
Defines functions calibrate_water_linreg_bymonth

Documented in calibrate_water_linreg_bymonth

#' calibrate_water_linreg
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' This function uses NEON validation data to apply drift corrections to
#' measured ambient water isotope ratios. In brief, ambient water isotope
#' ratios are calibrated by generating regressions using reference water
#' measurements bracketing an ambient period. Three reference waters are
#' measured once per day, with several injections per reference water.
#' Due to memory effects, only the last three are used currently to generate
#' calibration equations. Regressions between measured d18O and d2H values
#' and NEON-provisioned known reference values are generated, and used to
#' calibrate the period of ambient measurements between them if the r2 of
#' the regression is greater than a threshold value (by default, this is 0.95).
#' Most of this function deals with selecting the appropriate calibration data
#' and determining calibration quality. This function also contains a wrapper
#' for `calibrate_ambient_water_linreg`, which calibrates the ambient
#' water data using the calibration parameters generated in this function.
#' This function also copies over data in the qfqm and ucrt hdf5 data groups.
#' *IMPORTANT NOTE* Currently this function does not apply a correction for
#' humidity dependence of Picarro isotopic measurements. This is because the
#' data to implement these corrections is not yet publicly available.
#' Caution is suggested when analyzing data at low humidities, below ~5000 ppm,
#' with likely higher biases at lower humidity values.
#' @author Rich Fiorella \email{rfiorella@@lanl.gov}
#' @param site Four-letter NEON code for site being processed.
#' @param time_diff_betweeen_standards Time (in seconds) required between
#'                                     consecutive standard measurements.
#' @param inname Name of the input file.
#' @param outname Name of the output file.
#' @param force_cal_to_beginning Extend first calibration to
#'                               the beginning of the file?
#' @param force_cal_to_end Extend last calibration to the end of the file?
#' @param r2_thres Minimum r2 threshold of an "acceptable" calibration. Acts to
#'            remove calibration periods where a measurement error makes
#'            relationship nonlinear. Default = 0.95
#' @param filter_data Apply median absolute deviation filter from Brock 86 to
#'             remove impulse spikes?
#' @return nothing to the workspace, but creates a new output file of
#'         calibrated carbon isotope data.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom lubridate %within%
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @import dplyr
calibrate_water_linreg_bymonth <- function(inname,
                                   time_diff_betweeen_standards = 1800,
                                   filter_data = TRUE,
                                   force_cal_to_beginning = TRUE,
                                   force_cal_to_end = TRUE,
                                   r2_thres = 0.95) {


  # print status.
  print("Processing water calibration data...")

  # load file, get calibration data.
  wiso <- rhdf5::h5read(inname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o"))

  # extract and restructure standards data.
  high_rs <- extract_water_calibration_data(wiso$h2oHigh_03m,
                                            standard = "high",
                                            method = "by_month")
  med_rs  <- extract_water_calibration_data(wiso$h2oMed_03m,
                                            standard = "med",
                                            method = "by_month")
  low_rs  <- extract_water_calibration_data(wiso$h2oLow_03m,
                                            standard = "low",
                                            method = "by_month")

  # add fix for NEON standard swap.
  low_rs  <- swap_standard_isotoperatios(low_rs)
  med_rs  <- swap_standard_isotoperatios(med_rs)
  high_rs <- swap_standard_isotoperatios(high_rs)

  # Select which validation data to carry through to calibration
  high_rs <- select_daily_reference_data(high_rs, analyte = "h2o")
  med_rs  <- select_daily_reference_data(med_rs, analyte = "h2o")
  low_rs  <- select_daily_reference_data(low_rs, analyte = "h2o")

  # apply calibration routines
  # bind together, and cleanup.
  stds <- do.call(rbind, list(high_rs, med_rs, low_rs))

  if (nrow(stds) > 0) {
    # replace NaNs with NA
    # is.na() also returns NaN as NA, so this does actually do what first
    # comment indicates.
    stds[is.na(stds)] <- NA

    # reorder data frame
    stds <- stds[order(stds$d18O_meas_btime), ]

    # assign a vector corresponding to calibration period.
    stds$cal_period <- stds$d18O_meas_n

    period_id <- 1
    tdiffs <- c(diff(stds$d18O_meas_btime), 0)

    for (i in 1:nrow(stds)) {
      stds$cal_period[i] <- period_id

      if (tdiffs[i] >= time_diff_betweeen_standards) {
        period_id <- period_id + 1


