tests, "col0.tot"]
                r0 = t[do.tests, "row0.tot"]
                gt = t[do.tests, "grand.tot"]
                EA00 = exp(log(c0) + log(r0) - log(gt))
                VarA00 = exp(log(EA00) + log(gt - r0) - log(gt) + log(gt - c0) - log(gt - 1))
                pv = rep(NA, nrow(t))
                pv[do.tests] = 2 * pnorm(-abs((t[do.tests, "n00"] - EA00) / sqrt(VarA00)))
                pv[pv == 0] = .Machine$double.xmin
      if (correct) {
        all[[curr.res]] = c(all[[curr.res]], list(pv = pv, pv.correct = pv.correct))
      } else {
        all[[curr.res]] = c(all[[curr.res]], list(pv = pv))
      selector = lapply(disc, `[[`, 2)
      names(selector) = W$cuboid.idx[unq]
      # Rank the tests that have p-values:
      p.rng = !is.na(all[[curr.res]]$pv)
      pvs.per.res = all[[curr.res]]$pv[p.rng]
      n.pvs.per.res = length(pvs.per.res)
      if (ranking.approximation) {
        mM = min(n.pvs.per.res, M)
        cond = (mM >= n.pvs.per.res | res < R_star)
      } else {
        cond = (res < R_star)
      if (cond) {
        # if (mM>=n.pvs.per.res | res<R_star) {
        rank.tests = rep(TRUE, n.pvs.per.res)
      } else {
        if (!ranking.approximation) {
          rank.tests =
            as.logical(rep(FALSE, n.pvs.per.res) +
                         (pvs.per.res <= p_star))
        } else {
          rank.tests =
            as.logical(rep(FALSE, n.pvs.per.res) +
                         (pvs.per.res <= sort(pvs.per.res, partial = 1:mM)[mM] &
                            pvs.per.res <= p_star))
      all[[curr.res]] = c(all[[curr.res]], list(rank.tests = rank.tests))
      parent.tests = rank.tests
      parent.tests[is.na(parent.tests)] = 0
      parent.tests = as.logical(parent.tests)
      num.parent.tests = sum(parent.tests)
      if (res >= R_star) {
        while (num.parent.tests > M) {
          rank.tests[rank.tests][tail(which(pvs.per.res[rank.tests] == max(pvs.per.res[rank.tests], na.rm=TRUE)), 1)] = FALSE
          parent.tests = rank.tests
          num.parent.tests = sum(parent.tests, na.rm = TRUE)
      parent.cuboids = all[[curr.res]]$tables[p.rng, "cuboid.idx"][parent.tests]
      num.parent.cuboids = length(unique(parent.cuboids))
      all[[curr.res]] = 
            parent.cuboids = parent.cuboids,
            parent.tests = parent.tests
      if (sum(rank.tests) == 0) {
        if (verbose) cat("No potential parents in resolution", res, "have p-values below threshold.\n")
        no_pot_parents = TRUE

      summarize.pvs[res + 1, p.adjust.methods] <- 
          all = all[res + 1],
          p.values = p.values
      summarize.pvs[res + 1, p.adjust.methodsB] = summarize.pvs[res + 1, p.adjust.methods] * ( R_max_denominator + 1 )

