
Defines functions NMAoutlier.measures

Documented in NMAoutlier.measures

#' Outlier and influential detection measures in network meta-analysis.
#' @description
#' This function calculates several (simple or/and deletion) measures
#' for detection of outliers and influential studies in network
#' meta-analysis.
#' Outlier and influential detection measures are: \itemize{ \item
#' Simple outlier and influential measures for each study (Raw
#' residuals, Standardized residuals, Studentized residuals,
#' Mahalanobis distance, leverage).  \item Outlier and influential
#' deletion measures for each study (Shift the mean) (Raw deleted
#' residuals, Standardized deleted residuals, Studentized deleted
#' residuals, Cook distance between the treatment estimates for study
#' j and treatment estimates when study j is removed; Ratio of
#' determinants of variance-covariance matrix of treatment estimates
#' for study j to treatment estimates when study j is removed; weight
#' leave one out;leverage leave one out; heterogeneity estimator leave
#' one out; R statistic for heterogeneity; R statistic for Q
#' (\code{Qtotal}), R statistic for heterogeneity Q (\code{Qhet}), R
#' statistic for Qinconsistency (\code{Qinc}), DFbetas.)  }
#' @param TE Estimate of treatment effect, i.e. difference between
#'   first and second treatment (e.g. log odds ratio, mean difference,
#'   or log hazard ratio).
#' @param seTE Standard error of treatment estimate.
#' @param treat1 Label/Number for first treatment.
#' @param treat2 Label/Number for second treatment.
#' @param studlab Study labels (important when multi arm studies are
#'   included).
#' @param data A data frame containing the study information.
#' @param sm A character string indicating underlying summary measure,
#'   e.g., \code{"RD"}, \code{"RR"}, \code{"OR"}, \code{"ASD"},
#'   \code{"HR"}, \code{"MD"}, \code{"SMD"}, or \code{"ROM"}.
#' @param reference Reference treatment group.
#' @param measure Outlier and influential detection measures, simple
#'   measures (default: "simple") or outlier and influential detection
#'   measures considered study deletion (measure = "deletion").
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed on to
#'   \code{\link{netmeta}}.
#' @details
#' Outlier and influential detection measures (simple or deletion) for network meta-analysis.
#' Network meta-analysis from graph-theory [Rücker, 2012] is fitted
#' with (\code{netmeta} function) of R package \bold{netmeta} [Rücker et al., 2015].
#' A description of the outlier and influential detection measures in the context of network meta-analysis
#' can be found in Petropoulou (2020).
#' Let \emph{n} be the number of treatments in a network and let
#' \emph{m} be the number of pairwise treatment comparisons.  If there
#' are only two-arm studies, \emph{m} is the number of studies. Let
#' \code{TE} and \code{seTE} be the vectors of observed effects and their standard
#' errors. Comparisons belonging to multi-arm studies are identified
#' by identical study labels (argument \code{studlab}).
#' This function calculates outlier and influential detection measures for each study.
#' Simple outlier and influential measures (\code{measure} = "simple") are:
#' Raw residuals, Standardized residuals, Studentized residuals, Mahalanobis distance
#' and leverage for each study.
#' For deletion outlier and influential measures (\code{measure} = "deletion"):
#' Standardized deleted residual; Studentized deleted residual; Cook distance between the treatment estimates for study j
#' and treatment estimates when study j is removed;
#' Ratio of determinants of variance-covariance matrix of treatment estimates for study j to treatment estimates when study j is removed;
#' Weight leave one out;leverage leave one out; heterogeneity estimator leave one out;
#' R statistic for heterogeneity;  R statistis for estimates; R statistic for Q (\code{Qtotal}),  R statistic for  heterogeneity Q
#' (\code{Qhet}), R statistic for Qinconsistency (\code{Qinc}), DFbetas.