    # okay, now run calibrations...

    # create output variables.
    oxy_cal_slopes <- vector()
    oxy_cal_ints   <- vector()
    oxy_cal_rsq    <- vector()

    hyd_cal_slopes <- vector()
    hyd_cal_ints   <- vector()
    hyd_cal_rsq    <- vector()

    for (i in 2:max(stds$cal_period)) {
      # check to see if data exist.
      cal_subset <- stds[which(stds$cal_period == i |
                                 stds$cal_period == (i - 1)), ]

      # check to see if sum of is.na() on oxygen data = nrow of oxygen data
      if (sum(is.na(cal_subset$d18O_meas_mean)) < nrow(cal_subset) &
          sum(is.na(cal_subset$d18O_ref_mean)) < nrow(cal_subset)) {
        tmp <- lm(d18O_ref_mean ~ d18O_meas_mean, data = cal_subset)

        oxy_cal_slopes[i - 1] <- coef(tmp)[[2]]
        oxy_cal_ints[i - 1] <- coef(tmp)[[1]]
        oxy_cal_rsq[i - 1] <- summary(tmp)$r.squared

      } else { # all are missing
        oxy_cal_slopes[i - 1] <- NA
        oxy_cal_ints[i - 1] <- NA
        oxy_cal_rsq[i - 1] <- NA

      # HYDROGEN
      # check to see if sum of is.na() on oxygen data = nrow of oxygen data
      if (sum(is.na(cal_subset$d2H_meas_mean)) < nrow(cal_subset) &
          sum(is.na(cal_subset$d2H_ref_mean)) < nrow(cal_subset)) {
        tmp <- lm(d2H_ref_mean ~ d2H_meas_mean, data = cal_subset)

        hyd_cal_slopes[i - 1] <- coef(tmp)[[2]]
        hyd_cal_ints[i - 1] <- coef(tmp)[[1]]
        hyd_cal_rsq[i - 1] <- summary(tmp)$r.squared

      } else { # all are missing
        hyd_cal_slopes[i - 1] <- NA
        hyd_cal_ints[i - 1] <- NA
        hyd_cal_rsq[i - 1] <- NA

    # make dataframe of calibration data.
    times <- stds %>%
      dplyr::select("d18O_meas_btime", "d18O_meas_etime", "d18O_ref_btime",
                    "d18O_ref_etime", "d2H_meas_btime", "d2H_meas_etime",
                    "d2H_ref_btime", "d2H_ref_etime", "cal_period") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$cal_period) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(etime = max(c(.data$d18O_meas_etime,

    # loop through times, assign beginning, ending value.
    # max etime should be just fine.
    starttimes <- vector()
    endtimes <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(oxy_cal_slopes)) {
      starttimes[i] <- times$etime[i]
      endtimes[i] <- times$etime[i + 1]

    # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
    out <- data.frame(start = as.POSIXct(starttimes,
                                         tz = "UTC",
                                         origin = "1970-01-01"),
                      end = as.POSIXct(endtimes,
                                       tz = "UTC",
                                       origin = "1970-01-01"),
                      o_slope = as.numeric(oxy_cal_slopes),
                      o_intercept = as.numeric(oxy_cal_ints),
                      o_r2 = as.numeric(oxy_cal_rsq),
                      h_slope = as.numeric(hyd_cal_slopes),
                      h_intercept = as.numeric(hyd_cal_ints),
                      h_r2 = as.numeric(hyd_cal_rsq))

  } else {
    out <- data.frame(start = as.POSIXct(starttimes,
                                         tz = "UTC",
                                         origin = "1970-01-01"),
                      end = as.POSIXct(endtimes,
                                       tz = "UTC",
                                       origin = "1970-01-01"),
                      o_slope = as.numeric(NA),
                      o_intercept = as.numeric(NA),
                      o_r2 = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_slope = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_intercept = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_r2 = as.numeric(NA))

  # check to ensure there are 6 columns.
  # add slope, intercept, r2 columns if missing.
  if (!("o_slope" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_slope <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("o_intercept" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_intercept <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("o_r2" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_r2 <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_slope" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_slope <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_intercept" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_intercept <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_r2" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_r2 <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))

