runtime.all-commaNMFfitXn-method: Returns the CPU time used to perform all the NMF fits stored...

runtime.all,NMFfitXn-methodR Documentation

Returns the CPU time used to perform all the NMF fits stored in object.


If no time data is available from in slot ‘runtime.all’ and argument null=TRUE, then the sequential time as computed by seqtime is returned, and a warning is thrown unless warning=FALSE.


  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn'
runtime.all(object, null = FALSE,
    warning = TRUE)



a logical that indicates if the sequential time should be returned if no time data is available in slot ‘runtime.all’.


a logical that indicates if a warning should be thrown if the sequential time is returned instead of the real CPU time.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.

NMF documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:34 p.m.