#' @return
#' An object of class \code{NMAoutlier.measures};
#' with a list containing the following components when choosing simple measures:
#'    \item{dat}{Matrix containing the data \code{"TE"}, \code{"seTE"}, \code{"studlab"}, \code{"treat1"}, \code{"treat2"} as defined above.}
#'    \item{eraw}{Raw residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{estand}{Standardized residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{estud}{Studentized residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{Mah}{Mahalanobis distance for each pairwise comparison.}
#'    \item{Mah.distance}{Mahalanobis distance for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{leverage}{Leverage for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{measure}{type of measure used.}
#'    \item{call}{Function call}
#' a list containing the following components,when choosing deletion measures:
#'    \item{dat}{Matrix containing the data \code{"TE"}, \code{"seTE"}, \code{"studlab"}, \code{"treat1"}, \code{"treat2"} as defined above.}
#'    \item{eraw.deleted}{Raw deleted residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{estand.deleted}{Standardized deleted residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{estud.deleted }{Studentized deleted residual for each study included in the network.}
#'    \item{Cooks.distance}{Cook distance between the treatment estimates for study j and treatment estimates when study j is removed}
#'    \item{Covratio}{Ratio of determinants of variance-covariance matrix of treatment estimates for study j to treatment estimates when study j is removed.}
#'    \item{w.leaveoneout}{Weight leave one out.}
#'    \item{H.leaveoneout}{Leverage leave one out.}
#'    \item{heterog.leaveoneout}{Heterogeneity estimator leave one out.}
#'    \item{Rheterogeneity}{R statistic for heterogeneity.}
#'    \item{Restimates}{R statistis for estimates.}
#'    \item{RQtotal}{R statistic for Q (\code{Qtotal}).}
#'    \item{RQhet}{R statistic for  heterogeneity Q (\code{Qhet}).}
#'    \item{RQinc}{R statistic for Qinconsistency (\code{Qinc}).}
#'    \item{DFbetas}{DFbetas.}
#'    \item{measure}{type of measure used.}
#'    \item{call}{Function call}
#' @references
#' Rücker G (2012):
#' Network meta-analysis, electrical networks and graph theory.
#' \emph{Research Synthesis Methods},
#' \bold{3}, 312--24
#' Rücker G, Schwarzer G (2015):
#' Ranking treatments in frequentist network meta-analysis works
#' without resampling methods.
#' \emph{BMC Medical Research Methodology},
#' \bold{15}, 58
#' Petropoulou M (2020):
#' Exploring methodological challenges in network meta-analysis models and
#' developing methodology for outlier detection.
#' \emph{PhD dissertation}
#' @examples
#' data(smokingcessation, package = "netmeta")
#' smokingcessation$id <- 1:nrow(smokingcessation)
#' study912 <- subset(smokingcessation, id %in% 9:12)
#' p1 <- netmeta::pairwise(list(treat1, treat2, treat3),
#'                         list(event1, event2, event3),
#'                         list(n1, n2, n3),
#'                         data = study912,
#'                         sm = "OR")
#' # Outlier and influential detection measures for studies 9, 10, 11, 12
#' meas <- NMAoutlier.measures(p1)
#' # Standardized residual for each study included in the network
#' meas$estand
#' \dontrun{
#' # Outlier and influential deletion measures for studies 9, 10, 11, 12.
#' delete <- NMAoutlier.measures(p1, measure = "deletion")
#' # Standardized deleted residual for studies 9, 10, 11, 12.
#' delete$estand.deleted
#' data(smokingcessation, package = "netmeta")
#' # Transform data from arm-based to contrast-based format
#' # We use 'sm' argument for odds ratios.
#' # We use function pairwise from netmeta package
#' #
#' p1 <- netmeta::pairwise(list(treat1, treat2, treat3),
#'                         list(event1, event2, event3),
#'                         list(n1, n2, n3),
#'                         data = smokingcessation,
#'                         sm = "OR")
#' # Outlier and influential detection measures for each study in the network
#' meas <- NMAoutlier.measures(p1, measure = "simple")
#' # Mahalanobis distance for each study included in the network
#' meas$Mah
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Maria Petropoulou <petropoulou@imbi.uni-freiburg.de>
#' @importFrom netmeta netmeta

NMAoutlier.measures <- function(TE, seTE, treat1, treat2, studlab,
                                data = NULL,
                                reference = "", measure = "simple",

