
Defines functions .use.grid.patch tryViewport

Documented in tryViewport .use.grid.patch

# Grid related functions
# Mainly functions that duplicate grid functions but do not create a new plot
# if none is present.
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Creation: 04 Jun 2012

#' @include options.R
#' @import grid

#' Internal Grid Extension
#' These functions enable mixing base and grid graphics in \code{\link{aheatmap}},
#' by avoiding calls to the grid internal function \code{'L_gridDirty'}.
#' They are not exported (i.e. not tampering core functions) and are only meant for internal 
#' use within the \pkg{NMF} package.
#' \code{tryViewport} tries to go down to a viewport in the current tree, 
#' given its name.
#' @details
#' \code{tryViewport} uses \code{\link[grid]{grid.ls}} and not 
#' \code{\link{seekViewport}} as the latter would reset the graphic device 
#' and break the mix grid/base graphic capability.  
#' @param name viewport name 
#' @param verbose toggle verbosity
#' @rdname grid
#' @keywords internal
tryViewport <- function(name, verbose=FALSE){
	if( verbose ) message("vp - lookup for ", name)
	l <- grid.ls(viewports=TRUE, grobs=FALSE, print=FALSE)
	if( name %in% l$name ){

#' \code{current.vpPath_patched} aims at substituting \code{\link[grid]{current.vpPath}}, 
#' so that the graphic engine is not reset. 
#' This is essentially to prevent outputting a blank page at the beginning of PDF 
#' graphic engines. 
#' @rdname grid
current.vpPath_patched <- local({
    .current.vpPath <- NULL
        f_current.vpPath <- .current.vpPath
        if( !.use.grid.patch() ) f_current.vpPath <- grid::current.vpPath
        else if( is.null(f_current.vpPath) ){ # load patch from installed file
            patch <- source(packagePath('scripts', 'grid.R', package = 'NMF'), local = TRUE)
            .current.vpPath <<- patch$value
            f_current.vpPath <- .current.vpPath
        # call 

# Add new option to enable/disable grid patch
.OPTIONS$newOptions(grid.patch = FALSE)

#' \code{.use.grid.patch} tells if the user enabled patching grid.
#' @rdname grid
.use.grid.patch <- function(){
    !isCHECK() && nmf.getOption('grid.patch')   

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