#-->> BEGIN cenken code
## Generics
setGeneric("cenken", function(y, ycen, x, xcen) standardGeneric("cenken"))
## Classes
setClass("cenken", "NADAList")
# representation(slope="numeric", intercept="numeric",
# tau="numeric", p="numeric"))
## Methods
signature(y="numeric", ycen="logical", x="numeric", xcen="logical"),
function(y, ycen, x, xcen)
kendallATS(y, ycen, x, xcen)
signature(y="numeric", ycen="logical", x="numeric", xcen="missing"),
function(y, ycen, x, xcen)
xcen = rep(FALSE, length(x))
kendallATS(y, ycen, x, xcen)
signature(y="formula", ycen="missing", x="missing", xcen="missing"),
function(y, ycen, x, xcen)
f = y
y = eval.parent(f[[2]][[2]])
ycen = eval.parent(f[[2]][[3]])
x = eval.parent(f[[3]])
xcen = rep(F, length(y))
kendallATS(y, ycen, x, xcen)
setMethod("show", signature(object="cenken"), function(object)
show(as(object, "NADAList"))
setMethod("lines", signature(x="cenken"), function (x, ...)
abline(a=x$intercept, b=x$slope, ...)
## Broken for the time being -- use lines
#setMethod("abline", signature(a="cenken"),
##function(a, b, h, v, reg, coef, untf, col, par, lty, ...)
#function (a = NULL, b = NULL, h = NULL, v = NULL, reg = NULL,
# coef = NULL, untf = FALSE, col = par("col"), lty = par("lty"),
# lwd = NULL, ...)
# #abline(a=a$intercept, b=a$slope, ...)
# abline(a=a$intercept, b=a$slope, h=h, v=v, reg=reg, coef=coef,
# untf=untf, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ...)
## kendallATS function -- the heart of the cenken routines
# Original S code written by D. Lorenz for S-Plus.
# Port to R and R-native ktau function by L. Lee and D. Helsel.
# Kendall's tau used as an estimate of the relation between y and x
# with the ATS slope estimator (y and x left-censored).
kendallATS =
function(y, ycen, x, xcen, tol=1e-7, iter=1e+3)
# Jitter y so that detects and nondetects don't tie.
# This is only needed in ktau_s but is done here
# because the original Fortran code (the "standard") does this.
y = y - (min(y)/1000) * ycen
iter_s =
function(lb, ub, x, xcen, y, ycen, tol=tol, iter=iter)
step_s =
function(lb, ub, x, xcen, y, ycen)
b = c(lb, (lb+ub)/2, ub)
res = sapply(b, function(i) y - i * x)
s = apply(res, 2, ktau_s, x=x, xcen=xcen, ycen=ycen)
list(b=b, s=s)
bs = step_s(lb, ub, x, xcen, y, ycen)
for (i in 1:iter)
b = bs$b
s = bs$s
if ((s[1] * s[2]) <= 0) { s[3] = s[2]; b[3] = b[2] }
else { s[1] = s[2]; b[1] = b[2] }
if ( (s[2] == 0) || (abs(b[3] - b[1]) <= tol) ) break()
bs = step_s(b[1], b[3], x, xcen, y, ycen)
k = ktau_b(x, xcen, y, ycen)
bs = iter_s(k[1], k[2], x, xcen, y, ycen, tol=tol, iter=iter)
ubs = iter_s(bs$b[2], bs$b[3], x, xcen, y, ycen, tol=tol, iter=iter)
lbs = iter_s(bs$b[1], bs$b[2], x, xcen, y, ycen, tol=tol, iter=iter)
slope = 0.5 * (ubs$b[2] + lbs$b[2])
int = turnbull(y, ycen, x, xcen, slope)
p_tau = ktau_p(x, xcen, y, ycen)
ret = list(slope=slope, intercept=int, tau=p_tau$tau, p=p_tau$p)
class(ret) = "cenken"
turnbull =
function(y, ycen, x, xcen, slope, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# TODO: make sure no negative residuals by bumping up resids
resid = y[!xcen] - slope * x[!xcen]
A=cbind(L = resid - (y[!xcen] * ycen[!xcen]), R = resid)
em = EM(A, tol=tol)
surv = rev(cumsum(rev(em$pf)))[-1]
int = em$intmap[2,][min(which(surv <= 0.5))]
ktau_b =
function (x, xcen, y, ycen)
cx = !xcen
cy = !ycen
slopes = unlist(lapply(seq(along = x), function(i, y, x) ((y[i] -
y[1:i])/(x[i] - x[1:i])), y * cy, x * cx))
ktau_s =
function(x, xcen, y, ycen)
# Jitter y so that detects and nondetects don't tie
#y = y - (min(y)/1000) * ycen
## Find signs of all x<->y slopes (xy2)
xy1 = sign(outer(y, y, "-"))
xy2 = xy1 * sign(outer(x, x, "-"))
itot = 0.5 * sum( (outer(ycen, -ycen, "-") == 0) * xy2)
xy3 = outer(ycen, ycen, "-")
xy4 = outer(y, y, "<=")
itot = itot + sum(((xy3 * xy4) == 1) * xy2)