  ## Check arguments

  ## Read data
  nulldata <- is.null(data)
  if (nulldata)
    data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
  mf <- match.call()
  ## Catch TE, treat1, treat2, seTE, studlab from data:
  TE <- eval(mf[[match("TE", names(mf))]],
             data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  if (inherits(TE, "pairwise") ||
      is.data.frame(TE) & !is.null(attr(TE, "pairwise"))) {
    sm <- attr(TE, "sm")
    seTE <- TE$seTE
    treat1 <- TE$treat1
    treat2 <- TE$treat2
    studlab <- TE$studlab
    if (!is.null(TE$n1))
      n1 <- TE$n1
    if (!is.null(TE$n2))
      n2 <- TE$n2
    if (!is.null(TE$event1))
      event1 <- TE$event1
    if (!is.null(TE$event2))
      event2 <- TE$event2
    is.pairwise <- TRUE
    pairdata <- TE
    data <- TE
    TE <- TE$TE
  } else {
    is.pairwise <- FALSE
    if (missing(sm))
      if (!is.null(data) && !is.null(attr(data, "sm")))
        sm <- attr(data, "sm")
        sm <- ""
      seTE <- eval(mf[[match("seTE", names(mf))]],
                   data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      treat1 <- eval(mf[[match("treat1", names(mf))]],
                     data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      treat2 <- eval(mf[[match("treat2", names(mf))]],
                     data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      studlab <- eval(mf[[match("studlab", names(mf))]],
                      data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      n1 <- eval(mf[[match("n1", names(mf))]],
                 data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      n2 <- eval(mf[[match("n2", names(mf))]],
                 data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      event1 <- eval(mf[[match("event1", names(mf))]],
                     data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
      event2 <- eval(mf[[match("event2", names(mf))]],
                     data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  if (is.factor(treat1))
    treat1 <- as.character(treat1)
  if (is.factor(treat2))
    treat2 <- as.character(treat2)
  if (!is.numeric(studlab))
    studlab <- as.numeric(as.factor(studlab))

  ## Additional checks
  ## Check NAs and zero standard errors
  excl <- is.na(TE) | is.na(seTE) | seTE <= 0
  if (any(excl)) {
    dat.NAs <- data.frame(studlab = studlab[excl],
                          treat1 = treat1[excl],
                          treat2 = treat2[excl],
                          TE = format(round(TE[excl], 4)),
                          seTE = format(round(seTE[excl], 4))
            if (sum(excl) > 1) "seTE",
            " with missing TE / seTE or zero seTE not considered in network meta-analysis.",
            call. = FALSE)
              if (sum(excl) > 1) "s",
              " not considered in network meta-analysis:\n", sep = ""))
    prmatrix(dat.NAs, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,
             rowlab = rep("", sum(excl)))
    studlab <- studlab[!(excl)]
    treat1  <- treat1[!(excl)]
    treat2  <- treat2[!(excl)]
    TE      <- TE[!(excl)]
    seTE    <- seTE[!(excl)]
  ## Check for correct number of comparisons (after removing
  ## comparisons with missing data)
  is.wholenumber <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)
      abs(x - round(x)) < tol
  tabnarms <- table(studlab)
  sel.narms <- !is.wholenumber((1 + sqrt(8 * tabnarms + 1)) / 2)
  if (sum(sel.narms) == 1)
    stop(paste("After removing comparisons with missing treatment effects",
               " or standard errors,\n  study '",
               "' has a wrong number of comparisons.",
               " Please check data and\n  consider to remove study",
               " from network meta-analysis.",
               sep = ""))
  if (sum(sel.narms) > 1)
    stop(paste("After removing comparisons with missing treatment effects",
               " or standard errors,\n  the following studies have",
               " a wrong number of comparisons: ",
               paste(paste("'", names(tabnarms)[sel.narms], "'", sep = ""),
                     collapse = ", "),
               "\n  Please check data and consider to remove studies",
               " from network meta-analysis.",
               sep = ""))
  ## Check number of subgraphs
  n.subnets <- netconnection(treat1, treat2, studlab)$n.subnets
  if (n.subnets > 1)
    stop(paste("After removing comparisons with missing treatment effects",
               " or standard errors,\n  network consists of ",
               n.subnets, " separate sub-networks.\n  ",
               "Please check data and consider to remove studies",
               " from network meta-analysis.",
               sep = ""))
  ## Check for correct treatment order within comparison
  wo <- treat1 > treat2
  if (any(wo)) {
    warning("Note, treatments within a comparison have been re-sorted in increasing order.",
            call. = FALSE)
    TE[wo] <- -TE[wo]
    ttreat1 <- treat1
    treat1[wo] <- treat2[wo]
    treat2[wo] <- ttreat1[wo]

  # names of treatments
  names.treat <- sort(unique(c(treat1, treat2)))

  ## if no option exist, set reference treatment as the first in
  ## alphabetic / numeric order
  if (reference == "")
    reference <- names.treat[1]

  ## Conduct network meta-analysis (NMA) with random effects model,
  ## Rücker model
  model <- netmeta(TE, seTE, treat1, treat2, studlab,
                   comb.random = TRUE, reference.group = reference, ...)