  # ensure there are 8 columns in out!
  if (ncol(out) != 8) {
    stop("Wrong number of columns in out.")

  var_for_h5 <- out

  var_for_h5$start <- convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(var_for_h5$start)

  var_for_h5$end <- convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(var_for_h5$end)

  var_for_h5$valid_period_start <- var_for_h5$start
  var_for_h5$valid_period_end   <- var_for_h5$end

  # remove old vars.
  var_for_h5$start <- var_for_h5$end <- NULL

  # okay try to write out to h5 file.
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site))
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01"))
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data"))
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o"))

  # okay try to write out to h5 file.
  fid <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(outname)

  # copy attributes from source file and write to output file.
  tmp <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(inname, paste0("/", site))
  attrloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid, paste0("/", site))

  for (i in 1:length(tmp)) { # probably a more rapid way to do this...lapply?
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(h5obj = attrloc,
                            attr = tmp[[i]],
                            name = names(tmp)[i])


  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/calData"))

  h2o_cal_outloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid,
  # write out dataset.
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = var_for_h5,
                                   h5loc = h2o_cal_outloc,
                                   name = "calRegressions",
                                   DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)

  # close the group and the file

  # copy high/mid/low standard data from input file.
                       paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/h2oLow_03m"))

  low_outloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid,

  low <- rhdf5::h5read(inname,

  low <- calibrate_standards_water(out, low)

  # loop through each of the variables in list amb.data.list
  # and write out as a dataframe.
  lapply(names(low), function(x) {
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = low[[x]],
                                     h5loc = low_outloc,
                                     name = x,
                                     DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)})


                       paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/h2oMed_03m"))

  med_outloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid,

  med <- rhdf5::h5read(inname,
                       paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/h2oMed_03m"))

  med <- calibrate_standards_water(out, med)

  # loop through each of the variables in list amb.data.list
  # and write out as a dataframe.
  lapply(names(med), function(x) {
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = med[[x]],
                                     h5loc = med_outloc,
                                     name = x,
                                     DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)})


                       paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/h2oHigh_03m"))

  high_outloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid,
  high <- rhdf5::h5read(inname,
                        paste0("/", site, "/dp01/data/isoH2o/h2oHigh_03m"))

  high <- calibrate_standards_water(out, high)

  # loop through each of the variables in list amb.data.list
  # and write out as a dataframe.
  lapply(names(high), function(x) {
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = high[[x]],
                                     h5loc = high_outloc,
                                     name = x,
                                     DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)})


  # close the group and the file


  fid <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(outname)

  # copy attributes from source file and write to output file.
  tmp <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(inname, paste0("/", site))
  attrloc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid, paste0("/", site))

  for (i in 1:length(tmp)) { # probably a more rapid way to do this...lapply?
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(h5obj = attrloc,
                            attr = tmp[[i]],
                            name = names(tmp)[i])


  # calibrate data for each height.
  # extract ambient measurements from ciso
  wiso_logical <- grepl(pattern = "000", x = names(wiso))
  wiso_subset <- wiso[wiso_logical]

         function(x) {
           calibrate_ambient_water_linreg(amb_data_list = wiso_subset[[x]],
                                          caldf = out,
                                          outname = x,
                                          file = outname,
                                          site = site,
                                          filter_data = filter_data,
                                          force_to_end = force_cal_to_end,
                                          force_to_beginning = force_cal_to_beginning,
                                          r2_thres = r2_thres)})


  print("Copying qfqm...")
  # copy over ucrt and qfqm groups as well.
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/qfqm/"))
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/qfqm/isoH2o"))
  qfqm <- rhdf5::h5read(inname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/qfqm/isoH2o"))

  lapply(names(qfqm), function(x) {
    copy_qfqm_group(data_list = qfqm[[x]],
                    outname = x, file = outname, site = site, species = "H2O")})


  print("Copying ucrt...")
  # now ucrt.
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/ucrt/"))
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/ucrt/isoH2o"))
  ucrt <- rhdf5::h5read(inname, paste0("/", site, "/dp01/ucrt/isoH2o"))

  lapply(names(ucrt), function(x) {
    copy_ucrt_group(data_list = ucrt[[x]],
                    outname = x, file = outname, site = site, species = "H2O")})



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NEONiso documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 9:07 a.m.