# Original S code written by D. Lorenz for S-Plus.
# To do: simplify.
ktau_p =
function (x, xcen, y, ycen)
xx <- x
cx <- xcen
yy <- y
cy <- ycen
n <- length(xx)
delx <- min(diff(sort(unique(xx))))/1000
dely <- min(diff(sort(unique(yy))))/1000
dupx <- xx - delx * cx
diffx <- outer(dupx, dupx, "-")
diffcx <- outer(cx, cx, "-")
xplus <- outer(cx, -cx, "-")
dupy <- yy - dely * cy
diffy <- outer(dupy, dupy, "-")
diffcy <- outer(cy, cy, "-")
yplus <- outer(cy, -cy, "-")
signyx <- sign(diffy * diffx)
tt <- (sum(1 - abs(sign(diffx))) - n)/2
uu <- (sum(1 - abs(sign(diffy))) - n)/2
cix <- sign(diffcx) * sign(diffx)
cix <- ifelse(cix <= 0, 0, 1)
tt <- tt + sum(cix)/2
signyx <- signyx * (1 - cix)
ciy <- sign(diffcy) * sign(diffy)
ciy <- ifelse(ciy <= 0, 0, 1)
uu <- uu + sum(ciy)/2
signyx <- signyx * (1 - ciy)
xplus <- ifelse(xplus <= 1, 0, 1)
yplus <- ifelse(yplus <= 1, 0, 1)
diffx <- abs(sign(diffx))
diffy <- abs(sign(diffy))
tplus <- xplus * diffx
uplus <- yplus * diffy
tt <- tt + sum(tplus)/2
uu <- uu + sum(uplus)/2
itot <- sum(signyx * (1 - xplus) * (1 - yplus))
kenS <- itot/2
tau <- (itot)/(n * (n - 1))
J <- n * (n - 1)/2
taub <- kenS/(sqrt(J - tt) * sqrt(J - uu))
varS <- n * (n - 1) * (2 * n + 5)/18
intg <- 1:n
dupx <- xx - delx * cx
dupy <- yy - dely * cy
dorder <- order(dupx)
dxx <- dupx[dorder]
dcx <- cx[dorder]
dorder <- order(dupy)
dyy <- dupy[dorder]
dcy <- cy[dorder]
tmpx <- dxx - intg * (1 - dcx) * delx
tmpy <- dyy - intg * (1 - dcy) * dely
rxlng <- rle(rank(tmpx))$lengths
nrxlng <- table(rxlng)
rxlng <- as.integer(names(nrxlng))
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
rylng <- rle(rank(tmpy))$lengths
nrylng <- table(rylng)
rylng <- as.integer(names(nrylng))
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
delc <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1))/18 - sum(x2) * sum(y2)/(9 * n *
(n - 1) * (n - 2)) - sum(x3) * sum(y3)/(2 * n * (n -
x4 <- nrxlng * (rxlng - 1)
y4 <- nrylng * (rylng - 1)
tmpx <- intg * dcx - 1
tmpx <- ifelse(tmpx < 0, 0, tmpx)
nrxlng <- sum(tmpx)
rxlng <- 2
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
tmpy <- intg * dcy - 1
tmpy <- ifelse(tmpy < 0, 0, tmpy)
nrylng <- sum(tmpy)
rylng <- 2
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
deluc <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1))/18 - sum(x2) * sum(y2)/(9 *
n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) - sum(x3) * sum(y3)/(2 * n * (n -
1)) - (sum(x4) + sum(y4))
dxx <- dxx - intg * dcx * delx
dyy <- dyy - intg * dcy * dely
rxlng <- rle(rank(dxx))$lengths
nrxlng <- table(rxlng)
rxlng <- as.integer(names(nrxlng))
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
rylng <- rle(rank(dyy))$lengths
nrylng <- table(rylng)
rylng <- as.integer(names(nrylng))
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
delu <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1))/18 - sum(x2) * sum(y2)/(9 * n *
(n - 1) * (n - 2)) - sum(x3) * sum(y3)/(2 * n * (n -
varS <- varS - delc - deluc - delu
p.val <- 2 * (1 - pnorm((abs(kenS - sign(kenS)))/sqrt(varS)))
return(list(tau=tau, p=p.val))
#-->> END cenken code
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