  ## Model objects
  ## number of treatments
  nt <- model$n

  ## treatment positions
  tr1 <- model$treat1.pos
  tr2 <- model$treat2.pos

  ## effect
  y.m <- model$TE

  dat <- noquote(cbind(TE, seTE, studlab, treat1, treat2))
  rownames(dat) <- c(1:length(TE))
  ## predicted estimate
  y.m.est <- model$TE.nma.random

  if (measure == "simple") {

    ## Outlier and influence diagnostics measures
    ## Raw residuals for each pairwise comparison
    rawres <- y.m - y.m.est

    ## Raw residuals for each study
    eraw <- res_multi(studlab, rawres)$res

    ## Standardized residuals for each pairwise comparison
    standres <- sqrt(model$w.random) * rawres

    ## Standardized residuals for each study
    estand <- res_multi(studlab, standres)$res

    ## Studentized residuals for each pairwise comparison
    if (!is.null(model$H.matrix.random))
      H.matrix <- model$H.matrix.random
      H.matrix <- model$H.matrix
    studres <- 1/sqrt(1 - diag(H.matrix)) * sqrt(model$w.random) * rawres

    ## Studentized residuals for each study
    estud <- res_multi(studlab, studres)$res

    ## Mahalanobis distance for each pairwise comparison
    Mah <- model$Q.fixed

    ## Qi contribution
    Q.pooled <- model$w.fixed * (model$TE - model$TE.nma.fixed)^2
    Q.random <- model$w.random * (model$TE - model$TE.nma.random)^2

    ## Mahalanobis distance for each study
    Mahalanobis.distance <- res_multi(studlab, Mah)$res

    # leverage for each pairwise comparison
    lev <- as.numeric(diag(H.matrix))

    # leverage for each study
    leverage <- res_multi(studlab, lev)$res

    res <- list(dat = dat,
                eraw = eraw,
                estand = estand,
                estud = estud,
                Mah = Mah,
                Mahalanobis.distance = Mahalanobis.distance,
                lev = lev,
                leverage = leverage, measure = measure)

  } else if (measure == "deletion") {

    s.m <-  model$seTE

    ## B is the design matrix, the edge-vertex incidence matrix (mxn)
    B <- createB(tr1, tr2, nt)
    t <- (model$tau)^2                   # heterogeneity
    b <- model$TE.random[, reference]    # summary estimate of treatment effects

    ## Computations for variance-covariance matrix (random effects model)
    ind <- which(names.treat == reference) # index of reference treatment
    t.pos1 <- rep(ind, (nt - 1))
    t.pos2 <- setdiff(1:nt, ind)
    B.r <- createB(t.pos1, t.pos2, ncol = nt) # Restricted matrix B

    # Laplacian matrix

    L.random <- t(B) %*% diag(model$w.random) %*% B
    Lplus.random <- solve(L.random - 1 / nt) + 1 / nt

    # Variance-covariance matrix (random effects model)
    Cov <- B.r %*% Lplus.random %*% t(B.r)

    ## Q statistics
    Q.standard <- model$Q                                       # overall
    Qh.standard <- model$Q.heterogeneity                        # within-designs
    Qi.standard <- decomp.design(model)$Q.inc.random$Q          # between-designs

    ## Outlier and influence diagnostics measures considered deletion

    studies <- unique(studlab)

    heterog.leaveoneout <- w.leaveoneout <- H.leaveoneout <- eraw.deleted <- estand.deleted <- estud.deleted <- Cooks.distance <- Covratio <- Rstat.heterogeneity <- RQtotal <- RQhet <- RQinc <- list()
    DFbetas <- Rstat.estimates <- NULL

    for (i in 1:length(studies)) {

      # deleted study
      deleted <- studies[i]
      remaining <- studies[studies != deleted]
      remaining.ind <- which(studlab %in% remaining)
      netmeta.res <- netmeta(TE, seTE, treat1, treat2, studlab, comb.random = TRUE,
                             reference.group = reference, subset = remaining.ind, ...)

      estimate <- netmeta.res$TE.random[,reference]                # summary estimates

      heterog <- (netmeta.res$tau)^2                               # heterogeneity
      heterog.leaveoneout[[i]] <- heterog

      ## Q statistics
      Qt <- netmeta.res$Q                                          # overall
      Qhe <- netmeta.res$Q.heterogeneity                           # within-designs
      Qin <- decomp.design(netmeta.res)$Q.inc.random$Q             # between-designs