      if (apply.stopping.rule & !no_pot_parents) {
        if (any(summarize.pvs[res + 1, p.adjust.methodsB] < alpha)) {
          if (verbose) { cat("Early stopping rule met.\n\n") }
          val = list(all = all)
          p.values.resolution.specific = 
            apply(summarize.pvs[ , p.adjust.methodsB, drop = FALSE], 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          val = c(val, list(p.values.resolution.specific = p.values.resolution.specific))
          val = c(val, list(res.by.res.pvs = summarize.pvs))
          stopping_rule_applied = TRUE
      res = res + 1
    } # end res loop
  } # end res > 0 if
  if (verbose) print(Sys.time() - s0)
  if (!apply.stopping.rule) {
    if (verbose) cat("Individual tests completed, computing holistic p-values...\n")
    pvs = unlist(lapply(all, `[[`, "pv"), use.names = FALSE)
    p.rng = !is.na(pvs)
    p = pvs[p.rng]
    lp = length(p)
    min.p = min(p)
    if (correct) {
      pvs.correct = unlist(lapply(all, `[[`, "pv.correct"), use.names = FALSE)
      pv.correct = pvs.correct[p.rng]
      min.pv.correct = min(pv.correct)
    if (return.all.pvs) {
      if (!compute.all.holm) holm.names = NULL
      holm.methods = c("H" %in% p.adjust.methods, "Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods)
      if (compute.all.holm) holm.names = c("H", "Hcorrected")[holm.methods]
      all.pvs = 
            nrow = length(pvs),
            ncol = 2L + correct + length(holm.names) +
                      length(setdiff(p.adjust.methods, c("H", "Hcorrected")))
      if (correct) correct.p.name = "pv.correct" else correct.p.name = NULL
      colnames(all.pvs) = 
        c("test.idx", "pv", correct.p.name, holm.names,
      all.pvs$test.idx = tx
      all.pvs$pv = pvs
      if (correct) all.pvs$pv.correct = pvs.correct
    if (!is.null(p.adjust.methods)) {
      s1 = Sys.time()
      # (The following code was adapted from the R
      #  packages 'discreteMTP' and 'MHTdiscrete')
      if ("H" %in% p.adjust.methods) {
        if (compute.all.holm) {
            if (verbose) cat("H: Computing all adjusted holistic p-values...\n")
            pvs.H = rep(NA, length(pvs))
            s = seq_len(lp)
            o = order(p)
            ro = order(o)
            pvs.H[p.rng] = pmin(1, cummax((lp - s + 1L) * p[o]))[ro]
            if (return.all.pvs) all.pvs$H = pvs.H
            p.values["H"] = min(pvs.H[p.rng])
        } else {
          if (verbose) cat("H: Computing holistic global p-value...\n")
          p.values["H"] = min(1, lp * min.p)
      if ("Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods) {
        if (compute.all.holm) {
            if (verbose) cat("Hcorrected: Computing all adjusted holistic p-values...\n")
            pvs.Hcorrected = rep(NA, length(pvs))
            s = seq_len(lp)
            o = order(pv.correct)
            ro = order(o)
            pvs.Hcorrected[p.rng] = pmin(1, cummax((lp - s + 1L) * pv.correct[o]))[ro]
            if (return.all.pvs) all.pvs$Hcorrected = pvs.Hcorrected
            p.values["Hcorrected"] = min(pvs.Hcorrected[p.rng])
        } else {
          if (verbose) cat("Hcorrected: Computing global holistic p-value...\n")
          p.values["Hcorrected"] = min(1, lp * min.pv.correct)
      if (verbose) print(Sys.time() - s1)
  } else {
    p.values = apply(summarize.pvs, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)

  attributes(all)$parameters =
    list(Dx = Dx, Dy = Dy, n = n, 
         p_star = p_star,
         R_max = R_max,
         R_star = R_star,
         rank.transform = rank.transform,
         ranking.approximation = ranking.approximation,
         M = M,
         apply.stopping.rule = apply.stopping.rule, alpha = alpha,
         test.method = test.method,
         correct = correct,
         min.tbl.tot = min.tbl.tot,
         min.row.tot = min.row.tot,
         min.col.tot = min.col.tot,
         p.adjust.methods = p.adjust.methods,
         compute.all.holm = compute.all.holm)
  if (return.all.pvs & !apply.stopping.rule) attributes(all.pvs)$parameters = attributes(all)$parameters
  if (verbose) {
           Fisher = cat("Fisher's Exact Tests:\n"),
           norm.approx = cat("Two-tailed p-values from Normal Approximations to HG Distribution:\n"),
           chi.sq = cat("Chi Squared Tests:\n"),
           LR = cat("Likelihood Ratio Tests:\n")
    if (correct) {
             Fisher = {correction.name = "mid-p"},
             chi.sq = {correction.name = "Yates"},
             LR = {correction.name = "Williams"})

  if (!apply.stopping.rule) {
    if (res < R_max) {
      summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methodsB] = 
        summarize.pvs[p.adjust.methodsB] * (res + 1) / ( R_max_denominator + 1 )
  p.values.res.by.res = pmin(apply(summarize.pvs, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE), 1)

  if (verbose) {
    if ("H" %in% p.adjust.methods) {
      if (!apply.stopping.rule) {
        cat(paste0("Global holistic p-value, Holm on p-values: ",
                   signif(p.values["H"], 6), "\n"))
        cat(paste0("Global resolution specific p-value, Holm on p-values: ",
                   signif(p.values.res.by.res["HB"], 6), "\n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("Global resolution specific p-value, Holm on p-values: ",
                   signif(p.values["HB"], 6), "\n"))
    if ("Hcorrected" %in% p.adjust.methods) {
      if (!apply.stopping.rule) {
        cat(paste0("Global holistic p-value, Holm on p-values with ",
                   correction.name, " correction: ",
                   signif(p.values["Hcorrected"], 6), "\n"))
        cat(paste0("Global resolution specific p-value, Holm on p-values with ",
                   correction.name, " correction: ",
                   signif(p.values.res.by.res["HcorrectedB"], 6), "\n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("Global resolution specific p-value, Holm on p-values with ",
                   correction.name," correction: ",
                   signif(p.values["HcorrectedB"], 6),"\n"))
  if (!stopping_rule_applied) {  
    val = list(all = all)
    if (!apply.stopping.rule) val = c(val, list(p.values.holistic = pmin(p.values, 1)))
    val = c(val, list(p.values.resolution.specific = p.values.res.by.res[p.adjust.methodsB]))
    val = c(val, list(res.by.res.pvs = summarize.pvs))
    if (return.all.pvs & !apply.stopping.rule) val = c(val, list(all.pvs = all.pvs))
} # end MultiFIT

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