      # index of study deleted
      ind.deleted <- which(studlab == deleted)

      # weight
      w.leave <- 1/(s.m[ind.deleted]^2 + heterog)

      ## Standardized study deleted residuals
      w.leaveoneout[[i]] <- res_multi(studlab[ind.deleted], w.leave)$res

      # hat values
      Bi <- B[ind.deleted,]
      Bi.matrix <- matrix(Bi, ncol = nt)

      # leverage "leave-one-out"
      wi.matrix <- diag(w.leave,  nrow = length(w.leave), ncol = length(w.leave))
      hii <- diag(Bi.matrix %*% ginv(t(Bi.matrix) %*% wi.matrix %*% Bi.matrix) %*% t(Bi.matrix) %*% wi.matrix)

      H.leaveoneout[[i]] <- res_multi(studlab[ind.deleted], hii)$res

      n <- netmeta.res$n                                           # number of treatments

      t1 <- netmeta.res$treat1.pos                                 # treatment positions
      t2 <- netmeta.res$treat2.pos                                 # treatment positions

      ## B is the design matrix, the edge-vertex incidence matrix (mxn)
      Brem <- createB(t1, t2, n)

      ## Laplacian matrix
      L.r <- t(Brem) %*% diag(netmeta.res$w.random) %*% Brem
      Lplus <- solve(L.r - 1 / n) + 1 / n

      ## Computations for variance-covariance matrix (random effects model)
      ind <- which(names.treat == reference)    # index of reference treatment
      t.pos1 <- rep(ind, (n - 1))
      t.pos2 <- setdiff(1:n, ind)
      Br.remove <- createB(t.pos1, t.pos2, ncol = n)  # Restricted matrix B

      # Variance-covariance matrix (random effects model)
      Cov.remove <- Br.remove %*% Lplus %*% t(Br.remove)

      ## Raw pairwise deleted residuals
      rawres <- c(y.m[ind.deleted] - B[ind.deleted,] %*% estimate)

      ## Raw study deleted residuals
      eraw.deleted[[i]] <- res_multi(studlab[ind.deleted], rawres)$res

      ## Standardized pairwise deleted residuals
      standres <- sqrt(w.leave) * rawres

      ## Standardized study deleted residuals
      estand.deleted[[i]] <- res_multi(studlab[ind.deleted], standres)$res

      ## Studentized pairwise deleted residuals
      studres <- 1/sqrt(s.m[ind.deleted]^2 + t + hii *  w.leave) * rawres

      ## Studentized study deleted residuals
      estud.deleted[[i]] <-  res_multi(studlab[ind.deleted], studres)$res

      ## Cook's statistic considered deletion
      Cooks.distance[[i]] <- c(t(b[2:length(b)] - estimate[2:length(estimate)]) %*% ginv(Cov) %*% (b[2:length(b)] - estimate[2:length(estimate)]))

      ## Covratio considered deletion

      ## Ratio of the determinants of the variance-covariance matrix
      Covratio[[i]] <- det(Cov.remove) / det(Cov)

      ## R statistic for heterogeneity
      Rstat.heterogeneity[[i]] <- ((t - heterog) / t) * 100

      ## R statistic for summary estimates
      Rstat.estimate <- ((b[2:length(b)] - estimate[2:length(estimate)]) / b[2:length(b)]) * 100
      Rstat.estimates  <- cbind(Rstat.estimates, Rstat.estimate)

      ## R statistic total
      RQtotal[[i]] <- ((Q.standard - Qt) / Q.standard) * 100

      ## R statistic hererogeneity
      RQhet[[i]] <- ((Qh.standard - Qhe) / Qh.standard) * 100

      ## R statistic inconsistency
      RQinc[[i]] <- ((Qi.standard - Qin) / Qi.standard) * 100

      ## DFbetas
      DFbeta <- (b[2:length(b)] - estimate[2:length(estimate)]) * sqrt(sum(w.leave)/length(w.leave))
      DFbetas <- cbind(DFbetas, DFbeta)

    res <- list(dat = dat,
                eraw.deleted = unlist(eraw.deleted),
                estand.deleted = unlist(estand.deleted),
                estud.deleted = unlist(estud.deleted),
                Cooks.distance = unlist(Cooks.distance),
                Covratio = unlist(Covratio),
                w.leaveoneout = unlist(w.leaveoneout),
                H.leaveoneout = unlist(H.leaveoneout),
                heterog.leaveoneout = unlist(heterog.leaveoneout),
                Rheterogeneity = unlist(Rstat.heterogeneity),
                Restimates = Rstat.estimates,
                RQtotal = unlist(RQtotal),
                RQhet = unlist(RQhet),
                RQinc = unlist(RQinc),
                DFbetas = DFbetas,
                measure = measure)


  class(res) <- "NMAoutlier.measures"



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